Why do you have have racist/or racial prejudices?

"The only way to be a Texan, is to be born a Texan."

My irony meter pegged when I read that................................
Whites aren't worthy of the air they breath.

One thing I find about blacks is a unjustified ego. Seriously, half of your population on this planet live very poorly, but you somehow think that you're better than anyone else. LOL. Some of your better nations still have over 50% of your entire population living on less than a few dollars per day. One major weakness within your race is the fact that blacks don't think or consider anything. Just fuck and beat your chest!

That race you say doesn't deserve to breath air has done more towards advancing humanity than you could ever do. Not even in another hundred thousand more years. Not until at least the day you're willing to think about your own improvement as a people.

You wouldn't be typing on a keyboard
Looking at a computer
Hell, you wouldn't even have electric power to run it if it wasn't for that race you hate so much.

You wouldn't have much more than drums or smoke signals if it wasn't for the white man. Prove me wrong as I'm very interested in learning. :eusa_silenced: I'm far from a closed minded person. :)

You'd likely be bowing to a chief as there wouldn't be a concept of democracy(Greece, Rome) without white people. Likely no human rights as chief bow-bong wouldn't want to be questioned. Look at most of the world before the first century BC to understand this quite well.

You wouldn't drive a car, truck or ride on a train. lol!

If you hate whitey so much why do you use his inventions??? LOL!!!

Yet, you wonder why we whites think highly of ourselves? We're one of the few races on this planet that has earned it. You blacks expect whites to kiss your ass and accept 4-5 times the level of violence within our societies, and you wonder why people judge you??? LOL:badgrin: Somehow me not liking this is worse than some black guy doing the raping to you. This is a mindset that disgusts me about blacks.

You expect a free hand up within our society, yet you don't want me to judge you?

You expect us not to judge Obama, but that's simply a must within our society. One of the most damaging things the left can push is this "racist" bullshit at this time. The very fabric of our democratic system could be harmed. Not that you give a damn.

The fact that you can't be reasoned with is a good part of why I'm a racist. Being able to discuss and work towards better is a huge part of human advancement.

Somehow with the black track record, I doubt they're going to come to the table with anything that would benefit society. O'noo's, we must hate whitey and never adapt successful idea's into our mindset.
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As I mentioned in another thread I'm really new but among the subjects that are being discussed, I noticed some people commenting have some serious racist/prejudice views towards people of color (primarily African-Americans). Now to make my thread clear let me clarify that by having a racist view, I'm talking about:

(A) Actions, beliefs, attitudes, and practices which are typically considered socially negative, attributed to those entities of that particular ethnic group.
Racial Prejudice:

(B) an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand without knowledge, thought, or reason of a particular individual and/or group of that particular ethnic group.

I notice some of you are pointing out statistics to validate your reason (no I don't recognize Wikipedia as a scholarly source of information when debating) without actually citing some references. So it leads me to believe that a lot of these views are basically inherent and these views are most likely based on personal accounts and feelings not necessarily fact. I want to discuss the why's on your particular racist views and whether or not it makes actual sense.

Why are some blacks ashamed to be Americans?

Why must they used the hyphenated "african-american"?

The vast majority of them have never been to Africa.

It's obvious to me that they wish to seperate themselves from the rest of us and that in my opinion is very bigoted.

If you're referring to Marcus Garvey's "Back to Africa" Movement, you're like 90 years late.

I've never heard anyone in my family or community ever discuss going "back to Africa". Back to what? We are no more African than an American with the last name of Schneider is German. It's called heritage sir. Our ancestors may have come from Africa or Caribbean or wherever else in the world, but that does not mean that we belong there. I know of no person who subscribes to such a ridiculous belief. Blacks are Americans, first and foremost and the ones I know have always considered themselves as such.

As to the OP - I can confidently say, I have no racial preferences or prejudices. Unlike those who do, I see the bigger picture.
Blacks out of all the races are the most racist in our society.

It is taught to them at birth how evil the white man is.

Thankfully some blacks don't subscribe to that line of thought.
As I mentioned in another thread I'm really new but among the subjects that are being discussed, I noticed some people commenting have some serious racist/prejudice views towards people of color (primarily African-Americans). Now to make my thread clear let me clarify that by having a racist view, I'm talking about:

(A) Actions, beliefs, attitudes, and practices which are typically considered socially negative, attributed to those entities of that particular ethnic group.
Racial Prejudice:

(B) an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand without knowledge, thought, or reason of a particular individual and/or group of that particular ethnic group.

I notice some of you are pointing out statistics to validate your reason (no I don't recognize Wikipedia as a scholarly source of information when debating) without actually citing some references. So it leads me to believe that a lot of these views are basically inherent and these views are most likely based on personal accounts and feelings not necessarily fact. I want to discuss the why's on your particular racist views and whether or not it makes actual sense.

Why are some blacks ashamed to be Americans?

Why must they used the hyphenated "african-american"?

The vast majority of them have never been to Africa.

It's obvious to me that they wish to seperate themselves from the rest of us and that in my opinion is very bigoted.

If you're referring to Marcus Garvey's "Back to Africa" Movement, you're like 90 years late.

I've never heard anyone in my family or community ever discuss going "back to Africa". Back to what? We are no more African than an American with the last name of Schneider is German. It's called heritage sir. Our ancestors may have come from Africa or Caribbean or wherever else in the world, but that does not mean that we belong there. I know of no person who subscribes to such a ridiculous belief. Blacks are Americans, first and foremost and the ones I know have always considered themselves as such.

As to the OP - I can confidently say, I have no racial preferences or prejudices. Unlike those who do, I see the bigger picture.

I wasn't referring to to anything other than personal experiences.

There are blacks in this forum that have stated their desire to go back to Africa and have urged other blacks to do the same.

But that wasn't my point. My point is, why do blacks feel the need to seperate themselves from the rest of America?
Why are some blacks ashamed to be Americans?

Why must they used the hyphenated "african-american"?

The vast majority of them have never been to Africa.

It's obvious to me that they wish to seperate themselves from the rest of us and that in my opinion is very bigoted.

If you're referring to Marcus Garvey's "Back to Africa" Movement, you're like 90 years late.

I've never heard anyone in my family or community ever discuss going "back to Africa". Back to what? We are no more African than an American with the last name of Schneider is German. It's called heritage sir. Our ancestors may have come from Africa or Caribbean or wherever else in the world, but that does not mean that we belong there. I know of no person who subscribes to such a ridiculous belief. Blacks are Americans, first and foremost and the ones I know have always considered themselves as such.

As to the OP - I can confidently say, I have no racial preferences or prejudices. Unlike those who do, I see the bigger picture.

I wasn't referring to to anything other than personal experiences.

There are blacks in this forum that have stated their desire to go back to Africa and have urged other blacks to do the same.

But that wasn't my point. My point is, why do blacks feel the need to seperate themselves from the rest of America?

You're generalizing the entire black demographic so that alone makes your question facetious and utterly moot. As I said, not one black person I personally know has EVER stated that they want to go back to Africa. There is nothing for them there. What possible rationale do they have to go to a place that probably doesn't want them there any more than they want to be there? It's pure generalization and fallacy.

As for the bit about the black posters on this forum. That's their opinion. That's their view. It is NOT my view and it probably will never be my view. Just because they say it doesn't mean every Black person in American agrees with them.

Blacks out of all the races are the most racist in our society.

It is taught to them at birth how evil the white man is.

Thankfully some blacks don't subscribe to that line of thought.

Once again, if you didn't generalize, I would be inclined to agree with you on that first sentence.

Sometimes I just sit there and listen to my family members talk and I count how many times they say something about a white person, and then I flip it on the inverse and try to imagine a white family saying the same shit about a black person....there would be outrage abound if that stuff every reached black ears, but there's barely a murmur from whites inversely. It's still racism and somehow, the black people I know have gotten it in their heads that it's acceptable. I personally do not accept it.

Your 2nd sentence is completely untrue, at least in my own experience. My mom didn't have the best experiences with whites when she was coming up admittedly, but she never taught us to hate them. It would've been nearly impossible to do so and still be the functioning members of society that we both now are.

And you're damn right that not all blacks subscribe to that line of thought. Those are the ones you need to think about when you see all of these ridiculous posts that over-generalize the black demographic. The worse thing we can do as a people is blame the many for the ignorance and mistakes of the few.
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I would point you to the wealth of data showing that blacks are, as a group, inherently less intelligent than whites. By about 15 IQ points. It's summed nicely in "The Bell Curve", but there are plenty of other sources, if you're interested.

Are you?

Most people who scream about "racism" have no interest in the data, scientific or otherwise. You sound rational enough, but there is no more controversial topic, and nobody ever seems to care about facts.

It's easy for racist dullards to hide behind "group statistics", why not be intelligent and concentrate on the individual? I often hear and read a lot of so-called conservatives spout the "individual", yet they often like to lump people into groups when the statistics may support their attitudes. I'm not saying this is you, but I would rather concentrate on the individual.
Why do you have have racist/or racial prejudices?

Because when it comes down to it we are all "*******". It is easy to find someone to pick on.
As I mentioned in another thread I'm really new but among the subjects that are being discussed, I noticed some people commenting have some serious racist/prejudice views towards people of color (primarily African-Americans). Now to make my thread clear let me clarify that by having a racist view, I'm talking about:

(A) Actions, beliefs, attitudes, and practices which are typically considered socially negative, attributed to those entities of that particular ethnic group.
Racial Prejudice:

(B) an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand without knowledge, thought, or reason of a particular individual and/or group of that particular ethnic group.

I notice some of you are pointing out statistics to validate your reason (no I don't recognize Wikipedia as a scholarly source of information when debating) without actually citing some references. So it leads me to believe that a lot of these views are basically inherent and these views are most likely based on personal accounts and feelings not necessarily fact. I want to discuss the why's on your particular racist views and whether or not it makes actual sense.

Why are some blacks ashamed to be Americans?

Why must they used the hyphenated "african-american"?

The vast majority of them have never been to Africa.

It's obvious to me that they wish to seperate themselves from the rest of us and that in my opinion is very bigoted.

Why are some whites ashamed to be Americans?

Why must they used the hyphenated "italian-american"?

The vast majority of them have never been to Italy.

It's obvious to me that they wish to seperate themselves from the rest of us and that in my opinion is very bigoted.
Blacks out of all the races are the most racist in our society.

It is taught to them at birth how evil the white man is.

Thankfully some blacks don't subscribe to that line of thought.

Whites out of all the races are the most racist in our society.

It is taught to them at birth about "white privilege" and how to oppress blacks and other "mud races".

Thankfully some whites don't subscribe to that line of thought.
Why are some blacks ashamed to be Americans?

Why must they used the hyphenated "african-american"?

The vast majority of them have never been to Africa.

It's obvious to me that they wish to seperate themselves from the rest of us and that in my opinion is very bigoted.

If you're referring to Marcus Garvey's "Back to Africa" Movement, you're like 90 years late.

I've never heard anyone in my family or community ever discuss going "back to Africa". Back to what? We are no more African than an American with the last name of Schneider is German. It's called heritage sir. Our ancestors may have come from Africa or Caribbean or wherever else in the world, but that does not mean that we belong there. I know of no person who subscribes to such a ridiculous belief. Blacks are Americans, first and foremost and the ones I know have always considered themselves as such.

As to the OP - I can confidently say, I have no racial preferences or prejudices. Unlike those who do, I see the bigger picture.

I wasn't referring to to anything other than personal experiences.

There are blacks in this forum that have stated their desire to go back to Africa and have urged other blacks to do the same.

But that wasn't my point. My point is, why do blacks feel the need to seperate themselves from the rest of America?

Your "question" is based on a STUPID and almost condescending ASSumption that you made about Black people in general. Before this country was even formed, "the Blacks" were the ones who were FORCIBLY SEPARATED from the white populace and then citizens of this country. "The blacks" didn't enact the "Black codes" , Jim Crow laws, restrictive covenants BARRING the property to be sold to someone outside of the caucasian race. "The Blacks" didn't start "racial profiling", "the blacks" didn't start "Affirmative Action", some of "the Blacks, after being called ******, coon, jig, colored, negra, negro, "boy" etc, by "the whites" finally wanted to coin their own term and define themselves.

It's pretty "funny" that you left the above out in order to try to prove some STUPID non-point. Thanks for the laugh!!! :lol:
Whites out of all the races are the most racist in our society.

It is taught to them at birth about "white privilege" and how to oppress blacks and other "mud races".

You're an idiot.

I would call you intellectually dishonest because you left out the post I was responding to but you seem to have no intellect. You tried to impotently make it (my post) into a pretext instead of being honest and pointing out the proper context you dumb fuck.

Thanks for showing your BIAS and not slamming the original poster who I quoted but changed the word "black" with "white" and added some ignorant blanket generalizations to prove how fucked up his statement and post was. Good job sparky!! :lol:
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Whites aren't worthy of the air they breath.

One thing I find about blacks is a unjustified ego. Seriously, half of your population on this planet live very poorly, but you somehow think that you're better than anyone else. LOL. Some of your better nations still have over 50% of your entire population living on less than a few dollars per day. One major weakness within your race is the fact that blacks don't think or consider anything. Just fuck and beat your chest!

That race you say doesn't deserve to breath air has done more towards advancing humanity than you could ever do. Not even in another hundred thousand more years. Not until at least the day you're willing to think about your own improvement as a people.

You wouldn't be typing on a keyboard
Looking at a computer
Hell, you wouldn't even have electric power to run it if it wasn't for that race you hate so much.

You wouldn't have much more than drums or smoke signals if it wasn't for the white man. Prove me wrong as I'm very interested in learning. :eusa_silenced: I'm far from a closed minded person. :)

You'd likely be bowing to a chief as there wouldn't be a concept of democracy(Greece, Rome) without white people. Likely no human rights as chief bow-bong wouldn't want to be questioned. Look at most of the world before the first century BC to understand this quite well.

You wouldn't drive a car, truck or ride on a train. lol!

If you hate whitey so much why do you use his inventions??? LOL!!!

Yet, you wonder why we whites think highly of ourselves? We're one of the few races on this planet that has earned it. You blacks expect whites to kiss your ass and accept 4-5 times the level of violence within our societies, and you wonder why people judge you??? LOL:badgrin: Somehow me not liking this is worse than some black guy doing the raping to you. This is a mindset that disgusts me about blacks.

You expect a free hand up within our society, yet you don't want me to judge you?

You expect us not to judge Obama, but that's simply a must within our society. One of the most damaging things the left can push is this "racist" bullshit at this time. The very fabric of our democratic system could be harmed. Not that you give a damn.

The fact that you can't be reasoned with is a good part of why I'm a racist. Being able to discuss and work towards better is a huge part of human advancement.

Somehow with the black track record, I doubt they're going to come to the table with anything that would benefit society. O'noo's, we must hate whitey and never adapt successful idea's into our mindset.

I don't care how you judge me. You don't matter.
As I mentioned in another thread I'm really new but among the subjects that are being discussed, I noticed some people commenting have some serious racist/prejudice views towards people of color (primarily African-Americans). Now to make my thread clear let me clarify that by having a racist view, I'm talking about:

(A) Actions, beliefs, attitudes, and practices which are typically considered socially negative, attributed to those entities of that particular ethnic group.
Racial Prejudice:

(B) an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand without knowledge, thought, or reason of a particular individual and/or group of that particular ethnic group.

I notice some of you are pointing out statistics to validate your reason (no I don't recognize Wikipedia as a scholarly source of information when debating) without actually citing some references. So it leads me to believe that a lot of these views are basically inherent and these views are most likely based on personal accounts and feelings not necessarily fact. I want to discuss the why's on your particular racist views and whether or not it makes actual sense.

According to our esteemed member Ravi, racial prejudice and discrimination isn't racism, it's simply acting on stereotypes.

I hate to destroy your thoughtful OP like this, but thems the breaks yo.

Actually racial prejudice in action, which compels someone to discriminate base on another member's phenotype (that is biological features associated with that ethnic group) and/or to make unfounded generalizations to justify their discriminatory behavior is indeed racism...

For example, if a person who believes that all blacks have low intelligence, but encounters an African-American like a Barack Obama who has a prestigous law degree and is well spoken their attitude may remain unchanged however psychologically, people with these behaviors retain these views despite having their views contradicted by objective facts.
Blacks out of all the races are the most racist in our society.

It is taught to them at birth how evil the white man is.

Thankfully some blacks don't subscribe to that line of thought.

Whites out of all the races are the most racist in our society.

It is taught to them at birth about "white privilege" and how to oppress blacks and other "mud races".

Thankfully some whites don't subscribe to that line of thought.

tell us about this white privilege you speak of.

I want more info.
As I mentioned in another thread I'm really new but among the subjects that are being discussed, I noticed some people commenting have some serious racist/prejudice views towards people of color (primarily African-Americans). Now to make my thread clear let me clarify that by having a racist view, I'm talking about:

(A) Actions, beliefs, attitudes, and practices which are typically considered socially negative, attributed to those entities of that particular ethnic group.
Racial Prejudice:

(B) an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand without knowledge, thought, or reason of a particular individual and/or group of that particular ethnic group.

I notice some of you are pointing out statistics to validate your reason (no I don't recognize Wikipedia as a scholarly source of information when debating) without actually citing some references. So it leads me to believe that a lot of these views are basically inherent and these views are most likely based on personal accounts and feelings not necessarily fact. I want to discuss the why's on your particular racist views and whether or not it makes actual sense.

According to our esteemed member Ravi, racial prejudice and discrimination isn't racism, it's simply acting on stereotypes.

I hate to destroy your thoughtful OP like this, but thems the breaks yo.

Actually racial prejudice in action, which compels someone to discriminate base on another member's phenotype (that is biological features associated with that ethnic group) and/or to make unfounded generalizations to justify their discriminatory behavior is indeed racism...

For example, if a person who believes that all blacks have low intelligence, but encounters an African-American like a Barack Obama who has a prestigous law degree and is well spoken their attitude may remain unchanged however psychologically, people with these behaviors retain these views despite having their views contradicted by objective facts.

not surprising that you automatically pointed the finger at whitey
What pisses me off is the fact that they think they can get away with such high levels of violence. Blaming us for racism for pointing it out, while they rape our women and utterly destroy our cities into unlivable cess pools. It isn't our(white mans) fault that they turn everything they touch into a ghetto of violence.

No personal responsibility is expected from blacks. O'nooo's that would be RACIST. I'm racist as we shouldn't give anyone a double standard to destroy our country.

If they're so goddamn equal...Show us! Of course their defenders will be along shortly to call me a racist bigot.

The sad part about this whole comment is the "us versus them."

I'm not going to get into the details of the "unlivable conditions" that you mentioned, nor will I discuss the genesis of how "white flight" and gentrification are tools of segragation.

But I will say this your attitude of "us versus them" is not the solution, but apparently you may are a segragationist because of the tone of your writing. Let us also get something straight here is that the United States of America is not the "white man's country." This country was inhabited well before the European colonialist. Also, how the United States became the country it has become was not because of the "white man" but because of the various ethnic groups that contributed to this country.

Freed Slaves fought next to white soldiers to defeat the confederates. Native Americans helped in WW2. Vietnamese helped the U.S soldiers in locating and eliminating Vietcong. A black man designed Washington D.C Hell, Mount Rushmore as it depicted a Native American a clear indication that this country was founded by various cultures.

So no this is not a white man's country. This is all U.S Americans country.
According to our esteemed member Ravi, racial prejudice and discrimination isn't racism, it's simply acting on stereotypes.

I hate to destroy your thoughtful OP like this, but thems the breaks yo.

Actually racial prejudice in action, which compels someone to discriminate base on another member's phenotype (that is biological features associated with that ethnic group) and/or to make unfounded generalizations to justify their discriminatory behavior is indeed racism...

For example, if a person who believes that all blacks have low intelligence, but encounters an African-American like a Barack Obama who has a prestigous law degree and is well spoken their attitude may remain unchanged however psychologically, people with these behaviors retain these views despite having their views contradicted by objective facts.

not surprising that you automatically pointed the finger at whitey

Point out where I "blamed whitey."
Actually racial prejudice in action, which compels someone to discriminate base on another member's phenotype (that is biological features associated with that ethnic group) and/or to make unfounded generalizations to justify their discriminatory behavior is indeed racism...

For example, if a person who believes that all blacks have low intelligence, but encounters an African-American like a Barack Obama who has a prestigous law degree and is well spoken their attitude may remain unchanged however psychologically, people with these behaviors retain these views despite having their views contradicted by objective facts.

not surprising that you automatically pointed the finger at whitey

Point out where I "blamed whitey."

it's called inference dumbass

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