Why do you want right wing judges on the bench, what do you want

Read my post again. I said interpreted in context of social engineering. Anytime you read something you are "interpreting" it. The Constitution is pretty clearly written. It doesn't need to be manipulated to mean things never intended. Government should be very limited in its powers.

Duh. Your still confused as you somehow mystically sense that things that do not agree with your YOUR interpretation of what the law should be, are social engineered. Keep trying though.
I want the Constitution to matter, and be enforced, not "interpreted" to allow more, and more Social Engineering by the LEFT.
You're confused. From the Supreme Court itself; The Court and Constitutional Interpretation

Equal justice under Law (I wonder if that includes the Potus now and if only the Republican Potus's in the future) and well also the members of the supreme court. Lying under oath comes to mind.

The Framers of the Constitution created three independent and coequal branches of government. (we shall see)
As it should be, according to the Constitution, as the Founders designed it, not by rule by fiat
The OP's post is based on a fallacy. The SCOTUS doesn't make law, they interpret the law. Anything that is changed will come from the people. Elections have consequences. I simply want judges that interpret the law who aren't activists.

Well it really depends on their interpretation, doesn't it. So in essence they determine the law of the land.
Besides following the Constitution I'd say one of the biggest things for me is watching leftist go insane with rage.
Good Times!!!

So you love a country divided. What do you mean by following the Constitution?

Like I'd ever agree with anything you fruit cakes come up with.
Men in the girls room,butt fucking,open borders,shutting down ICE....is it any wonder we're divided? I mean who in their right mind would support that kinda shit?

As far as following the Constitution goes I think it's it's pretty self explanatory.

No, that is why we have a Supreme Court, its not self explanatory. If only the GOP had not used the nuclear option , we'd have more centrists on the SC, instead we have now a SC justices voted by 1 or 2 members of the senate.
Besides following the Constitution I'd say one of the biggest things for me is watching leftist go insane with rage.
Good Times!!!

So you love a country divided. What do you mean by following the Constitution?

Like I'd ever agree with anything you fruit cakes come up with.
Men in the girls room,butt fucking,open borders,shutting down ICE....is it any wonder we're divided? I mean who in their right mind would support that kinda shit?

As far as following the Constitution goes I think it's it's pretty self explanatory.

No, that is why we have a Supreme Court, its not self explanatory. If only the GOP had not used the nuclear option , we'd have more centrists on the SC, instead we have now a SC justices voted by 1 or 2 members of the senate.

You reap what you sow.
No, that is why we have a Supreme Court, its not self explanatory. If only the GOP had not used the nuclear option , we'd have more centrists on the SC, instead we have now a SC justices voted by 1 or 2 members of the senate.

Who put the "Nuclear Option" in place? THE DEMOCRATS! All the "Centrists" were Republican nominees. Anyone the Democrats put in are hardcore, Far Leftists like Kagan, Sotomayor, and Ginsberg. They NEVER vote centrist, nor right. Look at what Roberts did. Kennedy, and Breyer were Republican nominees.
As it should be, according to the Constitution, as the Founders designed it, not by rule by fiat
The OP's post is based on a fallacy. The SCOTUS doesn't make law, they interpret the law. Anything that is changed will come from the people. Elections have consequences. I simply want judges that interpret the law who aren't activists.

Well it really depends on their interpretation, doesn't it. So in essence they determine the law of the land.

Yet he thinks the Potus is above the law, he is too busy playing golf to be under an investigation, civil or criminal. That is why he got nominated by the Potus.
You do realize Kavanaugh is considered to be a moderate Constitutionalist. No, you probably don’t. You listen to those that lie.
Besides following the Constitution I'd say one of the biggest things for me is watching leftist go insane with rage.
Good Times!!!

So you love a country divided. What do you mean by following the Constitution?

Like I'd ever agree with anything you fruit cakes come up with.
Men in the girls room,butt fucking,open borders,shutting down ICE....is it any wonder we're divided? I mean who in their right mind would support that kinda shit?

As far as following the Constitution goes I think it's it's pretty self explanatory.

No, that is why we have a Supreme Court, its not self explanatory. If only the GOP had not used the nuclear option , we'd have more centrists on the SC, instead we have now a SC justices voted by 1 or 2 members of the senate.
You can’t be serious. Then again...
As it should be, according to the Constitution, as the Founders designed it, not by rule by fiat
The OP's post is based on a fallacy. The SCOTUS doesn't make law, they interpret the law. Anything that is changed will come from the people. Elections have consequences. I simply want judges that interpret the law who aren't activists.

Well it really depends on their interpretation, doesn't it. So in essence they determine the law of the land.

Yet he thinks the Potus is above the law, he is too busy playing golf to be under an investigation, civil or criminal. That is why he got nominated by the Potus.
No, that is why we have a Supreme Court, its not self explanatory. If only the GOP had not used the nuclear option , we'd have more centrists on the SC, instead we have now a SC justices voted by 1 or 2 members of the senate.

Who put the "Nuclear Option" in place? THE DEMOCRATS! All the "Centrists" were Republican nominees. Anyone the Democrats put in are hardcore, Far Leftists like Kagan, Sotomayor, and Ginsberg. They NEVER vote centrist, nor right. Look at what Roberts did. Kennedy, and Breyer were Republican nominees.

Its was never intended for the SC nominees. It was for all other courts but not the SC. I believe they are centrist and also Kagan has recused herself from many cases. I believe in the first amendment though.
Actually, here's the problem with you guys stacking the court.

January 2021, after Trump has run the GOP into the ground and Democrats control everything again, all they have to do is expand the size of the court to 11 Justices, and appoint two more liberals.


You picked a bad time to start dropping Acid.....
You can’t be serious. Then again...
As it should be, according to the Constitution, as the Founders designed it, not by rule by fiat
The OP's post is based on a fallacy. The SCOTUS doesn't make law, they interpret the law. Anything that is changed will come from the people. Elections have consequences. I simply want judges that interpret the law who aren't activists.

Well it really depends on their interpretation, doesn't it. So in essence they determine the law of the land.

Yet he thinks the Potus is above the law, he is too busy playing golf to be under an investigation, civil or criminal. That is why he got nominated by the Potus.

Dead serious. You didn't read his paper from 2008 which I have been posting non stop , did you?
What do we want?

Regressive leftists to lose, thus saving lives and property of millions of innocent tax payers.
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.

So . . .

Picture if you can a high fortress wall constructed around a large village middle of the forest, some forest, any forest. The fortress wall is composed of logs driven deep into the ground inches apart. One gate permits passage through this mighty rampart. The name of the village within these impenetrable walls is: Radical American Leftism.

Now . . .

A useful, conservative Supreme Court?

So, Here's my list. Ready?



from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.
Stop the liberal agenda, since you can't legislate your ideas through congress. Just think Trump will probably get one more pick. We can actually thank Obama for Trump.
The SCOTUS cannot, according to the Constitution make laws.
That's what is wrong with you people. You either don't understand the Constitution, or you want to ignore it.
We want SC justices that follow the Constitution and the law.
If you want federal laws changed, only Congress can make laws.

Another ignorant person, of course the SC makes laws.

And that's the problem. Defiant1 is correct—only Congress has the legitimate power to make laws, according to the Constitution. When the Judicial Branch issues rulings that, in effect, create new laws, it is acting illegally.

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