Why Do Whites Believe African...

And your opinion of who wasn't what is not being considered.
Well of course it’s “not” being “considered”. The only people discussing this shit is you and three of your buddies in your mom’s basement. None of you will consider the fact that none of you were slaves.

Oh...and it’s not “opinion”, snowflake. You were NOT a slave. Period. You’d have to be about 165 years old for that to be even remotely possible.

What you say is not being considered but reparations are.

It's an opinion because reparations have nothing to do with me being a slave or not since things happened after slavery that I have experienced and still experience.

What you say is not being considered but reparations are.

Considered, mocked, denied.
And your opinion of who wasn't what is not being considered.
Well of course it’s “not” being “considered”. The only people discussing this shit is you and three of your buddies in your mom’s basement. None of you will consider the fact that none of you were slaves.

Oh...and it’s not “opinion”, snowflake. You were NOT a slave. Period. You’d have to be about 165 years old for that to be even remotely possible.

What you say is not being considered but reparations are.

It's an opinion because reparations have nothing to do with me being a slave or not since things happened after slavery that I have experienced and still experience.

What you say is not being considered but reparations are.

Considered, mocked, denied.

Far more important people than you are looking at this issue and they ain't mocking or denying,
I hate to hear that's happning to you.:abgg2q.jpg:

Where my reparations be at?
Thats for you to figure out.

A black guy stole my grandmother's stuff, pay me reparations.
Sue the Black guy since he didnt steal from the vast majority of white grandmothers. Thats a personal issue.

As soon as you sue the slave owner who didn't own every slave.
Nope. If I were inclined I would sue the government for legalizing slavery. See I am smart. You want small potatoes. I want the bank plus interest.
And your opinion of who wasn't what is not being considered.
Well of course it’s “not” being “considered”. The only people discussing this shit is you and three of your buddies in your mom’s basement. None of you will consider the fact that none of you were slaves.

Oh...and it’s not “opinion”, snowflake. You were NOT a slave. Period. You’d have to be about 165 years old for that to be even remotely possible.

What you say is not being considered but reparations are.

It's an opinion because reparations have nothing to do with me being a slave or not since things happened after slavery that I have experienced and still experience.

What you say is not being considered but reparations are.

Considered, mocked, denied.

Where my reparations be at?
Thats for you to figure out.

A black guy stole my grandmother's stuff, pay me reparations.
Sue the Black guy since he didnt steal from the vast majority of white grandmothers. Thats a personal issue.

As soon as you sue the slave owner who didn't own every slave.
Nope. If I were inclined I would sue the government for legalizing slavery. See I am smart. You want small potatoes. I want the bank plus interest.

He's dumb. He's been told reparations would be coming from the government because the government made the laws that denied blacks of equal rights.
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Your op question does not make sense.

We believe it happened because it did happen.

We use it as a response to bat shit crazy libs who pretend taht whites have sooooo evul.
It doesnt make sense to you because you lack intelligence.

No it didnt happen. There is zero proof it happend.

Africa is...well its in Africa. Even if your claim was true what does that have to do with the US doing reparations? It has dick to do with another country or continent.
Of course, only saavy cheornaya like you can make sense out your claims.
And yes, Africa is Africa. What's your point?
Again, you are correct. Demanding reparations from one nation to another country or continent is a dick idea.
Reparations is another way that black "victims" think they can get their dickskinners on more free "white" money. Get over yourself. YOU have never been a slave in this country. I have never owned slaves, black or otherwise. YOU have no claim on MY earnings. Get it?
Now, go get a job or establish a business of your own and earn your own living. Quit trying to browbeat honest people into paying for your butthurt.
My point is since the US is responsible for what occurred in the US why do white people deflect to Africa? Cant you read?
I can read, but apparently you have a problem clearly conveying your thoughts. If the question is: "Why do white people deflect to Africa?", my response to you is, why do some black people consistently consider demanding reparations from modern day, white Americans for slavery that: was never suffered by modern day black Americans, and that was never perpetrated by modern day white Americans? Oh, and you are aware that the United States wasn't the only country where blacks were enslaved? And, that whites were not the sole holders of slaves, black, or otherwise? How do you feel the descendants of Native Americans who were enslaved (at times by blacks), or those who descended from indentured servants (most white)? What are they owed? And who should pay reparations to them?
Thats where you are failing. When I ask a question your response should be a answer not a question deflecting from my question.
OK, the US is responsible for what has occurred here. But slavery has not been an issue for 150+ years. Civil rights has been hard fought and well won in the late 60s, early 70s. But not all white people are responsible for whatever grievances you air on behalf of blacks. And not all blacks share your grievances or blame others (whites). So, in order to more accurately answer your question, WHO in the US are you claiming is responsible for WHAT? I am not deflecting to the actions of Africans several hundred years past. But you want an answer that cannot exist without further explanation or clarification.
Who should pay reparations to whom for what injuries?
White individuals that are not on welfare will pay their taxes. Therefore they will share in the burden just like what happened when the Japanese were paid reparations.

White individuals that are not on welfare will pay their taxes

Even the white people who had no slave holding ancestors?

No thanks.
Yes. Taxes are not determined on if your ancestors had slaves. You are still required to contribute to the community chest.

Sorry, the community chest will never give you reparations for slavery that never happened to you.
I agree but thats not the question we were debating.

You will never get reparations.

Debate over.
That won't stop him from whining about his "victimhood" (emphasis on the "hood") and trying to get something for nothing from a bunch of diehard liberals who just love to spend other peoples' money.
If the government aka our tax paying dollars, become a mandatory expense to descendents of slaves, there wouldn't be much we can do about it. There are many other avenues being paid out of our tax paying dollars that I disagree with, as many do. If it comes to be, so be it. I would hope that would be the end of anyone thinking they are entitled.
Its not about entitlement. That implies a handout. Its about getting the wages our ancestors were due but were forced to forgo. Plus interest.
Can you provide a calculation of what you would consider fair? I have asked this question in other forums and never gotten a reasoned answer.
countries had a policy of selling servants to white slave traders as a way of trying to deflect on any talk of reparations from the US? I always wondered about this and I think I have it figured out. Its got to be some sort of cognitive dissonance at play. Whites make up and made up a lot of stories to justify all the criminal things they have and still do. I guess they think having some traitors help them procure slaves means the practice was one that Africans practiced as a national policy. Its a good thing having access to research from Black authors that tell the truth.
You want reparations. I never owned a slave and my ancestors game to the U.S. Three generations ago but if you want reparations send me your address and I will send you twenty dollars. All the reparations you will probably get from me or most.
More than most of us would willing remit.
Its about getting the wages our ancestors were due but were forced to forgo. Plus interest.

Sorry, all those wages were in Confederate dollars.
You sound like an idiot. First of all the confederate dollar wasnt established until 1861. Secondly there were slave states that were not part of the confederacy. Youre just another dunce but everyone already knew this.

All your reparations burned up when the Confederacy was destroyed.
You must have meant all your hopes were burned up when the losers from the confederacy lost.

My family wasn't in the US when the Civil War occurred.
Not really of any interest to me and nothing to do with the point.
What is the point? If his family was not even here during the slave years and they never held slaves in the US, why should he, or his family, be required to pay reparations for something for which they are not responsible?
It doesnt make sense to you because you lack intelligence.

No it didnt happen. There is zero proof it happend.

Africa is...well its in Africa. Even if your claim was true what does that have to do with the US doing reparations? It has dick to do with another country or continent.
Of course, only saavy cheornaya like you can make sense out your claims.
And yes, Africa is Africa. What's your point?
Again, you are correct. Demanding reparations from one nation to another country or continent is a dick idea.
Reparations is another way that black "victims" think they can get their dickskinners on more free "white" money. Get over yourself. YOU have never been a slave in this country. I have never owned slaves, black or otherwise. YOU have no claim on MY earnings. Get it?
Now, go get a job or establish a business of your own and earn your own living. Quit trying to browbeat honest people into paying for your butthurt.
My point is since the US is responsible for what occurred in the US why do white people deflect to Africa? Cant you read?
I can read, but apparently you have a problem clearly conveying your thoughts. If the question is: "Why do white people deflect to Africa?", my response to you is, why do some black people consistently consider demanding reparations from modern day, white Americans for slavery that: was never suffered by modern day black Americans, and that was never perpetrated by modern day white Americans? Oh, and you are aware that the United States wasn't the only country where blacks were enslaved? And, that whites were not the sole holders of slaves, black, or otherwise? How do you feel the descendants of Native Americans who were enslaved (at times by blacks), or those who descended from indentured servants (most white)? What are they owed? And who should pay reparations to them?
Thats where you are failing. When I ask a question your response should be a answer not a question deflecting from my question.
OK, the US is responsible for what has occurred here. But slavery has not been an issue for 150+ years. Civil rights has been hard fought and well won in the late 60s, early 70s. But not all white people are responsible for whatever grievances you air on behalf of blacks. And not all blacks share your grievances or blame others (whites). So, in order to more accurately answer your question, WHO in the US are you claiming is responsible for WHAT? I am not deflecting to the actions of Africans several hundred years past. But you want an answer that cannot exist without further explanation or clarification.
Who should pay reparations to whom for what injuries?
I am not getting why you think you can put a time limit on the effects of slavery especially the economic ones. I dont care if all whites werent responsible since whites arent the only people that pay taxes. Civil Rights has nothing at all to do with this. I also dont care if all Blacks dont share my thoughts. Its not something I checked with other Blacks on to form my opinion. I am not under the illusion this will ever happen but I will maintain that it should and furthermore point out there will never be peace until justice prevails.

I am not saying all whites need to pay reparations. I am saying this country needs to pay them. They need to pay them to every single person that is a descendant of an enslaved Black person. Since this country isnt in Africa any discussion of Africa is a deflection.
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You sound like an idiot. First of all the confederate dollar wasnt established until 1861. Secondly there were slave states that were not part of the confederacy. Youre just another dunce but everyone already knew this.

All your reparations burned up when the Confederacy was destroyed.
You must have meant all your hopes were burned up when the losers from the confederacy lost.

My family wasn't in the US when the Civil War occurred.
Not really of any interest to me and nothing to do with the point.
What is the point? If his family was not even here during the slave years and they never held slaves in the US, why should he, or his family, be required to pay reparations for something for which they are not responsible?
Because he ls a citizen of a country that is responsible. Just like the Japanese got reparations that his family had nothing to do with right?
If the government aka our tax paying dollars, become a mandatory expense to descendents of slaves, there wouldn't be much we can do about it. There are many other avenues being paid out of our tax paying dollars that I disagree with, as many do. If it comes to be, so be it. I would hope that would be the end of anyone thinking they are entitled.
Its not about entitlement. That implies a handout. Its about getting the wages our ancestors were due but were forced to forgo. Plus interest.
Can you provide a calculation of what you would consider fair? I have asked this question in other forums and never gotten a reasoned answer.
Reasoned? According to who?
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If the government aka our tax paying dollars, become a mandatory expense to descendents of slaves, there wouldn't be much we can do about it. There are many other avenues being paid out of our tax paying dollars that I disagree with, as many do. If it comes to be, so be it. I would hope that would be the end of anyone thinking they are entitled.
Its not about entitlement. That implies a handout. Its about getting the wages our ancestors were due but were forced to forgo. Plus interest.
Can you provide a calculation of what you would consider fair? I have asked this question in other forums and never gotten a reasoned answer.
Reasoned? According to who?
I did not accuse you have not having provided reasoned estimates of what would be due and to whom that amount would be paid. If you have provided these figures somewhere else, I may not have read them. I would appreciate your calculations of what you would consider fair, including lost wages plus interest. This is a serious inquiry and I am truly curious about what you figure should be provided in reparations, regardless of the source.
If the government aka our tax paying dollars, become a mandatory expense to descendents of slaves, there wouldn't be much we can do about it. There are many other avenues being paid out of our tax paying dollars that I disagree with, as many do. If it comes to be, so be it. I would hope that would be the end of anyone thinking they are entitled.
Its not about entitlement. That implies a handout. Its about getting the wages our ancestors were due but were forced to forgo. Plus interest.
Can you provide a calculation of what you would consider fair? I have asked this question in other forums and never gotten a reasoned answer.
Reasoned? According to who?
I did not accuse you have not having provided reasoned estimates of what would be due and to whom that amount would be paid. If you have provided these figures somewhere else, I may not have read them. I would appreciate your calculations of what you would consider fair, including lost wages plus interest. This is a serious inquiry and I am truly curious about what you figure should be provided in reparations, regardless of the source.
Can you start another thread on it? I dont want this to wind up being another reason for people to deflect.

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