Why do we care what happens with Israel?

If Israel was full of black or brown folk we'd have bombed them out of existence long ago. And then sent in tax payer funded govt contractors to rebuild so we could bomb again. You know, the normal business cycle over there.
They are the only country in the whole Middle East that has any sort of freedom, and Muslims live for violence and killing. There is no/country the Muslims hate more than Israel... fact

How is that any of our concern?
Because the Palestinians are nothing but terrorists...

Not my concern. And no more so than Israel's own terrorists who we fund.
The Muslims/Palestinians terrorists always start the fights, but Israel always ends the fights...
Agreed. Note that the major groups who hate Israelis and want the US to cut off all relations are the far Left socialists/ pro-Palestinian terrorists and the far Right antisemitic White Supremacists.
That's fine and I understand that. But they always have something going on with them. I know they are the odd man out, I just don't get why we always have to be involved. Why we have to do everything for them with nothing much in return.
The way I see it, they can take care of themselves. They have the sixth best military in the world and could decimate any country messing with them.
Also, I agree with you on one part. Fuck the UN.
What do you mean "they always have something going on with them"? You mean several Arab nations have been constantly attacking them, either directly or indirectly, for over 65 years?

We don't do everything for them.

While they could probably decimate a single country, that problem is it's more than one. Worse, if Israel was about to fall, they'd go nuclear right into the capitals of the First World's main energy sources. The results would make the Great Depression look like a slight dip in the stock market.

Please . It's not 1965 . Where was the last time a country tried to invade Isreal ?
Don't you read anything, Israel's enemies want to drive them into the sea, that is their sole goal in life… Fact

Dude . It's not 1964!!! None of them have plans to fuck wh Isreal anymore .

After the nuke disaster deal with iran, their fucking general said the deal wont stop the destruction of Israel.
How many countries fund terrorism against Israel?
Goddamn you are ignorant.

And Isreal does the same with them. Are you that naive ???

Why would Iran fuck with Isreal ? Why aren't they at war right now ?
What do you mean "they always have something going on with them"? You mean several Arab nations have been constantly attacking them, either directly or indirectly, for over 65 years?

We don't do everything for them.

While they could probably decimate a single country, that problem is it's more than one. Worse, if Israel was about to fall, they'd go nuclear right into the capitals of the First World's main energy sources. The results would make the Great Depression look like a slight dip in the stock market.

Please . It's not 1965 . Where was the last time a country tried to invade Isreal ?
Don't you read anything, Israel's enemies want to drive them into the sea, that is their sole goal in life… Fact

Dude . It's not 1964!!! None of them have plans to fuck wh Isreal anymore .

After the nuke disaster deal with iran, their fucking general said the deal wont stop the destruction of Israel.
How many countries fund terrorism against Israel?
Goddamn you are ignorant.

And Isreal does the same with them. Are you that naive ???

Why would Iran fuck with Isreal ? Why aren't they at war right now ?
If Israel was full of black or brown folk we'd have bombed them out of existence long ago. And then sent in tax payer funded govt contractors to rebuild so we could bomb again. You know, the normal business cycle over there.
They are the only country in the whole Middle East that has any sort of freedom, and Muslims live for violence and killing. There is no/country the Muslims hate more than Israel... fact
Actually, that is not a fact. Try again.

For example, Pakistan hates India more than any other country.

And I don't think Indonesia hates anyone. They might be a little miffed at Australia, but that's about it.
Israel is the last stronghold against Islam in Near East. If Israel collapses all christian churches will be destroyed and Christianity pushed out from the Holy Land.
If Israel was full of black or brown folk we'd have bombed them out of existence long ago. And then sent in tax payer funded govt contractors to rebuild so we could bomb again. You know, the normal business cycle over there.
They are the only country in the whole Middle East that has any sort of freedom, and Muslims live for violence and killing. There is no/country the Muslims hate more than Israel... fact

Here's ya some damn facts pud:

Israel is a small country of 8 million people, only 6 million of them Jews, and its annual gross domestic product, at around $300 billion, is similar to that of Denmark and Ireland (both less populous countries, so Israel is poorer than they per capita). Nobody much really cares in world affairs if Denmark gets in a snit about something, though to be fair the Danes haven’t really gotten in many snits in recent centuries.

I suppose center-right Danish PM Lars Løkke Rasmussen is capable of making noise about issues he cares about, but I haven’t ever even once seen him on American television.

One difference between Denmark and Israel is that the US Israel lobbies have extorted from the American people something on the order of $124 billion in aid for Israel, and President Barack Obama just authorized another $38 bn for Tel Aviv over the next ten years. Israel thus has an enormous military arsenal and a stockpile of several hundred nuclear warheads. The figures do not count all the indirect ways the US aids the Israeli economy. Although the Israel lobbies maintain that the US gets security help from Israel in the Middle East in return, actually Israel has sat out the Gulf War, the Iraq War, the Afghanistan War, the recent struggle against Daesh/ ISIL in Syria and Iraq, etc., etc. It is only fair to say that the US would not have wanted Israeli participation, because its reputation is so poisonous in the region that such participation would do more harm than good. But nevertheless, if Israel couldn’t help in any of these crises, it isn’t actually very useful. Worse, Israel’s often creepy policies against the stateless Palestinians cause security problems for the United States.

Israeli Ministers Throw Trump-Like Tantrums After U.N. Security Council Slam
Denmark is surrounded by enemies plotting its destruction, is it?

Apples and oranges. Always a tasty treat for the non-critical thinker.
If Israel was full of black or brown folk we'd have bombed them out of existence long ago. And then sent in tax payer funded govt contractors to rebuild so we could bomb again. You know, the normal business cycle over there.
They are the only country in the whole Middle East that has any sort of freedom, and Muslims live for violence and killing. There is no/country the Muslims hate more than Israel... fact

How is that any of our concern?
September 11, 1683 Was the Peak of the Last Jihad

Israel is our shield. It was originally established as a decoy for the inevitable next Muslim jihad after the Turkish one ended with its defeat in World War I.
Israel is the last stronghold against Islam in Near East. If Israel collapses all christian churches will be destroyed and Christianity pushed out from the Holy Land.

Pssssst. Isreal is not a Christian country.
I've successfully managed to evade/avoid the whole Israel thing up to now, and that won't change.

From the outside, I only see two reasons for such intense support for Israel: Biblical and because that's what Republicans do.

Neither case seems to be worth the incredible tension and hatred the whole environment creates.
It's not ancient hatred . It's pretty new . Started after the eruos got rid of their Jews by sending them to the ME .
Ahhh, now I remember you. You're the racist who keeps pushing the lie that most Israelis are European/Russian immigrants. 75% of Israelis are native-borne. IIRC, about 20% are Muslim.

However, I can see you really want to believe your fantasy in order to continue your antisemitism. You should hook up with the Aryan Assholes or Christian Identity groups. They hate fucking Jews too. You'd fit right in.
Israel is the last stronghold against Islam in Near East. If Israel collapses all christian churches will be destroyed and Christianity pushed out from the Holy Land.

Pssssst. Isreal is not a Christian country.

Israel protects our churches and missions. If Israel fail Muslims will kill all Christians and destroy all churches IMMEDIATELY!
They are the only country in the whole Middle East that has any sort of freedom, and Muslims live for violence and killing. There is no/country the Muslims hate more than Israel... fact

How is that any of our concern?
Because the Palestinians are nothing but terrorists...

Not my concern. And no more so than Israel's own terrorists who we fund.
The Muslims/Palestinians terrorists always start the fights, but Israel always ends the fights...
Agreed. Note that the major groups who hate Israelis and want the US to cut off all relations are the far Left socialists/ pro-Palestinian terrorists and the far Right antisemitic White Supremacists.
I've successfully managed to evade/avoid the whole Israel thing up to now, and that won't change.

From the outside, I only see two reasons for such intense support for Israel: Biblical and because that's what Republicans do.

Neither case seems to be worth the incredible tension and hatred the whole environment creates.
Disagreed here. If a husband constantly beats his wife and, as a supporter of the city council, you seek to fund a Woman's Shelter, are you sticking your nose in other people's business? Is it your fault that the husband beats the wife because you support the wife getting help? No to both IMO.

The problem here is, the "wife" has nukes and if the "husband" looks to succeed in beating her to death, she'll use them. That would fuck up the entire neighborhood.
I've noticed that the world wide left seems to want to stick its nose in Israel's business on almost every single issue in the world. There are plenty of countries that have pretty bloody conflicts that the left doesn't seem to care about and everytime they 'intervene' to end the conflict they end up undermining Israel. Now if I secretly hated Jews and wanted them to be harmed I would not just come out and say lets fuck Israel over. I would say something like we need to end the fighting everytime Israel gets the upperhand so that they can never win at anything. It sounds really good and gives you some kind of plausible deniability on the issue.

The world is being conquered by Islam, or at least, factions within Islam. How many they are and how powerful they have become is speculative.

Just know that Israel is their #1 target. They are surrounded and should not really be there to begin with because they are outmanned and outgunned.

Israel is a type of Great Britain. Once she falls, watch out!
It's not ancient hatred . It's pretty new . Started after the eruos got rid of their Jews by sending them to the ME .
Ahhh, now I remember you. You're the racist who keeps pushing the lie that most Israelis are European/Russian immigrants. 75% of Israelis are native-borne. IIRC, about 20% are Muslim.

However, I can see you really want to believe your fantasy in order to continue your antisemitism. You should hook up with the Aryan Assholes or Christian Identity groups. They hate fucking Jews too. You'd fit right in.

I'm talking about Israels creation . Of course are native nowadays .

I don't hate the Jews . I see Isreal as a country . I would defend them if invaded . That doesn't mean I turn a blind eye to shady shit they do with the palistine . Doesn't mean I'm cool wh them causing trouble when things are calm over there .

The only reason right wingers back Isreal is just to use them as a proxy for their Muslim hatred .
The USA has been fighting a proxy war using Israel against Iran and other terrorist scum in that region that's why. Now that we see Obama's stupid plan of trying be friends with these animals has failed I predict our relationship with Israel under the Trump administration will be stronger than ever.
It's "always something" because ignorants like you are too stupid to understand what's going on.

And its "always something" because the UN, which is packed with similar idiots Islamic influenced majority, insists on passing one resolution after the other condemning Israel, completely ignoring the true disasters happening elsewhere.
How do you know I don't know whats going? Why would you just assume? Because I don't knee jerk automatically in their favor?
BTW, I wasn't just referring to their current problem with settlements. Its something ALL THE TIME. If its not about land or something, its about money. Or slaves.
Do YOU know whats going on?

With all respect TNHarley

When I see what's going on in the Middle East - beheadings, terrorism the whole enchilada

I will always side with Israel, the one true Democracy in the region.

This is not negotiable for me. When it comes to this issue,I'll always be on Israel's side.
That's fine and I understand that. But they always have something going on with them. I know they are the odd man out, I just don't get why we always have to be involved. Why we have to do everything for them with nothing much in return.
The way I see it, they can take care of themselves. They have the sixth best military in the world and could decimate any country messing with them.
Also, I agree with you on one part. Fuck the UN.

They are not asking anybody to fight for them.

They are big boys :thup: and they can take care of themselves well, thank you very much!;)

All Israel wants is be left alone.....and not to be stabbed in the back.
Then why do we give them billions every year?

A lot of the aid to Israel is reciprocal and has conditions attached to it, like using the money to buy American weapons etc

It's in the interest of the US to have a true ally in the Middle East despite Obama's pro-Islamic poison rhetoric and any funding given is used to ensure tiny Israel isn't destroyed by all the surrounding enemies of itself and the US.

Instead of hitting the dead horse of Israel constantly, what about stopping all aid to the UN?...... and what about stopping the HUGE cost of defensive nuclear and military help around European and other countries, most of whom may be even enemies of the US. The cost of any Israel aid is a mere drop in the bucket compared to that.
Israel is the last stronghold against Islam in Near East. If Israel collapses all christian churches will be destroyed and Christianity pushed out from the Holy Land.

Pssssst. Isreal is not a Christian country.

Israel protects our churches and missions. If Israel fail Muslims will kill all Christians and destroy all churches IMMEDIATELY!

You are an ignorant meathaed . Those 3 religions have existed in the ME since forever .

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