Why do you wish to live in the 18th and 19th centurys?

Why do you wish to take us back to the 19th century? Life was much harder, people had lower quality of life and America was no where near the power we're currently...Without government regs, laws and investment this is exactly where we're going.

There are worse periods, much worse, such as the Middle Ages and who except the insane would want to have been around during the Witchcraft freak-out's, where literally if you had an argument with someone and a week later they became sick, that was enough to get you denounced as a Witch and that was then a one way ticket.

The 18th Century and 19th Century were both exceptional periods, especially in the arts. Of course there were some downsides such as having no age limit on executions and also having bizarre definitions of what was a capitol offence eg. I have read of more than one case where children as young as 8 years-old were hanged for stealing bread.
No paved roads, rum used as an anesthetic and white slave holders demanding freedom.
Took 39 posts to make it to MUH ROOOOOADS!

The leftbats are slipping.

Why do you wish to take us back to the 19th century? Life was much harder, people had lower quality of life and America was no where near the power we're currently...Without government regs, laws and investment this is exactly where we're going.

They like it better when men could beat women and children could be forced to work 12 hours a day. Among a hundred other heinous things.
No paved roads, rum used as an anesthetic and white slave holders demanding freedom.

Imagine that, no anestegia during the Civil War. They just cut your leg off while you listened to the saw and felt in your leg. White slave holders demanding freedom, one of those karmatic anti-matter matters.

Good times indeed.
Why do you wish to take us back to the 19th century? Life was much harder, people had lower quality of life and America was no where near the power we're currently...Without government regs, laws and investment this is exactly where we're going.

Just one great thing about the 18th Century and the 19th Century, the poetry was superior.

In especially the 21st Century there are no good poets, all modern poetry is vulgar and has no sophistication or any beauty whatsoever.

Hi Lucy!

Hello Tom :smiliehug:
Why do you wish to take us back to the 19th century? Life was much harder, people had lower quality of life and America was no where near the power we're currently...Without government regs, laws and investment this is exactly where we're going.

They like it better when men could beat women and children could be forced to work 12 hours a day. Among a hundred other heinous things.

This is getting better than the Comedy Channel. It's just like what WOULD have happened in Chicago if the Cubs had lost.. They'd be dissing the league rules, lynching their own players and coaches, and whining about the "good old days".. :eusa_clap:

No kidding, conservatives have really lost their shit, they pine to return to 1850 when white men forced everyone else to do shit. Sad in a way though, it means all these people live their lives now in utter frustration every day knowing the rest of us don't give two shits about what they pine for. But the Amish found a way. Cons just need to form enclaves and wall themselves in, do away with color televisions and cell phones, bring back Howdy Doody and I Love Lucy, and practice Tuck And Roll all day.

Good times.
thats ridiculous.... I love Lucy had an interracial marriage that show was way too progressive for the average right winger
Why do you wish to take us back to the 19th century? Life was much harder, people had lower quality of life and America was no where near the power we're currently...Without government regs, laws and investment this is exactly where we're going.

They like it better when men could beat women and children could be forced to work 12 hours a day. Among a hundred other heinous things.
No paved roads, rum used as an anesthetic and white slave holders demanding freedom.

Nobody ever got strung out on rum they way they do with a needle and a spoon (barbiturates). As for paved roads....who needs em? I got a 4x4 with a 351ci cactus jumper....paved roads are for sissies.
Thank god for the 21st century and thank god for the safetynet.

To hell with liberterianism and anti-governmentism!!!

I don't give a damn what you think of me because I believe in civilization and you're nothing more than animals.
Why do you wish to take us back to the 19th century? Life was much harder, people had lower quality of life and America was no where near the power we're currently...Without government regs, laws and investment this is exactly where we're going.

Is that all you care about ?
Men beat women today. More men beat more women today because in the 18th and 19th century men were raised with honor and integrity. A man in the 17th,century or 18th century would likely be called out by another man as a coward and thrashed for beating a woman.

Children work today the same as they did then. Today they are robbing convenience stores and selling drugs to class mates, some up it a notch by being whores.

The children today that work because they must, those children who have lives with a toe still on the ranch or farm work too hard to sell dope. By they time they cleaned the barn and fed the pigs they are too tired to rob a 7-Eleven.

Matthew does not relate.

He wants to watch more porn.
Why do you wish to take us back to the 19th century? Life was much harder, people had lower quality of life and America was no where near the power we're currently...Without government regs, laws and investment this is exactly where we're going.

They like it better when men could beat women and children could be forced to work 12 hours a day. Among a hundred other heinous things.
No paved roads, rum used as an anesthetic and white slave holders demanding freedom.

Imagine that, no anestegia during the Civil War. They just cut your leg off while you listened to the saw and felt in your leg. White slave holders demanding freedom, one of those karmatic anti-matter matters.

Good times indeed.

Well you have been doing your damndest to bring back the Salem Witch trials with all this naked hysteria.
No evidence required. Just saw the loopy loon dancing in the forest ON THE SABBATH. BURN HER !!!!

That's my view from the "bleacher seats". It's somewhat amusing. But I'm in mourning for my country WITHOUT getting all hysterical about it.. Here's your tip --- forget the anesthesia --- TRANQUILIZER DARTS. We need an arsenal of zookeeper dart rifles. You just need a short nap... :biggrin:
Thank god for the 21st century and thank god for the safetynet.

To hell with liberterianism and anti-governmentism!!!

I don't give a damn what you think of me because I believe in civilization and you're nothing more than animals.

Hey Mattie....you lost.
Get rid of the fed regulations in industry, particularly food and energy, and we will go back to coal oil and steam power. Inevitable. Unregulated Big Business will break the economy and the corridors and avenues of energy transmission.

Jake, please stop thinking in 'extremes'. Thank you...........
I think in extremes because of the extreme craziness of the far right and alt right.

In reality, it's because your basic beliefs are rooted in the alt-left. Your conumdrum has been solved and you can thank me some other time.
You can jabber all you want, and we can wait until your come to your senses.

It really bugs you that you are alt right.

It should.
Men beat women today. More men beat more women today because in the 18th and 19th century men were raised with honor and integrity. A man in the 17th,century or 18th century would likely be called out by another man as a coward and thrashed for beating a woman.

Children work today the same as they did then. Today they are robbing convenience stores and selling drugs to class mates, some up it a notch by being whores.

The children today that work because they must, those children who have lives with a toe still on the ranch or farm work too hard to sell dope. By they time they cleaned the barn and fed the pigs they are too tired to rob a 7-Eleven.

Matthew does not relate.

He wants to watch more porn.
Your Mormon so you are the porn king.

Tipsy describes a world that never exist in the 1600s and 1700s. Women were beaten regularly as part of the scheme of things. Men were protected by the law. Very sharia'esque.
The infighting at Trump towers is very interesting.

The more Trump's sil emerges, the more Bannon recedes in power.

Christie is out because he put the sil's father in jail for a number of years.

Rudy and Bolton and the rest of the neo-cons are emerging as power centers.

You small government conservatives and isolationist libertarians will go crazy, I think.
Thank god for the 21st century and thank god for the safetynet.

To hell with liberterianism and anti-governmentism!!!

I don't give a damn what you think of me because I believe in civilization and you're nothing more than animals.
There's a post talking about going back on the farm that was also just posted. You right wingers are insane.
There's a post talking about going back on the farm that was also just posted. You right wingers are insane.

Yes they did.

I don't like it.

But, I don't whine about it.

Of course, if Hillary had won I'd be just as upset.
Why do you wish to take us back to the 19th century? Life was much harder, people had lower quality of life and America was no where near the power we're currently...Without government regs, laws and investment this is exactly where we're going.

Why do you libs always want to take us into the 1950s with high taxes, Jim Crowe laws and Europe in ruins?


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