Why do they claim to be black when they are not ?

I wonder if the One-drop rule has anything to do w/it.

The one-drop rule is a social and legal principle of racial classification that was historically prominent in the United States in the 20th century. It asserted that any person with even one ancestor of black ancestry ("one drop" of black blood) is considered black (Negro or colored in historical terms).

This concept became codified into the law of some states in the early 20th century. It was associated with the principle of "invisible blackness" that developed after the long history of racial interaction in the South, which had included the hardening of slavery as a racial caste and later segregation. It is an example of hypodescent, the automatic assignment of children of a mixed union between different socioeconomic or ethnic groups to the group with the lower status, regardless of proportion of ancestry in different groups.
Just about everyone is mixed race.
Bet you got some black blood coursing around in your veins from somewhere down the line. \
If one is half black they are entitled to identify however they wish.

Oh - And what Jack said.

Oh look, ma! It's birtherism and racism all rolled up into one.
Very efficient
. :)
so one can pick what race they are and not be the race thy are just like democrats do with gender is what your saying.

Again, if a person is half black - Then most would say they are black.
What would you prefer they would call themselves?
Halfricans? :icon_rolleyes:
the proper word is Mulatto look it up , no need to thank me for the education.
the word halfrican is very raciest

Next time you see a large muscular man on the street who appears to be a light skinned black, walk up and ask him if he is a "mulatto".
Then get back to me about how that went. :cool:

The term mulatto is offensive. It is a really antiquated, outdated term that is no longer used by anyone that has any racial sensitivity. I find it offensive. However, among some 20-somethings, the term is making a come back and is used among mixed race people within their own group, similar to the N-word. If someone asks me if I am mulatto, I'm offended.
How about you call him what his mulatto friends call him..."ni _ _ er".
I dont use that word , its offensive and raciest to my family

I find it interesting that NOt only Harris claims to be black but Bath house Barry O bung hole did also.
when the fact is they are not black but mixed race a 50/50 mix .
so why do they claim to be black ?

Do you know anything about american history?

Basically everyone who isn't a recent african immigrant who is "black" is really mixed. The average % for black americans is 25% white

Ever heard of the one drop rule? Never ceases to amaze me how white people can go so many years without understanding basic shit about race in this country. Black hair Ok. But skin tone? For fucks sake it's right in front of your eyes guys lighter than your average arab identify as black

Most obvious in sports

Steph Curry? Blake Griffin. Ben Simmons. I'm darker than these guys lol
yes I know a lot about it as a matter of fact , my family is mixed race so I know a lot more then you think
Just about everyone is mixed race.
Bet you got some black blood coursing around in your veins from somewhere down the line. \
If one is half black they are entitled to identify however they wish.

Oh - And what Jack said.

Oh look, ma! It's birtherism and racism all rolled up into one.
Very efficient
. :)
so one can pick what race they are and not be the race thy are just like democrats do with gender is what your saying.

Again, if a person is half black - Then most would say they are black.
What would you prefer they would call themselves?
Halfricans? :icon_rolleyes:
the proper word is Mulatto look it up , no need to thank me for the education.
the word halfrican is very raciest

Next time you see a large muscular man on the street who appears to be a light skinned black, walk up and ask him if he is a "mulatto".
Then get back to me about how that went. :cool:

The term mulatto is offensive. It is a really antiquated, outdated term that is no longer used by anyone that has any racial sensitivity. I find it offensive. However, among some 20-somethings, the term is making a come back and is used among mixed race people within their own group, similar to the N-word. If someone asks me if I am mulatto, I'm offended.
How about you call him what his mulatto friends call him..."ni _ _ er".
I dont use that word , its offensive and raciest to my family
Most people agree with you. However, many in the Black community ignore it when their brothers and sisters use it, including Obama.

I find it interesting that NOt only Harris claims to be black but Bath house Barry O bung hole did also.
when the fact is they are not black but mixed race a 50/50 mix .
so why do they claim to be black ?

Do you know anything about american history?

Basically everyone who isn't a recent african immigrant who is "black" is really mixed. The average % for black americans is 25% white

Ever heard of the one drop rule? Never ceases to amaze me how white people can go so many years without understanding basic shit about race in this country. Black hair Ok. But skin tone? For fucks sake it's right in front of your eyes guys lighter than your average arab identify as black

Most obvious in sports

Steph Curry? Blake Griffin. Ben Simmons. I'm darker than these guys lol
yes I know a lot about it as a matter of fact , my family is mixed race so I know a lot more then you think

Then why teh fuck are you asking stupid fucking questions?

We had a half black president who called himself black

He barely even knew his fuckign kenyan daddy

edit - and my motehr is blonde but popped out 3 mixed boys. She doesn't know shit about race. So you probably don't unless you talk about race with your family more than makes sense.
They claim to be Black because they know what the real privilege is and who has it. To be fast tracked. Those in the neighborhoods who get it, make a good life.
The first house that I bought was with basically nothing down - I had nothing to put down - on the GI Bill. I gave three years of my life to qualify for that mortgage loan, and any Black person could have done the same. The neighborhood was integrated, the cost was modest, but the house was fine.

I had a government job that guaranteed me progression from GS-5 through GS-11 in four years. Getting that job and keeping it had nothing to do with being white. I qualified for it by kicking ass on a competitive exam (the "PACE" test). While working full-time for the Feds, I completed my Bachelors degree and started law school. The GI Bill helped with tuition and costs for both. There were Black people in all my classes at every level.

At no time did I get any money from my family; there was no money there to be got. By the time I graduated from law school, through the efforts of both my wife and I ,we finally got out of debt and had a net worth of ZERO.

I think I misplaced my white privilege.

I find it interesting that NOt only Harris claims to be black but Bath house Barry O bung hole did also.
when the fact is they are not black but mixed race a 50/50 mix .
so why do they claim to be black ?

Because they are black.

Back in the "old days" - you would never ever have called them white.
BS Filter
You're privileged if you're black.

How am I privileged as a black man ?

BS Filter
You automatically are in a protected class.

How am in a protected class as a black man ?

BS Filter
You are automatically entitled because of past racist policies.

What policies am I entitled to as a black man ?
BS Filter
You're privileged if you're black.

How am I privileged as a black man ?

BS Filter
You automatically are in a protected class.

How am in a protected class as a black man ?

BS Filter
You are automatically entitled because of past racist policies.

What policies am I entitled to as a black man ?
You have the privilege of saying anything without bring called a "racist". You're in a protected class because you're a minority. You are entitled because the color of your skin.
BS Filter
You have the privilege of saying anything without bring called a "racist".

So what do blk ppl say that is racist but no one calls them out for being racist?

BS Filter
You're in a protected class because you're a minority.

Ok. And what protection do black people get ?

BS Filter
You are entitled because the color of your skin.

And what do blk ppl feel they are entitled to ?
I find it interesting that NOt only Harris claims to be black but Bath house Barry O bung hole did also.
when the fact is they are not black but mixed race a 50/50 mix .
so why do they claim to be black ?

I think, very obviously, they saw advantages to being able to claim minority status.

If being “black” were to really mean anything, in America, then it ought to have to do with the heritage being a descendant of those who were abducted from Africa a few centuries ago, and brought here as slaves, who eventually gained freedom and legal equality. Neither Barack Obama nor Kamala Harris have any part in that heritage.

Barack Obama's “black” side comes from a deadbeat dad from Kenya, who was cheating on his first wife to conceive Barack Jr., and who never did anything to support or provide for his son.

And Kamala Harris' “black” side isn't even black at all. Her father is a white Jamaican, descended not from slaves, but from slave owners.

But really, race ought not count at all in choosing a President. In selecting Harris as his running mate, if anything, Biden demonstrated that the Democraps really did not learn the lesson from when we elected Obama as the first “black” President, caring more about the color of his skin than about his utter lack of any relevant skills or knowledge to qualify him for the position,

And now, we've got someone very close to the Presidency, who was selected because she was a “black” (even though she's obviously not) woman, without any regard not only for her lack of qualifying skills and knowledge, but who is thoroughly corrupt and of utterly repugnant moral character, who only got anywhere other than to be a mediocre ambulance chaser, by being a sleazy whore who sold sexual favors to a married man for political opportunities.
BS Filter
You have the privilege of saying anything without bring called a "racist".

So what do blk ppl say that is racist but no one calls them out for being racist?

Here comes the part where the racist claims he can't be racist because the racist bullshit he says is "true."

You fucking racists are all the same, no matter what you look like.
BS Filter
You have the privilege of saying anything without bring called a "racist".

So what do blk ppl say that is racist but no one calls them out for being racist?

BS Filter
You're in a protected class because you're a minority.

Ok. And what protection do black people get ?

BS Filter
You are entitled because the color of your skin.

And what do blk ppl feel they are entitled to ?
If people say "All lives matter", they are reprimanded. The Congressional Black Caucus isn't considered racist, but if there was a Congressional White Caucus, you can be assured that it would be labeled racist. Entitled to reparations.
Says the cat with the post just dripping in racism. "Nasty". That's a term your savior uses.
We know, strong women of color frighten Trump's manly men.

Which “strong wom[a]n of color” are you talking about, here? the fake-black whore, who only succeeded by selling sexual favors to a married man for political/career opportunities?

For much of the past year, your side has made heavy figurative use of the word “whore” to describe Trump and other Republicans.

Now, by putting a genuine literal whore so close to the Presidency, your side has forfeited any right to ever call anyone else figuratively by that or any related term.
Says the cat with the post just dripping in racism. "Nasty". That's a term your savior uses.
We know, strong women of color frighten Trump's manly men.

Which “strong wom[a]n of color” are you talking about, here? the fake-black whore, who only succeeded by selling sexual favors to a married man for political/career opportunities?

For much of the past year, your side has made heavy figurative use of the word “whore” to describe Trump and other Republicans.

Now, by putting a genuine literal whore so close to the Presidency, your side has forfeited any right to ever call anyone else figuratively by that or any related term.

Hmm. I don't recall ever call Trump or any Republican a whore. I've called Trump a narcissist, a fraud, a carnival barker, incompetent, clueless, and a moron. I've called Republicans sackless, nutless, cowards, enablers. zealots, and do-nothing.
Now, Trump has consorted with whores..and paid them off for their silence.

So, as when Barack Obama was elected, you bigoted righties are prepared to once again to lose your shit. Why? Because insults and degrading are all you have. The thought of anyone of color being in that WH is reviling to you.
That's why, if it comes to that, Kamala Harris casting the tie breaking vote in the Senate will bring a smile to my face. Because I know it will send people like you into a rage. :)
I wonder if the One-drop rule has anything to do w/it.

The one-drop rule is a social and legal principle of racial classification that was historically prominent in the United States in the 20th century. It asserted that any person with even one ancestor of black ancestry ("one drop" of black blood) is considered black (Negro or colored in historical terms).

This concept became codified into the law of some states in the early 20th century. It was associated with the principle of "invisible blackness" that developed after the long history of racial interaction in the South, which had included the hardening of slavery as a racial caste and later segregation. It is an example of hypodescent, the automatic assignment of children of a mixed union between different socioeconomic or ethnic groups to the group with the lower status, regardless of proportion of ancestry in different groups.
So you agree with the one drop rule. It's racist.
Says the cat with the post just dripping in racism. "Nasty". That's a term your savior uses.
We know, strong women of color frighten Trump's manly men.

Which “strong wom[a]n of color” are you talking about, here? the fake-black whore, who only succeeded by selling sexual favors to a married man for political/career opportunities?

For much of the past year, your side has made heavy figurative use of the word “whore” to describe Trump and other Republicans.

Now, by putting a genuine literal whore so close to the Presidency, your side has forfeited any right to ever call anyone else figuratively by that or any related term.

Hmm. I don't recall ever call Trump or any Republican a whore. I've called Trump a narcissist, a fraud, a carnival barker, incompetent, clueless, and a moron. I've called Republicans sackless, nutless, cowards, enablers. zealots, and do-nothing.
Now, Trump has consorted with whores..and paid them off for their silence.

So, as when Barack Obama was elected, you bigoted righties are prepared to once again to lose your shit. Why? Because insults and degrading are all you have. The thought of anyone of color being in that WH is reviling to you.
That's why, if it comes to that, Kamala Harris casting the tie breaking vote in the Senate will bring a smile to my face. Because I know it will send people like you into a rage. :)
Oh yeah, it couldn't be their politics, huh. So much easier to make it about skin color. That way you don't have to try to defend their political beliefs.
Says the cat with the post just dripping in racism. "Nasty". That's a term your savior uses.
We know, strong women of color frighten Trump's manly men.

Which “strong wom[a]n of color” are you talking about, here? the fake-black whore, who only succeeded by selling sexual favors to a married man for political/career opportunities?

For much of the past year, your side has made heavy figurative use of the word “whore” to describe Trump and other Republicans.

Now, by putting a genuine literal whore so close to the Presidency, your side has forfeited any right to ever call anyone else figuratively by that or any related term.
They're blind to their colossal glittering hypocrisy. Shallow thinkers.

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