Why do women have so many kids with different men?

This is why I lament the fact that our schools encourage children to engage in sex at a young age, and our media encourages women to embrace risky sex with multiple, non-supportive partners:

The reasons are partly obvious. No matter how good a single parent is, that solo parent can NEVER model for the child how two, present, committed, parent partners share & work together; communicate together and solve problems together as equals. As well, single parents have more pressure emotionally, physically, socially, mentally and financially, raising a child alone. And, with the extended family's decline, there are less familial models and supports, as well.

Findings, in comparison with two-parent homes, show significant impacts on children:

1. Less emotional support for the children

2. Harsher discipline

3. Inconsistent discipline

4. Fewer rules (interesting in conjunction with #'s 2 & 3).

5. Less supervision

6. More conflict between parent and child

7. Lower achieved levels of education

8. Twice the dropout rate

9. Twice the incarceration rate

10. More violent crime

11. More gang involvement

12. More likely to be a teen parent

13. Four times the need for help with emotional and behavioral problems

14. More alcohol and drug problems

15. More suicides"

What sort of animal would ever tell a young girl that they have a *right* to, and should, embark upon a lifestyle that results in the above?

Ask a progressive. They have the answers.

Primarily it's because they view children and women as chattel.

Single vs Two-Parent Families child development and society - New York Urban Education Examiner.com

psst...chattel is a real word too, chrissy.

Well then, why did you not stay with the father of your first set of children? Seems kind of selfish, right?

28 years ago, I was a product of the same machine that's still churning out idiots like you.
The increase in single-parent homes in the last 40 years has had a, largely, negative effect on children's development, one that we must address.
50% of marriages end in divorce. Some communities have 80% of the children raised by a single parent. Statistics show that children raised in healthy single parent homes have more problems emotionally, inter-personally, in school, and with the law than those raised in healthy two-parent homes."

Single vs Two-Parent Families child development and society - New York Urban Education Examiner.com

Nobody denies that. That still doesn't mean it's okay or acceptable for you to be an asshole. Some of us will not tolerate your bad treatment.

Shut up and swallow, bitch. Lol, the fact that your skewed reality leads you to experience my comments about how to empower young women, and my lament about the fact that they are viewed as chattel by progressive schools and the medial, as a THREAT and a judgement against you personally shows that I'm 100 percent on the mark.

You illustrate my points beautifully. Our schools damage young women, and send them the message that they are worthless except as sexual vessels and funding tools for the progressive political machine.

Um, I don't think that making up stories on the internet about people to make yourself look better constitutes empowering young women. Also, your very first comment, is that supposed to be empowering too? :cuckoo: You are nuttier than squirrel poop, that's for sure.
We already established that I never made up anything about you. We established that you are the one with the screw loose.

Meanwhile, in the real world:

"What once were homogeneous societies, with long-held child rearing traditions and supportive, extended families, are, unfortunately, diminishing over time. Considering how important a task parenting is, to the individual and society, teaching it in our public schools should be the next step."

Single vs Two-Parent Families child development and society - New York Urban Education Examiner.com
The increase in single-parent homes in the last 40 years has had a, largely, negative effect on children's development, one that we must address.
50% of marriages end in divorce. Some communities have 80% of the children raised by a single parent. Statistics show that children raised in healthy single parent homes have more problems emotionally, inter-personally, in school, and with the law than those raised in healthy two-parent homes."

Single vs Two-Parent Families child development and society - New York Urban Education Examiner.com

Nobody denies that. That still doesn't mean it's okay or acceptable for you to be an asshole. Some of us will not tolerate your bad treatment.

Shut up and swallow, bitch. Lol, the fact that your skewed reality leads you to experience my comments about how to empower young women, and my lament about the fact that they are viewed as chattel by progressive schools and the media, as a THREAT and a judgement against you personally shows that I'm 100 percent on the mark.

You illustrate my points beautifully. Our schools damage young women, and send them the message that they are worthless except as sexual vessels and funding tools for the progressive political machine.

Let's review, shall we? Lol. "Shut up and swallow bitch." Then ". . . my comments about how to empower young women . . . " Yikes.
We already established that I never made up anything about you. We established that you are the one with the screw loose.

Meanwhile, in the real world:

"What once were homogeneous societies, with long-held child rearing traditions and supportive, extended families, are, unfortunately, diminishing over time. Considering how important a task parenting is, to the individual and society, teaching it in our public schools should be the next step."

Single vs Two-Parent Families child development and society - New York Urban Education Examiner.com

No WE did not establish anything of the kind. Another example of you being crazy.
"Professor Paul Amato of Pennsylvania State University recently published his findings, of his investigation of numerous research studies, in an article titled, “The Impact of Family Formation Change on the Cognitive, Social, and Emotional Well-Being of the Next Generation.”

".....He found that children who grow up in households with two continuously married parents are less likely to experience a wide range of problems.

"Children from single parent families have “more behavioral problems, more emotional problems, and lower levels of school engagement (that is, caring about school and doing homework).”

The reasons are simple children who grow up in stable two-parent families ..... “receive more effective parenting, experience more cooperative co-parenting, are emotionally closer to both parents, and are subjected to fewer stressful events and circumstances.”

Children Benefit from Two-Parent Families Parents Families.com
We already established that I never made up anything about you. We established that you are the one with the screw loose.

Meanwhile, in the real world:

"What once were homogeneous societies, with long-held child rearing traditions and supportive, extended families, are, unfortunately, diminishing over time. Considering how important a task parenting is, to the individual and society, teaching it in our public schools should be the next step."

Single vs Two-Parent Families child development and society - New York Urban Education Examiner.com

I have not once disagreed that children are better off in 2-parent households. What I have objected to is your bad treatment of others who are not so fortunate.
The increase in single-parent homes in the last 40 years has had a, largely, negative effect on children's development, one that we must address.
50% of marriages end in divorce. Some communities have 80% of the children raised by a single parent. Statistics show that children raised in healthy single parent homes have more problems emotionally, inter-personally, in school, and with the law than those raised in healthy two-parent homes."

Single vs Two-Parent Families child development and society - New York Urban Education Examiner.com

Nobody denies that. That still doesn't mean it's okay or acceptable for you to be an asshole. Some of us will not tolerate your bad treatment.

Shut up and swallow, bitch. Lol, the fact that your skewed reality leads you to experience my comments about how to empower young women, and my lament about the fact that they are viewed as chattel by progressive schools and the media, as a THREAT and a judgement against you personally shows that I'm 100 percent on the mark.

You illustrate my points beautifully. Our schools damage young women, and send them the message that they are worthless except as sexual vessels and funding tools for the progressive political machine.

Let's review, shall we? Lol. "Shut up and swallow bitch." Then ". . . my comments about how to empower young women . . . " Yikes.


You get what you ask for. You whined about "bad treatment" so I reminded you what "bad treatment" looks like.

Though I doubt if you recognize it as such.
"Professor Paul Amato of Pennsylvania State University recently published his findings, of his investigation of numerous research studies, in an article titled, “The Impact of Family Formation Change on the Cognitive, Social, and Emotional Well-Being of the Next Generation.”

".....He found that children who grow up in households with two continuously married parents are less likely to experience a wide range of problems.

"Children from single parent families have “more behavioral problems, more emotional problems, and lower levels of school engagement (that is, caring about school and doing homework).”

The reasons are simple children who grow up in stable two-parent families ..... “receive more effective parenting, experience more cooperative co-parenting, are emotionally closer to both parents, and are subjected to fewer stressful events and circumstances.”

Children Benefit from Two-Parent Families Parents Families.com
How do you explain Dick Cheney and Dubya?

And isn't Paul Amato a crack pot homophobe? Oh, right, he is!
We already established that I never made up anything about you. We established that you are the one with the screw loose.

Meanwhile, in the real world:

"What once were homogeneous societies, with long-held child rearing traditions and supportive, extended families, are, unfortunately, diminishing over time. Considering how important a task parenting is, to the individual and society, teaching it in our public schools should be the next step."

Single vs Two-Parent Families child development and society - New York Urban Education Examiner.com

I have not once disagreed that children are better off in 2-parent households. What I have objected to is your bad treatment of others who are not so fortunate.

Oh, ok.

What a ding dong.
The increase in single-parent homes in the last 40 years has had a, largely, negative effect on children's development, one that we must address.
50% of marriages end in divorce. Some communities have 80% of the children raised by a single parent. Statistics show that children raised in healthy single parent homes have more problems emotionally, inter-personally, in school, and with the law than those raised in healthy two-parent homes."

Single vs Two-Parent Families child development and society - New York Urban Education Examiner.com

Nobody denies that. That still doesn't mean it's okay or acceptable for you to be an asshole. Some of us will not tolerate your bad treatment.

Shut up and swallow, bitch. Lol, the fact that your skewed reality leads you to experience my comments about how to empower young women, and my lament about the fact that they are viewed as chattel by progressive schools and the media, as a THREAT and a judgement against you personally shows that I'm 100 percent on the mark.

You illustrate my points beautifully. Our schools damage young women, and send them the message that they are worthless except as sexual vessels and funding tools for the progressive political machine.

Let's review, shall we? Lol. "Shut up and swallow bitch." Then ". . . my comments about how to empower young women . . . " Yikes.


You get what you ask for. You whined about "bad treatment" so I reminded you what "bad treatment" looks like.

Though I doubt if you recognize it as such.

Uh, no, you were the one whining about bad treatment, remember? Probably not. I'm expecting too much.
We already established that I never made up anything about you. We established that you are the one with the screw loose.

Meanwhile, in the real world:

"What once were homogeneous societies, with long-held child rearing traditions and supportive, extended families, are, unfortunately, diminishing over time. Considering how important a task parenting is, to the individual and society, teaching it in our public schools should be the next step."

Single vs Two-Parent Families child development and society - New York Urban Education Examiner.com

I have not once disagreed that children are better off in 2-parent households. What I have objected to is your bad treatment of others who are not so fortunate.

Oh, ok.

What a ding dong.

Is that the best you've got? Because, really, it's quite pathetic. If you want to help people and give them advice, then that's what you do. You don't judge them or their situations without knowing any details. You don't know anything about being a religious person, obviously. You are very hateful person.
The last poster who liked to post images of beautiful women that encouraged dudes to pm and *like* her turned out to be a phone sex prostitute who suffered from ass boils, incidentally.

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
No family, moron. Though I know kgrill won't report you.

Learn to read half-wit..that wasn't directed at Koshergirl.....earlier in this ridiculous thread we had posters comparing drunken parents....I doubt any of them were serious so mind your own business.
The last poster who liked to post images of beautiful women that encouraged dudes to pm and *like* her turned out to be a phone sex prostitute who suffered from ass boils, incidentally.
Did they ever cure them? I'd forgotten you had that "little" problem.

This bitch is obviously a psychopath. She probably had that problem because she probably used her services. How else would she know that? :lol:

It was a lucky guess, lol. After the stupid ho blabbed her symptoms all over the board.

It was classic, a beautiful thing. You remind me of her.

Your a psycho, obviously. No one should believe anything that comes out of your nasty pie hole.

^ that

She is a nut case do-gooder wannabe pretentious baby's mama

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Ultimately, as I've said over and over...not only is it disgusting the way our progressive schools and media encourage young women to engage in risky sex that results ultimately in pregnancy with men they will never in a million years marry, or maintain a relationship with....

But in the event a girl DOES get pregnant, we need to stop telling them they have a *right* to drag their children with them as they serial screw man after man after man, trying to find that *right* dude to move in with them and their kids (for a while).

What we have found is that it isn't so much just the SINGLE aspect of single parenthood that is turning children into retards, drop outs and criminals...it's the constant upheaval of their lives caused by the fact that their unattached mothers bounce from bed to bed, sometimes marriage to marriage.

If you are a single mom, stay single for pete's sakes until your kids are raised.

Stop looking for Mr. Right after you've been knocked up by Mr. Wrong. You got it wrong, now focus on the kids. And kids do better with JUST MOM than they do with the vast majority of stepdads, and ANY boyfriend.

“Based on this study, we can’t say for sure that marriage will be a good thing for the children of single mothers – particularly if that marriage is unhealthy and does not last,” she said.

"Other research suggests that single mothers in the TANF program would be at great risk of divorce if they did get married, because of their lower levels of education, lower income and the fact that they have a child. And a divorce would cause the family instability that truly does have negative consequences for children."

“My message to single moms is to think carefully before they decide to get married or live with a partner,” she said.

“Both romantic relationships and parenting are hard work. Unless you think that you and your partner can make it for the long haul, I think it would be better for single moms to avoid moving in with romantic partners. Family transitions are hard for kids.”

Family Stability May Be More Crucial Than Two Parents For Child Success
We already established that I never made up anything about you. We established that you are the one with the screw loose.

Meanwhile, in the real world:

"What once were homogeneous societies, with long-held child rearing traditions and supportive, extended families, are, unfortunately, diminishing over time. Considering how important a task parenting is, to the individual and society, teaching it in our public schools should be the next step."

Single vs Two-Parent Families child development and society - New York Urban Education Examiner.com

I have not once disagreed that children are better off in 2-parent households. What I have objected to is your bad treatment of others who are not so fortunate.

Oh, ok.

What a ding dong.

Is that the best you've got? Because, really, it's quite pathetic. If you want to help people and give them advice, then that's what you do. You don't judge them or their situations without knowing any details. You don't know anything about being a religious person, obviously. You are very hateful person.

Ding. dong.

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