Why Do Whites Believe African...

I’m curious IM2 - will you be consistent and call for reparations for slaves who were killed by their owners before they could marry and have children? I would say being cut down before young deserves reparations before anyone else.
I’m curious IM2 - will you be consistent and call for reparations for slaves who were killed by their owners before they could marry and have children? I would say being cut down before young deserves reparations before anyone else.

What think is I am tired of whites who have been given and continue being given things by the government talking about reparations when the OP was not about reparations.
I’m curious IM2 - will you be consistent and call for reparations for slaves who were killed by their owners before they could marry and have children? I would say being cut down before young deserves reparations before anyone else.

What think is I am tired of whites who have been given and continue being given things by the government talking about reparations when the OP was not about reparations.
Touchy. Touchy.

But for once, I am with you! I too am tired of the government giving people things. They have no such authority. Lets end ALL of the social nonsense.
countries had a policy of selling servants to white slave traders as a way of trying to deflect on any talk of reparations from the US? I always wondered about this and I think I have it figured out. Its got to be some sort of cognitive dissonance at play. Whites make up and made up a lot of stories to justify all the criminal things they have and still do. I guess they think having some traitors help them procure slaves means the practice was one that Africans practiced as a national policy. Its a good thing having access to research from Black authors that tell the truth.
You want reparations. I never owned a slave and my ancestors game to the U.S. Three generations ago but if you want reparations send me your address and I will send you twenty dollars. All the reparations you will probably get from me or most.
You cant afford to pay reparations. Thats why its the duty of the government. Youre too poor to do much good.
No I have probably paid more then you will get paying for you and your family. Welfare comes out of my taxes.
I dont believe you. I person with your skills and lack of intellect cant possibly be making that much. It would be cruel to attempt to collect taxes or reparations from you.
I’m curious IM2 - will you be consistent and call for reparations for slaves who were killed by their owners before they could marry and have children? I would say being cut down before young deserves reparations before anyone else.

What think is I am tired of whites who have been given and continue being given things by the government talking about reparations when the OP was not about reparations.
Touchy. Touchy.

But for once, I am with you! I too am tired of the government giving people things. They have no such authority. Lets end ALL of the social nonsense.

That means whites have to give back over 240 years of handouts.
Wah, white people are mean to me and they won't give me money, wah.

I hate to hear that's happning to you.:abgg2q.jpg:

Where my reparations be at?
Thats for you to figure out.

A black guy stole my grandmother's stuff, pay me reparations.

Wah, white people are mean to me and they won't give me money, wah.

I hate to hear that's happning to you.:abgg2q.jpg:

Where my reparations be at?
Thats for you to figure out.

A black guy stole my grandmother's stuff, pay me reparations.
Sue the Black guy since he didnt steal from the vast majority of white grandmothers. Thats a personal issue.
Wah, white people are mean to me and they won't give me money, wah.

I hate to hear that's happning to you.:abgg2q.jpg:

Where my reparations be at?
Thats for you to figure out.

A black guy stole my grandmother's stuff, pay me reparations.

You said that one before. Try a new one.

I said it before, and I still didn't get reparations.

Sound familiar?
And your opinion of who wasn't what is not being considered.
Well of course it’s “not” being “considered”. The only people discussing this shit is you and three of your buddies in your mom’s basement. None of you will consider the fact that none of you were slaves.

Oh...and it’s not “opinion”, snowflake. You were NOT a slave. Period. You’d have to be about 165 years old for that to be even remotely possible.

What you say is not being considered but reparations are.

It's an opinion because reparations have nothing to do with me being a slave or not since things happened after slavery that I have experienced and still experience.
Wah, white people are mean to me and they won't give me money, wah.

I hate to hear that's happning to you.:abgg2q.jpg:

Where my reparations be at?
Thats for you to figure out.

A black guy stole my grandmother's stuff, pay me reparations.
Sue the Black guy since he didnt steal from the vast majority of white grandmothers. Thats a personal issue.

As soon as you sue the slave owner who didn't own every slave.

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