Why do you support Israel

Unquestioningly, where did I say that? But if you want to talk about aid, why did we continue to send it to the Palestinians while they were firing thousands of rockets into Israel indiscriminately?
exactly or funding Israel's phosphorus attacks civilians and human rights violations..why should we fund any of this madness

I'm not familiar with phosphorus attacks, you go a link?

So this differs from the Palestinians indiscriminately firing thousands of rockets into civilian populations how? I'll tell you how, Israel doesn't attack the Palestinians for the grins and giggles of it, they do it to stop attacks on them. I feel sorry for the kids on both sides, but the kids in Palestine would kill a Jew in a heart beat, because of the way they are being raised. With a mentality like that there will never be peace.

BTW, you might want to watch that video, pay special attention to the subtitles.

all depends on when you start and stop the clock...chicken and the egg there is no solution in your rhetoric...no reason to support this

Actually there is a reason to support this, Israel is a nation state and every right to exist in peace.
...how does propping up Israel make the US safer?
It doesn't. They do some dirty work for us, advising people we can't be found advising, shipping arms to those we aren't supposed to arm, etc. Beyond that they take our money, spy on us, and help us with intelligence and an occasion assassination still I suspect. They are sometimes friendly in a region where friends of the US are hard to come by, for damn good reason.
Explain if you will.. Why do you support Israel? Only reason I have heard right or wrong.

Because they are gods chosen
Because they are our "ally"
Because they are the only "democracy" in the ME
Because I am Jewish
SO tell me why do YOU support Israel?

I support them for the same reason I would come to the defence of woman who was being raped. What kind of scum doesn't want to help the victim of an assault?
Can anyone explain what the US gets for propping up Israel?
Forward bases in the Middle East when we want and need them.

Intelligence services and a tripwire when one of those Neanderthal Muslim states does something insane.

A proving ground for new weapons systems.

Collaboration on armaments research and production and medicine and science.

A counterweight against the Militant Muslims of the region.

Disdain for Euro-Trash that we helped the Jews after that Trash slaughtered 6,000,000 Jews.

Amusement and delight at the consternation of Jew-haters and Muslim ass-kissers.

Great kosher recipes.
I support them because I don't believe they should be wiped off the face of the earth something I believe some in the middle east would try if they could.
Why do you support them though? That is just a statement that you think they would get destroyed if you didn't support them.
Explain if you will.. Why do you support Israel? Only reason I have heard right or wrong.

Because they are gods chosen
Because they are our "ally"
Because they are the only "democracy" in the ME
Because I am Jewish
SO tell me why do YOU support Israel?

Lt. Col. West said it as well as anyone could, Israel is the eastern front of western civilization. As she goes, so goes the rest of the west.
Do you believe that? Firs time I ever heard that and its completely wrong.
Because they have as much right to live as anyone else despite what you and the other Jew haters think.
There are Jews the world around...
You just don't want the ones in Israel to live?

My personal opinion is Jews are a parasitic race that invade a nation suck it dry of its resources and then are either kicked out or they leave. My point was there are Jews in most nations around the world.

Any Jews hold muslim slaves today...as muslim scum hold black slaves today?
Yes actually they do. Look up Jewish Sex Slave Trade
And for every Jew involved in the Slave Trade there were 10,000 Muslims involved in the Slave Trade.

Why do you support them though? That is just a statement that you think they would get destroyed if you didn't support them.
My personal opinion is Jews are a parasitic race that invade a nation suck it dry of its resources and then are either kicked out or they leave. My point was there are Jews in most nations around the world.
So, you want ALL of them dead, not just the ones in Israel?
Personally yes.
And you call yourself a human being?
I am a human being. But I am a white man first and the Jewish race is my races ultimate enemy

You're nothing but a clueless fucked up individual, Jews are not a race. But they are no better or worse than anyone else.
Jews Are a Race Genes Reveal Forward.com
Explain if you will.. Why do you support Israel? Only reason I have heard right or wrong.

Because they are gods chosen
Because they are our "ally"
Because they are the only "democracy" in the ME
Because I am Jewish
SO tell me why do YOU support Israel?

I support them for the same reason I would come to the defence of woman who was being raped. What kind of scum doesn't want to help the victim of an assault?
So you support ALL countries or people that come under attack or did you just happen to choose one of the most evil races on earth who have done more to start more wars,profit from those wars,murder presidents etc in history? Interesting how you ONLY care about Israel and Jews.
...or did you just happen to choose one of the most evil races on earth who have done more to start more wars,profit from those wars,murder presidents etc in history?...

Please report back to the nurses station in your ward...


Nurse Rached has your evening num-nums aaallllllllll ready for you...

We will ensure that the judge takes your condition into account during the sentencing phase...

Not to worry...

Oh, and, by the way...

Hamas called...

The message was: "Please stay off our side."
Explain if you will.. Why do you support Israel? Only reason I have heard right or wrong.

Because they are gods chosen
Because they are our "ally"
Because they are the only "democracy" in the ME
Because I am Jewish
SO tell me why do YOU support Israel?

I support them for the same reason I would come to the defence of woman who was being raped. What kind of scum doesn't want to help the victim of an assault?
So you support ALL countries or people that come under attack or did you just happen to choose one of the most evil races on earth who have done more to start more wars,profit from those wars,murder presidents etc in history? Interesting how you ONLY care about Israel and Jews.

You're a disgusting racist piece of shit, and I only soil myself by even discussing the issue with you.
Explain if you will.. Why do you support Israel? Only reason I have heard right or wrong.

Because they are gods chosen
Because they are our "ally"
Because they are the only "democracy" in the ME
Because I am Jewish
SO tell me why do YOU support Israel?

I support them for the same reason I would come to the defence of woman who was being raped. What kind of scum doesn't want to help the victim of an assault?
So you support ALL countries or people that come under attack or did you just happen to choose one of the most evil races on earth who have done more to start more wars,profit from those wars,murder presidents etc in history? Interesting how you ONLY care about Israel and Jews.

You're a disgusting racist piece of shit, and I only soil myself by even discussing the issue with you.
Pretty simple question and you resort to name calling and hysterics. Interesting.Telling as well.

Any Jews hold muslim slaves today...as muslim scum hold black slaves today?
Yes actually they do. Look up Jewish Sex Slave Trade
And for every Jew involved in the Slave Trade there were 10,000 Muslims involved in the Slave Trade.

So, you want ALL of them dead, not just the ones in Israel?
Personally yes.
And you call yourself a human being?
I am a human being. But I am a white man first and the Jewish race is my races ultimate enemy

You're nothing but a clueless fucked up individual, Jews are not a race. But they are no better or worse than anyone else.
Jews Are a Race Genes Reveal Forward.com
Explain if you will.. Why do you support Israel? Only reason I have heard right or wrong.

Because they are gods chosen
Because they are our "ally"
Because they are the only "democracy" in the ME
Because I am Jewish
SO tell me why do YOU support Israel?

I support them for the same reason I would come to the defence of woman who was being raped. What kind of scum doesn't want to help the victim of an assault?
So you support ALL countries or people that come under attack or did you just happen to choose one of the most evil races on earth who have done more to start more wars,profit from those wars,murder presidents etc in history? Interesting how you ONLY care about Israel and Jews.

But Odious, it was the shit of the world, muslim's that did this to America...


Muslim's ARE AMERICA'S ENEMY.... Common sense dictates that this is true

Even your hero, Bin Laden said so!

Bin Laden Claims Responsibility for 9 11 Fox News

Any Jews hold muslim slaves today...as muslim scum hold black slaves today?
Yes actually they do. Look up Jewish Sex Slave Trade
And for every Jew involved in the Slave Trade there were 10,000 Muslims involved in the Slave Trade.

Personally yes.
And you call yourself a human being?
I am a human being. But I am a white man first and the Jewish race is my races ultimate enemy

You're nothing but a clueless fucked up individual, Jews are not a race. But they are no better or worse than anyone else.
Jews Are a Race Genes Reveal Forward.com
Explain if you will.. Why do you support Israel? Only reason I have heard right or wrong.

Because they are gods chosen
Because they are our "ally"
Because they are the only "democracy" in the ME
Because I am Jewish
SO tell me why do YOU support Israel?

I support them for the same reason I would come to the defence of woman who was being raped. What kind of scum doesn't want to help the victim of an assault?
So you support ALL countries or people that come under attack or did you just happen to choose one of the most evil races on earth who have done more to start more wars,profit from those wars,murder presidents etc in history? Interesting how you ONLY care about Israel and Jews.

But Odious, it was the shit of the world, muslim's that did this to America...


Muslim's ARE AMERICA'S ENEMY.... Common sense dictates that this is true

Even your hero, Bin Laden said so!

Bin Laden Claims Responsibility for 9 11 Fox News
9/11 was an inside job.

9 11 Was Good For Us. The Case Against Israel Veterans Today

Ask yourself. WHO BENEFITED FROM 9/11? ISRAEL!
You are right, there are Jews in all countries of the world. There are Jews in Iceland, Botswana, India, Australia, Japan, Mexico, Egypt, Kansas, Texas, Samoa and the Fiji Islands. If you saw a Jew in any of these countries, you would not be able tell them by their looks. What sets Jews apart from sub human dregs like you is that Jews have work ethics, ambition, desire to succeed, unbreakable will to survive and honor, traits and qualities you are obviously unfamiliar with.

Hey, moron, Jews are NOT a race. But any race they enter, they are almost certain to win.

Idiots like you resent that. Idiots like you live and breath envy, jealousy and hatred for those with whose shoes you are unworthy to kiss.

Now, on a more personal note: I was 4 years old, when my best friend was yanked away and never seen again, just because his parents were Jewish. You and your miserable ilk would see nothing wrong with that.

The parasitic race is the race that are boasting 200 pound able bodied specimen of either genders, yet live on welfare and keep on producing more bastards to get more welfare. You are probably one of those.

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