Why Do Whites Think They Can Tell Us What The Problems in Black America Are?

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You're one funny lawn jockey, I'll give ya' that.

I know, when it comes to negroes like you, I don't have to act superior. I know I am. Now, you would say the reason for that is race. But the reason is character. You see, you have none. You commented about banks not wanting to help negro causes. I showed you one example, with over $1 billion being invested in negro communities, and like a fucking coward you don't even mention it, because it proves you wrong.

You are wrong in eery aspect of your life. Your opinions are stupid and wrong. Your beliefs are stupid and wrong.

But I like the way you dance, negro. It's entertaining. Dance some more...
OK. What's the link ?
You could have pointed to the same things 55 years ago. 55 years ago we had Muhammad Ali. Sidney Poiter making movies. Sammy Davis JnR, Louis Armstrong etc. But 55 years ago the USA was burning to the ground due to all the race riots. MLK, Martin Luther, Malcolm X, Black Panthers were fighting for justice


White people have never minded being entertained by black people

Even at the height of racism this was the case.
There are Black musicians I admire. I've played music with many Black musicians. I've never net such whiney sniveling race hustlers as you, IM2 and Superbadbrother in my entire life.
Funny how some white people understand everything about how past and current policies affect people until it come to race.

"It would neither be true or honest to say that the Negros problem is what it is because he is innately inferior or because he is basically lazy and listless or because he has not lifted himself by his own bootstraps. To find the origins of the Negro problem we must turn to the white man's problem."

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr
There are Black musicians I admire. I've played music with many Black musicians. I've never net such whiney sniveling race hustlers as you, IM2 and Superbadbrother in my entire life.
You haven't met any whiny sniveling race hustlers but the other white racists you hang out with. You have never had a serious conversation about race with anybody black.
Internally...improve school education with a push. Reduce the amount of children born out of wedlock and to single teenagers. And to reduce the Prog Socialist Women in power with the advantage of getting the good jobs to males. With minority males getting a true heads up. This will rest us into something sane.
No white boy that's not the answer. Whites try looking for everything but the role their racism plays in the problems people of color face.
No, I'm living in 2021. White racism exists right now and in this forum.
White racism is far from what it was in the 1960s in Mississippi. I was there at that time stationed at Kessler AFB in Biloxi.

I know a few whites who are definitely prejudiced but most I know are fair and follow MLK‘s advice to judge others by the content of their character not the color of their skin.

My son in law for example had closer black friends than he did white friends. He also had a Confederate flag as a wall decoration in the rec room of his home. He was born and raised in Florida and was a real life Florida Cracker. He had herded cattle on horseback with a whip and he was damn good with that whip. It did indeed sound like a gun shot when he used it. One time a cop responded to a gunfire report when he was showing off outside With his whip.


it is true that some racism exists today but it is also true that some use their skin color as a convenient excuse for all the problems in their lives.
Whoops, thought I'd posted that.

Here 'tis: Citi Launches More Than $1 Billion in Strategic Initiatives to Help Close the Racial Wealth Gap

Now I guess we can sit and wait for you to tll us that it's not going to the right negroes, or it's not enough, or some other nonsense to try to deflect from the fact that you're wrong...
Let's try not being disingenous chump. They announced that last year. It just started. And the things blacks face take more than a billion dollars to fix since the study by Citi shows that blacks have lost at least 16 trillion since the beginning of this century.

So spare us your opinion saltine.
White racism is far from what it was in the 1960s in Mississippi. I was there at that time stationed at Kessler AFB in Biloxi.

I know a few whites who are definitely prejudiced but most I know are fair and follow MLK‘s advice to judge others by the content of their character not the color of their skin.

My son in law for example had closer black friends than he did white friends. He also had a Confederate flag as a wall decoration in the rec room of his home. He was born and raised in Florida and was a real life Florida Cracker. He had herded cattle on horseback with a whip and he was damn good with that whip. It did indeed sound like a gun shot when he used it. One time a cop responded to a gunfire report when he was showing off outside With his whip.

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it is true that some racism exists today but it is also true that some use their skin color as a convenient excuse for all the problems in their lives.

Overall in America crime is less than it was in 1960. So do we stop fighting crime? There is no acceptable amount of racism Batcat.
You haven't met any whiny sniveling race hustlers but the other white racists you hang out with. You have never had a serious conversation about race with anybody black.
True, I've never had any serious conversation about race with any Black musicians. We were having too much fun playing music. You're mentally ill.
True, I've never had any serious conversation about race with any Black musicians. We were having too much fun playing music. You're mentally ill.
No, I'm just fine. You're the one posting racism while claiming not to be a racist. That's schizophrenia.
Canon Shooter
Whoops, thought I'd posted that. Here 'tis: Citi Launches More Than $1 Billion in Strategic Initiatives to Help Close the Racial Wealth Gap

I don't care what they say they are going to do. I only care about what they have done.

I mean it's been a year since they "launched" this in Sep 2020

So what have they done ?

Canon Shooter
Now I guess we can sit and wait for you to tll us that it's not going to the right negroes, or it's not enough, or some other nonsense to try to deflect from the fact that you're wrong...

I'm not going to give white people credit for doing something they are supposed to do. The same way white communities get invested in heavily. Black communities should get the same.

Racism is one the reasons why the US is slowly slipping into third world nation and why it is in the state that it is in. The US is in so much debt and if they had economic black powerhouse, all that debt would've been paid off.

For example, Donald Trump and his family have only been in America for three generations, that is nothing historically compared to black Americans. USA needs to acknowledge who build the country and why black Americans are important to USA's moral foundations. Without foundational black Americans there is no nation and no humanity.
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Overall in America crime is less than it was in 1960. So do we stop fighting crime? There is no acceptable amount of racism Batcat.
If there is no acceptable amount of racism do you accept the fact that a lot of blacks are racist toward whites?

Plus why are blacks so racist against Asians?

‘Cause this is what Rasmussen just found: According to the telephone and online survey, 75% of American adults think “racism” can go all ways — in other words, that it’s defined by discrimination of one group against another, based on skin color and heritage.

Eighteen percent say most Whites in America are racist.

Twenty-five percent say most Blacks in America are racist.

Fifteen percent say most Hispanics in America are racist.

Thirteen percent say most Asians in America are racist.

That means: “Americans believe blacks are more racist than whites, Hispanics and Asians in this country,” Rasmussen wrote.

Before the pandemic and before Trump’s presidency, anti-Asian violence had existed in major urban locales. It looked disturbingly like today’s attacks. Instead of crying racism, local leaders of these deep-blue areas used to bend over backward to deny any possibility of a racial motive. National leaders used to pay no attention.

In 2018, when neither ordinary people nor Trump had heard of the coronavirus, blacks committed more hate crimes against Asians more than any other race, according to national hate crime statistics compiled by the Justice Department. Figures for 2020 are not yet available.

A previous wave of despicable anti-Asian violence in the San Francisco Bay Area is also illuminating. In January 2010, six black male teenagers kicked and beat 83-year-old Huan Chen after he disembarked at a light rail bus stop in San Francisco. They bashed his head to the ground and fled the scene laughing as Chen laid bleeding. He died two months later.

In April of the same year, two black teenagers punched 59-year-old Tian Sheng Yu in downtown Oakland. They also assaulted his son before and afterward. The elder Yu died from his injuries. The criminals later said they just "felt like hitting someone."

A survey conducted by the San Francisco Police Department in 2008 revealed that 85% of the city’s violent crimes were black-on-Asian, a figure officials in this notoriously liberal city confronted with "squeamishness."
If there is no acceptable amount of racism do you accept the fact that a lot of blacks are racist toward whites?

But you still get the job white man. You still get the loan. You still get the house. You can still go anywhere in the world and no would have a problem with you on the basis of your race. The police will give you the benefit of the doubt before blowing your brains. You make sure you live as far away from blk ppl as poss and have a system to enable you to do that.

So tell me how is all this black racism affecting you white man ?
Plus why are blacks so racist against Asians?

I repeat what I wrote before.

This white man (Brendt Christensen)


You probably don't know who he is but he did this


In 2017 this white man raped her, beat her, cut off her head and mutilated her body.

Fast forward to 2019. Arhur Martonvich kills three Asian man in New York subway by beating them to death with a hammer.


He try to sell some B.S about doing it to defend Asian women from Asian men. Yeah right.

Last year a white man John Wiseman called the police and told them that his Asian wife was on the floor unresponsive. He left out the part about shooting her three times, two of them in the back


Jeffery Morris (Who has previous convictions) burns Susie Zhao alive


Scott Smith last years shoot and kills his wife Kanaquan Smith. He filed for divorce a few weeks before he killed her. He claimed self defence and guess what ? They bought it. Prosecutors dropped all charges against him saying there wasn't enough evidence.


I don't forget the killers of Vincent Chin in the 80's who was killed by two white men who got no jail time

I don't forget Lyuen Phan Ngyuen who beaten to death by 7 white men in the 90's who shouted "white power" to her

I don't forget Micheal Cho in 2007 was unarmed when shot and killed by a white policeman who of course was not punished

I don't forget Thang Nyguen shot to death in 2016 by two white men who of course never spent one night in Shawshank.

But we are the problem ?

Black people have done a lot for Asians. Let's look at history.

When the white supremacists were over there in 1800's killing the people in the Phillipines, almost committing genocide. A black man named David Fagan and other blk men defected because he didn't wanna see the filippinos get slaughtered. So he and a few other blk men started a guerilla war against the USA army


He went over there training the Asians so they wouldn't be sitting ducks for the white supremacists.

In the 1960's; Asians are over here because of us fighting for the 1965 immigration act. It was the black panthers speaking out against the Vietnam war


Muhammad Ali gave up his best boxing years for Asians.

He was out the sport for 3 years because he didn't want to got to Vietnam and harm Asian people


We are the economic base for Asians. We propped them up but that was not returned because Asians have a policy of not spending a dime with black businesses. And we better not go to their countries coz the anti blk racism is so deep there. It was black people who watched them Kung Fu movies of the 70's and made Bruce Lee an icon.

So people better shut the fk up about how black people are mistreating the Asian community

Let's talk facts

For months we have had the white media trying to manufacture a phoney outrage about how blk ppl attacking Asians.

As Malcolm X said


They focused on the same 3 or 4 incidents and they put this on a non stop loop over and over again.

And guess what ?

That was going so well .....until this


The white media's goal is to try to invalidate blk people's claim of racism. That's what this about.

So the white media has to step forward with this counter narrative. One that makes black people the bad guys and they can't be subtle about it.
No white boy that's not the answer. Whites try looking for everything but the role their racism plays in the problems people of color face.
White Prog women are your bosses. They control you. You are their bitches. What is worse is they like your machismo while you phuk over the sisters. The sisters are pissed off and have attitudes and blame everyone. For decades! Black guys and White women are much more an item that White men and Black women. You know I am telling you the truth. And what bothers me is that Black ladies are so sexy but craziness interferes in any possible relationships with all groups involved.
Canon Shooter
Whoops, thought I'd posted that. Here 'tis: Citi Launches More Than $1 Billion in Strategic Initiatives to Help Close the Racial Wealth Gap

I don't care what they say they are going to do. I only care about what they have done.

I mean it's been a year since they "launched" this in Sep 2020

So what have they done ?

I'm not gonna' spoon feed you, Sambo. Read the article.

I knew you'd dismiss it. The fact of the matter is that a bank with a white CEO is doing more to help negroes than negroes have ever done themselves...

Canon Shooter
Now I guess we can sit and wait for you to tll us that it's not going to the right negroes, or it's not enough, or some other nonsense to try to deflect from the fact that you're wrong...

I'm not going to give white people credit for doing something they are supposed to do. The same way white communities get invested in heavily. Black communities should get the same.
What makes this something that Citi is "supposed to do".

Seriously, though, fuck you. Fuck you, and fuck your whole negro community. You deserve nothing; not a goddamn thing. Citi puts $1.15 billion into the slums and you're not going to give them credit for that?

Fuck you. You deserve shit...

For example, Donald Trump and his family have only been in America for three generations, that is nothing historically compared to black Americans.

What that tells me is that Trump's family was smarter and worked harder, and negroes like you sat on your fat moolie asses waiting to get shit for free. Well, that's exactly what you'll get: shit...
If there is no acceptable amount of racism do you accept the fact that a lot of blacks are racist toward whites?

But you still get the job white man. You still get the loan. You still get the house. You can still go anywhere in the world and no would have a problem with you on the basis of your race. The police will give you the benefit of the doubt before blowing your brains. You make sure you live as far away from blk ppl as poss and have a system to enable you to do that.

So tell me how is all this black racism affecting you white man ?
I worked for a major corporation that was always searching for qualified blacks to promote. A black who had some education could easily climb the corporate ladder and many did.

One big problem I see today is many of the schools in the large cities run by democrats are failing to educate their students. Many have a hard time reading or doing basic math even if they graduate. A high percentage of the students in those areas are black. Without a good education their opportunities are limited. You can’t be the head of a quality department in a high tech industry if you can’t read well.

I recently moved from a small town in Florida to a more rural area. I lived in that city for fifteen years and had black neighbors all that time and were good friends with them. We moved because my son in law and myself were the only people living in an enormous home that had once been a hotel. At one time a dozen or more people lived in that home with us but kids grow up and renters leave. After 15 years of listening to logging trucks drive by all day and oten at night I wanted to live in a quiet neighborhood for a change.

Explain to me why many blacks who immigrate here from Africa are more successful than blacks born here.

As the black population in the United States grows, the diversity in the black community is unprecedented. According to research by Nielsen, the number of black immigrants in the U.S. has more than doubled since 1980, to a record 3.8 million, accounting for 1 in every 11 blacks. By 2060, 1 out of every 6 U.S. blacks will be immigrants.

Black immigrants from Africa are driving the recent growth in immigration, accounting for 36% of the total foreign-born black population. Blacks from Nigeria and Ethiopia account for much of that growth. Still, the Caribbean population accounts for nearly 50% of all blacks, with most coming from Jamaica.

As the ‘different flavors of black’ emerge, different economies are also emerging. The Nielsen research finds that the median household income for foreign-born blacks is 30% higher than U.S.-born blacks. emphasis added[/b]

If there is no acceptable amount of racism do you accept the fact that a lot of blacks are racist toward whites?

Plus why are blacks so racist against Asians?

‘Cause this is what Rasmussen just found: According to the telephone and online survey, 75% of American adults think “racism” can go all ways — in other words, that it’s defined by discrimination of one group against another, based on skin color and heritage.

Eighteen percent say most Whites in America are racist.

Twenty-five percent say most Blacks in America are racist.

Fifteen percent say most Hispanics in America are racist.

Thirteen percent say most Asians in America are racist.

That means: “Americans believe blacks are more racist than whites, Hispanics and Asians in this country,” Rasmussen wrote.

Before the pandemic and before Trump’s presidency, anti-Asian violence had existed in major urban locales. It looked disturbingly like today’s attacks. Instead of crying racism, local leaders of these deep-blue areas used to bend over backward to deny any possibility of a racial motive. National leaders used to pay no attention.

In 2018, when neither ordinary people nor Trump had heard of the coronavirus, blacks committed more hate crimes against Asians more than any other race, according to national hate crime statistics compiled by the Justice Department. Figures for 2020 are not yet available.

A previous wave of despicable anti-Asian violence in the San Francisco Bay Area is also illuminating. In January 2010, six black male teenagers kicked and beat 83-year-old Huan Chen after he disembarked at a light rail bus stop in San Francisco. They bashed his head to the ground and fled the scene laughing as Chen laid bleeding. He died two months later.

In April of the same year, two black teenagers punched 59-year-old Tian Sheng Yu in downtown Oakland. They also assaulted his son before and afterward. The elder Yu died from his injuries. The criminals later said they just "felt like hitting someone."

A survey conducted by the San Francisco Police Department in 2008 revealed that 85% of the city’s violent crimes were black-on-Asian, a figure officials in this notoriously liberal city confronted with "squeamishness."

No I won't accept that because being angry at the way we have continously been treated is not racism. Don't post anectdotal shit like you have just done to try absolving whites of what has been don. Start naming legislation and public policy made by blacks to exclude whites from opportunity, education, housing, health care, investments, freedom, the right to vote, citizenship, and income/wealth.

Fuck that Rasmussen poll where maybe 20 blacks took part.

New report analyzes race of perpetrators in anti-Asian attacks

A new report out analyzing the race of suspects in anti-Asian attacks found in 184 incidents analyzed, news articles identified 89% of the suspects as White.

White racists such as you are always trying to find ways to claim somebody else is more racist. Blacks have done none of what whites have done and what cerain types of whites continue doing now. There is NO amount of acceptable racism, and that means eveybody, but for you to try claiming blacks are more racist than everybody is ludicrous.
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