Zone1 Why Do We Still Call Black People African Americans?

You've chosen 'not to find out'. Go play stupid with something else.
Au contraire. As usual you've chosen not to respond to anything that shows your point to be false. Your post is also in violation of Zone 1 rules. Don't do it again or you will be reported.
I don't give a fiddler's ingrown toenail what you "think". I clicked on your post and the quote was attributed to you. That's how I saw it and that's how it was registered. If those aren't your words then there are two possibilities, neither of which is my fault. It's either your mistake or the forum's mistake. My money is on you, Bonzo.
So, you don’t care about the context that a comment is made in and you don’t care about following a conservation that you participate in? I fail to see how any of that is my problem.

IM2 brought Italians into the conversation, I followed up to his comment 3 comments later. You responded to me by ignoring that context and continue to ignore that context. If you can’t acknowledge the context of a comment then it’s fair game to take your comments out of context too, right?
So, you don’t care about the context that a comment is made in ...
That depends upon how earnest you are but so far ....... not much.
..... I fail to see how any of that is my problem.
If that's true then stop worrying about it.
IM2 brought Italians into the conversation, I followed up to his comment 3 comments later. You responded to me by ignoring that context and continue to ignore that context. If you can’t acknowledge the context of a comment then it’s fair game to take your comments out of context ...
Whatever makes you happy is fine with me. You don't believe me? Try it and see. :cool:
B. Tatum's got a point. How many black people in America are from Africa because any more, it seems like most of them are born here.

Dunno, guess because they have a hard-on for Africa or want special treatment.



And “African Americans” genetically come from Africa. The term doesn’t depend on fuck all to do with slavery.

In a black's mind...everything has to do with slavery. About 6 to 8 years ago, when PBS had opposing viewpoints, they had a black guy and a retired white cop on TV. When they asked the black guy why blacks don't follow the laws, the black said "slavery was a law, so why should he follow white people's laws." The retired cop was dumbfounded with the black's reply.

Blacks have a saying: if it is ain't right. Blacks have to run everything, or it is white supremacy. I don't make this stuff up, bub. I get it right from the blacks' own mouths on PBS or NPR. Here is a snip from an NPR story where a black woman says just that. They were discussing multiracial churches.

Korie Little Edwards, from the NPR story link below...

"I came to a point where I realized that, you know, these multiracial churches, just because they're multiracial, doesn't mean they have somehow escaped white supremacy," she says. "Being diverse doesn't mean that white people are not going to still be in charge and run things.


White supremacy to a black person is anything run by whites. Blacks will never accept whites running anything.


Currently no one does anything to the systemic criminal, racist blacks or transqueers / homosexuals. They are given all the freedom they want to destroy America and groom our children. 92% of the blacks vote dem. 90% of the homosexuals vote dem. 98% of the transqueers vote dem. That translates into 92% of the blacks vote to destroy America, 98% of the transqueers and 90% of the homosexuals vote to destroy America. But once the world we live in becomes a world WROL...things will change drastically for them. We know the score, we know what is in their hearts.Reparations, equity and justice will shower down upon them.

...and this will have nothing to do with being black, transqueer or being a homosexual. It will have everything to do with them working tirelessly as an organized group to destroy America.

blacks gucci reparations.jpeg
Why do we need to mention Africa at all though? I'm German, Swiss, Italian, Swedish, and Irish. So would that make me a German Swiss Italian Swedish Irish American? It sure is a whole lot easier to say that I'm an American.
Law enforcement specifies gender & race at a minimum when describing a person irrespective as to the person's classification but they also use color.

Just saying you're an [white] American leaves your ancestry out. If that's not important to you then that's okay, but some people like being specific.
Just saying you're an [white] American leaves your ancestry out. If that's not important to you then that's okay, but some people like being specific.

I never met a single black person who told me that they want to be referred to as an African American and yes I have met black people before. I have met a black person who thinks that expecting special treatment out of white people is ridiculous though and very recently too.
That is why I always refer to a "Jewish person." The three-letter word is too curt for my tastes.
I was playing a specific game application of Scrabble on my computer and the app flagged the word "Jew" as offensive. This had to have been more than 15 years or so ago and it never occurred to me to ask the manufacturers of the game for an explanation but I followed up the same way that you have, I just the term "Jewish" as opposed to "Jew".

All because of a chance encounter with a word game.
I was playing a specific game application of Scrabble on my computer and the app flagged the word "Jew" as offensive. This had to have been more than 15 years or so ago and it never occurred to me to ask the manufacturers of the game for an explanation but I followed up the same way that you have, I just the term "Jewish" as opposed to "Jew".

All because of a chance encounter with a word game.

I never met a single black person who told me that they want to be referred to as an African American and yes I have met black people before. I have met a black person who thinks that expecting special treatment out of white people is ridiculous though and very recently too.
You don't think it's strange for people to get so wound up about what terms we use to identify our race/ethnicity?

I personally use the same terms our government does because I work with data. Just last year I had to create some code that categorizes the roughly 7 different protected classes that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 covers today, including the many classifications they have for race.
Law enforcement specifies gender & race at a minimum when describing a person irrespective as to the person's classification but they also use color.

Just saying you're an [white] American leaves your ancestry out. If that's not important to you then that's okay, but some people like being specific.
Your ancestry is absolutely irrelevant to any legal proceeding. Black or White are also misnomers as the proper descriptor should be light, or dark skinned.
I bet I'm more American than you are.
Not likely. Tell me what you have done for America? I don't know what your point is actually. Do you have an allegiance to another country? If you do, you're not an American. What I have seen is that you are consumed with your own racism and bigotry and it defines you.
Law enforcement specifies gender & race at a minimum when describing a person irrespective as to the person's classification but they also use color.
It's so bad in Sweden that when the police ask the public for help they say, "If anyone in the area at that time saw a man wearing a white T-shirt and bluejeans please contact the police", leaving out the fact that the guy they are looking for is black or Arab. No, I am not joking!
I was playing a specific game application of Scrabble on my computer and the app flagged the word "Jew" as offensive. .....
Really? I got part of a post (not this forum) deleted once when I quoted a line in the Flintstone's theme song, " ... we'll have a ... xxx ... old time!"
And on another occasion, my linked gif attachment ... this one >>> :abgg2q.jpg: was removed because it was registered on Google as "snigger".
Not likely. Tell me what you have done for America? I don't know what your point is actually. Do you have an allegiance to another country? If you do, you're not an American. What I have seen is that you are consumed with your own racism and bigotry and it defines you.
Your holier-than-thou attitude based on a lot of false assumptions.

And ignorance.

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