Why do we care what happens with Israel?

You posted rhetoric Divine. Rhetoric don't mean shit. What do we get from Israel that we cant get on our own? Can you even answer? Is that why you are playing coy?
On the contrary, sir, I've posted several links with facts. So far, all I recall seeing you posting is opinion AKA heated rhetoric and, now, insults.

Additionally, I've posted several reasons why the US seeks alliances/relations/gives aid to foreign nations. Your response? "I don't care". Now you complain I'm not answering your questions. Man up and scroll up, TN.
"This link says" is not facts. I am wanting actual examples as to how they deserve BILLIONS every year. What do we get out of it?
Give me a break, Divine. We haven't had a need for Israel is years. We do whatever we want any damn way and you know it. IMO saying "we need Israel" is "low information" in itself.
But by all means, show me some good examples or something. Rhetoric doesn't cut it with me man.
You said you don't care about information on the situation. So, please, keep not caring. For you to whine about being called on remaining ignorant when you proudly stated you desired to be so doesn't make sense.

Something else you either missed or ignored from the linked article:

U.S. foreign aid serves many stated purposes, but, generally speaking, the money is intended to ensure American strategic interests abroad and bolster international institutions that respond to humanitarian crises, climate change, infectious diseases and a plethora of other development concerns.

By transposing the amounts of U.S. foreign aid budgeted to different countries, we can more easily see where the American government thinks those interests lie.
No I just don't care
You posted rhetoric Divine. Rhetoric don't mean shit. What do we get from Israel that we cant get on our own? Can you even answer? Is that why you are playing coy?
the current situation with the UN is brought about because of the transition to trump. Period. what's happening right now is purely due to crybaby obummer's pouting cause he's about to lose his legacy. Nothing more nothing less and everyone ought to know that if you are truly a thinking person. can't have an unstable ME. just can't. intentional.

Of course, the problem with the middle east is the guy who won the last two american presidential elections. No worries then, it's all over, and great in a couple of weeks. Glad that's over with.
obummer is just throwing a tantrum. everything will settle down on Jan 20.
Give me a break, Divine. We haven't had a need for Israel is years. We do whatever we want any damn way and you know it. IMO saying "we need Israel" is "low information" in itself.
But by all means, show me some good examples or something. Rhetoric doesn't cut it with me man.
You said you don't care about information on the situation. So, please, keep not caring. For you to whine about being called on remaining ignorant when you proudly stated you desired to be so doesn't make sense.

No I just don't care
You posted rhetoric Divine. Rhetoric don't mean shit. What do we get from Israel that we cant get on our own? Can you even answer? Is that why you are playing coy?
the current situation with the UN is brought about because of the transition to trump. Period. what's happening right now is purely due to crybaby obummer's pouting cause he's about to lose his legacy. Nothing more nothing less and everyone ought to know that if you are truly a thinking person. can't have an unstable ME. just can't. intentional.
I agree with everything but the last couple of lines. The ME will never be stable until they stabilize it. We have been trying for decades and only make matters worse.
but unstable is the worst scenario for us. Period. We all know this. It's been that way since the 70s. We have american citizens who travel the globe. you really want to put their lives in jeopardy cause obummer is throwing a temper tantrum?
Obama is an idiot. The ME has been unstable forever and we are fine. Would be better if we weren't always over there over throwing the leaders they want and killing their children.
Give me a break, Divine. We haven't had a need for Israel is years. We do whatever we want any damn way and you know it. IMO saying "we need Israel" is "low information" in itself.
But by all means, show me some good examples or something. Rhetoric doesn't cut it with me man.
You said you don't care about information on the situation. So, please, keep not caring. For you to whine about being called on remaining ignorant when you proudly stated you desired to be so doesn't make sense.

No I just don't care
You posted rhetoric Divine. Rhetoric don't mean shit. What do we get from Israel that we cant get on our own? Can you even answer? Is that why you are playing coy?
the current situation with the UN is brought about because of the transition to trump. Period. what's happening right now is purely due to crybaby obummer's pouting cause he's about to lose his legacy. Nothing more nothing less and everyone ought to know that if you are truly a thinking person. can't have an unstable ME. just can't. intentional.
I agree with everything but the last couple of lines. The ME will never be stable until they stabilize it. We have been trying for decades and only make matters worse.
but unstable is the worst scenario for us. Period. We all know this. It's been that way since the 70s. We have american citizens who travel the globe. you really want to put their lives in jeopardy cause obummer is throwing a temper tantrum?

Annexation of that part of the world always turns out very badly for the unsubstantial people of all nations involved, the elites however love the business of arms and war and endless conflict.
But of course, everyrthing in america must be seen through a partisanshithead prism. One way or the other.
Something you and I can agree upon. However, I get the feeling you only believe the RWers are seeing things through "partisanshithead prism" and not the LWers. I believe it's both. You?
You posted rhetoric Divine. Rhetoric don't mean shit. What do we get from Israel that we cant get on our own? Can you even answer? Is that why you are playing coy?
On the contrary, sir, I've posted several links with facts. So far, all I recall seeing you posting is opinion AKA heated rhetoric and, now, insults.

Additionally, I've posted several reasons why the US seeks alliances/relations/gives aid to foreign nations. Your response? "I don't care". Now you complain I'm not answering your questions. Man up and scroll up, TN.
"This link says" is not facts. I am wanting actual examples as to how they deserve BILLIONS every year. What do we get out of it?
American citizens traveling in peace.
Give me a break, Divine. We haven't had a need for Israel is years. We do whatever we want any damn way and you know it. IMO saying "we need Israel" is "low information" in itself.
But by all means, show me some good examples or something. Rhetoric doesn't cut it with me man.
You said you don't care about information on the situation. So, please, keep not caring. For you to whine about being called on remaining ignorant when you proudly stated you desired to be so doesn't make sense.

No I just don't care
You posted rhetoric Divine. Rhetoric don't mean shit. What do we get from Israel that we cant get on our own? Can you even answer? Is that why you are playing coy?
the current situation with the UN is brought about because of the transition to trump. Period. what's happening right now is purely due to crybaby obummer's pouting cause he's about to lose his legacy. Nothing more nothing less and everyone ought to know that if you are truly a thinking person. can't have an unstable ME. just can't. intentional.

Of course, the problem with the middle east is the guy who won the last two american presidential elections. No worries then, it's all over, and great in a couple of weeks. Glad that's over with.
obummer is just throwing a tantrum. everything will settle down on Jan 20.

You heard it here folks, the middle east will calm down and be a peacefull place once Don is in control.
You said you don't care about information on the situation. So, please, keep not caring. For you to whine about being called on remaining ignorant when you proudly stated you desired to be so doesn't make sense.
You posted rhetoric Divine. Rhetoric don't mean shit. What do we get from Israel that we cant get on our own? Can you even answer? Is that why you are playing coy?
the current situation with the UN is brought about because of the transition to trump. Period. what's happening right now is purely due to crybaby obummer's pouting cause he's about to lose his legacy. Nothing more nothing less and everyone ought to know that if you are truly a thinking person. can't have an unstable ME. just can't. intentional.
I agree with everything but the last couple of lines. The ME will never be stable until they stabilize it. We have been trying for decades and only make matters worse.
but unstable is the worst scenario for us. Period. We all know this. It's been that way since the 70s. We have american citizens who travel the globe. you really want to put their lives in jeopardy cause obummer is throwing a temper tantrum?

Annexation of that part of the world always turns out very badly for the unsubstantial people of all nations involved, the elites however love the business of arms and war and endless conflict.
I can't argue that point at all. However, the reason why the area is of concern is due to our own populace who travel in that region.
You posted rhetoric Divine. Rhetoric don't mean shit. What do we get from Israel that we cant get on our own? Can you even answer? Is that why you are playing coy?
On the contrary, sir, I've posted several links with facts. So far, all I recall seeing you posting is opinion AKA heated rhetoric and, now, insults.

Additionally, I've posted several reasons why the US seeks alliances/relations/gives aid to foreign nations. Your response? "I don't care". Now you complain I'm not answering your questions. Man up and scroll up, TN.
"This link says" is not facts. I am wanting actual examples as to how they deserve BILLIONS every year. What do we get out of it?
American citizens traveling in peace.
Yes, because the ME has only been unstable for the last few years. Come on man.
You said you don't care about information on the situation. So, please, keep not caring. For you to whine about being called on remaining ignorant when you proudly stated you desired to be so doesn't make sense.
You posted rhetoric Divine. Rhetoric don't mean shit. What do we get from Israel that we cant get on our own? Can you even answer? Is that why you are playing coy?
the current situation with the UN is brought about because of the transition to trump. Period. what's happening right now is purely due to crybaby obummer's pouting cause he's about to lose his legacy. Nothing more nothing less and everyone ought to know that if you are truly a thinking person. can't have an unstable ME. just can't. intentional.

Of course, the problem with the middle east is the guy who won the last two american presidential elections. No worries then, it's all over, and great in a couple of weeks. Glad that's over with.
obummer is just throwing a tantrum. everything will settle down on Jan 20.

You heard it here folks, the middle east will calm down and be a peacefull place once Don is in control.
it will be fun watching for you then.
Of course, the problem with the middle east is the guy who won the last two american presidential elections. No worries then, it's all over, and great in a couple of weeks. Glad that's over with.
Incorrect. Certainly Obama's attempt at appeasement and "bowing" out didn't help things. Neither did his drawing a red line then stepping back from it. However, the problems of the ME date back to at least 1916 and many issues remain unresolved.
I've noticed that the world wide left seems to want to stick its nose in Israel's business on almost every single issue in the world. There are plenty of countries that have pretty bloody conflicts that the left doesn't seem to care about and everytime they 'intervene' to end the conflict they end up undermining Israel. Now if I secretly hated Jews and wanted them to be harmed I would not just come out and say lets fuck Israel over. I would say something like we need to end the fighting everytime Israel gets the upperhand so that they can never win at anything. It sounds really good and gives you some kind of plausible deniability on the issue.

You're blaming our obsession with the Middle East on the left?
The left are obsessed with a tiny strip of sand smaller than San Diego County in the Middle East.

Pehaps we shouldn't pour so much taxpayer funding into that tiny strip of sand.
What percentage of foreign aid does Israel get from the budget?
You don't have a clue.
You're just a racist who loves ethnic cleansing

That's pretty funny coming from you son. And a pretty thin argument. We, the american taxpayers, support support cleansing, just in the direction you prefer.
Yes, I look forward to all funding to the Palestinians being cutoff next year.
But of course, everyrthing in america must be seen through a partisanshithead prism. One way or the other.
Something you and I can agree upon. However, I get the feeling you only believe the RWers are seeing things through "partisanshithead prism" and not the LWers. I believe it's both. You?

Always and forever "both", I can't see the difference everyone is blathering on about. They all look and souind the same to me. By design, that's exactly what the power strucure wants; the masses seething at each other.
Annexation of that part of the world always turns out very badly for the unsubstantial people of all nations involved, the elites however love the business of arms and war and endless conflict.
So you agree Putin is wrong to annex Crimea, Chechnya and the like?
Of course, the problem with the middle east is the guy who won the last two american presidential elections. No worries then, it's all over, and great in a couple of weeks. Glad that's over with.
Incorrect. Certainly Obama's attempt at appeasement and "bowing" out didn't help things. Neither did his drawing a red line then stepping back from it. However, the problems of the ME date back to at least 1916 and many issues remain unresolved.

As long as we insist upon involving ourselves in ancient hatreds to satisfy the urges of corporate power, the situation will remain as it has.
Always and forever "both", I can't see the difference everyone is blathering on about. They all look and souind the same to me. By design, that's exactly what the power strucure wants; the masses seething at each other.
Did you vote third party or were you part of the "seething" masses?
Annexation of that part of the world always turns out very badly for the unsubstantial people of all nations involved, the elites however love the business of arms and war and endless conflict.
So you agree Putin is wrong to annex Crimea, Chechnya and the like?

I'm an american citizen, Putin doesn't give a fuck what I think, much like my own "leaders".
.... We are beholden to this little pip squeak of a nation as if it were some sort of special place in the world. I’ve never quite understood why it was so special....
The reason you don't understand is because you were wrong about us being "beholden to this little pip squeak of a nation". The US has multiple reasons for keeping Israel as an allie. The least of which is, like Britain during WWII, it's an unsinkable aircraft carrier in a sea of chaos.

Well, if we’re just talking about a chess board and what is best for America…

We seem to be the target of a lot of terrorism. I would think that has something to do with our support of Israel. Perhaps I’m wrong.

We seem to be insistent on putting all of our eggs into the basket of the “aircraft carrier” instead of what would seem to be a better strategic proposition to approach Jordan and at least placate the other nations in the region.

Again, I’ll echo the OP…do we care about Israel so much?
As long as we insist upon involving ourselves in ancient hatreds to satisfy the urges of corporate power, the situation will remain as it has.
A misperception on your part. Are you a conspiracy theorist who claims we're all owned and driven by the corporate oligarchs? The NWO? ZOG?
Always and forever "both", I can't see the difference everyone is blathering on about. They all look and souind the same to me. By design, that's exactly what the power strucure wants; the masses seething at each other.
Did you vote third party or were you part of the "seething" masses?

~42% of your fellow citizens didn't bother to vote, they understand the ruse.

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