Why do you want right wing judges on the bench, what do you want

When it comes to politics, I'm rather stoic. Personally, I've been involved in races close to home like governor and US senator. When it comes to governor, Tony Evers (D) is in a dead heat with Scott Walker (49 vs 44) Leah Vukmir (R) is getting blown away by democratic incumbent Tammy Baldwin.

I don't particularly like the democratic party but anything is better than the republicans, at least locally.

You have to pick one or the other, I understand that. The SC can make laws that affect all of us down to the water we might drink and the air we breathe and the killing of workers rights and access to affordable healthcare.

How ignorant. The Supreme Court does not make law.

How ignorant, yes they do.
like repealing Roe v. Wade Hell yea!

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control? Hell yea!

Make no laws concerning guns. Hell yea!

End SSM Hell yea!

Start saying prayers in public schools. Hell yea!

Get rid of public schools. Hell yea!

End the EPA. Hell yea!

End ACA for good. Hell yea!

End all social programs , except for vets Hell yea!

All those things sounds great to me. It would be a good start to restoring liberty and the Constitution.

I see you couldn't think for yourself and make up your own list. Very telling.
When it comes to politics, I'm rather stoic. Personally, I've been involved in races close to home like governor and US senator. When it comes to governor, Tony Evers (D) is in a dead heat with Scott Walker (49 vs 44) Leah Vukmir (R) is getting blown away by democratic incumbent Tammy Baldwin.

I don't particularly like the democratic party but anything is better than the republicans, at least locally.

You have to pick one or the other, I understand that. The SC can make laws that affect all of us down to the water we might drink and the air we breathe and the killing of workers rights and access to affordable healthcare.

The SCOTUS cannot, according to the Constitution make laws.
That's what is wrong with you people. You either don't understand the Constitution, or you want to ignore it.
We want SC justices that follow the Constitution and the law.
If you want federal laws changed, only Congress can make laws.

Another ignorant person, of course the SC makes laws.
The OP's post is based on a fallacy. The SCOTUS doesn't make law, they interpret the law. Anything that is changed will come from the people. Elections have consequences. I simply want judges that interpret the law who aren't activists.
I want the Constitution to matter, and be enforced, not "interpreted" to allow more, and more Social Engineering by the LEFT.

Please list what you think a right wing SC will do and will enforce??
When it comes to politics, I'm rather stoic. Personally, I've been involved in races close to home like governor and US senator. When it comes to governor, Tony Evers (D) is in a dead heat with Scott Walker (49 vs 44) Leah Vukmir (R) is getting blown away by democratic incumbent Tammy Baldwin.

I don't particularly like the democratic party but anything is better than the republicans, at least locally.

You have to pick one or the other, I understand that. The SC can make laws that affect all of us down to the water we might drink and the air we breathe and the killing of workers rights and access to affordable healthcare.

The SCOTUS cannot, according to the Constitution make laws.
That's what is wrong with you people. You either don't understand the Constitution, or you want to ignore it.
We want SC justices that follow the Constitution and the law.
If you want federal laws changed, only Congress can make laws.

Really only Congress can make laws. Are you kidding me?
The OP's post is based on a fallacy. The SCOTUS doesn't make law, they interpret the law. Anything that is changed will come from the people. Elections have consequences. I simply want judges that interpret the law who aren't activists.

Well it really depends on their interpretation, doesn't it. So in essence they determine the law of the land.
Please list what you think a right wing SC will do and will enforce??

Read the Constitution. 1st Amendment (no hate speech laws), 2nd Amendment (no more gun control laws), etc. Keep going down the list.

Also, read why Justice Roberts said Obamacare could pass, and he's SUPPOSED to be Conservative. Activism at its finest!
The OP's post is based on a fallacy. The SCOTUS doesn't make law, they interpret the law. Anything that is changed will come from the people. Elections have consequences. I simply want judges that interpret the law who aren't activists.

Well it really depends on their interpretation, doesn't it. So in essence they determine the law of the land.

The case has to get to them first. Right? They interpret what they are given.
Actually, here's the problem with you guys stacking the court.

January 2021, after Trump has run the GOP into the ground and Democrats control everything again, all they have to do is expand the size of the court to 11 Justices, and appoint two more liberals.


Last time that was tried, it was a Democrat in charge.
Consider how much of the Left's agenda has been implemented on the basis of COURT DECISIONS, rather than through the democratic process...you know, the one where people tell their legislators & congresspersons what they want the law to be, and it's made into laws that people want? Yes, that one.

Gay marriage: In the states that held votes on gay marriage prior to the Supreme Court's stepping in GAY MARRIAGE LOST EVERY SINGLE TIME. Even in California. Every single time. Gay marriage is a matter of public policy, so should be decided by the legislature. But the COURTS stepped in, imposed the Left Wing's will, and now it's the law of the land.

Abortion. The Constitution says NOTHING about abortion, when life starts (for Constitutional purposes), the relationship between a woman and the baby she carries in her womb. None of it. The state legislatures were starting to sort the issue out according to their own peoples' wishes, but then along comes 1973 and Roe v Wade. After that, NO STATE COULD CONTINUE TO OUTLAW ABORTION, because the Supreme Court had stepped in and taken over the issue. This is Constitutional bullshit, which is why the Left is so hysterical about the Kavanaugh appointment; they know that the first time an appropriate case comes before the Court, Roe v. Wade is TOAST. Not because K is an ideologue, but because the case is based on nothing. It is a house of cards. It is founded on a non-existent right (to "Privacy") that the court just made up.

Global Warming. The Obama EPA pulled a fast one when it declared that CO2 was a "harmful pollutant." Imagine that: when you exhale or fart or belch, you are BREAKING THE LAW by emitting CO2. The EPA had no legal or constitutional basis to make such a controversial and outrageous pronouncement, but the Court sanctioned it when it clearly should have been voided FORCING THE CONGRESS TO CONFRONT THIS ISSUE.

Death Penalty. The Court has virtually eliminated the death penalty, in spite of the clear wording of the Constitution, and in spite of the constant wishes of the American people throughout our history. Again, this is an issue that is ENTIRELY a matter for the people to decide, acting through their elected representatives in Congress and the state legislatures, but the USSC has taken it out of their hands, based on Leftist sentiments.

Look at how many of the recent immigration matters have been decided in the courts, and the courts have declared that SIMPLY ENFORCING EXISTING LAW is "unconstitutional." Remember the "Muslim ban." Entirely within the President's powers under the Constitution, but a couple of rogue Democrat Federal District Court judges held it up for a year.

The list goes on and on.

Which is why the elevation of Judge K to the USSC is a wonderful thing. He will follow the Constitution.

And keep in mind, ALL OF THESE LEFTIST INITIATIVES could easily be made into law through the democratic processes outlined in the Constitution IF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANTED THEM. But the Left knows that the American people DON'T want them, and their chances of passing through the democratic process are remote.

Liars, frauds, cheats, evil bastards.
When it comes to politics, I'm rather stoic. Personally, I've been involved in races close to home like governor and US senator. When it comes to governor, Tony Evers (D) is in a dead heat with Scott Walker (49 vs 44) Leah Vukmir (R) is getting blown away by democratic incumbent Tammy Baldwin.

I don't particularly like the democratic party but anything is better than the republicans, at least locally.

You have to pick one or the other, I understand that. The SC can make laws that affect all of us down to the water we might drink and the air we breathe and the killing of workers rights and access to affordable healthcare.

The SCOTUS cannot, according to the Constitution make laws.
That's what is wrong with you people. You either don't understand the Constitution, or you want to ignore it.
We want SC justices that follow the Constitution and the law.
If you want federal laws changed, only Congress can make laws.

Another ignorant person, of course the SC makes laws.

What laws has SCOTUS made?

name at least 3, please
You're confused. From the Supreme Court itself; The Court and Constitutional Interpretation

Read my post again. I said interpreted in context of social engineering. Anytime you read something you are "interpreting" it. The Constitution is pretty clearly written. It doesn't need to be manipulated to mean things never intended. Government should be very limited in its powers.
from them?? What do you think they will do??
Protect us from people like you.

In what way? (by the way I am a law abiding citizen).
From the ridiculous politicians that you support and their legislation.

You might be a law abiding moonbat but your weapon (your vote) is still dangerous.

Stacking the court is like a safety net for the country.

So you want one party called the Republican party, why not just have a King then, a Republican King?
OMG..........will he break out the pen and a phone..............we are all doomed.
Tilly and intolerant I want to know what you think you won?

The right has won the Supreme Court for the next generation, not because they are suddenly biased to the right, but because they are now securely biased toward the Constitution.

There will be two more nominations under Trump.

I want to know what you think you won?? Please list.

They didn't win a damn thing if the Judge is centrist and follows the constitution.
Besides following the Constitution I'd say one of the biggest things for me is watching leftist go insane with rage.
Good Times!!!

So you love a country divided. What do you mean by following the Constitution?

Like I'd ever agree with anything you fruit cakes come up with.
Men in the girls room,butt fucking,open borders,shutting down ICE....is it any wonder we're divided? I mean who in their right mind would support that kinda shit?

As far as following the Constitution goes I think it's pretty self explanatory.
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having the USA OFFICIALLY declared a "CHRISTIAN nation" with laws directly from the christian bible.....

gays and atheists back in the closet
no more evolution in schools
non-christian religions outlawed
women back in the kitchen

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