Zone1 Why do you need gods?

If you wish to get God off the hook for the genocides and murder he commands in the OT by suggesting "embellishment" then you must have a way to determine which ones are lies and which ones are "historical events" as you claim.
Again... I'm not bound to your interpretations.

(There's a lot in the OT that lacks archeological evidence so I'm more than willing to accept that a big chunk of the Pentateuch is wholesale made up but I'm curious how someone is a Believer and still has to figure out which parts of the holy book are lies.)
Kinda sounds like He's hiding. Which doesn't make sense theologically.
Don Shulte's lyrics mean a lot to me.

Holy Darkness​

Holy darkness, blessed night
Heaven's answer hidden from my sight
As we await you, O God of silence
We embrace your holy night

I have tried you in fires of affliction
I have taught your soul to grieve
In the barren soil of your loneliness
There will I plant my seed

Holy darkness, blessed night
Heaven's answer hidden from my sight
As we await you, O God of silence
We embrace your holy night

I've taught you the prize of compassion
You have stood before the grave
Though my love can seem
Like a raging storm
This is the love that saves

Holy darkness, blessed night
Heaven's answer hidden from my sight
As we await you, O God of silence
We embrace your holy night

In your deepest hour of darkness
I will give you wealth untold
When the silence stills your spirit
Will my riches fill your soul

Holy darkness, blessed night
Heaven's answer hidden from my sight
As we await you, O God of silence
We embrace your holy night
We do not agree on that. Your problem is how you read the Bible.

Just read the things you write. You’ll see it. You believe in a god that is superior to the one in the Bible.

For example Yahweh, Jehovah, or Yehova depending on your preferred transliteration said that blood sacrifices were a sweet savour unto Him.

Basically if He was wronged in any way somebody had to pay. It didn’t matter who. However, His anger was satiated with violence against an innocent animal. Finally He got sick of being angry all the time and said, “Just kill my f——-ing son. I’m sick of all these humans violating me all the time.” I bet you would tell me that you don’t believe God is like that. Wouldn’t you?
I've already explained it to you.

If you are unable to deal with someone who doesn't believe as you do perhaps you should put me on "ignore" so you don't have to see my blasphemies.
No. You didn't explain it to me. Why should I waste my time with someone like you?
Aesop’s fables are not historically accurate at all. How is that a win or a loss? I just answered your question. I didn’t know we were keeping score.
Try answering the question like your life depended on it. Do Aesop’s fables speak about truths?
That is the core central concept of Christian Salvation. I don't know what faith you are, but in standard issue Christian soteriology grace exists precisely because all are fallen and undeserving of salvation.

Perhaps in some sects of Christianity "works" are more valuable, but within the Protestant tradition we have justification by faith.
I am Catholic. Catholic teaching is that grace is God's gift to mankind. There is not the "undeserving" element that seems to permeate some of the other faiths. God is love and He showers His blessings and gifts on all. And, yes, Catholics pay attention to Christ's words of, "When I was hungry..thirsty..naked..sick..imprisoned, you gave me...what you did for the least, you did for me." God has expectations of us, but His being of love and goodness shines on all.
Just read the things you write. You’ll see it. You believe in a god that is superior to the one in the Bible.

For example Yahweh, Jehovah, or Yehova depending on your preferred transliteration said that blood sacrifices were a sweet savour unto Him.

Basically if He was wronged in any way somebody had to pay. It didn’t matter who. However, His anger was satiated with violence against an innocent animal. Finally He got sick of being angry all the time and said, “Just kill my f——-ing son. I’m sick of all these humans violating me all the time.” I bet you would tell me that you don’t believe God is like that. Wouldn’t you?
I have no idea what you are talking about. You should try seeing God in the best light possible rather than putting God on trial everyday. He's already been tried, convicted and executed once. Isn't that enough?
I am Catholic. Catholic teaching is that grace is God's gift to mankind. There is not the "undeserving" element that seems to permeate some of the other faiths. God is love and He showers His blessings and gifts on all. And, yes, Catholics pay attention to Christ's words of, "When I was hungry..thirsty..naked..sick..imprisoned, you gave me...what you did for the least, you did for me." God has expectations of us, but His being of love and goodness shines on all.

You should take a bit of time to learn about Protestant Christianity. It's a pretty major sect of the faith.

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