Why do we care what happens with Israel?

Israel gets on my nerves.
Its always something with those guys.

It's "always something" because ignorants like you are too stupid to understand what's going on.

And its "always something" because the UN, which is packed with similar idiots Islamic influenced majority, insists on passing one resolution after the other condemning Israel, completely ignoring the true disasters happening elsewhere.
How do you know I don't know whats going? Why would you just assume? Because I don't knee jerk automatically in their favor?
BTW, I wasn't just referring to their current problem with settlements. Its something ALL THE TIME. If its not about land or something, its about money. Or slaves.
Do YOU know whats going on?

With all respect TNHarley

When I see what's going on in the Middle East - beheadings, terrorism the whole enchilada

I will always side with Israel, the one true Democracy in the region.

This is not negotiable for me. When it comes to this issue,I'll always be on Israel's side.
That's fine and I understand that. But they always have something going on with them. I know they are the odd man out, I just don't get why we always have to be involved. Why we have to do everything for them with nothing much in return.
The way I see it, they can take care of themselves. They have the sixth best military in the world and could decimate any country messing with them.
Also, I agree with you on one part. Fuck the UN.
If Israel was full of black or brown folk we'd have bombed them out of existence long ago. And then sent in tax payer funded govt contractors to rebuild so we could bomb again. You know, the normal business cycle over there.
They are the only country in the whole Middle East that has any sort of freedom, and Muslims live for violence and killing. There is no/country the Muslims hate more than Israel... fact
Agreed. They are the ME's only functioning democracy. Turkey (if included as ME) is close, but not quite there.
If Israel was full of black or brown folk we'd have bombed them out of existence long ago. And then sent in tax payer funded govt contractors to rebuild so we could bomb again. You know, the normal business cycle over there.

Does seem to be the pattern. Gotta admit that.
I mean i care about Israel, but i don't obsess over it. I definitely don't think we should do whatever Israel orders. That has gotten out of control. It's a tiny country with way too huge an influence on our Government.

I mean Israel wants war, our Government hops right to it. It does seem like we answer to Israel at this point. Who's actually wearing the pants in this 'Big Satan-Little Satan' relationship?
That's fine and I understand that. But they always have something going on with them. I know they are the odd man out, I just don't get why we always have to be involved. Why we have to do everything for them with nothing much in return.
The way I see it, they can take care of themselves. They have the sixth best military in the world and could decimate any country messing with them.
Also, I agree with you on one part. Fuck the UN.
What do you mean "they always have something going on with them"? You mean several Arab nations have been constantly attacking them, either directly or indirectly, for over 65 years?

We don't do everything for them.

While they could probably decimate a single country, that problem is it's more than one. Worse, if Israel was about to fall, they'd go nuclear right into the capitals of the First World's main energy sources. The results would make the Great Depression look like a slight dip in the stock market.
Israel gets on my nerves.
Its always something with those guys.

It's "always something" because ignorants like you are too stupid to understand what's going on.

And its "always something" because the UN, which is packed with similar idiots Islamic influenced majority, insists on passing one resolution after the other condemning Israel, completely ignoring the true disasters happening elsewhere.
How do you know I don't know whats going? Why would you just assume? Because I don't knee jerk automatically in their favor?
BTW, I wasn't just referring to their current problem with settlements. Its something ALL THE TIME. If its not about land or something, its about money. Or slaves.
Do YOU know whats going on?

With all respect TNHarley

When I see what's going on in the Middle East - beheadings, terrorism the whole enchilada

I will always side with Israel, the one true Democracy in the region.

This is not negotiable for me. When it comes to this issue,I'll always be on Israel's side.
That's fine and I understand that. But they always have something going on with them. I know they are the odd man out, I just don't get why we always have to be involved. Why we have to do everything for them with nothing much in return.
The way I see it, they can take care of themselves. They have the sixth best military in the world and could decimate any country messing with them.
Also, I agree with you on one part. Fuck the UN.

They are not asking anybody to fight for them.

They are big boys :thup: and they can take care of themselves well, thank you very much!;)

All Israel wants is be left alone.....and not to be stabbed in the back.
Israel gets on my nerves.
Its always something with those guys.

It's "always something" because ignorants like you are too stupid to understand what's going on.

And its "always something" because the UN, which is packed with similar idiots Islamic influenced majority, insists on passing one resolution after the other condemning Israel, completely ignoring the true disasters happening elsewhere.
How do you know I don't know whats going? Why would you just assume? Because I don't knee jerk automatically in their favor?
BTW, I wasn't just referring to their current problem with settlements. Its something ALL THE TIME. If its not about land or something, its about money. Or slaves.
Do YOU know whats going on?

With all respect TNHarley

When I see what's going on in the Middle East - beheadings, terrorism the whole enchilada

I will always side with Israel, the one true Democracy in the region.

This is not negotiable for me. When it comes to this issue,I'll always be on Israel's side.

Israel is an apartheid state . Enough of this "freedom " bullflop.

They are an ally , but that doesn't mean we have to side wh every stupid thing they do .

What benefit do we get Israel ? It's like that friend you always have to bail out of trouble . What happened to "America first" ?

I like Isreal, but building those settlements is instigating trouble .
That's fine and I understand that. But they always have something going on with them. I know they are the odd man out, I just don't get why we always have to be involved. Why we have to do everything for them with nothing much in return.
The way I see it, they can take care of themselves. They have the sixth best military in the world and could decimate any country messing with them.
Also, I agree with you on one part. Fuck the UN.
What do you mean "they always have something going on with them"? You mean several Arab nations have been constantly attacking them, either directly or indirectly, for over 65 years?

We don't do everything for them.

While they could probably decimate a single country, that problem is it's more than one. Worse, if Israel was about to fall, they'd go nuclear right into the capitals of the First World's main energy sources. The results would make the Great Depression look like a slight dip in the stock market.

Please . It's not 1965 . Where was the last time a country tried to invade Isreal ?
Israel gets on my nerves.
Its always something with those guys.

It's "always something" because ignorants like you are too stupid to understand what's going on.

And its "always something" because the UN, which is packed with similar idiots Islamic influenced majority, insists on passing one resolution after the other condemning Israel, completely ignoring the true disasters happening elsewhere.
How do you know I don't know whats going? Why would you just assume? Because I don't knee jerk automatically in their favor?
BTW, I wasn't just referring to their current problem with settlements. Its something ALL THE TIME. If its not about land or something, its about money. Or slaves.
Do YOU know whats going on?

With all respect TNHarley

When I see what's going on in the Middle East - beheadings, terrorism the whole enchilada

I will always side with Israel, the one true Democracy in the region.

This is not negotiable for me. When it comes to this issue,I'll always be on Israel's side.

Israel is an apartheid state . Enough of this "freedom " bullflop.

They are an ally , but that doesn't mean we have to side wh every stupid thing they do .

What benefit do we get Israel ? It's like that friend you always have to bail out of trouble . What happened to "America first" ?

I like Isreal, but building those settlements is instigating trouble .
Its there country. Why do you lefties always sound like pussies?
Israel gets on my nerves.
Its always something with those guys.

It's "always something" because ignorants like you are too stupid to understand what's going on.

And its "always something" because the UN, which is packed with similar idiots Islamic influenced majority, insists on passing one resolution after the other condemning Israel, completely ignoring the true disasters happening elsewhere.
How do you know I don't know whats going? Why would you just assume? Because I don't knee jerk automatically in their favor?
BTW, I wasn't just referring to their current problem with settlements. Its something ALL THE TIME. If its not about land or something, its about money. Or slaves.
Do YOU know whats going on?

With all respect TNHarley

When I see what's going on in the Middle East - beheadings, terrorism the whole enchilada

I will always side with Israel, the one true Democracy in the region.

This is not negotiable for me. When it comes to this issue,I'll always be on Israel's side.
That's fine and I understand that. But they always have something going on with them. I know they are the odd man out, I just don't get why we always have to be involved. Why we have to do everything for them with nothing much in return.
The way I see it, they can take care of themselves. They have the sixth best military in the world and could decimate any country messing with them.
Also, I agree with you on one part. Fuck the UN.

They are not asking anybody to fight for them.

They are big boys :thup: and they can take care of themselves well, thank you very much!;)

All Israel wants is be left alone.....and not to be stabbed in the back.

Bullshit, they want US taxpayer funding and they get it. Endlessly. Bipartisanly.
Israel gets on my nerves.
Its always something with those guys.

It's "always something" because ignorants like you are too stupid to understand what's going on.

And its "always something" because the UN, which is packed with similar idiots Islamic influenced majority, insists on passing one resolution after the other condemning Israel, completely ignoring the true disasters happening elsewhere.
How do you know I don't know whats going? Why would you just assume? Because I don't knee jerk automatically in their favor?
BTW, I wasn't just referring to their current problem with settlements. Its something ALL THE TIME. If its not about land or something, its about money. Or slaves.
Do YOU know whats going on?

With all respect TNHarley

When I see what's going on in the Middle East - beheadings, terrorism the whole enchilada

I will always side with Israel, the one true Democracy in the region.

This is not negotiable for me. When it comes to this issue,I'll always be on Israel's side.

Israel is an apartheid state . Enough of this "freedom " bullflop.

They are an ally , but that doesn't mean we have to side wh every stupid thing they do .

What benefit do we get Israel ? It's like that friend you always have to bail out of trouble . What happened to "America first" ?

I like Isreal, but building those settlements is instigating trouble .

I have to agree somewhat. I mean the 'Democracy' meme is played up way too much. We have a long history of supporting horrific despotic nations in the Middle East. We're still doing it. I just don't how it happened that most Americans came to feel compelled to defend and support everything Israel does. I mean they do it so blindly and dutifully.

But I as an American, am not obligated to cheerlead for Israel 24/7-365. In my opinion, it's a tiny nation that's been given way too much power and influence over our Government. I know the usual suspects will quickly label me an 'Anti-Semite', but i actually have nothing against the Jewish People. I just don't feel any foreign nation should have so much control over our Government.
That's fine and I understand that. But they always have something going on with them. I know they are the odd man out, I just don't get why we always have to be involved. Why we have to do everything for them with nothing much in return.
The way I see it, they can take care of themselves. They have the sixth best military in the world and could decimate any country messing with them.
Also, I agree with you on one part. Fuck the UN.
What do you mean "they always have something going on with them"? You mean several Arab nations have been constantly attacking them, either directly or indirectly, for over 65 years?

We don't do everything for them.

While they could probably decimate a single country, that problem is it's more than one. Worse, if Israel was about to fall, they'd go nuclear right into the capitals of the First World's main energy sources. The results would make the Great Depression look like a slight dip in the stock market.
Israel seems to always need something or something is going on. I will say it would probably help if they could take care of their own shit without globalists acting like they know whats best for the world. But that's a whole other conversation lol
Israel gets on my nerves.
Its always something with those guys.

It's "always something" because ignorants like you are too stupid to understand what's going on.

And its "always something" because the UN, which is packed with similar idiots Islamic influenced majority, insists on passing one resolution after the other condemning Israel, completely ignoring the true disasters happening elsewhere.
How do you know I don't know whats going? Why would you just assume? Because I don't knee jerk automatically in their favor?
BTW, I wasn't just referring to their current problem with settlements. Its something ALL THE TIME. If its not about land or something, its about money. Or slaves.
Do YOU know whats going on?

With all respect TNHarley

When I see what's going on in the Middle East - beheadings, terrorism the whole enchilada

I will always side with Israel, the one true Democracy in the region.

This is not negotiable for me. When it comes to this issue,I'll always be on Israel's side.

Israel is an apartheid state . Enough of this "freedom " bullflop.

They are an ally , but that doesn't mean we have to side wh every stupid thing they do .

What benefit do we get Israel ? It's like that friend you always have to bail out of trouble . What happened to "America first" ?

I like Isreal, but building those settlements is instigating trouble .
Its there country. Why do you lefties always sound like pussies?

Iraq is its own country . Afghan is its own country . Syria is its own country.

But the right wants us all in their business .
Israel gets on my nerves.
Its always something with those guys.

It's "always something" because ignorants like you are too stupid to understand what's going on.

And its "always something" because the UN, which is packed with similar idiots Islamic influenced majority, insists on passing one resolution after the other condemning Israel, completely ignoring the true disasters happening elsewhere.
How do you know I don't know whats going? Why would you just assume? Because I don't knee jerk automatically in their favor?
BTW, I wasn't just referring to their current problem with settlements. Its something ALL THE TIME. If its not about land or something, its about money. Or slaves.
Do YOU know whats going on?

With all respect TNHarley

When I see what's going on in the Middle East - beheadings, terrorism the whole enchilada

I will always side with Israel, the one true Democracy in the region.

This is not negotiable for me. When it comes to this issue,I'll always be on Israel's side.
That's fine and I understand that. But they always have something going on with them. I know they are the odd man out, I just don't get why we always have to be involved. Why we have to do everything for them with nothing much in return.
The way I see it, they can take care of themselves. They have the sixth best military in the world and could decimate any country messing with them.
Also, I agree with you on one part. Fuck the UN.

They are not asking anybody to fight for them.

They are big boys :thup: and they can take care of themselves well, thank you very much!;)

All Israel wants is be left alone.....and not to be stabbed in the back.
Then why do we give them billions every year?
It's "always something" because ignorants like you are too stupid to understand what's going on.

And its "always something" because the UN, which is packed with similar idiots Islamic influenced majority, insists on passing one resolution after the other condemning Israel, completely ignoring the true disasters happening elsewhere.
How do you know I don't know whats going? Why would you just assume? Because I don't knee jerk automatically in their favor?
BTW, I wasn't just referring to their current problem with settlements. Its something ALL THE TIME. If its not about land or something, its about money. Or slaves.
Do YOU know whats going on?

With all respect TNHarley

When I see what's going on in the Middle East - beheadings, terrorism the whole enchilada

I will always side with Israel, the one true Democracy in the region.

This is not negotiable for me. When it comes to this issue,I'll always be on Israel's side.

Israel is an apartheid state . Enough of this "freedom " bullflop.

They are an ally , but that doesn't mean we have to side wh every stupid thing they do .

What benefit do we get Israel ? It's like that friend you always have to bail out of trouble . What happened to "America first" ?

I like Isreal, but building those settlements is instigating trouble .
Its there country. Why do you lefties always sound like pussies?

Iraq is its own country . Afghan is its own country . Syria is its own country.

But the right wants us all in their business .
Dude, shut the hell up. The left likes to start wars probably more so than the left. Would you like to go over the wars of the last 100 years and see who has been more aggressive?
Fucking Obama has bombed like 10 countries.
Yup...give em billions of dollars of OUR money and that's OK. Its for a good cause...cough wheez

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