Zone1 Why do you need gods?

And perhaps also if it doesn't. Just as our phenotype only represents one facet of all the genes we carry, sometimes some people find themselves in the same type of situation again and again no matter what they do...because they have a vacuum in their soul. I need for a certain type of experience pertinent to their growth and understanding. So then perhaps there is some different type of logic that explains what is happening than the one they were using to explain their experiences. Since we are all different I don't think we can expect consistent outcomes for every individual on a simple basis of action.
Karma wouldn't be of much use to us if it was random.
Why would any religion believe that an all powerful creator would have any need of being worshipped?
I don't think he does. Worship is for our benefit.

no doubt, the constituents who read their books ...

there's a difference, worshiping their god in turn is to worship the religious leaders, real or not - the prophets they worship, moses and the jews - to bolster their own value. not heavens.
God is eternal and infinite. God pretends he is not so she can enjoy moments and things. God feels love, sees sunsets, hears birds chirping, tastes butter, touches skin, smells springtime — through you. God peers from your eyes, breathes your every breath. Right Now.
no doubt, the constituents who read their books ...

there's a difference, worshiping their god in turn is to worship the religious leaders, real or not - the prophets they worship, moses and the jews - to bolster their own value. not heavens.
Good thing no one does that.
I must have missed your point then. What was your point?

My point was that just because somebody sees God as a meanie doesn't make Him less real than the devil is since he's actually evil.
I don't think that's an accurate way to put it.
How else would you put it?

Karma is a word meaning the result of a person's actions as well as the actions themselves. It is a term about the cycle of cause and effect. According to the theory of Karma, what happens to a person, happens because they caused it with their actions.
Good thing no one does that.

you do -

using the phony 10 commandments to worship something that never existed ... and the liar that would have destroyed them in a personal, uncontrolled fit of rage - moses if there were any validity to their lie to begin with.

and is replete throughout the desert religions.
Cycle of cause and effect would certainly be far more accurate than it "pays you back for your actions". That would be like personifying and painting a stern face on a tornado or other natural occurrence. Also, you mentioned the polarity of bad and good, which is a very western way of looking at things. Sometimes people repeatedly find themselves in situations which could be bad or good or somewhere in between. That's your karma pulling those things into your life because you have something to learn from them, to make you complete. It's not necessarily rewarding you or punishing you although you may see it that way for a number of reasons.
you do -

using the phony 10 commandments to worship something that never existed ... and the liar that would have destroyed them in a personal, uncontrolled fit of rage - moses if there were any validity to their lie to begin with.

and is replete throughout the desert religions.
Only in your head.
Cycle of cause and effect would certainly be far more accurate than it "pays you back for your actions". That would be like personifying and painting a stern face on a tornado or other natural occurrence. Also, you mentioned the polarity of bad and good, which is a very western way of looking at things. Sometimes people repeatedly find themselves in situations which could be bad or good or somewhere in between. That's your karma pulling those things into your life because you have something to learn from them, to make you complete. It's not necessarily rewarding you or punishing you although you may see it that way for a number of reasons.
Cause and effect makes karma logical and not random.

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