Why does Congress prevent the CDC from studying gun-related violence?

What are they afraid of? Is the CDC barred from scientifically examining any other causes of death? Why this?

Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violenc

In the immediate aftermath of the massacre in Charleston, South Carolina, the US House of Representatives Appropriations Committee quietly rejected an amendment that would have allowed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study the underlying causes of gun violence.

Dr. Fred Rivara, a professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology at the University of Washington at Seattle Children's Hospital, has been involved with injury research for 30 years. He was part of a team that researched gun violence back in the 1990s and personally saw the chilling effects of the NRA’s lobbying arm. Rivara says that the NRA accused the CDC of trying to use science to promote gun control.

“As a result of that, many, many people stopped doing gun research, [and] the number of publications on firearm violence decreased dramatically," he told The Takeaway in April. "It was really chilling in terms of our ability to conduct research on this very important problem.”

In 2013, some 34,000 Americans died from gunshot wounds. So Takeaway Washington Correspondent Todd Zwillich decided to ask House Speaker John Boehner why his party is trying to block research on gun violence.

“The CDC is there to look at diseases that need to be dealt with to protect public health,” Boehner said at a press conference last week. “I’m sorry, but a gun is not a disease. Guns don’t kill people — people do. And when people use weapons in a horrible way, we should condemn the actions of the individual and not blame the action on some weapon.”

But does the CDC research blame the public health issue of gun violence on the weapons themselves?

“The original concern from the National Rifle Association back in 1996, which Dr. Rivara mentioned, made that very implication,” says Zwillich. “The NRA complained to Congress that the CDC was using the results of its research to essentially advocate for gun control. They called it propaganda. And back at that time, Congress slashed the CDC’s funding by the exact amount that was used for gun-related public health research.”

Rivara and his team discovered that having a gun in the home is associated with a threefold increase in the risk of a homicide — they released this information in a series of peer-reviewed articles that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. The CDC both funded Rivara’s original research and stood by the findings.

But after Congress seemingly retaliated against the CDC for publishing Rivara’s findings, Zwillich says researchers with the agency have shied away from conducting gun research.

The CDC was being used to promote anti 2nd Amendment propaganda disguised as research....
What are they afraid of? Is the CDC barred from scientifically examining any other causes of death? Why this?

Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violenc

In the immediate aftermath of the massacre in Charleston, South Carolina, the US House of Representatives Appropriations Committee quietly rejected an amendment that would have allowed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study the underlying causes of gun violence.

Dr. Fred Rivara, a professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology at the University of Washington at Seattle Children's Hospital, has been involved with injury research for 30 years. He was part of a team that researched gun violence back in the 1990s and personally saw the chilling effects of the NRA’s lobbying arm. Rivara says that the NRA accused the CDC of trying to use science to promote gun control.

“As a result of that, many, many people stopped doing gun research, [and] the number of publications on firearm violence decreased dramatically," he told The Takeaway in April. "It was really chilling in terms of our ability to conduct research on this very important problem.”

In 2013, some 34,000 Americans died from gunshot wounds. So Takeaway Washington Correspondent Todd Zwillich decided to ask House Speaker John Boehner why his party is trying to block research on gun violence.

“The CDC is there to look at diseases that need to be dealt with to protect public health,” Boehner said at a press conference last week. “I’m sorry, but a gun is not a disease. Guns don’t kill people — people do. And when people use weapons in a horrible way, we should condemn the actions of the individual and not blame the action on some weapon.”

But does the CDC research blame the public health issue of gun violence on the weapons themselves?

“The original concern from the National Rifle Association back in 1996, which Dr. Rivara mentioned, made that very implication,” says Zwillich. “The NRA complained to Congress that the CDC was using the results of its research to essentially advocate for gun control. They called it propaganda. And back at that time, Congress slashed the CDC’s funding by the exact amount that was used for gun-related public health research.”

Rivara and his team discovered that having a gun in the home is associated with a threefold increase in the risk of a homicide — they released this information in a series of peer-reviewed articles that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. The CDC both funded Rivara’s original research and stood by the findings.

But after Congress seemingly retaliated against the CDC for publishing Rivara’s findings, Zwillich says researchers with the agency have shied away from conducting gun research.

And now for the truth about the CDC, gun research and anti gun activism disguised as research...

Public Health Pot Shots

Last year Congress tried to take away $2.6 million from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In budgetary terms, it was a pittance: 0.1 percent of the CDC's $2.2 billion allocation. Symbolically, however, it was important: $2.6 million was the amount the CDC's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control had spent in 1995 on studies of firearm injuries. Congressional critics, who charged that the center's research program was driven by an anti-gun prejudice, had previously sought to eliminate the NCIPC completely.

"This research is designed to, and is used to, promote a campaign to reduce lawful firearms ownership in America," wrote 10 senators, including then Majority Leader Bob Dole and current Majority Leader Trent Lott.

"Funding redundant research initiatives, particularly those which are driven by a social-policy agenda, simply does not make sense."

Although the CDC ultimately got the $2.6 million back as part of a budget deal with the White House,...........


Contrary to this picture of dispassionate scientists under assault by the Neanderthal NRA and its know-nothing allies in Congress, serious scholars have been criticizing the CDC's "public health" approach to gun research for years. In a presentation at the American Society of Criminology's 1994 meeting, for example, University of Illinois sociologist David Bordua and epidemiologist David Cowan called the public health literature on guns "advocacy based on political beliefs rather than scientific fact." Bordua and Cowan noted that The New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association, the main outlets for CDC-funded studies of firearms, are consistent supporters of strict gun control.

They found that "reports with findings not supporting the position of the journal are rarely cited," "little is cited from the criminological or sociological field," and the articles that are cited "are almost always by medical or public health researchers."

Further, Bordua and Cowan said, "assumptions are presented as fact: that there is a causal association between gun ownership and the risk of violence, that this association is consistent across all demographic categories, and that additional legislation will reduce the prevalence of firearms and consequently reduce the incidence of violence."

They concluded that "ncestuous and selective literature citations may be acceptable for political tracts, but they introduce an artificial bias into scientific publications. Stating as fact associations which may be demonstrably false is not just unscientific, it is unprincipled." In a 1994 presentation to the Western Economics Association, State University of New York at Buffalo criminologist Lawrence Southwick compared public health firearm studies to popular articles produced by the gun lobby: "Generally the level of analysis done on each side is of a low quality. The papers published in the medical literature (which are uniformly anti-gun) are particularly poor science."

What are they afraid of? Is the CDC barred from scientifically examining any other causes of death? Why this?

Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violenc

In the immediate aftermath of the massacre in Charleston, South Carolina, the US House of Representatives Appropriations Committee quietly rejected an amendment that would have allowed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study the underlying causes of gun violence.

Dr. Fred Rivara, a professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology at the University of Washington at Seattle Children's Hospital, has been involved with injury research for 30 years. He was part of a team that researched gun violence back in the 1990s and personally saw the chilling effects of the NRA’s lobbying arm. Rivara says that the NRA accused the CDC of trying to use science to promote gun control.

“As a result of that, many, many people stopped doing gun research, [and] the number of publications on firearm violence decreased dramatically," he told The Takeaway in April. "It was really chilling in terms of our ability to conduct research on this very important problem.”

In 2013, some 34,000 Americans died from gunshot wounds. So Takeaway Washington Correspondent Todd Zwillich decided to ask House Speaker John Boehner why his party is trying to block research on gun violence.

“The CDC is there to look at diseases that need to be dealt with to protect public health,” Boehner said at a press conference last week. “I’m sorry, but a gun is not a disease. Guns don’t kill people — people do. And when people use weapons in a horrible way, we should condemn the actions of the individual and not blame the action on some weapon.”

But does the CDC research blame the public health issue of gun violence on the weapons themselves?

“The original concern from the National Rifle Association back in 1996, which Dr. Rivara mentioned, made that very implication,” says Zwillich. “The NRA complained to Congress that the CDC was using the results of its research to essentially advocate for gun control. They called it propaganda. And back at that time, Congress slashed the CDC’s funding by the exact amount that was used for gun-related public health research.”

Rivara and his team discovered that having a gun in the home is associated with a threefold increase in the risk of a homicide — they released this information in a series of peer-reviewed articles that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. The CDC both funded Rivara’s original research and stood by the findings.

But after Congress seemingly retaliated against the CDC for publishing Rivara’s findings, Zwillich says researchers with the agency have shied away from conducting gun research.
FYI - We can NOT stop gun violence, it's impossible. It doesn't matter how much the horrible crime is studied, nor who studies it, gun violence will continue. There are millions of guns in the hands of the general public, and there's no way to take all the guns away from people. Guns are shipped into this country every single day. People sell guns on the black market, and over the internet.

Anyone that wants a gun can get their hands on a gun. You can NOT legislate guns away, nor will any study prevent gun violence. A study would be a huge waste of money and resources that could be put to better use. We have tried to get rid of illegal drugs, tried to stop the flood of illegal immigrants, and have spent untold $Billions trying to stop world terrorism. Each time, we failed, and failed after we threw money and resources at the problems.

In addition, what real purpose would a study of gun violence serve? Hell, anyone can pick up a daily newspaper and read about gun violence, and that in itself is a study. We already know that gun violence stems from domestic disputes, illegal drug and gang activity, and mostly from mentally disturbed individuals. We also know that gun violence can be attributed to politics, religion, cults, hatred, revenge, jealousy, greed, adultery, alcohol and drug abuse, and many other driving influences.

Personally, I had rather see money spent on beneficial projects and programs where actual results can be seen and felt by this nation and her citizens as a whole. Why not spend funds on infrastructure, education, science, alternative energy, and our needy Vets? Why throw money away on a study that would amount to "nice to know information", but wouldn't solve the problem?

What is wrong with gathering scientific data on gun violence? If you don't have actual data then how can you form intelligent policies to address it? Research is neutral - it's what you do with it, that has partisan ramifications.

Other researchers have done the research...there is not a lack of anti gun research out there......
Do you have your doctor study computer viruses?

Do you let the foxes study your hen house?

Why is the NRA so adament that research into this be shut down - so adament, pressure is brought on to politicians. A simple question - what is it you don't want people to know?

I'm not a fervent gun control advocate either - but I do happen to think that policy makers should be informed by good data -- something that people like you seem to desire to squash.

Research on gun issues is going on all the time......as much as in the past...the CDC is a biased organization that wants to limit the exercise of a civil right.......
What are they afraid of? Is the CDC barred from scientifically examining any other causes of death? Why this?

Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violenc

In the immediate aftermath of the massacre in Charleston, South Carolina, the US House of Representatives Appropriations Committee quietly rejected an amendment that would have allowed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study the underlying causes of gun violence.

Dr. Fred Rivara, a professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology at the University of Washington at Seattle Children's Hospital, has been involved with injury research for 30 years. He was part of a team that researched gun violence back in the 1990s and personally saw the chilling effects of the NRA’s lobbying arm. Rivara says that the NRA accused the CDC of trying to use science to promote gun control.

“As a result of that, many, many people stopped doing gun research, [and] the number of publications on firearm violence decreased dramatically," he told The Takeaway in April. "It was really chilling in terms of our ability to conduct research on this very important problem.”

In 2013, some 34,000 Americans died from gunshot wounds. So Takeaway Washington Correspondent Todd Zwillich decided to ask House Speaker John Boehner why his party is trying to block research on gun violence.

“The CDC is there to look at diseases that need to be dealt with to protect public health,” Boehner said at a press conference last week. “I’m sorry, but a gun is not a disease. Guns don’t kill people — people do. And when people use weapons in a horrible way, we should condemn the actions of the individual and not blame the action on some weapon.”

But does the CDC research blame the public health issue of gun violence on the weapons themselves?

“The original concern from the National Rifle Association back in 1996, which Dr. Rivara mentioned, made that very implication,” says Zwillich. “The NRA complained to Congress that the CDC was using the results of its research to essentially advocate for gun control. They called it propaganda. And back at that time, Congress slashed the CDC’s funding by the exact amount that was used for gun-related public health research.”

Rivara and his team discovered that having a gun in the home is associated with a threefold increase in the risk of a homicide — they released this information in a series of peer-reviewed articles that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. The CDC both funded Rivara’s original research and stood by the findings.

But after Congress seemingly retaliated against the CDC for publishing Rivara’s findings, Zwillich says researchers with the agency have shied away from conducting gun research.
Violence with a gun is NOT a damn disease, it's a fucking crime.
A study on gun violence (crime) would be more suited to the DOJ instead of the CDC.
maybe we can get the DOJ to do a study on Ebola.
A study on gun violence (crime) would be more suited to the DOJ instead of the CDC.
maybe we can get the DOJ to do a study on Ebola.

See...they already did a study throught the Department of Justice during the Presidency of bill clinton....they hired two anti gun researchers and found that Americans use guns 1.5 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack......

And after that result...they decided they needed to move the research to the CDC....I wonder why?
It'll never work here. We have too many gangs, crazies, and millions of weapons in the hands of the general public. Bad guys are not going to turn in their guns. Gun collectors are not going to turn in their guns. Hunters are not going to turn in their guns. Competition shooters are not going to turn in their guns. It's impossible to collect all the guns, and leave everyone unarmed. If you know of a way, please tell us how it can be done. Thanks.

You can create special permits for the Collectors, competition shooters, hunters- much like Germany does. Germany has some 18 million privately owned guns, but gun ownership isn't considered a "Right", and people have to prove they are responsible before having them.

will we eliminate all gun violence? No. Will we reduce it by tightening up who can have a gun, under what circumstances, etc. You betcha.

The thing is, if people realized that guns are really more dangerous than helpful, if people realized that 80% of gun deaths were not from criminals, but from suicides, accidents and domestic violence, you'd probably have a lot of people get them out of their houses.
It'll never work here. We have too many gangs, crazies, and millions of weapons in the hands of the general public. Bad guys are not going to turn in their guns. Gun collectors are not going to turn in their guns. Hunters are not going to turn in their guns. Competition shooters are not going to turn in their guns. It's impossible to collect all the guns, and leave everyone unarmed. If you know of a way, please tell us how it can be done. Thanks.

You can create special permits for the Collectors, competition shooters, hunters- much like Germany does. Germany has some 18 million privately owned guns, but gun ownership isn't considered a "Right", and people have to prove they are responsible before having them.

will we eliminate all gun violence? No. Will we reduce it by tightening up who can have a gun, under what circumstances, etc. You betcha.

The thing is, if people realized that guns are really more dangerous than helpful, if people realized that 80% of gun deaths were not from criminals, but from suicides, accidents and domestic violence, you'd probably have a lot of people get them out of their houses.
The thing is, if people realized that gun ownership in the United States, unlike gun ownership in other countries is a right written into our constitution, you would have less idiots willing to accept that any right in the constitution is up for discussion.
After we eliminate gun rights, I say we go after free speech, or maybe voting rights. I know, lets make it so we don't have the right to travel around the country without government approval and the proper papers.
What other rights don't you agree with that we should eliminate from the constitution.
It'll never work here. We have too many gangs, crazies, and millions of weapons in the hands of the general public. Bad guys are not going to turn in their guns. Gun collectors are not going to turn in their guns. Hunters are not going to turn in their guns. Competition shooters are not going to turn in their guns. It's impossible to collect all the guns, and leave everyone unarmed. If you know of a way, please tell us how it can be done. Thanks.

You can create special permits for the Collectors, competition shooters, hunters- much like Germany does. Germany has some 18 million privately owned guns, but gun ownership isn't considered a "Right", and people have to prove they are responsible before having them.

will we eliminate all gun violence? No. Will we reduce it by tightening up who can have a gun, under what circumstances, etc. You betcha.

The thing is, if people realized that guns are really more dangerous than helpful, if people realized that 80% of gun deaths were not from criminals, but from suicides, accidents and domestic violence, you'd probably have a lot of people get them out of their houses.

And now for some actual truth about gun crime in America...

Gun murders 2014....8,124

clinton Department of Justice study on defensive use of guns....1.5 million times guns are used to stop crime....

Accidental gun deaths in 2013.....505

That is the truth...

And more truth....


Here are the stats on some common types of death....it would be better to start a crusade to teach people how to walk upright...and save them from falling deaths...you would save more lives.....


guns, drowning and poisoning....

If you cared about people....you would push to ban the following...



Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in 2013....

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-14 years old: 39
Total: 69 ( in a country of 320 million people)



Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


So...accidental gun deaths have been coming down as more people own and carry guns for self defense....now 12.8 million people actually carry guns for self defense......on their person, and the accidental gun death rate is going down, not up....
It'll never work here. We have too many gangs, crazies, and millions of weapons in the hands of the general public. Bad guys are not going to turn in their guns. Gun collectors are not going to turn in their guns. Hunters are not going to turn in their guns. Competition shooters are not going to turn in their guns. It's impossible to collect all the guns, and leave everyone unarmed. If you know of a way, please tell us how it can be done. Thanks.

You can create special permits for the Collectors, competition shooters, hunters- much like Germany does. Germany has some 18 million privately owned guns, but gun ownership isn't considered a "Right", and people have to prove they are responsible before having them.

will we eliminate all gun violence? No. Will we reduce it by tightening up who can have a gun, under what circumstances, etc. You betcha.

The thing is, if people realized that guns are really more dangerous than helpful, if people realized that 80% of gun deaths were not from criminals, but from suicides, accidents and domestic violence, you'd probably have a lot of people get them out of their houses.

Suicides don't count in the issue because Japan, South Korea and China all have absolute gun control and as much as 2 times or more, more suicides than we do.....they jump in front of trains, take poison of fall off of buildings........

So our problem is really 8,124 gun murders from criminals in tiny, small block areas in our inner cities.

And as to domestic violence...it isn't guns that are the problem....alcohol, drugs, violent anti social behavior and a previous criminal histroy are what cause murder in the home...

Put guns in the homes of normal people..without alcohol, drugs and violent behavior....and you don't have murder.....
What are they afraid of? Is the CDC barred from scientifically examining any other causes of death? Why this?

Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violenc

In the immediate aftermath of the massacre in Charleston, South Carolina, the US House of Representatives Appropriations Committee quietly rejected an amendment that would have allowed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study the underlying causes of gun violence.

Dr. Fred Rivara, a professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology at the University of Washington at Seattle Children's Hospital, has been involved with injury research for 30 years. He was part of a team that researched gun violence back in the 1990s and personally saw the chilling effects of the NRA’s lobbying arm. Rivara says that the NRA accused the CDC of trying to use science to promote gun control.

“As a result of that, many, many people stopped doing gun research, [and] the number of publications on firearm violence decreased dramatically," he told The Takeaway in April. "It was really chilling in terms of our ability to conduct research on this very important problem.”

In 2013, some 34,000 Americans died from gunshot wounds. So Takeaway Washington Correspondent Todd Zwillich decided to ask House Speaker John Boehner why his party is trying to block research on gun violence.

“The CDC is there to look at diseases that need to be dealt with to protect public health,” Boehner said at a press conference last week. “I’m sorry, but a gun is not a disease. Guns don’t kill people — people do. And when people use weapons in a horrible way, we should condemn the actions of the individual and not blame the action on some weapon.”

But does the CDC research blame the public health issue of gun violence on the weapons themselves?

“The original concern from the National Rifle Association back in 1996, which Dr. Rivara mentioned, made that very implication,” says Zwillich. “The NRA complained to Congress that the CDC was using the results of its research to essentially advocate for gun control. They called it propaganda. And back at that time, Congress slashed the CDC’s funding by the exact amount that was used for gun-related public health research.”

Rivara and his team discovered that having a gun in the home is associated with a threefold increase in the risk of a homicide — they released this information in a series of peer-reviewed articles that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. The CDC both funded Rivara’s original research and stood by the findings.

But after Congress seemingly retaliated against the CDC for publishing Rivara’s findings, Zwillich says researchers with the agency have shied away from conducting gun research.

And now for the truth about the CDC, gun research and anti gun activism disguised as research...

Public Health Pot Shots

Last year Congress tried to take away $2.6 million from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In budgetary terms, it was a pittance: 0.1 percent of the CDC's $2.2 billion allocation. Symbolically, however, it was important: $2.6 million was the amount the CDC's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control had spent in 1995 on studies of firearm injuries. Congressional critics, who charged that the center's research program was driven by an anti-gun prejudice, had previously sought to eliminate the NCIPC completely.

"This research is designed to, and is used to, promote a campaign to reduce lawful firearms ownership in America," wrote 10 senators, including then Majority Leader Bob Dole and current Majority Leader Trent Lott.

"Funding redundant research initiatives, particularly those which are driven by a social-policy agenda, simply does not make sense."

Although the CDC ultimately got the $2.6 million back as part of a budget deal with the White House,...........


Contrary to this picture of dispassionate scientists under assault by the Neanderthal NRA and its know-nothing allies in Congress, serious scholars have been criticizing the CDC's "public health" approach to gun research for years. In a presentation at the American Society of Criminology's 1994 meeting, for example, University of Illinois sociologist David Bordua and epidemiologist David Cowan called the public health literature on guns "advocacy based on political beliefs rather than scientific fact." Bordua and Cowan noted that The New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association, the main outlets for CDC-funded studies of firearms, are consistent supporters of strict gun control.

They found that "reports with findings not supporting the position of the journal are rarely cited," "little is cited from the criminological or sociological field," and the articles that are cited "are almost always by medical or public health researchers."

Further, Bordua and Cowan said, "assumptions are presented as fact: that there is a causal association between gun ownership and the risk of violence, that this association is consistent across all demographic categories, and that additional legislation will reduce the prevalence of firearms and consequently reduce the incidence of violence."

They concluded that "ncestuous and selective literature citations may be acceptable for political tracts, but they introduce an artificial bias into scientific publications. Stating as fact associations which may be demonstrably false is not just unscientific, it is unprincipled." In a 1994 presentation to the Western Economics Association, State University of New York at Buffalo criminologist Lawrence Southwick compared public health firearm studies to popular articles produced by the gun lobby: "Generally the level of analysis done on each side is of a low quality. The papers published in the medical literature (which are uniformly anti-gun) are particularly poor science."

The NRA propaganda line! 'Our magic is stronger than your magic.'
If you wanted a study on gun related violence done wouldn't having it done by those in law enforcement or in the mental health profession be a better choice? It seems like that would be more up their alley than the CDC.

Why not let CDC study it? They study a variety of public health and safety issues. Why specifically ban them from studying it?
Asked and answered. The CDC proved in the 90's that they were bent on gun control and any "study" done by them was and will be biased to that end. Perfect example of Doctors slanting results was the study that supposedly proved that the US killed a million Iraqis in the invasion.
The Center for Disease Control should be spending its time scientifically examining diseases, not crime.

Love of assault weapons IS a mental health disease.....Do not right wingers make the valid claim that those murderous assailants are sick in the head?
How many major universities have already done the work repeatedly? Harvard did a rather in depth look,must be many more.

However, Harvard does NOT have the same authority as the CDC to propose mitigating policies.
The Center for Disease Control should be spending its time scientifically examining diseases, not crime.

Love of assault weapons IS a mental health disease.....Do not right wingers make the valid claim that those murderous assailants are sick in the head?
There is NO functional difference between a semi automatic HUNTING rifle and a supposed assault rifle.
It'll never work here. We have too many gangs, crazies, and millions of weapons in the hands of the general public. Bad guys are not going to turn in their guns. Gun collectors are not going to turn in their guns. Hunters are not going to turn in their guns. Competition shooters are not going to turn in their guns. It's impossible to collect all the guns, and leave everyone unarmed. If you know of a way, please tell us how it can be done. Thanks.

You can create special permits for the Collectors, competition shooters, hunters- much like Germany does. Germany has some 18 million privately owned guns, but gun ownership isn't considered a "Right", and people have to prove they are responsible before having them.

will we eliminate all gun violence? No. Will we reduce it by tightening up who can have a gun, under what circumstances, etc. You betcha.

The thing is, if people realized that guns are really more dangerous than helpful, if people realized that 80% of gun deaths were not from criminals, but from suicides, accidents and domestic violence, you'd probably have a lot of people get them out of their houses.
Very funny, also ridiculous. So, we can have all gang members turn in their guns? We can have all drug dealers turn in their guns? We can stop individuals from selling guns on the black market? We can stop importing guns? We can stop guns from crossing the border?........ pleeeeeeeeez, give mea break .......... Geez ....... think, just use your head and think ....
And now for some actual truth about gun crime in America...

Gun murders 2014....8,124

Probably not true, since we haven't really collated the numbers yet. the number was 11,208. my gu ess is when the numbers are finally gathered for 2014, they'll be about that because they've been north of 11K since 2001

Guns in the United States — Firearms, gun law and gun control

The point is, you can try to throw out all sorts of numbers, but the rest of us are sick and tired of watching dead kids being rolled out in body bags because you have a fetish.
Very funny, also ridiculous. So, we can have all gang members turn in their guns? We can have all drug dealers turn in their guns? We can stop individuals from selling guns on the black market? We can stop importing guns? We can stop guns from crossing the border?........ pleeeeeeeeez, give mea break .......... Geez ....... think, just use your head and think ....

Guy, again, if we were just worried about the "Criminals" and "gang members", we wouldn't have problem.

Do you know how many "Gang related" homicides there are in the US out of the 16,000 we have a

In 2011, there were only 1824 homicides (not all committed with guns) that were "Gang Related".

More Gangs, Fewer Gang Homicides

That was out of 16,238 homicides in the US, of which 11608 were committed with guns.

So frankly, if all we had to worry about were the gun homicides committed by gangs, we'd still reduce the gun homicide rate by 84%. The 84% that are probably just people who bought a gun for home protection and it is used to settle that argument over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best.
Suicides don't count in the issue because Japan, South Korea and China all have absolute gun control and as much as 2 times or more, more suicides than we do.....they jump in front of trains, take poison of fall off of buildings

They also have a society where committing suicide is considered acceptable for personal or moral failings. So it's a crappy comparison.

So let's look at suicide rates at western, Christian countries that banned guns.

The US has 41,000 suicides, of which 21,000 are committed with guns. Our suicide rate is 13.02 per 100,000 people.

Guns in the United States — Firearms, gun law and gun control

The United Kingdom has 6045 suicides a year, of which only 93 are committed with guns. their suicide rate is 11.08 per 100,000.

Guns in the United Kingdom — Firearms, gun law and gun control

Canada has 3765 suicides a year, of which only 518 were committed with guns. Their suicide rate is 10.95 per 100,000 people.

Guns in Canada — Firearms, gun law and gun control

Australia has 2535 suicides a year, of which 173 were committed with guns. Their suicide rate is 11.51 per 100,000 people.

Guns in Australia — Firearms, gun law and gun control

So yes, banning guns WILL reduce the suicide rate.

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