Why do you support Israel

Explain if you will.. Why do you support Israel? Only reason I have heard right or wrong.

Because they are gods chosen
Because they are our "ally"
Because they are the only "democracy" in the ME
Because I am Jewish
SO tell me why do YOU support Israel?

Lt. Col. West said it as well as anyone could, Israel is the eastern front of western civilization. As she goes, so goes the rest of the west.
Do you believe that? Firs time I ever heard that and its completely wrong.
Because they have as much right to live as anyone else despite what you and the other Jew haters think.
There are Jews the world around...
You just don't want the ones in Israel to live?

I would imagine a large percentage of Jews living in Israel are not Zionists either, but that is their home. doesnt matter to the Jew haters though, they cant differentiate between people, they just lump them all together as JEW
The ones who lump all the ones who call everyone against Zionism, even the Jews, anti-Semites.

No, i think those are different ones, but maybe they should all get together sometime at Starbucks and hash it out
Lt. Col. West said it as well as anyone could, Israel is the eastern front of western civilization. As she goes, so goes the rest of the west.
What utter BS. It's six decades old and the rest the Western World, centuries.

Israel is a cancer that humanity would be healthier without.

And the Jews were on that land long before any of the western countries were formed. Can you say thousands of years?
Can you say thousands of years before the Jews? There were people on that land long before the Jews came to be. Look it up. Historical timeline See The Holy Land

Yep, including the folks that adopted Judaism and Islam some 600 years later. Your point?
Lt. Col. West said it as well as anyone could, Israel is the eastern front of western civilization. As she goes, so goes the rest of the west.
What utter BS. It's six decades old and the rest the Western World, centuries.

Israel is a cancer that humanity would be healthier without.

And the Jews were on that land long before any of the western countries were formed. Can you say thousands of years?
even if that were completely true..why is that a reason to lend Aid and support to the policies of another country unquestioningly ?

Unquestioningly, where did I say that? But if you want to talk about aid, why did we continue to send it to the Palestinians while they were firing thousands of rockets into Israel indiscriminately?
exactly or funding Israel's phosphorus attacks civilians and human rights violations..why should we fund any of this madness
Lt. Col. West said it as well as anyone could, Israel is the eastern front of western civilization. As she goes, so goes the rest of the west.
What utter BS. It's six decades old and the rest the Western World, centuries.

Israel is a cancer that humanity would be healthier without.

And the Jews were on that land long before any of the western countries were formed. Can you say thousands of years?
Can you say thousands of years before the Jews? There were people on that land long before the Jews came to be. Look it up. Historical timeline See The Holy Land

Yep, including the folks that adopted Judaism and Islam some 600 years later. Your point?
My point is the Jews have no more right to that land than anyone else on the planet except for the Arabs the Zionists took it from.

And Judaism was around long before Christianity and Islam.
Lt. Col. West said it as well as anyone could, Israel is the eastern front of western civilization. As she goes, so goes the rest of the west.
What utter BS. It's six decades old and the rest the Western World, centuries.

Israel is a cancer that humanity would be healthier without.

And the Jews were on that land long before any of the western countries were formed. Can you say thousands of years?
Can you say thousands of years before the Jews? There were people on that land long before the Jews came to be. Look it up. Historical timeline See The Holy Land

Yep, including the folks that adopted Judaism and Islam some 600 years later. Your point?
My point is the Jews have no more right to that land than anyone else on the planet except for the Arabs the Zionists took it from.

The United Nations invented Israel. If you want to see the best flip flop ever,

wait until the United Nations establishes the Palestinian state.
I support them because I don't believe they should be wiped off the face of the earth something I believe some in the middle east would try if they could.
Why do you support them though? That is just a statement that you think they would get destroyed if you didn't support them.
Explain if you will.. Why do you support Israel? Only reason I have heard right or wrong.

Because they are gods chosen
Because they are our "ally"
Because they are the only "democracy" in the ME
Because I am Jewish
SO tell me why do YOU support Israel?

Lt. Col. West said it as well as anyone could, Israel is the eastern front of western civilization. As she goes, so goes the rest of the west.
Do you believe that? Firs time I ever heard that and its completely wrong.
Because they have as much right to live as anyone else despite what you and the other Jew haters think.
There are Jews the world around...
You just don't want the ones in Israel to live?

My personal opinion is Jews are a parasitic race that invade a nation suck it dry of its resources and then are either kicked out or they leave. My point was there are Jews in most nations around the world.
Iran the country that wants to develop nukes has stated pubically that the nation of Israel should be wiped out there are others in the region and around the world that feel the same way. As you may recall in the not so distant past another nation tried to committe genocide against the Jews I actually believe the words never again should mean something this is why I support Israel. If your not satisifed with my answer then I suspect there is no answer that will satisfy you.
Shouldn't Israel be bombing ISIS? Is their vaunted air force on vacation?
Based upon what?

lol, so you agree with me that we shouldn't be bombing ISIS?

I agree that you are incapable of sustaining a dam' thing ya say. And that your deflection, cited above is a concession that, ONCE AGAIN, you've no means to sustain your assertion.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

To the extent that we are involved in the fight against ISIS, right or wrong, we are getting more help from the Iranians than we are getting from the Israelis...

...the same Israelis that Netanyahu touts as America's strongest ally.
I support them because I don't believe they should be wiped off the face of the earth something I believe some in the middle east would try if they could.
Why do you support them though? That is just a statement that you think they would get destroyed if you didn't support them.
Explain if you will.. Why do you support Israel? Only reason I have heard right or wrong.

Because they are gods chosen
Because they are our "ally"
Because they are the only "democracy" in the ME
Because I am Jewish
SO tell me why do YOU support Israel?

Lt. Col. West said it as well as anyone could, Israel is the eastern front of western civilization. As she goes, so goes the rest of the west.
Do you believe that? Firs time I ever heard that and its completely wrong.
Because they have as much right to live as anyone else despite what you and the other Jew haters think.
There are Jews the world around...
You just don't want the ones in Israel to live?

My personal opinion is Jews are a parasitic race that invade a nation suck it dry of its resources and then are either kicked out or they leave. My point was there are Jews in most nations around the world.
Iran the country that wants to develop nukes has stated pubically that the nation of Israel should be wiped out there are others in the region and around the world that feel the same way. As you may recall in the not so distant past another nation tried to committe genocide against the Jews I actually believe the words never again should mean something this is why I support Israel. If your not satisifed with my answer then I suspect there is no answer that will satisfy you.
Do you feel the same way with ALL peoplee that are victims of genocide or does oemething make Jews special? Yes I know the FORMER president of Iran stated something close to that but not exactly that. If Iran was going to destroy Israel wouldn't the start with the Jews living in Iran? Maybe their Jewish lawmaker?
What's wrong with "our ally" and "the only friend America has in the Mid-East"? Under two democrat administrations we went to war twice in the bloody 20th century to save our allies in Europe. Now under a president with a forged birth certificate who was probably raised as a jihad muslem we abandon Israel after 70 years? It's amazing that Barry Hussein has any rational supporters left in the U.S.
What's wrong with "our ally" and "the only friend America has in the Mid-East"? Under two democrat administrations we went to war twice in the bloody 20th century to save our allies in Europe. Now under a president with a forged birth certificate who was probably raised as a jihad muslem we abandon Israel after 70 years? It's amazing that Barry Hussein has any rational supporters left in the U.S.
Rationality is not something you would understand, obviously.
Palestinians could just accept the situation and stop the Intifada, stop supporting Hamas and REALLY give peace a chance and the world might be a better place. But instead, they the launch rockets and throw rocks and hate on jews...Realy?
Lt. Col. West said it as well as anyone could, Israel is the eastern front of western civilization. As she goes, so goes the rest of the west.
What utter BS. It's six decades old and the rest the Western World, centuries.

Israel is a cancer that humanity would be healthier without.

And the Jews were on that land long before any of the western countries were formed. Can you say thousands of years?
even if that were completely true..why is that a reason to lend Aid and support to the policies of another country unquestioningly ?

Unquestioningly, where did I say that? But if you want to talk about aid, why did we continue to send it to the Palestinians while they were firing thousands of rockets into Israel indiscriminately?
exactly or funding Israel's phosphorus attacks civilians and human rights violations..why should we fund any of this madness

I'm not familiar with phosphorus attacks, you go a link?
Lt. Col. West said it as well as anyone could, Israel is the eastern front of western civilization. As she goes, so goes the rest of the west.
What utter BS. It's six decades old and the rest the Western World, centuries.

Israel is a cancer that humanity would be healthier without.

And the Jews were on that land long before any of the western countries were formed. Can you say thousands of years?
Can you say thousands of years before the Jews? There were people on that land long before the Jews came to be. Look it up. Historical timeline See The Holy Land

Yep, including the folks that adopted Judaism and Islam some 600 years later. Your point?
My point is the Jews have no more right to that land than anyone else on the planet except for the Arabs the Zionists took it from.

And Judaism was around long before Christianity and Islam.

Well you got one thing right, I should have said 600 AD for Islam.

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