Why do we care what happens with Israel?

I've noticed that the world wide left seems to want to stick its nose in Israel's business on almost every single issue in the world. There are plenty of countries that have pretty bloody conflicts that the left doesn't seem to care about and everytime they 'intervene' to end the conflict they end up undermining Israel. Now if I secretly hated Jews and wanted them to be harmed I would not just come out and say lets fuck Israel over. I would say something like we need to end the fighting everytime Israel gets the upperhand so that they can never win at anything. It sounds really good and gives you some kind of plausible deniability on the issue.

Inner-city blacks have hated Jews since the 1950's when they ran the grocery stores and pawn shops in the ghettos. This is the deep-seated resentment of a people who provided them with their only means to get food and emergency cash...typical ignorant black behavior. The Jews charged high prices because they got robbed so often they couldn't get insurance. Barry the Fairy learned this behavior in Wright's hell-hole of a "church" and never got over it. Why Jews continue to vote for the Rat party remains baffling...I guess it's as much a tradition as it with blacks hating them...nothing changes.
Well, if we’re just talking about a chess board and what is best for America…

We seem to be the target of a lot of terrorism. I would think that has something to do with our support of Israel. Perhaps I’m wrong. ....
Sorry, Ms., but you are wrong. Blaming terrorism on our support for Israel or relations with ME nations is as wrong as blaming a woman for being raped because she attended a Frat party in hot pants and a tube top. Do you really think "she was asking for it"?

Standing up to despots, dictators and other assholes is the right thing to do as a matter of self-defense. Pastor Martin Niemöller famous comment is appropriate:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

The same philosophy applies to standing up for the rights of other Americans under our Constitution or our allies and/or trading partners. If you really think you can stand alone in the world against all comers, you should read more history.
That's fine and I understand that. But they always have something going on with them. I know they are the odd man out, I just don't get why we always have to be involved. Why we have to do everything for them with nothing much in return.
The way I see it, they can take care of themselves. They have the sixth best military in the world and could decimate any country messing with them.
Also, I agree with you on one part. Fuck the UN.
What do you mean "they always have something going on with them"? You mean several Arab nations have been constantly attacking them, either directly or indirectly, for over 65 years?

We don't do everything for them.

While they could probably decimate a single country, that problem is it's more than one. Worse, if Israel was about to fall, they'd go nuclear right into the capitals of the First World's main energy sources. The results would make the Great Depression look like a slight dip in the stock market.

Please . It's not 1965 . Where was the last time a country tried to invade Isreal ?
Don't you read anything, Israel's enemies want to drive them into the sea, that is their sole goal in life… Fact

Dude . It's not 1964!!! None of them have plans to fuck wh Isreal anymore .
Do you literally live under a rock??? :itsok:

I live in 2016 reality .

Who's really threatening Israel ? Feel free to answer the question.
I've noticed that the world wide left seems to want to stick its nose in Israel's business on almost every single issue in the world. There are plenty of countries that have pretty bloody conflicts that the left doesn't seem to care about and everytime they 'intervene' to end the conflict they end up undermining Israel. Now if I secretly hated Jews and wanted them to be harmed I would not just come out and say lets fuck Israel over. I would say something like we need to end the fighting everytime Israel gets the upperhand so that they can never win at anything. It sounds really good and gives you some kind of plausible deniability on the issue.

Inner-city blacks have hated Jews since the 1950's when they ran the grocery stores and pawn shops in the ghettos. This is the deep-seated resentment of a people who provided them with their only means to get food and emergency cash...typical ignorant black behavior. The Jews charged high prices because they got robbed so often they couldn't get insurance. Barry the Fairy learned this behavior in Wright's hell-hole of a "church" and never got over it. Why Jews continue to vote for the Rat party remains baffling...I guess it's as much a tradition as it with blacks hating them...nothing changes.

Because the GOP is racists and that's a deal breaker for minorities. Including Jews.

So you don't have to be baffled anymore .
Because the GOP is racists and that's a deal breaker for minorities. Including Jews.

So you don't have to be baffled anymore .

Says the wee suburban twerp who doesn't know a Jew from a jeweler. :lol:

Lol. Wrong !

It's the GOP who are the Jew haters . They only care about Israel being a proxy foil to the Muslims .
It's obvious that the Obama administration doesn't care. Secy/State John Kerry actually got away with saying that "Israel can't be a democracy and Jewish". What the hell does that mean? Does Kerry care if the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is an Islamic state? Does Kerry worry that the People's Republic of North Korea outlaws religious beliefs or that Sharia law authorizes the subjugation of women and the execution of homosexuals? Israel is tolerant of Islamic culture but Islamic culture calls for the destruction of Israel. Does that matter to Kerry?
Well, if we’re just talking about a chess board and what is best for America…

We seem to be the target of a lot of terrorism. I would think that has something to do with our support of Israel. Perhaps I’m wrong. ....
Sorry, Ms., but you are wrong. Blaming terrorism on our support for Israel or relations with ME nations is as wrong as blaming a woman for being raped because she attended a Frat party in hot pants and a tube top. Do you really think "she was asking for it"?

Standing up to despots, dictators and other assholes is the right thing to do as a matter of self-defense. Pastor Martin Niemöller famous comment is appropriate:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

The same philosophy applies to standing up for the rights of other Americans under our Constitution or our allies and/or trading partners. If you really think you can stand alone in the world against all comers, you should read more history.

Your idiotic analogy and silly parable aside, I never said that we should stand alone. What I did say is that if we’re just looking at the cold calculus of pros and cons, we’ve suffered quite a bit by being at Israel’s beck and call over the last 60+ years. Was all the suffering due to that friendship? No—never said it was. But it’s strange that while Israel has many friends in Europe and the West, its’ our embassy(s) that gets blown up in Africa, stormed in Tehran….our warships were “mistakenly” targeted by Iraq and no so mistakenly hit by Al Queda… I mean, Holland has embassies all over the place. Nobody ever seems to go after the Dutch.

After 60+ years of being a staunch ally to Israel, we are basically still a staunch ally to Israel and only token allies of other nations in the region (some more than others). Doesn’t seem like there was much progress made over the last 6 decades. Would it have been easier if we reached out to the moderate Arab states? Dunno….

I do know this. That if you’re a large trading partner with Nation X….Nation X is much more likely to take your counsel during a conflict with a 3rd party. If you are not trading with them, have no diplomatic relations with them, and basically are seen as being totally unsympathetic…why would they listen to you?
I've noticed that the world wide left seems to want to stick its nose in Israel's business on almost every single issue in the world. There are plenty of countries that have pretty bloody conflicts that the left doesn't seem to care about and everytime they 'intervene' to end the conflict they end up undermining Israel. Now if I secretly hated Jews and wanted them to be harmed I would not just come out and say lets fuck Israel over. I would say something like we need to end the fighting everytime Israel gets the upperhand so that they can never win at anything. It sounds really good and gives you some kind of plausible deniability on the issue.
Your opening sentence is: "I've noticed that the world wide left seems to want to stick its nose in Israel's business on almost every single issue in the world." I tried to make sense of it. The subject is yourself (I), the predicate is have noticed, and the object is sort of confusing. What have you noticed? -- that the world wide left (OK socialists and suchlike) "seems to want" not want but seems to want (OK) to stick its nose in (one nose for the collective group of socialists, communists, social democrats, etc.). Into what? This is where I get completely lost. In Israel's business on every single issue in the world. So North Korea's nuclear threat is brought back to Israel's business??? Global warming is blamed on Israel's business??? What about aid Britain leaving the European Union? Is this Israel's business too??? I'm foxed by this opening sentence, completely.

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