Why Do Whites Think They Can Tell Us What The Problems in Black America Are?

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Tell me what they said. How did they prove that anything I wrote is wrong. You are really bad at this. None of them countered anything I wrote at all. You just read headlines like a half-witted 3rd grader.
Unkotare is on many ignore lists for a reason. I see you are new here, so.....I recommend doing the same thing I and many other have done. Out of sight, out of mind for Unkotare. He only goes into threads to be devils advocate to get a rise. On himself, if you get my drift.
You didn't read them? Can you read?
I've read every one of them and see what they are--political zealotry that disproves nothing I wrote. Did YOU read your own links? If so, you ought to be able to argue against me using what you read in them.
I never lie. If you read them and since you provided them as your argument, then use the supposed information you learned in them to argue against me. If you cannot, then you are the worthless fraud others have described you as.
Do you think that your uneducated feeeeelings are more legitimate than the learned opinions of experts in biology, genetics, and history?
You are deflecting again. I am quoting experts in biology, genetics, history, and human behavioral experts. I know what they wrote and what they said. I repeated it; you have not.
On of the interesting things about the I.Q racial hierarchy promoted by Taylor, Murray, and Watson (and, as I said, nobody disagrees on this fact, and the only debate is why these disparities exist).
Screenshot 2021-09-02 223527.jpg

Northeast Asians—I.Q. 105

Whites—I.Q. 100

Hispanics—I.Q. 90

Blacks—I.Q. 85

What is interesting about that is when you look at average household income, academic success rates, representation in high brain-function jobs, marriage success, home ownership, etc…the rates for those meters of success in society goes in EXACLY that order.

Conversely, all meters of failure, such as violent crime rates, drug use, drop-out rates, illegitimacy rates, etc…looks EXACLY like that list, but in the reverse. Funny how something you claim is debunked, illegitimate and not believed by anybody corresponds with reality so perfectly.

Cmon son. You're not just flogging a dead horse, you're whipping the skeleton now.

White supremacists do this all the time. After I write a post showing how X is not true, they will state X is true and say nothing about the points made by me in the post. As if their saying it makes it so.

Then after losing an argument they will simply repeat their main point as if they did not lose at all. Or they will come back a few days/weeks later when they think everyone has forgotten and then repeat their main point again.

I ask many specific questions you evaded. As well by several others. Because the answers to those questions would shake the foundations of your little olmic empire.

You know it, I know it. Everybody knows it.

You are not open to an honest discussion, you came here as a king of your little sand castle of delightfully white sands. And you know if you answer the questions here, your castle will be washed away by the the waves of curiosity and knowledge.

Poetic, aren’t I?

It’s not very difficult to learn why Watson was attacked and why Taylor has been banned on social media. They were both in trouble for telling the truth. Nobody has ever refuted what they say. They only claim that they shouldn’t say it. Like Nixon was caught on tape saying about race and I.Q. “Every president knows it’s true, but it is every Presidents job to pretend he doesn’t.”

Here, this report shows the suppression of the data on race (and sex) differences in intelligence. The people who disagree with Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and James Watson. You see, the people who are against them are NOT worried that they are wrong, they are worried because THEY ARE RIGHT.

Quotes from this report…
Full article: Research on group differences in intelligence: A defense of free inquiry (tandfonline.com)

Howard Gardner (Who you nearly quoted) was caught saying, “I do not condone investigations into differences in intelligence between the races, because I think the results will likely be incendiary”

Noam Chomsky “Studies like this are of NO scientific interest to anybody but racists and sexists.’

James Flynn said, “As far as race and intelligence are concerned, if Universities have their way, the necessary research will be stopped and never be done" They would rather not know.

Daniel Dennett says, “I would be strongly temped to mischaracterize this sort of research for the public good.”

Here is the author of that report saying that his paper is being redacted by people who haven’t even read it. They are afraid of the truth and do not want it known by the general public.
Academics are trying to get my paper retracted — and some of them haven’t even read it - The Spectator World

The journal of Intelligence wrote on their own website, “we will not publish articles that may lead to political controversy, and we will be the judge over when that is the case.” They aren’t interested in truth, just being politically correct.

This is secular religion, NOT science. And the same people who claim that the term, “Pregnant women,” or “Mothers Milk” are claiming the terms, “Human Milk,” or even “fathers Milk,” and “Pregnant Human,” are more accurate language.

This is cultish Zealotry and anybody who speaks the truth is banned, blocked, shut down, and under attack for daring to stray from their political vision. This includes the man who mapped the HUMAN GENOME (what can he know about genetics, right?)

Back to reality--You attack data and testing for being small sample sizes and extrapolations. However, the Roth study in 2001 reviewed 6.2 MILLION cognitive ability tests and found the EXACT same racial hierarchy existed. This is also consistent with the SAT, the GREs, the MCATS, Corporate job application test, and Military testing.

On of the interesting things about the I.Q racial hierarchy promoted by Taylor, Murray, and Watson (and, as I said, nobody disagrees on this fact, and the only debate is why these disparities exist).

View attachment 534298

Northeast Asians—I.Q. 105

Whites—I.Q. 100

Hispanics—I.Q. 90

Blacks—I.Q. 85

What is interesting about that is when you look at average household income, academic success rates, representation in high brain-function jobs, marriage success, home ownership, etc…the rates for those meters of success in society goes in EXACLY that order.

Conversely, all meters of failure, such as violent crime rates, drug use, drop-out rates, illegitimacy rates, etc…looks EXACLY like that list, but in the reverse. Funny how something you claim is debunked, illegitimate and not believed by anybody corresponds with reality so perfectly.
All kinds of people disagree with this bullshit. Only you racists think differently.
You talk FOR YOURSELF. I am sure there are many just like you..constantly angry over slavery that NONE of us alive today owned; angry that you have kids you refuse to take care of and bail at the first opportunity; angry that your own black women think like you do and raise their children to not work hard or study or be decent human beings but instead blame "whitey"; Angry that everyone else sees the majority of abortions are BLACKS doing it to their own babies; anger that people want you to GROW THE FUCK UP and EARN what you want instead of demanding special treatment due to the color of your skin. I could go on, but why bother? Your head has been stuck in the proverbial sand for a very. long. time. and you will go to your grave blaming everyone EXCEPT YOURSELF and those JUST LIKE YOU.

And those blacks NOT like you....YOU call them Uncle Toms or washouts or whatever the term is you use. Hell, even in your songs you call them bitches.

Your problems and those who think like you ARE THE PROBLEM. Now go explain the drive bys that KILL little black children and find an excuse for it. Oh. Wait. It's whities fault the BLACKS KILL THEIR OWN.


Your song and dance gets old. Wake up.

You laid out a pile of racist shit. I don't have any kids I never took care of because I took care of my son. And I don't think I own women, you might want to check your white men about that. Nobody is mad about slavery you stupid bitch, what we are mad at is the continuing racism of whites as evidenced in your post. That's the song and dance that gets old. And since your white female ass has most of what you got because a man takes care of you, cease preaching about what I need to do.

Because all you dumb ass crackers can do is repeat the same silly shit to everybody black in this forum. Bitch, I earned a masters degree. Bitch, I started a business and helped build 2 others. Bitch, I'm retired because I did work. I did not marry somebody to take care of me and think I get to lecture people about shit I never did myself.

Bitch, it's 2021 and whites are just as racist as they have ever been. You are one of them,so STFU talking about somebody blaming your trifling ass for something 100 years ago when you exhibit the same racism right now. There are plenty of sucessful blacks who aren't mealy mouthed punk ass uncle toms. I am in that number. You aren't . You ain't nothing but a bored housewife living off hubbys dime.

So you grow up.
Nobody takes care of me, asswipe. I have always taken care of myself.

Rant all you want. You are a fool and everyone knows it.

Sincerely, Da Bitch that knows your ilk hence calling me a bitch.
It’s not very difficult to learn why Watson was attacked and why Taylor has been banned on social media. They were both in trouble for telling the truth. Nobody has ever refuted what they say.

It's up to you prove. Not to be disproved.

Science makes progress though discovery and disproof. It tries to knock down its own ideas because disproof is way easier than proof. It loves facts that don't fit because they point to new ideas and discoveries. Watson and Taylor never makes new discoveries that go against its claims that's why kicked out.

Intelligence itself is very hard to define, whether IQ tests are a good measure of intelligence is hotly debated, the definition of race is unclear, there is no genetic proof as of yet that indicates the existence of traits unique to what we call a particular race(based on their appearance and known ancestry), yet you are sure blacks are inferior.

A person of the white master race should know better. No ?

So what you are saying is this : A black cat and a white cat are not both cats. They are different species. So are you saying that there is no single human race ? There are just different races which just happen to look little bit alike.

I think you are just scared. A more ballsy guy would’ve said already that science proves that blacks are dumb. But since you and your kind are too scared, you try to find some sort of pseudo-scientifical dress which you can wear in the racist ballroom gala

In many way it's a waste of time even debating with you as you can’t argue facts against beliefs. People believe what they want and they will always use confirmation bias to justify what they want to be true. If you want to believe that people are inherently inferior, just like people in the Eugenics movement did, then nothing will convince them otherwise except possibly time. Going through such efforts in trying to prove the superiority of one group over another obviously comes with an agenda. And it’s not a scientific
You laid out a pile of racist shit. I don't have any kids I never took care of because I took care of my son. And I don't think I own women, you might want to check your white men about that. Nobody is mad about slavery you stupid bitch, what we are mad at is the continuing racism of whites as evidenced in your post. That's the song and dance that gets old. And since your white female ass has most of what you got because a man takes care of you, cease preaching about what I need to do.

Because all you dumb ass crackers can do is repeat the same silly shit to everybody black in this forum. Bitch, I earned a masters degree. Bitch, I started a business and helped build 2 others. Bitch, I'm retired because I did work. I did not marry somebody to take care of me and think I get to lecture people about shit I never did myself.

Bitch, it's 2021 and whites are just as racist as they have ever been. You are one of them,so STFU talking about somebody blaming your trifling ass for something 100 years ago when you exhibit the same racism right now. There are plenty of sucessful blacks who aren't mealy mouthed punk ass uncle toms. I am in that number. You aren't . You ain't nothing but a bored housewife living off hubbys dime.

So you grow up.
Unless you hid your attitudes, you never had anything to do with a successful business unless it catered to an exclusively black clientele. If you opened your mouth to customers like you do here, no non-black customer would return.
For those with even a passing interest and understanding of statistics, the existence of a few individuals who go against the statistical grain is not "disproof" of the reality, or anything like it. NOBODY is saying that there are not brilliant Blacks in REAL subjects (STEM, etc.), but they are exceedingly rare.

As I have previously pointed out in this space, if one presumes that an IQ of 130 is "required" for membership in the top technical/intellectual echelon, only 5% of whites would qualify, but a microscopic three-tenths of one percent of Blacks would meet that standard. If there are 36 million or so Blacks in the U.S., that's more than a hundred thousand individuals - good for them. But to expect Blacks to be proportionately represented in the learned professions (i.e., 12% of the total) is preposterous. The reality is that they are OVER-represented right now, due to reduced standards in colleges and professional schools.

And to suppose or believe that measured intelligence (IQ) is in any way dubious or questioned by professionals in the field is absurd. The reliability, repeatability, and validity of properly-administered intelligence tests is better established than Evolution. Even IQ tests with nothing but pictorial questions have been proven valid.

It really serves no purpose to deny a fact simply because you find it uncomfortable.
It’s not very difficult to learn why Watson was attacked and why Taylor has been banned on social media. They were both in trouble for telling the truth. Nobody has ever refuted what they say.

It's up to you prove. Not to be disproved.

Science makes progress though discovery and disproof. It tries to knock down its own ideas because disproof is way easier than proof. It loves facts that don't fit because they point to new ideas and discoveries. Watson and Taylor never makes new discoveries that go against its claims that's why kicked out.

Intelligence itself is very hard to define, whether IQ tests are a good measure of intelligence is hotly debated, the definition of race is unclear, there is no genetic proof as of yet that indicates the existence of traits unique to what we call a particular race(based on their appearance and known ancestry), yet you are sure blacks are inferior.

A person of the white master race should know better. No ?

So what you are saying is this : A black cat and a white cat are not both cats. They are different species. So are you saying that there is no single human race ? There are just different races which just happen to look little bit alike.

I think you are just scared. A more ballsy guy would’ve said already that science proves that blacks are dumb. But since you and your kind are too scared, you try to find some sort of pseudo-scientifical dress which you can wear in the racist ballroom gala

In many way it's a waste of time even debating with you as you can’t argue facts against beliefs. People believe what they want and they will always use confirmation bias to justify what they want to be true. If you want to believe that people are inherently inferior, just like people in the Eugenics movement did, then nothing will convince them otherwise except possibly time. Going through such efforts in trying to prove the superiority of one group over another obviously comes with an agenda. And it’s not a scientific

On of the interesting things about the I.Q racial hierarchy promoted by Taylor, Murray, and Watson (and, as I said, nobody disagrees on this fact, and the only debate is why these disparities exist).
Screenshot 2021-09-02 223527.jpg

Northeast Asians—I.Q. 105

Whites—I.Q. 100

Hispanics—I.Q. 90

Blacks—I.Q. 85

What is interesting about that is when you look at average household income, academic success rates, representation in high brain-function jobs, marriage success, home ownership, etc…the rates for those meters of success in society goes in EXACLY that order.

Conversely, all meters of failure, such as violent crime rates, drug use, drop-out rates, illegitimacy rates, etc…looks EXACLY like that list, but in the reverse. Funny how something you claim is debunked, illegitimate and not believed by anybody corresponds with reality so perfectly.

Cmon son. You're not just flogging a dead horse, you're whipping the skeleton now.

White supremacists do this all the time. After I write a post showing how X is not true, they will state X is true and say nothing about the points made by me in the post. As if their saying it makes it so.

Then after losing an argument they will simply repeat their main point as if they did not lose at all. Or they will come back a few days/weeks later when they think everyone has forgotten and then repeat their main point again.

I ask many specific questions you evaded. As well by several others. Because the answers to those questions would shake the foundations of your little olmic empire.

You know it, I know it. Everybody knows it.

You are not open to an honest discussion, you came here as a king of your little sand castle of delightfully white sands. And you know if you answer the questions here, your castle will be washed away by the the waves of curiosity and knowledge.

Poetic, aren’t I?
Ok, boy. How about you identify whichever points you claimed I ignored. I’ve already asked you to stop writing in a pell-mell manner so that we can stay focused on one point at a time, but you couldn’t stop yourself from becoming scatterbrained in your replies. If I missed something it was due to that bad habit of yours. So, ask again, clearly, without silly memes and gif files, and without adding extra posts before I reply. If you can do that, I’ll answer anything. I will also add that claiming any bit of information you dislike is mere “racism, “and the results of White Supremacist/Nazi meddling is NOT an argument against it, nor does it support your side. That is nothing but fearful, cowardly deflection.
For those with even a passing interest and understanding of statistics, the existence of a few individuals who go against the statistical grain is not "disproof" of the reality, or anything like it. NOBODY is saying that there are not brilliant Blacks in REAL subjects (STEM, etc.), but they are exceedingly rare.

As I have previously pointed out in this space, if one presumes that an IQ of 130 is "required" for membership in the top technical/intellectual echelon, only 5% of whites would qualify, but a microscopic three-tenths of one percent of Blacks would meet that standard. If there are 36 million or so Blacks in the U.S., that's more than a hundred thousand individuals - good for them. But to expect Blacks to be proportionately represented in the learned professions (i.e., 12% of the total) is preposterous. The reality is that they are OVER-represented right now, due to reduced standards in colleges and professional schools.

And to suppose or believe that measured intelligence (IQ) is in any way dubious or questioned by professionals in the field is absurd. The reliability, repeatability, and validity of properly-administered intelligence tests is better established than Evolution. Even IQ tests with nothing but pictorial questions have been proven valid.

It really serves no purpose to deny a fact simply because you find it uncomfortable

Quite admirably put. You touch it with a needle. I admire your concise postings.
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