Why do you support Israel

stop posting stupid pictures. I am reporting this crap for trolling the thread.

Your topic is why do you support Israel, I believe this is part of your answer, but please go ahead and report it!.... Unlike my signature, about little Faun, I don't get all jerked out of shape!
stop posting stupid pictures. I am reporting this crap for trolling the thread.

You topic is why do you support Israel, I believe this is part of your answer, but please go ahead and report it!.... Unlike my signature, about little Faun, I don't get all jerked out of shape!
Then use words. Oh and do some research on the Atlantic Slave Trade...your chosen friends there had a HUGE hand in it.
Without Islam you wouldn't have your world, you'd have this:

They kept alive the human knowledge the Catholics hide and burned.
Islam did, indeed, contribute heavily to (1) the preservation of the knowledge of Antiquity and (2) expanding upon that knowledge and (3) opening up entirely new lines of inquiry.

Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away.
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stop posting stupid pictures. I am reporting this crap for trolling the thread.

You topic is why do you support Israel, I believe this is part of your answer, but please go ahead and report it!.... Unlike my signature, about little Faun, I don't get all jerked out of shape!
Then use words. Oh and do some research on the Atlantic Slave Trade...your chosen friends there had a HUGE hand in it.

So YOU deny 27 Million BLACKS are enslaved in musilands?

But, after centuries of inactivity on their part, the old maxim: "What have you done for us lately?" comes to mind?
No argument, but the history is clear, and mostly forgotten. The Arabs had streetlights and fountains in the deserts when Europe lived in mud huts, so what the fuck happened is a fair question...
But, after centuries of inactivity on their part, the old maxim: "What have you done for us lately?" comes to mind?
No argument, but the history is clear, and mostly forgotten. The Arabs had streetlights and fountains in the deserts when Europe lived in mud huts, so what the fuck happened is a fair question...
Shia vs. Sunni.

Persian vs. Arab.

Overreaching into Europe, in both the Balkans and in Spain.

Accelerating European competency in the field of warfare, after losing the centuries-long campaign called the Crusdades.

Their own arrogance, and resting on their laurels for far longer than was safe, as the world about them changed.
stop posting stupid pictures. I am reporting this crap for trolling the thread.
You are (supposedly) relatively new to this environment, yet you seem to 'report' a lot, and seem to threaten to 'report' a lot.

Reporting is supposedly reserved for only the most egregious and persistent forms of negative or disruptive behavior.

Serving-up imagery in response to a thread or a thread's OP or a sidebar that has naturally evolved during the course of a thread is legitimate.

Happens around here all the time, and most of the denizens here are OK with that, so long as it's not carried to an extreme or gets out of hand.

You have zero control over the content here and constant and persistent 'reporters' tend not to last long nor to win any colleagues over to their positions.

Reporting someone for persistent and serious personal attacks or constantly trying to derail a thread is one thing, but few of us even bother to do that except in extremis...

Running to Mommy every time somebody posts impersonal imagery that you don't like is quite another...

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Shouldn't Israel be bombing ISIS? Is their vaunted air force on vacation?

Oh ye of short memory! The U.S. doesn't want Israel bombing ISIS in Syria or Iraq, because, unlike Gitmo, that would really be used as a recruitment tool. Gitmo only became a recruitment tool after the Democrats made it one by falsely claiming priosoners were tortured there. I hope you scumbags are proud of yourselves.
And the Jews were on that land long before any of the western countries were formed. Can you say thousands of years?
even if that were completely true..why is that a reason to lend Aid and support to the policies of another country unquestioningly ?

Unquestioningly, where did I say that? But if you want to talk about aid, why did we continue to send it to the Palestinians while they were firing thousands of rockets into Israel indiscriminately?
exactly or funding Israel's phosphorus attacks civilians and human rights violations..why should we fund any of this madness

I'm not familiar with phosphorus attacks, you go a link?

So this differs from the Palestinians indiscriminately firing thousands of rockets into civilian populations how? I'll tell you how, Israel doesn't attack the Palestinians for the grins and giggles of it, they do it to stop attacks on them. I feel sorry for the kids on both sides, but the kids in Palestine would kill a Jew in a heart beat, because of the way they are being raised. With a mentality like that there will never be peace.

BTW, you might want to watch that video, pay special attention to the subtitles.
Explain if you will.. Why do you support Israel? Only reason I have heard right or wrong.

Because they are gods chosen
Because they are our "ally"
Because they are the only "democracy" in the ME
Because I am Jewish
SO tell me why do YOU support Israel?
They were oppressed. They were slaughtered. They survived. They returned home. They were attacked. They defended bravely. They worked. They are successful. They are grateful to God and US. What's not to like?
Home was where they were when they were being slaughtered, and we couldn't be bothered.

Israel has more right to exist than you do. You are the parasite!
even if that were completely true..why is that a reason to lend Aid and support to the policies of another country unquestioningly ?

Unquestioningly, where did I say that? But if you want to talk about aid, why did we continue to send it to the Palestinians while they were firing thousands of rockets into Israel indiscriminately?
exactly or funding Israel's phosphorus attacks civilians and human rights violations..why should we fund any of this madness

I'm not familiar with phosphorus attacks, you go a link?

So this differs from the Palestinians indiscriminately firing thousands of rockets into civilian populations how? I'll tell you how, Israel doesn't attack the Palestinians for the grins and giggles of it, they do it to stop attacks on them. I feel sorry for the kids on both sides, but the kids in Palestine would kill a Jew in a heart beat, because of the way they are being raised. With a mentality like that there will never be peace.

BTW, you might want to watch that video, pay special attention to the subtitles.

all depends on when you start and stop the clock...chicken and the egg there is no solution in your rhetoric...no reason to support this
I support them because I don't believe they should be wiped off the face of the earth something I believe some in the middle east would try if they could.
Why do you support them though? That is just a statement that you think they would get destroyed if you didn't support them.
You just don't want the ones in Israel to live?

My personal opinion is Jews are a parasitic race that invade a nation suck it dry of its resources and then are either kicked out or they leave. My point was there are Jews in most nations around the world.
So, you want ALL of them dead, not just the ones in Israel?
Personally yes.
And you call yourself a human being?
I am a human being. But I am a white man first and the Jewish race is my races ultimate enemy

You're nothing but a clueless fucked up individual, Jews are not a race. But they are no better or worse than anyone else.

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