Why Do We Have To Take Care Of All Of These Illegals?? Aren't They Supposed To Take Care Of Themselves When They Choose To Come Here?

I'm sure you believe all that but I will need some pretty direct evidence to go that far with it. Do I think there is a Satanic element in a political movement that rejects so many basic American values, traditions, common sense ethics and mores and replaces them with the kind of decadence and wrong headedness that Patriots rail against? Yes I do.

But we have to be careful here and not go too far out in left field lest we lose the critical thinkers and common sense people that will have to turn it all around.
Despite what those hucksters trying to sell you online programs will say, one does NOT become "fluent" in another language in one year.
You’re wrong. I grew up in an immigrant neighborhood and saw it happen over and over again. Classmates that didn't speak English having a fellow Chinese or Spanish speaker sitting beside them coaching them. In a semester they could function, in a year they spoke fluent, but accented English.
Fucking idiot.

You’re wrong. I grew up in an immigrant neighborhood and saw it happen over and over again. Classmates that didn't speak English having a fellow Chinese or Spanish speaker sitting beside them coaching them. In a semester they could function, in a year they spoke fluent, but accented English.

You were mistaken about the level of proficiency they were really starting from, are defining "fluency" in a uselessly broad way, or are flat-out lying.

Really starting from scratch with a new language, to a level of proficiency applicable for competent, advanced level academic use takes about seven years. When one begins a new language after the Critical Period, truly mastering that language will be a life-long pursuit for all intents and purposes.
New York is crying about this horrible humanitarian-crisis that they've created.

They're struggling to take care of all of their new voters. They've run out of money and places to put them.
Many of them are living on the streets.
The media is calling for President Biden to declare a humanitarian-disaster. He of course lied and said that he had already done that.

No he didn't.

Excuse me if I'm mistaken, but when did it become a necessity to take care of people who come to the United States?
All of the other crap that this administration is doing is just a distraction from the massive damage that Biden's open borders policies are causing.
Several years ago the costs for taking care of illegals was $132 billion/yr.
I can only imagine what this criminal operation (human-trafficking operation) is costing us.
Not to mention the fact that it is becoming so disorganized that it's causing extreme hardship for these poor sanctuary cities that voted for this mess.

Great, border crossings "are down".

What are they gonna do with all the illegals who have already crossed and are now HERE?
It's what a Christian nation does.

What you really mean by that is: OTHER people will house them, feed them, educate them, take care of their healthcare, and foot the bill. Right?

Otherwise, tell us what YOU HAVE DONE and DO to house, feed, educate, tend, and care for ILLEGAL aliens.
My tax money is my own money.

I know you're lost or trolling so this isn't for you, but rather for anyone reasonable still here (which is a slim chance, I know).

Let's look at illegals in the public schools, shall we?

On one hand, we have ancestors of those we brought here, from Africa, centuries ago, not of their own volition. Sadly, many of the ancestors are still socioeconomically disadvantaged.

In these same schools we want to shoehorn more children whose parents came to our nation ILLEGALLY. They were not brought here against their will and oppressed. They came KNOWING they were breaking the law.

Since this is not Utopia, the second group necessarily takes from the first, most especially because they:

1. Don't speak the language and
2. Will require exponentially more school services, which they will get for "free"

This poster wants to Virtue Signal to the extreme by saying "This is what Christians do". Yeah, yeah, that sounds wonderful. But it's like saying "I have enough food to feed one extra person for dinner", and then having five more people break down your door and demanding to be fed too. Okay, that means everyone gets half a hot dog or whatever. How is that "Christian charity"?

(Now that poster will shame me, I'm 'not nice' for pointing out REALITY. Whatever.)
You mean "let's imagine," since you don't know who that is.

Are we going to pretend that the millions of children whose parents broke in illegally or, exponentially worse, got trafficked here, magically don't end up in the public schools, taking finite resources from children whose parents pay taxes?

Give me a break.

In these same schools we want to shoehorn more children whose parents came to our nation ILLEGALLY. They were not brought here against their will and oppressed. They came KNOWING they were breaking the law.

The children were not brought here against their will? The (large majority) of ELLs in public schools who are US CITIZENS BORN IN THIS COUNTRY didn't come here "against their will"? Did you exercise a lot of "will" when you were born?
The children were not brought here against their will? The (large majority) of ELLs in public schools who are US CITIZENS BORN IN THIS COUNTRY didn't come here "against their will"? Did you exercise a lot of "will" when you were born?

Is it fair to take already scant resources from families who we basically trafficked and oppressed generations ago, to give to families who BROKE INTO our nation, knowingly, and illegally?
Are we going to pretend that the millions of children whose parents broke in illegally or, exponentially worse, got trafficked here, magically don't end up in the public schools, taking finite resources from children whose parents pay taxes?

Give me a break.

Are you going to pretend you know the immigration status of every (or any) student in public school? Give me a break.
How about for sure as hell not having the attitude of a teacher?

Yes, I know. I'm supposed to say, yes, I see all these scant, finite resources, and endorse half the world breaking through our southern border illegally, so said resources do even less.

Stupidity, rank.

(BTW, not that I give a crap what you think, because I do not. But I spend my own time and my own money in programs locally that feed mostly illegal immigrant families. I can feed poor people and at the same time, oppose the reasons they are poor--as in, you can help the drug addicted while speaking out against drug addiction. But of course, simple thinkers cannot make this work in their head. I know.)
Are you going to pretend you know the immigration status of every (or any) student in public school? Give me a break.

No, but I will return the favor of downvoting your every post like you have done mine for a long time, like a petulant child. Report me?
Is it fair to take already scant resources from families who we basically trafficked and oppressed generations ago, to give to families who BROKE INTO our nation, knowingly, and illegally?
Now it's "families," not students? How does your suspicious and resentful attitude manifest against any students you come across who you imagine to have an accent? Do you pull them aside and lecture the students who came here or were born here AGAINST THEIR WILL that they don't deserve an education? Is that your piss poor attitude as a teacher?

What a fucking inspiration.

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