Why do we care what happens with Israel?

I care... I want Israel held accountable for 911... the 1982 US Marines killings in Lebanon.... and JFK.

They were behind all three... and more... all with the same goal... getting the US military to fight their enemies.
If Israel was full of black or brown folk we'd have bombed them out of existence long ago. And then sent in tax payer funded govt contractors to rebuild so we could bomb again. You know, the normal business cycle over there.

Come on man, false premise. At least get real!

Israel is a small country of 8 million people, only 6 million of them Jews, and its annual gross domestic product, at around $300 billion, is similar to that of Denmark and Ireland (both less populous countries, so Israel is poorer than they per capita). Nobody much really cares in world affairs if Denmark gets in a snit about something, though to be fair the Danes haven’t really gotten in many snits in recent centuries.

I suppose center-right Danish PM Lars Løkke Rasmussen is capable of making noise about issues he cares about, but I haven’t ever even once seen him on American television.

One difference between Denmark and Israel is that the US Israel lobbies have extorted from the American people something on the order of
$124 billion in aid for Israel, and President Barack Obama just authorized another $38 bn for Tel Aviv over the next ten years. Israel thus has an enormous military arsenal and a stockpile of several hundred nuclear warheads. The figures do not count all the indirect ways the US aids the Israeli economy. Although the Israel lobbies maintain that the US gets security help from Israel in the Middle East in return, actually Israel has sat out the Gulf War, the Iraq War, the Afghanistan War, the recent struggle against Daesh/ ISIL in Syria and Iraq, etc., etc. It is only fair to say that the US would not have wanted Israeli participation, because its reputation is so poisonous in the region that such participation would do more harm than good. But nevertheless, if Israel couldn’t help in any of these crises, it isn’t actually very useful. Worse, Israel’s often creepy policies against the stateless Palestinians cause security problems for the United States.

Israeli Ministers Throw Trump-Like Tantrums After U.N. Security Council Slam
What is with Jews and that 6 Million number?
Oh, don't get me wrong.. I am against aid to them as well. We give aid to like 90% of countries on this planet. I'm against most of that too.
Obviously you blew off reading the information provided in post #55. If you hadn't, you'd know you were wrong.

Influence for what?
Trade, military access, political power, you name it. The US doesn't just give away money without reason. We always get something in return, albeit sometimes only "appeasement" which, as most people (except LWers) know doesn't work. Look at the nations listed below. Note who's on it and who is not.

The U.S. foreign-aid budget, visualized

I care... I want Israel held accountable for 911... the 1982 US Marines killings in Lebanon.... and JFK.

They were behind all three... and more... all with the same goal... getting the US military to fight their enemies.
The Israelis are behind calling 911 and JFK becoming President? Got a link?
Nice try with the "can't complain about Isreal cause that makes you an anti Semite " routine .....
No need to "try" anything since your multiple posts against Israelis, especially the misinformation you post, confirms your hatred of them.
Israel is our ally, which means nothing to abti-Semitic liberals like Obama, who has made a habit of betraying allies during his 8 years.
So you're looking at this as more of a security issue, and I can see that. Let's look at it from the perspective of their enemies, then: If your scenario is right, how are they looking at Israel, knowing they have nukes? Is Israel then nothing more than the neighborhood bully (holy crap, I just stumbled into your analogy), or are they worried about imperialism?.
Absolutely! As much as I like or dislike any other country or culture, our government should only become involved with them per the Constitution. "To free those people" isn't good enough. There must be a compelling national interest as the Preamble of the Constitution clearly states and the details of the Constitution lay out:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Oh, don't get me wrong.. I am against aid to them as well. We give aid to like 90% of countries on this planet. I'm against most of that too.
Obviously you blew off reading the information provided in post #55. If you hadn't, you'd know you were wrong.

Influence for what?
Trade, military access, political power, you name it. The US doesn't just give away money without reason. We always get something in return, albeit sometimes only "appeasement" which, as most people (except LWers) know doesn't work. Look at the nations listed below. Note who's on it and who is not.

The U.S. foreign-aid budget, visualized

142 countries. My mistake. Guess that's just around 3/4 of countries
Oh, don't get me wrong.. I am against aid to them as well. We give aid to like 90% of countries on this planet. I'm against most of that too.
Obviously you blew off reading the information provided in post #55. If you hadn't, you'd know you were wrong.

Influence for what?
Trade, military access, political power, you name it. The US doesn't just give away money without reason. We always get something in return, albeit sometimes only "appeasement" which, as most people (except LWers) know doesn't work. Look at the nations listed below. Note who's on it and who is not.

The U.S. foreign-aid budget, visualized

142 countries. My mistake. Guess that's just around 3/4 of countries
Something else you either missed or ignored from the linked article:

U.S. foreign aid serves many stated purposes, but, generally speaking, the money is intended to ensure American strategic interests abroad and bolster international institutions that respond to humanitarian crises, climate change, infectious diseases and a plethora of other development concerns.

By transposing the amounts of U.S. foreign aid budgeted to different countries, we can more easily see where the American government thinks those interests lie.
Oh, don't get me wrong.. I am against aid to them as well. We give aid to like 90% of countries on this planet. I'm against most of that too.
Obviously you blew off reading the information provided in post #55. If you hadn't, you'd know you were wrong.

Influence for what?
Trade, military access, political power, you name it. The US doesn't just give away money without reason. We always get something in return, albeit sometimes only "appeasement" which, as most people (except LWers) know doesn't work. Look at the nations listed below. Note who's on it and who is not.

The U.S. foreign-aid budget, visualized

142 countries. My mistake. Guess that's just around 3/4 of countries
Something else you either missed or ignored from the linked article:

U.S. foreign aid serves many stated purposes, but, generally speaking, the money is intended to ensure American strategic interests abroad and bolster international institutions that respond to humanitarian crises, climate change, infectious diseases and a plethora of other development concerns.

By transposing the amounts of U.S. foreign aid budgeted to different countries, we can more easily see where the American government thinks those interests lie.
No I just don't care
Israel gets on my nerves.
Its always something with those guys.

It's "always something" because ignorants like you are too stupid to understand what's going on.

And its "always something" because the UN, which is packed with similar idiots Islamic influenced majority, insists on passing one resolution after the other condemning Israel, completely ignoring the true disasters happening elsewhere.
How do you know I don't know whats going? Why would you just assume? Because I don't knee jerk automatically in their favor?
BTW, I wasn't just referring to their current problem with settlements. Its something ALL THE TIME. If its not about land or something, its about money. Or slaves.
Do YOU know whats going on?

With all respect TNHarley

When I see what's going on in the Middle East - beheadings, terrorism the whole enchilada

I will always side with Israel, the one true Democracy in the region.

This is not negotiable for me. When it comes to this issue,I'll always be on Israel's side.

Thats a dumb position to take—that you’ll “always be on ________’s side”.
Oh, don't get me wrong.. I am against aid to them as well. We give aid to like 90% of countries on this planet. I'm against most of that too.
Obviously you blew off reading the information provided in post #55. If you hadn't, you'd know you were wrong.

Influence for what?
Trade, military access, political power, you name it. The US doesn't just give away money without reason. We always get something in return, albeit sometimes only "appeasement" which, as most people (except LWers) know doesn't work. Look at the nations listed below. Note who's on it and who is not.

The U.S. foreign-aid budget, visualized
142 countries. My mistake. Guess that's just around 3/4 of countries
Something else you either missed or ignored from the linked article:

U.S. foreign aid serves many stated purposes, but, generally speaking, the money is intended to ensure American strategic interests abroad and bolster international institutions that respond to humanitarian crises, climate change, infectious diseases and a plethora of other development concerns.

By transposing the amounts of U.S. foreign aid budgeted to different countries, we can more easily see where the American government thinks those interests lie.
No I just don't care

I’m with you on this. We are beholden to this little pip squeak of a nation as if it were some sort of special place in the world. I’ve never quite understood why it was so special.

The politics of it is hilarious though. We want our NATO partners to start ponying up more money…uhhh where is Israel’s contribution to paying for our defense?
Why do 'we' care more about illegals and 'refugees' more than American citizens?

Why did 'we' choose to finance, supply, support, arm, train, and defend Al Qaeda and ISIS yet threw our ally under the bus?

Why are 'we' bitching about Rusdia intervening in our election when 'WE' helped overthrow Mubarak/Egypt's govt and Gaddafi/Libya's govt, tried to oust Netanyahu, and are trying to oust Assad?

Israel is an ally, which is a little rare these days, as is loyalty...as Barry just demonstrated.
Oh, don't get me wrong.. I am against aid to them as well. We give aid to like 90% of countries on this planet. I'm against most of that too.
Obviously you blew off reading the information provided in post #55. If you hadn't, you'd know you were wrong.

Trade, military access, political power, you name it. The US doesn't just give away money without reason. We always get something in return, albeit sometimes only "appeasement" which, as most people (except LWers) know doesn't work. Look at the nations listed below. Note who's on it and who is not.

The U.S. foreign-aid budget, visualized
142 countries. My mistake. Guess that's just around 3/4 of countries
Something else you either missed or ignored from the linked article:

U.S. foreign aid serves many stated purposes, but, generally speaking, the money is intended to ensure American strategic interests abroad and bolster international institutions that respond to humanitarian crises, climate change, infectious diseases and a plethora of other development concerns.

By transposing the amounts of U.S. foreign aid budgeted to different countries, we can more easily see where the American government thinks those interests lie.
No I just don't care

I’m with you on this. We are beholden to this little pip squeak of a nation as if it were some sort of special place in the world. I’ve never quite understood why it was so special.

The politics of it is hilarious though. We want our NATO partners to start ponying up more money…uhhh where is Israel’s contribution to paying for our defense?
I think it used to matter. But not so much anymore. Not to mention, we shouldn't be fucking around over there anyways.
We cant even handle our own problems, but think we can manage others?
Obviously you blew off reading the information provided in post #55. If you hadn't, you'd know you were wrong.
142 countries. My mistake. Guess that's just around 3/4 of countries
Something else you either missed or ignored from the linked article:

U.S. foreign aid serves many stated purposes, but, generally speaking, the money is intended to ensure American strategic interests abroad and bolster international institutions that respond to humanitarian crises, climate change, infectious diseases and a plethora of other development concerns.

By transposing the amounts of U.S. foreign aid budgeted to different countries, we can more easily see where the American government thinks those interests lie.
No I just don't care

I’m with you on this. We are beholden to this little pip squeak of a nation as if it were some sort of special place in the world. I’ve never quite understood why it was so special.

The politics of it is hilarious though. We want our NATO partners to start ponying up more money…uhhh where is Israel’s contribution to paying for our defense?
I think it used to matter. But not so much anymore. Not to mention, we shouldn't be fucking around over there anyways.
We cant even handle our own problems, but think we can manage others?

Well, it’s a very complicated centuries old conflict that few fighting it today fully understand so I’m sure a bunch of guys who shop at Brooks Brothers will do just fine. It’s the greatest example to mankind ever that no amount of military power will offset someone determined to do harm to someone else.

A lesson the U.S. will never, ever learn I’m afraid.
....It’s the greatest example to mankind ever that no amount of military power will offset someone determined to do harm to someone else.....

Wrong, but a typical LW response. People can't do any harm if they are dead. Sufficient military power allows us render our enemies incapable of harming us or anyone else.
No I just don't care
An excellent summation of your knowledge of US international interests.

Low information voters are the bane of the US voting/election system.
Give me a break, Divine. We haven't had a need for Israel is years. We do whatever we want any damn way and you know it. IMO saying "we need Israel" is "low information" in itself.
But by all means, show me some good examples or something. Rhetoric doesn't cut it with me man.

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