Why Do We Have To Take Care Of All Of These Illegals?? Aren't They Supposed To Take Care Of Themselves When They Choose To Come Here?

I don’t think they can legally work.
They aren't working. There is no work and won't be any work unless the illegals start killing the illegals working for their jobs.

So far two states, New York and Massachusetts are asking people to quarter and support these criminal invaders in private homes. Just asking, for now.
Thanks for the stupid and irrelevant response, Dildo_Really.
Are you afraid of people making minimum wage? Let me tell you something, asshole, this border thing is a made up bullshit issue by the right to take attention away from the fact that Republicans have nothing to offer this country that anyone would vote for.
Are you afraid of people making minimum wage? Let me tell you something, asshole, this border thing is a made up bullshit issue by the right to take attention away from the fact that Republicans have nothing to offer this country that anyone would vote for.
Why do you quote me when you're obviously arguing with your own straw men, Dildo?
You’re blabbering on about minimum wage when no except you was even talking about it. Does it hurt to be so stupid?
You're a dumbass! I wasn't talking about minimum wage. That wasn't the point I was making. The point is you fuckers making a big damn deal about this mythical border crisis that you manufactured out of thin air.

So they come into the country as undocumented workers or just people seeking asylum. So what! Big fucking deal! How does that affect my daily life?
You're a dumbass! I wasn't talking about minimum wage. That wasn't the point I was making. The point is you fuckers making a big damn deal about this mythical border crisis that you manufactured out of thin air.

So they come into the country as undocumented workers or just people seeking asylum. So what! Big fucking deal! How does that affect my daily life?

Let them walk into your HOME without you having invited them, eat your food, sleep in your bed, drive off in your car and have their way with the females and then let's talk.

That wasn't my point. Adults in the room, argue the point. Boys and girls in the room, make up the point they want to respond to. You are the latter!
You can neither follow a conversation nor make a coherent point, dildo. You’ve made that bed, now you sleep in it.
You're a dumbass! I wasn't talking about minimum wage. That wasn't the point I was making. The point is you fuckers making a big damn deal about this mythical border crisis that you manufactured out of thin air.

So they come into the country as undocumented workers or just people seeking asylum. So what! Big fucking deal! How does that affect my daily life?

So they come into the country as undocumented workers or just people seeking asylum. So what! Big fucking deal! How does that affect my daily life?

Depends. Are they coming to your town?
When my Euro relatives (1700s on my Mother side and 1800s on by Dad's side) came to the US they had to make it on their own. There was no damn welfare. No food stamps, health care or Obamaphones. .....

Did you really think cell phones existed then, genius?

Food assistance programs existed through churches and other charitable organizations.

The poor often paid for medical care "in kind," over time, or when one's estate was settled.

And guess what? Illegal immigrants do NOT qualify for most federal aid.

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