Why Do We Have To Take Care Of All Of These Illegals?? Aren't They Supposed To Take Care Of Themselves When They Choose To Come Here?

Not true.
I knew these people, worked with them, drove them to places they had to go until the grownups could get licensed and buy a car. I can assure you they spoke no English other than maybe a half dozen English words when they arrived at the Amarillo airport where we picked them up. Within six months they learned enough English to communicate in things it was important to do so and carry on a somewhat limited conversation with English speakers. Within a year they were as fluent in English as any American. Amazing people.
Decades ago, I was business manager at my church who took in a family of Cuban immigrants--the father was a former Castro political prisoner tortured and maimed by that regime. They spoke no English. In those days, new immigrants had to be independently wealthy or have a guaranteed job or other source of income that would support them or American sponsors who agreed to be responsible for them.

As sponsors of the family the church was required to provide or make sure they had shelter and other material needs and help them assimilate into American culture.

The father, a former school teacher, was hired as the church janitor until he was fluent enough in English to be certified as a teacher, his former profession in Cuba. Between the Pastor's French and my Santa Fe 'spanglish' and a Spanish/English translation book, we were able to communicate sufficiently as he rapidly learned the language. The wife and children were also being tutored and mentored by a Mexican family who frustrated the Cubans somewhat in that they spoke so differently and slowly. (Cubans speak pure Castillian Spanish very rapidly.) But we got it done.

Eventually the father was able to be certified as a teacher in a Texas community. The mother also found employment, the children grew up, graduated college with honors, and went on to successful lives including at one time helping other new immigrants to assimilate.

These people are what immigration is supposed to be. The family became Americans and a credit and benefit to all communities they were part of. And none of that cost the U.S. government/tax payers a dime other than processing them into the country and swearing them in as citizens when they were ready.
The people that are coming now are just looking for handouts.
Half of what they earn here will be sent back to drug cartels and family members in their home towns.
I knew these people, worked with them, drove them to places they had to go until the grownups could get licensed and buy a car. I can assure you they spoke no English other than maybe a half dozen English words.....
I can assure you that you are wrong.
You're a dumbass! I wasn't talking about minimum wage. That wasn't the point I was making. The point is you fuckers making a big damn deal about this mythical border crisis that you manufactured out of thin air.

So they come into the country as undocumented workers or just people seeking asylum. So what! Big fucking deal! How does that affect my daily life?
When I was living in California during the 70s and 80s illegals drove down wages.
I had to join the military to find a job that would pay my bills.
I couldn't find a job that paid over $4/hr until I got into Civil Service.
Back then illegals were trickling in.
Now they're flooding the border and taking up all of the resources.
Soon many of them will start rioting because their checks stopped coming and they got kicked out of their 4 star hotels.
In the short term Democrats are using them to steal elections.
In the last election it was discovered that half a million of them voted without getting their citizenship.
Democrats and their Republican friends are picking our candidates for us and rendering your vote meaningless.
This is the destruction of Democracy that Democrats have been whining about.....but they're doing themselves.
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New York is crying about this horrible humanitarian-crisis that they've created.

They're struggling to take care of all of their new voters. They've run out of money and places to put them.
Many of them are living on the streets.
The media is calling for President Biden to declare a humanitarian-disaster. He of course lied and said that he had already done that.

No he didn't.

Excuse me if I'm mistaken, but when did it become a necessity to take care of people who come to the United States?
All of the other crap that this administration is doing is just a distraction from the massive damage that Biden's open borders policies are causing.
Several years ago the costs for taking care of illegals was $132 billion/yr.
I can only imagine what this criminal operation (human-trafficking operation) is costing us.
Not to mention the fact that it is becoming so disorganized that it's causing extreme hardship for these poor sanctuary cities that voted for this mess.

How would you like to see them take care of themselves?
The people that are coming now are just looking for handouts.
Half of what they earn here will be sent back to drug cartels and family members in their home towns.
I don't know that it's half but a lot of it will be. Nothing whatsoever is required of these millions Biden is allowing in other than most are assigned a far distant court date that most will not keep. Then they are turned loose or transported to other places in the country where they sometimes have a phone furnished presumably to use to contact immigration. Many receive some travel cash but they are provided free transportation, their children get free education, they are pretty safe from deportation unless they commit some terrible crime and are caught, they're eligible for subsidized housing and some woke blue states and cities are giving them the right to vote or trying to.

Those illegals are not only not required to have sponsors or means to support themselves but they are costing U.S. taxpayers mega billions every year not counting those that join up with vicious gangs, rob, steal, vandalize, destroy livestock and property, and commit assault, rape, murder etc. plus rampant sex, child, drug trafficking at great human cost in suffering. It is no doubt a fairly small percentage of the total committing serious crime, but since these people aren't vetted there is no way to know.

Their responsibility? Nada.
Despite what those hucksters trying to sell you online programs will say, one does NOT become "fluent" in another language in one year.
To fully academically master a language it usually takes even native speakers up to 30 years. But to become fluent enough to qualify as 'fluent' takes a dedicated student 6 months to a year to achieve what is considered professional fluency.

Within a year most people would never identify Juan as an immigrant to hear him speak. He had the most slight Spanish accent and could carry on a conversation with anybody.

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