Why do you support Israel

I support them because I don't believe they should be wiped off the face of the earth something I believe some in the middle east would try if they could.
Why do you support them though? That is just a statement that you think they would get destroyed if you didn't support them.
Explain if you will.. Why do you support Israel? Only reason I have heard right or wrong.

Because they are gods chosen
Because they are our "ally"
Because they are the only "democracy" in the ME
Because I am Jewish
SO tell me why do YOU support Israel?

Lt. Col. West said it as well as anyone could, Israel is the eastern front of western civilization. As she goes, so goes the rest of the west.
Do you believe that? Firs time I ever heard that and its completely wrong.
Because they have as much right to live as anyone else despite what you and the other Jew haters think.
There are Jews the world around...
You just don't want the ones in Israel to live?

My personal opinion is Jews are a parasitic race that invade a nation suck it dry of its resources and then are either kicked out or they leave. My point was there are Jews in most nations around the world.
So, you want ALL of them dead, not just the ones in Israel?
...My point is the Jews have no more right to that land than anyone else on the planet except for the Arabs the Zionists took it from...
The present-day Jews of Israel are a mixture of genetic descendants of the earlier owners of the land, with an even larger percentage of genetic stock of the Urals and Europe and the old Turkomen lands, and the like, but, so long as they can boast a substantive percentage of genetic stock linked to the earlier Hebrew kingdoms and tribes, that's sufficient for emotional and propaganda purposes.

More importantly, they are the Spiritual Heirs of those old lands - practitioners (and descendants of the practitioners) of the belief system that eventually spawned Christianity, and, later, Islam, along with a handful of other sects and schemes and schisms that did not fare as well and that eventually petered-out over the generations, many centuries ago.

But, what establishes their Right to the Land now is force of arms and victory on the battlefield, which has a marvelous way of cutting the Gordian Knot, and hacking through all the pissy moaning whining idiotic blather about old legalities and old status quo and everything else that the weak and loser side can dream up to try to enlist sympathy post facto.

Israel is a fait accompli, and their Reconquista of Eretz Yisrael - annexing the West Bank and Gaza and moving Jews into those regions - is also nearly a fait accompli - hell, half of Gaza has been flattened due to their own stupidity and there's nothing left of the West Bank but disconnected slivers and fragments of land - insufficient for a viable state.

The Jews of Israel have a right to that land because they SAY they have a right to that land, and because they back up that claim with courage and force of arms.

Don't like it?

Try taking it from them.


The rest of us will make sure you get a decent burial.
I support them because I don't believe they should be wiped off the face of the earth something I believe some in the middle east would try if they could.
Why do you support them though? That is just a statement that you think they would get destroyed if you didn't support them.
Explain if you will.. Why do you support Israel? Only reason I have heard right or wrong.

Because they are gods chosen
Because they are our "ally"
Because they are the only "democracy" in the ME
Because I am Jewish
SO tell me why do YOU support Israel?

Lt. Col. West said it as well as anyone could, Israel is the eastern front of western civilization. As she goes, so goes the rest of the west.
Do you believe that? Firs time I ever heard that and its completely wrong.
Because they have as much right to live as anyone else despite what you and the other Jew haters think.
There are Jews the world around...
You just don't want the ones in Israel to live?

My personal opinion is Jews are a parasitic race that invade a nation suck it dry of its resources and then are either kicked out or they leave. My point was there are Jews in most nations around the world.
So, you want ALL of them dead, not just the ones in Israel?
Personally yes.
I support them because I don't believe they should be wiped off the face of the earth something I believe some in the middle east would try if they could.
Why do you support them though? That is just a statement that you think they would get destroyed if you didn't support them.
Lt. Col. West said it as well as anyone could, Israel is the eastern front of western civilization. As she goes, so goes the rest of the west.
Do you believe that? Firs time I ever heard that and its completely wrong.
Because they have as much right to live as anyone else despite what you and the other Jew haters think.
There are Jews the world around...
You just don't want the ones in Israel to live?

My personal opinion is Jews are a parasitic race that invade a nation suck it dry of its resources and then are either kicked out or they leave. My point was there are Jews in most nations around the world.
Iran the country that wants to develop nukes has stated pubically that the nation of Israel should be wiped out there are others in the region and around the world that feel the same way. As you may recall in the not so distant past another nation tried to committe genocide against the Jews I actually believe the words never again should mean something this is why I support Israel. If your not satisifed with my answer then I suspect there is no answer that will satisfy you.
Do you feel the same way with ALL peoplee that are victims of genocide or does oemething make Jews special? Yes I know the FORMER president of Iran stated something close to that but not exactly that. If Iran was going to destroy Israel wouldn't the start with the Jews living in Iran? Maybe their Jewish lawmaker?
Yes it does not matter if it was the genocide of the Jews in WW2 or in Rawanda in the 90s. It does not matter if it was the former President who made the statement because in Iran the true power is held by the religious clerics their President is the equeleivant of a spokesperson which means he was doing nothing more than repeating the words and feelings of those truly in charge and those are still the same people today.
What utter BS. It's six decades old and the rest the Western World, centuries.

Israel is a cancer that humanity would be healthier without.

And the Jews were on that land long before any of the western countries were formed. Can you say thousands of years?
even if that were completely true..why is that a reason to lend Aid and support to the policies of another country unquestioningly ?

Unquestioningly, where did I say that? But if you want to talk about aid, why did we continue to send it to the Palestinians while they were firing thousands of rockets into Israel indiscriminately?
exactly or funding Israel's phosphorus attacks civilians and human rights violations..why should we fund any of this madness

I'm not familiar with phosphorus attacks, you go a link?
I support them because I don't believe they should be wiped off the face of the earth something I believe some in the middle east would try if they could.
Why do you support them though? That is just a statement that you think they would get destroyed if you didn't support them.
Lt. Col. West said it as well as anyone could, Israel is the eastern front of western civilization. As she goes, so goes the rest of the west.
Do you believe that? Firs time I ever heard that and its completely wrong.
Because they have as much right to live as anyone else despite what you and the other Jew haters think.
There are Jews the world around...
You just don't want the ones in Israel to live?

My personal opinion is Jews are a parasitic race that invade a nation suck it dry of its resources and then are either kicked out or they leave. My point was there are Jews in most nations around the world.
So, you want ALL of them dead, not just the ones in Israel?
Personally yes.
And you call yourself a human being?
...My point is the Jews have no more right to that land than anyone else on the planet except for the Arabs the Zionists took it from...
The present-day Jews of Israel are a mixture of genetic descendants of the earlier owners of the land, with an even larger percentage of genetic stock of the Urals and Europe and the old Turkomen lands, and the like, but, so long as they can boast a substantive percentage of genetic stock linked to the earlier Hebrew kingdoms and tribes, that's sufficient for emotional and propaganda purposes.

More importantly, they are the Spiritual Heirs of those old lands - practitioners (and descendants of the practitioners) of the belief system that eventually spawned Christianity, and, later, Islam, along with a handful of other sects and schemes and schisms that did not fare as well and that eventually petered-out over the generations, many centuries ago.

But, what establishes their Right to the Land now is force of arms and victory on the battlefield, which has a marvelous way of cutting the Gordian Knot, and hacking through all the pissy moaning whining idiotic blather about old legalities and old status quo and everything else that the weak and loser side can dream up to try to enlist sympathy post facto.

Israel is a fait accompli, and their Reconquista of Eretz Yisrael - annexing the West Bank and Gaza and moving Jews into those regions - is also nearly a fait accompli - hell, half of Gaza has been flattened due to their own stupidity and there's nothing left of the West Bank but disconnected slivers and fragments of land - insufficient for a viable state.

The Jews of Israel have a right to that land because they SAY they have a right to that land, and because they back up that claim with courage and force of arms.

Don't like it?

Try taking it from them.


The rest of us will make sure you get a decent burial.
Who knew murdering young children and old people was courage.Jews are a parasitic race who use the holohoax as their meal ticket.
I support them because I don't believe they should be wiped off the face of the earth something I believe some in the middle east would try if they could.
Why do you support them though? That is just a statement that you think they would get destroyed if you didn't support them.
Do you believe that? Firs time I ever heard that and its completely wrong.
There are Jews the world around...
You just don't want the ones in Israel to live?

My personal opinion is Jews are a parasitic race that invade a nation suck it dry of its resources and then are either kicked out or they leave. My point was there are Jews in most nations around the world.
So, you want ALL of them dead, not just the ones in Israel?
Personally yes.
And you call yourself a human being?
That sounds pretty human, unfortunately.
I support them because I don't believe they should be wiped off the face of the earth something I believe some in the middle east would try if they could.
Why do you support them though? That is just a statement that you think they would get destroyed if you didn't support them.
Do you believe that? Firs time I ever heard that and its completely wrong.
There are Jews the world around...
You just don't want the ones in Israel to live?

My personal opinion is Jews are a parasitic race that invade a nation suck it dry of its resources and then are either kicked out or they leave. My point was there are Jews in most nations around the world.
So, you want ALL of them dead, not just the ones in Israel?
Personally yes.
And you call yourself a human being?
I am a human being. But I am a white man first and the Jewish race is my races ultimate enemy
The Enemy of MY Enemy is MY FRIEND!

muslim's are America's enemy, unless THEY can prove otherwise!

Shouldn't Israel be bombing ISIS? Is their vaunted air force on vacation?
Ummmm... maybe they're trying to avoid an inordinate number of Syrian and Iraqi overflights in light of the other irons they have in the fire?

No, maybe they aren't willing to BE allies.
Given that the United States has shoved Israel out of the way (and understandably so) during both Gulf War I (1991) and the Iraq War (2003 and beyond), well, it's not terribly surprising that they have not been rushing to enlist, is it?

But - once Obumble's gone, anyway - if we go back to them and ask for their help, and ask for temporary bases for operations, they'll have our back, just as we've has theirs.

In all probability, Israel would absolute love to be an integral part of what we need to do related to ISIS, etc..

Have we bothered to ask them to do just that?

If not, then, speculating on their unwillingness to act like an ally, in this context, seems a bit premature.

Let me know, when Obama asks Bibi for combat sorties, or bases, or overflight rights.

Bibi would almost certainly grant those, if it were Boehner asking the question, or, hell, maybe even Kerry.

But, coming from the Failed Messiah, who has gone out of his way to try to derail the traditional friendship and alliance between the United States and Israel?

Well, maybe not.
Palestinians could just accept the situation and stop the Intifada, stop supporting Hamas and REALLY give peace a chance and the world might be a better place. But instead, they the launch rockets and throw rocks and hate on jews...Realy?
ya people under siege tend to do that stuff...
No problem.

They can continue to die at a 100-to-1 ratio, at their convenience and discretion.

Without Islam you wouldn't have your world, you'd have this:

They kept alive the human knowledge the Catholics hide and burned.

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