Why do we care what happens with Israel?

American citizens traveling in peace.
Yes, because the ME has only been unstable for the last few years. Come on man.
There is a position of stability because of the conflicts. How long has it been going on? No all out war right? folks travel to the region from our country right? We don't have these folks always ending up captured right? If you think letting isreal collapse is good for us, then you sir are goofy. I'm just saying. We've been an allie for a purpose and you seem to be saying fk that position without knowing the consequences. I thought you were better than that.

Sounds like we're going to have to rule the world. Empire is rather expensive, and this is how they die.
Why do you support ethnic cleansing?

Why do you support a genocide of the Palestinians?
Tell us why one Jew should not be allowed to live next door to a Palestinian.
I've noticed that the world wide left seems to want to stick its nose in Israel's business on almost every single issue in the world. There are plenty of countries that have pretty bloody conflicts that the left doesn't seem to care about and everytime they 'intervene' to end the conflict they end up undermining Israel. Now if I secretly hated Jews and wanted them to be harmed I would not just come out and say lets fuck Israel over. I would say something like we need to end the fighting everytime Israel gets the upperhand so that they can never win at anything. It sounds really good and gives you some kind of plausible deniability on the issue.

You're blaming our obsession with the Middle East on the left?
The left are obsessed with a tiny strip of sand smaller than San Diego County in the Middle East.

Trump seems obsessed.
Because Obama is doing his best to stir up more Islamo violence before he leaves, dufus.

You can stop that charade now of blaming Obama for everything….
I've noticed that the world wide left seems to want to stick its nose in Israel's business on almost every single issue in the world. There are plenty of countries that have pretty bloody conflicts that the left doesn't seem to care about and everytime they 'intervene' to end the conflict they end up undermining Israel. Now if I secretly hated Jews and wanted them to be harmed I would not just come out and say lets fuck Israel over. I would say something like we need to end the fighting everytime Israel gets the upperhand so that they can never win at anything. It sounds really good and gives you some kind of plausible deniability on the issue.

You're blaming our obsession with the Middle East on the left?
The left are obsessed with a tiny strip of sand smaller than San Diego County in the Middle East.

Trump seems obsessed.
Because Obama is doing his best to stir up more Islamo violence before he leaves, dufus.

You can stop that charade now of blaming Obama for everything….
didn't you enjoy blaming bush for everything? what's different?
I've noticed that the world wide left seems to want to stick its nose in Israel's business on almost every single issue in the world. There are plenty of countries that have pretty bloody conflicts that the left doesn't seem to care about and everytime they 'intervene' to end the conflict they end up undermining Israel. Now if I secretly hated Jews and wanted them to be harmed I would not just come out and say lets fuck Israel over. I would say something like we need to end the fighting everytime Israel gets the upperhand so that they can never win at anything. It sounds really good and gives you some kind of plausible deniability on the issue.

You're blaming our obsession with the Middle East on the left?
The left are obsessed with a tiny strip of sand smaller than San Diego County in the Middle East.

Trump seems obsessed.
Because Obama is doing his best to stir up more Islamo violence before he leaves, dufus.

You can stop that charade now of blaming Obama for everything….
Maybe you can consult them?
Yes, because the ME has only been unstable for the last few years. Come on man.
There is a position of stability because of the conflicts. How long has it been going on? No all out war right? folks travel to the region from our country right? We don't have these folks always ending up captured right? If you think letting isreal collapse is good for us, then you sir are goofy. I'm just saying. We've been an allie for a purpose and you seem to be saying fk that position without knowing the consequences. I thought you were better than that.

Sounds like we're going to have to rule the world. Empire is rather expensive, and this is how they die.
Why do you support ethnic cleansing?

Why do you support a genocide of the Palestinians?
Tell us why one Jew should not be allowed to live next door to a Palestinian.

Because the Jews are stealing Palestinian land and living on THAT.
There is a position of stability because of the conflicts. How long has it been going on? No all out war right? folks travel to the region from our country right? We don't have these folks always ending up captured right? If you think letting isreal collapse is good for us, then you sir are goofy. I'm just saying. We've been an allie for a purpose and you seem to be saying fk that position without knowing the consequences. I thought you were better than that.

Sounds like we're going to have to rule the world. Empire is rather expensive, and this is how they die.
Why do you support ethnic cleansing?

Why do you support a genocide of the Palestinians?
Tell us why one Jew should not be allowed to live next door to a Palestinian.

Because the Jews are stealing Palestinian land and living on THAT.
they are? hmmm how do you know?
If Israel was full of black or brown folk we'd have bombed them out of existence long ago. And then sent in tax payer funded govt contractors to rebuild so we could bomb again. You know, the normal business cycle over there.
They are the only country in the whole Middle East that has any sort of freedom, and Muslims live for violence and killing. There is no/country the Muslims hate more than Israel... fact

How is that any of our concern?
Posted by a ten year old.
You ought to spend a hundred hours reading about the history of what is now called Israel to begin with.
If the State of Israel were to be destroyed, as all good muslims want, what you would witness in the ME will make you shit yourself.
You want the Islamofascists in Iran to start waving a nuclear bomb at the closest non-muslim country in the region?Where do you think that will end???????
That's what you'll get. THINK!!!!!!
If other countries drive em into the sea, then so be it if they can't defend themselves.
And if "other countries" try and fail because Israel turns their enemies capitals into forty foot thick molten sand skating rinks that's fine too right?
I've successfully managed to evade/avoid the whole Israel thing up to now, and that won't change.

From the outside, I only see two reasons for such intense support for Israel: Biblical and because that's what Republicans do.

Neither case seems to be worth the incredible tension and hatred the whole environment creates.
Do you believe the Jews are entitled to occupy the land they have occupied for three thousand years?
"The Jewish people have maintained a well-documented, unbroken presence in Israel for well over 3,000 years, beginning in the 2nd millennium B.C.E., continuing under a long series of Jewish kingdoms and foreign rulers, and through to the modern State of Israel."
I've successfully managed to evade/avoid the whole Israel thing up to now, and that won't change.

From the outside, I only see two reasons for such intense support for Israel: Biblical and because that's what Republicans do.

Neither case seems to be worth the incredible tension and hatred the whole environment creates.
Do you believe the Jews are entitled to occupy the land they have occupied for three thousand years?
"The Jewish people have maintained a well-documented, unbroken presence in Israel for well over 3,000 years, beginning in the 2nd millennium B.C.E., continuing under a long series of Jewish kingdoms and foreign rulers, and through to the modern State of Israel."
I believe any country has a right to occupy the land it's occupying, which isn't my point.

I don't see why we need to put our own necks on the line for them.
I've noticed that the world wide left seems to want to stick its nose in Israel's business on almost every single issue in the world. There are plenty of countries that have pretty bloody conflicts that the left doesn't seem to care about and everytime they 'intervene' to end the conflict they end up undermining Israel. Now if I secretly hated Jews and wanted them to be harmed I would not just come out and say lets fuck Israel over. I would say something like we need to end the fighting everytime Israel gets the upperhand so that they can never win at anything. It sounds really good and gives you some kind of plausible deniability on the issue.

The world is being conquered by Islam, or at least, factions within Islam. How many they are and how powerful they have become is speculative.

Just know that Israel is their #1 target. They are surrounded and should not really be there to begin with because they are outmanned and outgunned.

Israel is a type of Great Britain. Once she falls, watch out!
Israel WILL drop a massive number of nuclear bombs on its enemies as the last resort. Make NO mistake about that.
I've successfully managed to evade/avoid the whole Israel thing up to now, and that won't change.

From the outside, I only see two reasons for such intense support for Israel: Biblical and because that's what Republicans do.

Neither case seems to be worth the incredible tension and hatred the whole environment creates.
Do you believe the Jews are entitled to occupy the land they have occupied for three thousand years?
"The Jewish people have maintained a well-documented, unbroken presence in Israel for well over 3,000 years, beginning in the 2nd millennium B.C.E., continuing under a long series of Jewish kingdoms and foreign rulers, and through to the modern State of Israel."
I believe any country has a right to occupy the land it's occupying, which isn't my point.

I don't see why we need to put our own necks on the line for them.
dude, again, it's about our people not theirs. shit man. learn something . Look I respect you for the most part, but gawd understand why there are things in our foreign policy already. the likes to which tatrum throwing obummer tried to fk american citizens with. and John Kerry was complaint.
I've successfully managed to evade/avoid the whole Israel thing up to now, and that won't change.

From the outside, I only see two reasons for such intense support for Israel: Biblical and because that's what Republicans do.

Neither case seems to be worth the incredible tension and hatred the whole environment creates.
Do you believe the Jews are entitled to occupy the land they have occupied for three thousand years?
"The Jewish people have maintained a well-documented, unbroken presence in Israel for well over 3,000 years, beginning in the 2nd millennium B.C.E., continuing under a long series of Jewish kingdoms and foreign rulers, and through to the modern State of Israel."
I believe any country has a right to occupy the land it's occupying, which isn't my point.

I don't see why we need to put our own necks on the line for them.
That's a pretty naive way of looking at the issue.
If Iran/Hamas/Hezbollah etc etc were able to "drive the Jews into the sea, as they constantly declare as their sworn goal do you REALLY believe the world would survive the first time the fucking mullahs then threatened the closest non-muslim country with annihilation? REALLY?
The fucking Islamofascists have only ONE reason for living: That is to turn the entire world's population into followers of Islam.
INCLUDING YOU!!!!! AND YOUR FAMILY. God help anyone in your family you is gay or a female when they show up at YOUR door!
Posted by a ten year old.
You ought to spend a hundred hours reading about the history of what is now called Israel to begin with.
If the State of Israel were to be destroyed, as all good muslims want, what you would witness in the ME will make you shit yourself.
You want the Islamofascists in Iran to start waving a nuclear bomb at the closest non-muslim country in the region?Where do you think that will end???????
That's what you'll get. THINK!!!!!!

You have no evidence of that at all. The Middle Eastern states have been fighting with each other for thousands of years. It's not going to stop any time soon and the constant meddling we've done for the last 70 years has made ourselves a terrorist target.

As far as Iran goes, well, the United States is directly responsible for the Islamofascist regime that resides there today, the result of more of our meddling, so pat yourself on the back for a job well done.
Yes, because the ME has only been unstable for the last few years. Come on man.
There is a position of stability because of the conflicts. How long has it been going on? No all out war right? folks travel to the region from our country right? We don't have these folks always ending up captured right? If you think letting isreal collapse is good for us, then you sir are goofy. I'm just saying. We've been an allie for a purpose and you seem to be saying fk that position without knowing the consequences. I thought you were better than that.

Sounds like we're going to have to rule the world. Empire is rather expensive, and this is how they die.
Why do you support ethnic cleansing?

Why do you support a genocide of the Palestinians?
If those damn Palestinians would stop hiding we could wipe them out.
Dumbass leftard, why do you support ethnic cleansing?

Now this is some funny twisted "logic" shit here, don't care who you are.
"This link says" is not facts. I am wanting actual examples as to how they deserve BILLIONS every year. What do we get out of it?
Dude, the fact remains I listed facts and links to those facts plus gave reasons why we give foreign aid to several nations, including Israel. Your answer? "I don't care". So quit whining that I'm not answering your questions.

So quit whining about the consequences of globalist interventions you support.
That's fine and I understand that. But they always have something going on with them. I know they are the odd man out, I just don't get why we always have to be involved. Why we have to do everything for them with nothing much in return.
The way I see it, they can take care of themselves. They have the sixth best military in the world and could decimate any country messing with them.
Also, I agree with you on one part. Fuck the UN.
What do you mean "they always have something going on with them"? You mean several Arab nations have been constantly attacking them, either directly or indirectly, for over 65 years?

We don't do everything for them.

While they could probably decimate a single country, that problem is it's more than one. Worse, if Israel was about to fall, they'd go nuclear right into the capitals of the First World's main energy sources. The results would make the Great Depression look like a slight dip in the stock market.
Israel seems to always need something or something is going on. I will say it would probably help if they could take care of their own shit without globalists acting like they know whats best for the world. But that's a whole other conversation lol
They can't just take care of their own shit because the leftards of the world scream holy blue murder when they try.
That's fine and I understand that. But they always have something going on with them. I know they are the odd man out, I just don't get why we always have to be involved. Why we have to do everything for them with nothing much in return.
The way I see it, they can take care of themselves. They have the sixth best military in the world and could decimate any country messing with them.
Also, I agree with you on one part. Fuck the UN.
What do you mean "they always have something going on with them"? You mean several Arab nations have been constantly attacking them, either directly or indirectly, for over 65 years?

We don't do everything for them.

While they could probably decimate a single country, that problem is it's more than one. Worse, if Israel was about to fall, they'd go nuclear right into the capitals of the First World's main energy sources. The results would make the Great Depression look like a slight dip in the stock market.

Please . It's not 1965 . Where was the last time a country tried to invade Isreal ?
Don't you read anything, Israel's enemies want to drive them into the sea, that is their sole goal in life… Fact

Dude . It's not 1964!!! None of them have plans to fuck wh Isreal anymore .
Do you literally live under a rock??? :itsok:

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