Why Do We Have To Take Care Of All Of These Illegals?? Aren't They Supposed To Take Care Of Themselves When They Choose To Come Here?

Now it's "families," not students? How does your suspicious and resentful attitude manifest against any students you come across who you imagine to have an accent? Do you pull them aside and lecture the students who came here or were born here AGAINST THEIR WILL that they don't deserve an education? Is that your piss poor attitude as a teacher?

What a fucking inspiration.

I'm going to faint with offense at you endorsing drug addiction, since you probably have students whose parents are drug addicted. That's what you're saying, right? To be professional and compassionate toward students, one must endorse all the sins of their parents.

Wow. This is going to get interesting really fast.
What you really mean by that is: OTHER people will house them, feed them, educate them, take care of their healthcare, and foot the bill. Right?

No, that doesn't happen now. We provide for them as a country.

Otherwise, tell us what YOU HAVE DONE and DO to house, feed, educate, tend, and care for ILLEGAL aliens.

I pay my taxes and not constantly complain about it helping the less fortunate.
I know you're lost or trolling so this isn't for you, but rather for anyone reasonable still here (which is a slim chance, I know).

Let's look at illegals in the public schools, shall we?

On one hand, we have ancestors of those we brought here, from Africa, centuries ago, not of their own volition. Sadly, many of the ancestors are still socioeconomically disadvantaged.

In these same schools we want to shoehorn more children whose parents came to our nation ILLEGALLY. They were not brought here against their will and oppressed. They came KNOWING they were breaking the law.

Came for jobs. They come for these jobs and you want to keep their kids out of an education? How's that going to work for us long term?

Millions of the next generation of workers uneducated?

Since this is not Utopia, the second group necessarily takes from the first, most especially because they:

1. Don't speak the language and
2. Will require exponentially more school services, which they will get for "free"

This poster wants to Virtue Signal to the extreme by saying "This is what Christians do". Yeah, yeah, that sounds wonderful. But it's like saying "I have enough food to feed one extra person for dinner", and then having five more people break down your door and demanding to be fed too. Okay, that means everyone gets half a hot dog or whatever. How is that "Christian charity"?

(Now that poster will shame me, I'm 'not nice' for pointing out REALITY. Whatever.)

You're simply hateful like so many others. How about we make their parents start paying for their kids educations by taxing them also? We aren't going to remove them from the work force obviously.
Came for jobs. They come for these jobs and you want to keep their kids out of an education? How's that going to work for us long term?

Millions of the next generation of workers uneducated?

You're simply hateful like so many others. How about we make their parents start paying for their kids educations by taxing them also? We aren't going to remove them from the work force obviously.

Right, we know honey. Facts = hateful.

You get to Virtue Signal all the livelong day by saying how you support them here, just as all the Blues in Sanctuary Cities did UNTIL they actually showed up in their homes. Right, we know.

Jesus, and Jesus ALONE, is able to take a few fishes and loaves and feed multiple thousands. The rest of us are limited. It's not "compassionate" to give everyone three beans to eat because you have decided to spread scant resources around to those who BROKE IN.
No they aren't. They are here legally.

Something you have no control over nor do you get to decide.

Yes. Crossing the border outside of a port of entry makes that an illegal crossing. So yes, illegal alien.

Actually, it's the Sloppy Joe administration that decided to ignore US laws regarding immigration.
Right, we know honey. Facts = hateful.

You get to Virtue Signal all the livelong day by saying how you support them here, just as all the Blues in Sanctuary Cities did UNTIL they actually showed up in their homes. Right, we know.

Jesus, and Jesus ALONE, is able to take a few fishes and loaves and feed multiple thousands. The rest of us are limited. It's not "compassionate" to give everyone three beans to eat because you have decided to spread scant resources around to those who BROKE IN.

They came invited.
Yes. Crossing the border outside of a port of entry makes that an illegal crossing. So yes, illegal alien.

Yes, an illegal crossing but once applied for asylum which they have one year to do, they have a legal standing.

Actually, it's the Sloppy Joe administration that decided to ignore US laws regarding immigration.

No administration has enforced our immigration laws for decades. Perhaps never. Business wants the workers and the shoppers.

But you know this.
They came invited.

They broke in. Illegally. They are illegal. They don't have citizenship; they don't have visas; they don't have SS numbers. Your president might have, for terrible political reasons, left the door ajar. If the door is ajar but you know you're not supposed to enter, but you do at any rate, that's still trespassing.
They broke in. Illegally. They are illegal. They don't have citizenship; they don't have visas; they don't have SS numbers. Your president might have, for terrible political reasons, left the door ajar. If the door is ajar but you know you're not supposed to enter, but you do at any rate, that's still trespassing.

They have been coming for decades. Business offers them a better life and they take that offer.
They have been coming for decades. Business offers them a better life and they take that offer.

Immaterial. You Virtue Signaled on the idea that it's compassionate to let them come in, I guess numbers unlimited, and siphon resources off already disadvantaged families.

I don't. I'm not insensitive to their struggles, but I realize this is not Heaven yet and resources are not infinite.
Immaterial. You Virtue Signaled on the idea that it's compassionate to let them come in, I guess numbers unlimited, and siphon resources off already disadvantaged families.

I don't. I'm not insensitive to their struggles, but I realize this is not Heaven yet and resources are not infinite.

As I noted, if we are going to allow them to work, they should be contributing.
Yes, an illegal crossing but once applied for asylum which they have one year to do, they have a legal standing.

No administration has enforced our immigration laws for decades. Perhaps never. Business wants the workers and the shoppers.

But you know this.

An illegal crossing is not made 'legal' by claiming asylum. That's a farce. As you spelled out, ''Came for jobs.'' This has nothing to do with asylum. You literally contradict yourself in posts within the same page of this thread.

So now, we have the expected, ''but... but... but... but the immigration laws".

The fact is, Trump had a working plan that Sloppy Joe decided to utterly abandon. Sloppy Joe decided to utterly ignore existing immigration laws and literally abandon any concept of a border.
An illegal crossing is not made 'legal' by claiming asylum.

They indeed are here legally until their hearing decides their status.

That's a farce. As you spelled out, ''Came for jobs.'' This has nothing to do with asylum. You literally contradict yourself in posts within the same page of this thread.

I did no such thing. I'm simply stating facts. If they bother showing up and it's shown they are working at the local meat processing plant they are opening themselves for deportation.

Granted, they will just turn around and make their way back to their job in many cases.

So now, we have the expected, ''but... but... but... but the immigration laws".

The fact is, Trump had a working plan that Sloppy Joe decided to utterly abandon. Sloppy Joe decided to utterly ignore existing immigration laws and literally abandon any concept of a border.

Trump didn't do squat but barf out empty rhetoric. Just like those before and after him. Trump wasn't about to do anything that harmed employers.
I said no such thing. If caught working I believe the worker should be deported and the business owner arrested and fined tens of thousands of dollars.

You acknowledge the illegals are here for work. Hiring illegal Aliens is a crime. That might suggest, to some of us, an obvious dilemma.

It's rather blinkered thinking to suggest flooding the country with illegals who require huge welfare costs is anything but a horrible idea.
You acknowledge the illegals are here for work. Hiring illegal Aliens is a crime. That might suggest, to some of us, an obvious dilemma.

It's rather blinkered thinking to suggest flooding the country with illegals who require huge welfare costs is anything but a horrible idea.

Make them pay their share. It's obvious they are going nowhere.

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