Why Do We Have To Take Care Of All Of These Illegals?? Aren't They Supposed To Take Care Of Themselves When They Choose To Come Here?

I don't know that it's half but a lot of it will be. Nothing whatsoever is required of these millions Biden is allowing in other than most are assigned a far distant court date that most will not keep. Then they are turned loose or transported to other places in the country where they sometimes have a phone furnished presumably to use to contact immigration. Many receive some travel cash but they are provided free transportation, their children get free education, they are pretty safe from deportation unless they commit some terrible crime and are caught, they're eligible for subsidized housing and some woke blue states and cities are giving them the right to vote or trying to.

Those illegals are not only not required to have sponsors or means to support themselves but they are costing U.S. taxpayers mega billions every year not counting those that join up with vicious gangs, rob, steal, vandalize, destroy livestock and property, and commit assault, rape, murder etc. plus rampant sex, child, drug trafficking at great human cost in suffering. It is no doubt a fairly small percentage of the total committing serious crime, but since these people aren't vetted there is no way to know.

Their responsibility? Nada.
Did you know that roughly 30% of Mexico's GDP is from money sent from the US by people who migrated here?
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Did you know that roughly 30% of Mexico's GDP is from money sent from the US by people who migrated here?
I don't know that but it wouldn't surprise me. But though Mexico is still sending us some of their worst and/or most needy at probably a greater rate than other countries, the CBP has identified migrants from at least 160 different countries in 2021, 2022 and this year. And we don't have a clue who the hundreds of thousands of 'gotaways' are, whether they are good or bad, relatively harmless or violently dangerous. "Gotaways' are those who intentionally avoid processing and are not apprehended when they cross the border but were spotted by CBP or monitoring equipment. And we have no idea how many have come in completely undetected.

For context the number of known migrants who entered the USA between 1/2021 and 1/2023 outnumber the total population in 33 states. And add the gotaways and undetected and you can likely add a lot more states to those 33.
I don't know that but it wouldn't surprise me. But though Mexico is still sending us some of their worst and/or most needy at probably a greater rate than other countries, the CBP has identified migrants from at least 160 different countries in 2021, 2022 and this year. And we don't have a clue who the hundreds of thousands of 'gotaways' are, whether they are good or bad, relatively harmless or violently dangerous. "Gotaways' are those who intentionally avoid processing and are not apprehended when they cross the border but were spotted by CBP or monitoring equipment. And we have no idea how many have come in completely undetected.

For context the number of known migrants who entered the USA between 1/2021 and 1/2023 outnumber the total population in 33 states. And add the gotaways and undetected and you can likely add a lot more states to those 33.
It's simple.....they're trying to replace us with brown slaves, plain and simple.
It's simple.....they're trying to replace us with brown slaves, plain and simple.
At least they're trying to create a mega majority of compliant, obedient adherents to their woke/leftist religion and sociopolitical systems to ensure they will have unchallenged power forever. Nobody will like the results they produce, but oh well. They'll get theirs and figure somebody else will get all the blame for the terrible consequences.

But gentle correction. They aren't just brown. They are brown, black, Asian, middle eastern, European and whatever.

What the ambitious woke who want total control aren't thinking about though is how many true insurrectionists are they admitting as gotaways or those who come in undetected. People sent here to be terrorists or undermine institutions or even possibly attaining sufficient numbers to conduct a coup of the government? We know about the criminal element and can figure for every one of those we apprehend at the border, several others get though one way or another. And it's pretty safe that some are getting in with intentions of sabotaging America and Americans.
At least they're trying to create a mega majority of compliant, obedient adherents to their woke/leftist religion and sociopolitical systems to ensure they will have unchallenged power forever. Nobody will like the results they produce, but oh well. They'll get theirs and figure somebody else will get all the blame for the terrible consequences.

But gentle correction. They aren't just brown. They are brown, black, Asian, middle eastern, European and whatever.

What the ambitious woke who want total control aren't thinking about though is how many true insurrectionists are they admitting as gotaways or those who come in undetected. People sent here to be terrorists or undermine institutions or even possibly attaining sufficient numbers to conduct a coup of the government? We know about the criminal element and can figure for every one of those we apprehend at the border, several others get though one way or another. And it's pretty safe that some are getting in with intentions of sabotaging America and Americans.
They want chaos. The more terrorists the better.
Then the can declare martial law and bring the hammer down.
Well I can't say that's impossible but I'm not ready to say they're intentionally doing that yet. :)
When you have over 100 card carrying communists in the Democrat Party, history tells us that they always create chaos and then use the chaos as an excuse to take away everyone's guns and their freedom.

But this time they're going to be treating us like cattle, and they plan to murder millions of us.
When you have over 100 card carrying communists in the Democrat Party, history tells us that they always create chaos and then use the chaos as an excuse to take away everyone's guns and their freedom.

But this time they're going to be treating us like cattle, and they plan to murder millions of us.
I suspect it isn't quite that bad, but let's just leave it that I don't know. I just hope you're really wrong.
I suspect it isn't quite that bad, but let's just leave it that I don't know. I just hope you're really wrong.
Epstein's island wasn't just a place for them to have sex with under age girls.
They were conducting Satanic rituals, human-sacrifice, drinking baby blood after torturing them to death.
The reason Democrats love abortion is because it supplies them with plenty of baby parts for sale for sick customers willing to pay thousands for them.
They found 15,000 children in Sacramento CA being used for sex-slaves. There's dozens of places just like that all over the country.
If you've seen the movie "Eyes Wide-Shut" that's a taste of the kind of sick shit these people are into.
There's a lot of Senators that are into it.
If you wonder why Biden can't keep his hands off of kids, that's reason why.
The sick fucks will do just about anything you can imagine.
Oprah is big into it..........and so are the Obamas.
Ellen DeGenerous was in the club and they killed her girl friend Anne Heche because of it.
They had Anne covered up like she was dead....but right before they put her in the Ambulance she tried to get away.

Epstein's island wasn't just a place for them to have sex with under age girls.
They were conducting Satanic rituals, human-sacrifice, drinking baby blood after torturing them to death.
The reason Democrats love abortion is because it supplies them with plenty of baby parts for sale for sick customers willing to pay thousands for them.
They found 15,000 children in Sacramento CA being used for sex-slaves. There's dozens of places just like that all over the country.
If you've seen the movie "Eyes Wide-Shut" that's a taste of the kind of sick shit these people are into.
There's a lot of Senators that are into it.
If you wonder why Biden can't keep his hands off of kids, that's reason why.
The sick fucks will do just about anything you can imagine.
Oprah is big into it..........and so are the Obamas.
Ellen DeGenerous was in the club and they killed her girl friend Anne Heche because of it.
They had Anne covered up like she was dead....but right before they put her in the Ambulance she tried to get away.

I'm sure you believe all that but I will need some pretty direct evidence to go that far with it. Do I think there is a Satanic element in a political movement that rejects so many basic American values, traditions, common sense ethics and mores and replaces them with the kind of decadence and wrong headedness that Patriots rail against? Yes I do.

But we have to be careful here and not go too far out in left field lest we lose the critical thinkers and common sense people that will have to turn it all around.
I'm sure you believe all that but I will need some pretty direct evidence to go that far with it. Do I think there is a Satanic element in a political movement that rejects so many basic American values, traditions, common sense ethics and mores and replaces them with the kind of decadence and wrong headedness that Patriots rail against? Yes I do.

But we have to be careful here and not go too far out in left field lest we lose the critical thinkers and common sense people that will have to turn it all around.
Considering the fact that these people rub elbows with some really sick people overseas.....and I've seen evidence of this while serving in the military, it's not hard for me to believe.
Yes it's difficult to believe for you....but you have to wonder about Biden and his weird habit of sniffing children. He can't help himself.
Obama picked him because he knew he was into pretty much the same stuff he was into.
And now Obama has his chef get murdered at his home. They think they can get away with saying he drowned in 3 feet of water.
The reason these people are willing to try just about anything to keep Trump from being elected is because they know that he's going to clean house and they'll have to leave the country. So either they'll throw him in jail or assassinate him. Or both ala Jeffery Epstein.

Well of course you were right there, know the family as well as I did, and you know everything about it. Have a lovely evening.
I know about immigration patterns and the history of same in the United States, and language acquisition.

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