Why do we care what happens with Israel?

wow the ignorance on here from some of you is amazing. Perhaps go read up on the advantage to the US having them as our Allie over there.
I'm talking about Israels creation .
Nice backpedal. Next time try mentioning you are talking about something older than most members on USMB have been alive. Do you also want to discuss the Sykes-Picot Agreement and the repercussions there?

I don't hate the Jews .
Riiiiiiight. You just hate "Zionists". Got it.

Nice try with the "can't complain about Isreal cause that makes you an anti Semite " routine .

Sykes is a main reason the ME is so fucked up . When there's terrorism in Paris , it's the chickens coming home to roost .
Israel gets on my nerves.
Its always something with those guys.

It's "always something" because ignorants like you are too stupid to understand what's going on.

And its "always something" because the UN, which is packed with similar idiots Islamic influenced majority, insists on passing one resolution after the other condemning Israel, completely ignoring the true disasters happening elsewhere.
How do you know I don't know whats going? Why would you just assume? Because I don't knee jerk automatically in their favor?
BTW, I wasn't just referring to their current problem with settlements. Its something ALL THE TIME. If its not about land or something, its about money. Or slaves.
Do YOU know whats going on?
TN, usually you have this shit down. I'm not following your position here. Why do you supposed we need their land? Just saying.
If the Muslims weren't always trying to destroy Israel nothing would be going on over there at all.
That's fine and I understand that. But they always have something going on with them. I know they are the odd man out, I just don't get why we always have to be involved. Why we have to do everything for them with nothing much in return.
The way I see it, they can take care of themselves. They have the sixth best military in the world and could decimate any country messing with them.
Also, I agree with you on one part. Fuck the UN.
What do you mean "they always have something going on with them"? You mean several Arab nations have been constantly attacking them, either directly or indirectly, for over 65 years?

We don't do everything for them.

While they could probably decimate a single country, that problem is it's more than one. Worse, if Israel was about to fall, they'd go nuclear right into the capitals of the First World's main energy sources. The results would make the Great Depression look like a slight dip in the stock market.

Please . It's not 1965 . Where was the last time a country tried to invade Isreal ?
really? come on man' don't you watch tv at all? listen to radio? ever hear of skud missiles? non of that eh? hmmmmmmmm. ok, wow.
Israel is the last stronghold against Islam in Near East. If Israel collapses all christian churches will be destroyed and Christianity pushed out from the Holy Land.

Pssssst. Isreal is not a Christian country.

Israel protects our churches and missions. If Israel fail Muslims will kill all Christians and destroy all churches IMMEDIATELY!

You are an ignorant meathaed . Those 3 religions have existed in the ME since forever .

Where are all Christians lived in modern Muslim countries thousand years ago?

It's "always something" because ignorants like you are too stupid to understand what's going on.

And its "always something" because the UN, which is packed with similar idiots Islamic influenced majority, insists on passing one resolution after the other condemning Israel, completely ignoring the true disasters happening elsewhere.
How do you know I don't know whats going? Why would you just assume? Because I don't knee jerk automatically in their favor?
BTW, I wasn't just referring to their current problem with settlements. Its something ALL THE TIME. If its not about land or something, its about money. Or slaves.
Do YOU know whats going on?

With all respect TNHarley

When I see what's going on in the Middle East - beheadings, terrorism the whole enchilada

I will always side with Israel, the one true Democracy in the region.

This is not negotiable for me. When it comes to this issue,I'll always be on Israel's side.
That's fine and I understand that. But they always have something going on with them. I know they are the odd man out, I just don't get why we always have to be involved. Why we have to do everything for them with nothing much in return.
The way I see it, they can take care of themselves. They have the sixth best military in the world and could decimate any country messing with them.
Also, I agree with you on one part. Fuck the UN.

They are not asking anybody to fight for them.

They are big boys :thup: and they can take care of themselves well, thank you very much!;)

All Israel wants is be left alone.....and not to be stabbed in the back.

Bullshit, they want US taxpayer funding and they get it. Endlessly. Bipartisanly.
well that really should tell you something.
I've successfully managed to evade/avoid the whole Israel thing up to now, and that won't change.

From the outside, I only see two reasons for such intense support for Israel: Biblical and because that's what Republicans do.

Neither case seems to be worth the incredible tension and hatred the whole environment creates.
Disagreed here. If a husband constantly beats his wife and, as a supporter of the city council, you seek to fund a Woman's Shelter, are you sticking your nose in other people's business? Is it your fault that the husband beats the wife because you support the wife getting help? No to both IMO.

The problem here is, the "wife" has nukes and if the "husband" looks to succeed in beating her to death, she'll use them. That would fuck up the entire neighborhood.
So you're looking at this as more of a security issue, and I can see that. Let's look at it from the perspective of their enemies, then: If your scenario is right, how are they looking at Israel, knowing they have nukes? Is Israel then nothing more than the neighborhood bully (holy crap, I just stumbled into your analogy), or are they worried about imperialism?
Please . It's not 1965 . Where was the last time a country tried to invade Isreal ?
Please, when was the last time Israel was attacked by foreign forces?

That's the question .
really? you don't know?
Again I think its unwise for us to judge Israel. They suffer thousands of terrorist attacks each year, thousands. If the USA suffered even a fraction of those attacks you know damn well we would bomb the terrorists back to the freaking stone age. If anything Israel has demonstrated incredible patience.
If Israel was full of black or brown folk we'd have bombed them out of existence long ago. And then sent in tax payer funded govt contractors to rebuild so we could bomb again. You know, the normal business cycle over there.

except the fact Israel is full of brown. Perhaps you should blow-up your brain?
1. If you're a religious person, either Christianity or Judaism, then you believe Jews are the "chosen" people - for whatever it's worth.

2. Israel is a Democracy. They're the only democracy in a cesspool from Hell.

3. Isreal is a powerful country. Combine that with democracy and you have a natural ally. Unless of course you're a shit head with a shit head POUS (i.e., Obama), but these people are contrary.

4. Jews are very smart capable people. I wouldn't be surprised if they could kick everybody's ass in war.

5. Israeli women are beautiful and they're fighters. They have larger balls than 90% of our American men.
How do you know I don't know whats going? Why would you just assume? Because I don't knee jerk automatically in their favor?
BTW, I wasn't just referring to their current problem with settlements. Its something ALL THE TIME. If its not about land or something, its about money. Or slaves.
Do YOU know whats going on?

With all respect TNHarley

When I see what's going on in the Middle East - beheadings, terrorism the whole enchilada

I will always side with Israel, the one true Democracy in the region.

This is not negotiable for me. When it comes to this issue,I'll always be on Israel's side.
That's fine and I understand that. But they always have something going on with them. I know they are the odd man out, I just don't get why we always have to be involved. Why we have to do everything for them with nothing much in return.
The way I see it, they can take care of themselves. They have the sixth best military in the world and could decimate any country messing with them.
Also, I agree with you on one part. Fuck the UN.

They are not asking anybody to fight for them.

They are big boys :thup: and they can take care of themselves well, thank you very much!;)

All Israel wants is be left alone.....and not to be stabbed in the back.
Then why do we give them billions every year?

A lot of the aid to Israel is reciprocal and has conditions attached to it, like using the money to buy American weapons etc

It's in the interest of the US to have a true ally in the Middle East despite Obama's pro-Islamic poison rhetoric and any funding given is used to ensure tiny Israel isn't destroyed by all the surrounding enemies of itself and the US.

Instead of hitting the dead horse of Israel constantly, what about stopping all aid to the UN?...... and what about stopping the HUGE cost of defensive nuclear and military help around European and other countries, most of whom may be even enemies of the US. The cost of any Israel aid is a mere drop in the bucket compared to that.
Oh, don't get me wrong.. I am against aid to them as well. We give aid to like 90% of countries on this planet. I'm against most of that too.
Israel gets on my nerves.
Its always something with those guys.

It's "always something" because ignorants like you are too stupid to understand what's going on.

And its "always something" because the UN, which is packed with similar idiots Islamic influenced majority, insists on passing one resolution after the other condemning Israel, completely ignoring the true disasters happening elsewhere.
How do you know I don't know whats going? Why would you just assume? Because I don't knee jerk automatically in their favor?
BTW, I wasn't just referring to their current problem with settlements. Its something ALL THE TIME. If its not about land or something, its about money. Or slaves.
Do YOU know whats going on?
TN, usually you have this shit down. I'm not following your position here. Why do you supposed we need their land? Just saying.
I'm not an interventionist kind of guy. So why we would need their land is moot in my eyes.
That's fine and I understand that. But they always have something going on with them. I know they are the odd man out, I just don't get why we always have to be involved. Why we have to do everything for them with nothing much in return.
The way I see it, they can take care of themselves. They have the sixth best military in the world and could decimate any country messing with them.
Also, I agree with you on one part. Fuck the UN.
What do you mean "they always have something going on with them"? You mean several Arab nations have been constantly attacking them, either directly or indirectly, for over 65 years?

We don't do everything for them.

While they could probably decimate a single country, that problem is it's more than one. Worse, if Israel was about to fall, they'd go nuclear right into the capitals of the First World's main energy sources. The results would make the Great Depression look like a slight dip in the stock market.

Please . It's not 1965 . Where was the last time a country tried to invade Isreal ?
really? come on man' don't you watch tv at all? listen to radio? ever hear of skud missiles? non of that eh? hmmmmmmmm. ok, wow.
Skud? Lol , that was a desperate attempt by a despot with nothing left .

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