Why does Congress prevent the CDC from studying gun-related violence?

Very funny, also ridiculous. So, we can have all gang members turn in their guns? We can have all drug dealers turn in their guns? We can stop individuals from selling guns on the black market? We can stop importing guns? We can stop guns from crossing the border?........ pleeeeeeeeez, give mea break .......... Geez ....... think, just use your head and think ....

Guy, again, if we were just worried about the "Criminals" and "gang members", we wouldn't have problem.

Do you know how many "Gang related" homicides there are in the US out of the 16,000 we have a

In 2011, there were only 1824 homicides (not all committed with guns) that were "Gang Related".

More Gangs, Fewer Gang Homicides

That was out of 16,238 homicides in the US, of which 11608 were committed with guns.

So frankly, if all we had to worry about were the gun homicides committed by gangs, we'd still reduce the gun homicide rate by 84%. The 84% that are probably just people who bought a gun for home protection and it is used to settle that argument over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best.

Wrong...most homicides are by sociopaths and gang members.....almost all gun murderers have at least one criminal conviction in their history....they are the ones shooting people, not normal people....that is the myth you guys push to convince people that normal people are dangerous.
Suicides don't count in the issue because Japan, South Korea and China all have absolute gun control and as much as 2 times or more, more suicides than we do.....they jump in front of trains, take poison of fall off of buildings

They also have a society where committing suicide is considered acceptable for personal or moral failings. So it's a crappy comparison.

So let's look at suicide rates at western, Christian countries that banned guns.

The US has 41,000 suicides, of which 21,000 are committed with guns. Our suicide rate is 13.02 per 100,000 people.

Guns in the United States — Firearms, gun law and gun control

The United Kingdom has 6045 suicides a year, of which only 93 are committed with guns. their suicide rate is 11.08 per 100,000.

Guns in the United Kingdom — Firearms, gun law and gun control

Canada has 3765 suicides a year, of which only 518 were committed with guns. Their suicide rate is 10.95 per 100,000 people.

Guns in Canada — Firearms, gun law and gun control

Australia has 2535 suicides a year, of which 173 were committed with guns. Their suicide rate is 11.51 per 100,000 people.

Guns in Australia — Firearms, gun law and gun control

So yes, banning guns WILL reduce the suicide rate.

Then tell that to the Japanese....Chinese and South Koreans, they have no guns and over 2 times the suicide rate that we do.
Gun murderers are not normal people who shoot their wife over a burnt dinner....

Most murder victims in big cities have criminal record

A review of murder statistics across America shows that in many large cities, up to 90 percent of the victims have criminal records.

WND previously reported gun murders in the U.S. are concentrated in big cities that typically have the strictest gun-control regulations.


Overall, the homicide rate was 14.5 per 100,000 residents, and the nonfatal shooting rate was 79.5 per 100,000 residents. However, when broken down by race, “the homicide rate per black residents is 27.9 per 100,000 compared to 9.7 per 100,000 Latino residents and 1.7 per 100,000 White residents.”

The report concludes that “of the 2011 homicide victims, 77 percent (66) had a least one prior arrest and of the known 2011 homicide suspects 90 percent (74) had at least one prior arrest.”

Similar trends were found for nonfatal shooting victims and suspects.

Gun homicides in the U.S. are concentrated in major urban areas. And those cities, typically Democratic strongholds with the most stringent gun control laws in the nation, have gun murder rates that rival those of the most violent countries in the world.

If it were a country, New Orleans, with a rate 62.1 gun murders per 100,000 people, would rank second in the world.

In 2011, there were 199 murders in New Orleans. Of the victims, the New Orleans Times- Picayune reported 64 percent had a prior record.

In early 2012, after pressure put on the police by murder victims’ families in New Orleans, the police department stopped revealing whether or not the murder victim had a prior record.

“Crime in New Orleans: Analyzing Crime Trends and New Orleans’ Responses to Crime,” an examination of 200 criminal homicides in New Orleans from April 18, 2009, to May 11, 2010 by Charles Wellford, Brenda Bond and Sean Goodison, showed that 90 percent of the homicides were committed with a firearm.

Read more at Most murder victims in big cities have criminal record
What are they afraid of? Is the CDC barred from scientifically examining any other causes of death? Why this?

Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violenc

In the immediate aftermath of the massacre in Charleston, South Carolina, the US House of Representatives Appropriations Committee quietly rejected an amendment that would have allowed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study the underlying causes of gun violence.

Dr. Fred Rivara, a professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology at the University of Washington at Seattle Children's Hospital, has been involved with injury research for 30 years. He was part of a team that researched gun violence back in the 1990s and personally saw the chilling effects of the NRA’s lobbying arm. Rivara says that the NRA accused the CDC of trying to use science to promote gun control.

“As a result of that, many, many people stopped doing gun research, [and] the number of publications on firearm violence decreased dramatically," he told The Takeaway in April. "It was really chilling in terms of our ability to conduct research on this very important problem.”

In 2013, some 34,000 Americans died from gunshot wounds. So Takeaway Washington Correspondent Todd Zwillich decided to ask House Speaker John Boehner why his party is trying to block research on gun violence.

“The CDC is there to look at diseases that need to be dealt with to protect public health,” Boehner said at a press conference last week. “I’m sorry, but a gun is not a disease. Guns don’t kill people — people do. And when people use weapons in a horrible way, we should condemn the actions of the individual and not blame the action on some weapon.”

But does the CDC research blame the public health issue of gun violence on the weapons themselves?

“The original concern from the National Rifle Association back in 1996, which Dr. Rivara mentioned, made that very implication,” says Zwillich. “The NRA complained to Congress that the CDC was using the results of its research to essentially advocate for gun control. They called it propaganda. And back at that time, Congress slashed the CDC’s funding by the exact amount that was used for gun-related public health research.”

Rivara and his team discovered that having a gun in the home is associated with a threefold increase in the risk of a homicide — they released this information in a series of peer-reviewed articles that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. The CDC both funded Rivara’s original research and stood by the findings.

But after Congress seemingly retaliated against the CDC for publishing Rivara’s findings, Zwillich says researchers with the agency have shied away from conducting gun research.
It's none of the federal government business...
What are they afraid of? Is the CDC barred from scientifically examining any other causes of death? Why this?

Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violenc

In the immediate aftermath of the massacre in Charleston, South Carolina, the US House of Representatives Appropriations Committee quietly rejected an amendment that would have allowed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study the underlying causes of gun violence.

Dr. Fred Rivara, a professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology at the University of Washington at Seattle Children's Hospital, has been involved with injury research for 30 years. He was part of a team that researched gun violence back in the 1990s and personally saw the chilling effects of the NRA’s lobbying arm. Rivara says that the NRA accused the CDC of trying to use science to promote gun control.

“As a result of that, many, many people stopped doing gun research, [and] the number of publications on firearm violence decreased dramatically," he told The Takeaway in April. "It was really chilling in terms of our ability to conduct research on this very important problem.”

In 2013, some 34,000 Americans died from gunshot wounds. So Takeaway Washington Correspondent Todd Zwillich decided to ask House Speaker John Boehner why his party is trying to block research on gun violence.

“The CDC is there to look at diseases that need to be dealt with to protect public health,” Boehner said at a press conference last week. “I’m sorry, but a gun is not a disease. Guns don’t kill people — people do. And when people use weapons in a horrible way, we should condemn the actions of the individual and not blame the action on some weapon.”

But does the CDC research blame the public health issue of gun violence on the weapons themselves?

“The original concern from the National Rifle Association back in 1996, which Dr. Rivara mentioned, made that very implication,” says Zwillich. “The NRA complained to Congress that the CDC was using the results of its research to essentially advocate for gun control. They called it propaganda. And back at that time, Congress slashed the CDC’s funding by the exact amount that was used for gun-related public health research.”

Rivara and his team discovered that having a gun in the home is associated with a threefold increase in the risk of a homicide — they released this information in a series of peer-reviewed articles that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. The CDC both funded Rivara’s original research and stood by the findings.

But after Congress seemingly retaliated against the CDC for publishing Rivara’s findings, Zwillich says researchers with the agency have shied away from conducting gun research.
It's none of the federal government business...
Yes, why would the government care about the untimely deaths of its citizens...
And more from the article..this time about the city of Baltimore...

Though data is no longer published in Baltimore, USA Today reported in 2007 that 91 percent of the then-205 murder victims in the city between Jan. 1 and Aug. 31, 2007, had criminal records.

So no....normal gun owners are not murdering people with every fender bender....we have violent sociopaths in our inner cities creating the majority of gun crime.....
What are they afraid of? Is the CDC barred from scientifically examining any other causes of death? Why this?

Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violenc

In the immediate aftermath of the massacre in Charleston, South Carolina, the US House of Representatives Appropriations Committee quietly rejected an amendment that would have allowed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study the underlying causes of gun violence.

Dr. Fred Rivara, a professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology at the University of Washington at Seattle Children's Hospital, has been involved with injury research for 30 years. He was part of a team that researched gun violence back in the 1990s and personally saw the chilling effects of the NRA’s lobbying arm. Rivara says that the NRA accused the CDC of trying to use science to promote gun control.

“As a result of that, many, many people stopped doing gun research, [and] the number of publications on firearm violence decreased dramatically," he told The Takeaway in April. "It was really chilling in terms of our ability to conduct research on this very important problem.”

In 2013, some 34,000 Americans died from gunshot wounds. So Takeaway Washington Correspondent Todd Zwillich decided to ask House Speaker John Boehner why his party is trying to block research on gun violence.

“The CDC is there to look at diseases that need to be dealt with to protect public health,” Boehner said at a press conference last week. “I’m sorry, but a gun is not a disease. Guns don’t kill people — people do. And when people use weapons in a horrible way, we should condemn the actions of the individual and not blame the action on some weapon.”

But does the CDC research blame the public health issue of gun violence on the weapons themselves?

“The original concern from the National Rifle Association back in 1996, which Dr. Rivara mentioned, made that very implication,” says Zwillich. “The NRA complained to Congress that the CDC was using the results of its research to essentially advocate for gun control. They called it propaganda. And back at that time, Congress slashed the CDC’s funding by the exact amount that was used for gun-related public health research.”

Rivara and his team discovered that having a gun in the home is associated with a threefold increase in the risk of a homicide — they released this information in a series of peer-reviewed articles that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. The CDC both funded Rivara’s original research and stood by the findings.

But after Congress seemingly retaliated against the CDC for publishing Rivara’s findings, Zwillich says researchers with the agency have shied away from conducting gun research.
It's none of the federal government business...
Yes, why would the government care about the untimely deaths of its citizens...
Well, guns can't kill by themselves.
The last I heard guns need an operator to function?
And more from the article..this time about the city of Baltimore...

Though data is no longer published in Baltimore, USA Today reported in 2007 that 91 percent of the then-205 murder victims in the city between Jan. 1 and Aug. 31, 2007, had criminal records.

So no....normal gun owners are not murdering people with every fender bender....we have violent sociopaths in our inner cities creating the majority of gun crime.....
And that makes a difference why exactly? Oh right, it doesn't, we still want the damn guns, and will get them eventually or technology will simply make them useless.
This is the problem.....we have a small number of violent sociopaths and we need to control them...and leave the normal gun owners alone...

17 people out of a city of 100,000 people are the ones pulling the triggers, not mom and dad fighting over the t.v. remote.....

Richmond, CA Anti-Crime Program Focuses On People, Not Guns...And It's Working - The Truth About Guns

Boggan explained in a story that aired on This American Life earlier this year that his ‘aha’ moment in designing this program came when he was in a meeting with police officers who explained to him that they believed that seventeen guys were responsible for 70% of the shootings in the city of Richmond.

Devone Boggan: “17 people. And I’ll tell you, I almost flipped out of my chair. Cause I was like, 17 people? That’s nothing.”

Boggan realized that if they could reach just those 17 guys and get them to change, they could really make a dent in the problem. He asked the police for a list of those 17 names. He did his own research and added more names. To get on that list, Boggan said, you basically had to have shot someone.
What are they afraid of? Is the CDC barred from scientifically examining any other causes of death? Why this?

Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violenc

In the immediate aftermath of the massacre in Charleston, South Carolina, the US House of Representatives Appropriations Committee quietly rejected an amendment that would have allowed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study the underlying causes of gun violence.

Dr. Fred Rivara, a professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology at the University of Washington at Seattle Children's Hospital, has been involved with injury research for 30 years. He was part of a team that researched gun violence back in the 1990s and personally saw the chilling effects of the NRA’s lobbying arm. Rivara says that the NRA accused the CDC of trying to use science to promote gun control.

“As a result of that, many, many people stopped doing gun research, [and] the number of publications on firearm violence decreased dramatically," he told The Takeaway in April. "It was really chilling in terms of our ability to conduct research on this very important problem.”

In 2013, some 34,000 Americans died from gunshot wounds. So Takeaway Washington Correspondent Todd Zwillich decided to ask House Speaker John Boehner why his party is trying to block research on gun violence.

“The CDC is there to look at diseases that need to be dealt with to protect public health,” Boehner said at a press conference last week. “I’m sorry, but a gun is not a disease. Guns don’t kill people — people do. And when people use weapons in a horrible way, we should condemn the actions of the individual and not blame the action on some weapon.”

But does the CDC research blame the public health issue of gun violence on the weapons themselves?

“The original concern from the National Rifle Association back in 1996, which Dr. Rivara mentioned, made that very implication,” says Zwillich. “The NRA complained to Congress that the CDC was using the results of its research to essentially advocate for gun control. They called it propaganda. And back at that time, Congress slashed the CDC’s funding by the exact amount that was used for gun-related public health research.”

Rivara and his team discovered that having a gun in the home is associated with a threefold increase in the risk of a homicide — they released this information in a series of peer-reviewed articles that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. The CDC both funded Rivara’s original research and stood by the findings.

But after Congress seemingly retaliated against the CDC for publishing Rivara’s findings, Zwillich says researchers with the agency have shied away from conducting gun research.
It's none of the federal government business...
Yes, why would the government care about the untimely deaths of its citizens...
Well, guns can't kill by themselves.
The last I heard guns need an operator to function?
My best solution to gun violence is to ban the operators. Gonna sign up for that one?
Guns are not diseases.

The CDC would be better put to use studying mental illness.
This is the problem.....we have a small number of violent sociopaths and we need to control them...and leave the normal gun owners alone...

Richmond, CA Anti-Crime Program Focuses On People, Not Guns...And It's Working - The Truth About Guns

Boggan explained in a story that aired on This American Life earlier this year that his ‘aha’ moment in designing this program came when he was in a meeting with police officers who explained to him that they believed that seventeen guys were responsible for 70% of the shootings in the city of Richmond.

Devone Boggan: “17 people. And I’ll tell you, I almost flipped out of my chair. Cause I was like, 17 people? That’s nothing.”

Boggan realized that if they could reach just those 17 guys and get them to change, they could really make a dent in the problem. He asked the police for a list of those 17 names. He did his own research and added more names. To get on that list, Boggan said, you basically had to have shot someone.
The government spending time and money to address a problem in the community? For shame...
And more from the article..this time about the city of Baltimore...

Though data is no longer published in Baltimore, USA Today reported in 2007 that 91 percent of the then-205 murder victims in the city between Jan. 1 and Aug. 31, 2007, had criminal records.

So no....normal gun owners are not murdering people with every fender bender....we have violent sociopaths in our inner cities creating the majority of gun crime.....
And that makes a difference why exactly? Oh right, it doesn't, we still want the damn guns, and will get them eventually or technology will simply make them useless.

Because it points out where the effort needs to go to actually loweer gun violence....targeting normal gun owners is all you guys want to do..while the criminals and mass shooters keep killing people.......

Britain, Australia, Japan...they have cultures that are not the same as our inner city criminal cultures...our regular people are as non violent as theirs are, our criminals use guns more.

And in Europe, their criminals can easily get guns, as easily as our criminals do. They just don't use them as often. A big difference.
What are they afraid of? Is the CDC barred from scientifically examining any other causes of death? Why this?

Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violenc

In the immediate aftermath of the massacre in Charleston, South Carolina, the US House of Representatives Appropriations Committee quietly rejected an amendment that would have allowed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study the underlying causes of gun violence.

Dr. Fred Rivara, a professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology at the University of Washington at Seattle Children's Hospital, has been involved with injury research for 30 years. He was part of a team that researched gun violence back in the 1990s and personally saw the chilling effects of the NRA’s lobbying arm. Rivara says that the NRA accused the CDC of trying to use science to promote gun control.

“As a result of that, many, many people stopped doing gun research, [and] the number of publications on firearm violence decreased dramatically," he told The Takeaway in April. "It was really chilling in terms of our ability to conduct research on this very important problem.”

In 2013, some 34,000 Americans died from gunshot wounds. So Takeaway Washington Correspondent Todd Zwillich decided to ask House Speaker John Boehner why his party is trying to block research on gun violence.

“The CDC is there to look at diseases that need to be dealt with to protect public health,” Boehner said at a press conference last week. “I’m sorry, but a gun is not a disease. Guns don’t kill people — people do. And when people use weapons in a horrible way, we should condemn the actions of the individual and not blame the action on some weapon.”

But does the CDC research blame the public health issue of gun violence on the weapons themselves?

“The original concern from the National Rifle Association back in 1996, which Dr. Rivara mentioned, made that very implication,” says Zwillich. “The NRA complained to Congress that the CDC was using the results of its research to essentially advocate for gun control. They called it propaganda. And back at that time, Congress slashed the CDC’s funding by the exact amount that was used for gun-related public health research.”

Rivara and his team discovered that having a gun in the home is associated with a threefold increase in the risk of a homicide — they released this information in a series of peer-reviewed articles that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. The CDC both funded Rivara’s original research and stood by the findings.

But after Congress seemingly retaliated against the CDC for publishing Rivara’s findings, Zwillich says researchers with the agency have shied away from conducting gun research.
It's none of the federal government business...
Yes, why would the government care about the untimely deaths of its citizens...
Well, guns can't kill by themselves.
The last I heard guns need an operator to function?
My best solution to gun violence is to ban the operators. Gonna sign up for that one?
Better yet ban politicians, they are operating our government. Any fool can see how that is going.

Controlling guns is the least of our worries, sh!t happens.
This is the problem.....we have a small number of violent sociopaths and we need to control them...and leave the normal gun owners alone...

Richmond, CA Anti-Crime Program Focuses On People, Not Guns...And It's Working - The Truth About Guns

Boggan explained in a story that aired on This American Life earlier this year that his ‘aha’ moment in designing this program came when he was in a meeting with police officers who explained to him that they believed that seventeen guys were responsible for 70% of the shootings in the city of Richmond.

Devone Boggan: “17 people. And I’ll tell you, I almost flipped out of my chair. Cause I was like, 17 people? That’s nothing.”

Boggan realized that if they could reach just those 17 guys and get them to change, they could really make a dent in the problem. He asked the police for a list of those 17 names. He did his own research and added more names. To get on that list, Boggan said, you basically had to have shot someone.
The government spending time and money to address a problem in the community? For shame...

Not surprised you didn't look at the actual story...the actual story says they didn't go after normal gun owners...they targeted the 17 thugs in the community of 100,000 people doing 70% of the shooting.....

Notice.....they targeted their efforts at actual criminals....not normal people...and they actually got results...you guys hate people who want to own guns so you do your best to use the law to punish them....while criminals and mass shooters keep killing people....

You guys are the ones getting in the way of solving the problem.
This is the problem.....we have a small number of violent sociopaths and we need to control them...and leave the normal gun owners alone...

Richmond, CA Anti-Crime Program Focuses On People, Not Guns...And It's Working - The Truth About Guns

Boggan explained in a story that aired on This American Life earlier this year that his ‘aha’ moment in designing this program came when he was in a meeting with police officers who explained to him that they believed that seventeen guys were responsible for 70% of the shootings in the city of Richmond.

Devone Boggan: “17 people. And I’ll tell you, I almost flipped out of my chair. Cause I was like, 17 people? That’s nothing.”

Boggan realized that if they could reach just those 17 guys and get them to change, they could really make a dent in the problem. He asked the police for a list of those 17 names. He did his own research and added more names. To get on that list, Boggan said, you basically had to have shot someone.
The government spending time and money to address a problem in the community? For shame...
Guns are not problem, people are.

Focus buddy!!!
And more from the article..this time about the city of Baltimore...

Though data is no longer published in Baltimore, USA Today reported in 2007 that 91 percent of the then-205 murder victims in the city between Jan. 1 and Aug. 31, 2007, had criminal records.

So no....normal gun owners are not murdering people with every fender bender....we have violent sociopaths in our inner cities creating the majority of gun crime.....
And that makes a difference why exactly? Oh right, it doesn't, we still want the damn guns, and will get them eventually or technology will simply make them useless.

Because it points out where the effort needs to go to actually loweer gun violence....targeting normal gun owners is all you guys want to do..while the criminals and mass shooters keep killing people.......

Britain, Australia, Japan...they have cultures that are not the same as our inner city criminal cultures...our regular people are as non violent as theirs are, our criminals use guns more.

And in Europe, their criminals can easily get guns, as easily as our criminals do. They just don't use them as often. A big difference.
When all the guns are banned the violence will be minimal. Most people have no reason to own a gun these days, nor should they.
This is the problem.....we have a small number of violent sociopaths and we need to control them...and leave the normal gun owners alone...

Richmond, CA Anti-Crime Program Focuses On People, Not Guns...And It's Working - The Truth About Guns

Boggan explained in a story that aired on This American Life earlier this year that his ‘aha’ moment in designing this program came when he was in a meeting with police officers who explained to him that they believed that seventeen guys were responsible for 70% of the shootings in the city of Richmond.

Devone Boggan: “17 people. And I’ll tell you, I almost flipped out of my chair. Cause I was like, 17 people? That’s nothing.”

Boggan realized that if they could reach just those 17 guys and get them to change, they could really make a dent in the problem. He asked the police for a list of those 17 names. He did his own research and added more names. To get on that list, Boggan said, you basically had to have shot someone.
The government spending time and money to address a problem in the community? For shame...

Not surprised you didn't look at the actual story...the actual story says they didn't go after normal gun owners...they targeted the 17 thugs in the community of 100,000 people doing 70% of the shooting.....

Notice.....they targeted their efforts at actual criminals....not normal people...and they actually got results...you guys hate people who want to own guns so you do your best to use the law to punish them....while criminals and mass shooters keep killing people....

You guys are the ones getting in the way of solving the problem.
I read the story, and you wouldn't support the effort either way.
And now for some actual truth about gun crime in America...

Gun murders 2014....8,124

Probably not true, since we haven't really collated the numbers yet. the number was 11,208. my gu ess is when the numbers are finally gathered for 2014, they'll be about that because they've been north of 11K since 2001

Guns in the United States — Firearms, gun law and gun control

The point is, you can try to throw out all sorts of numbers, but the rest of us are sick and tired of watching dead kids being rolled out in body bags because you have a fetish.

Okay....more truth vs. your hate for gun owners.....

Out of a country of over 320 million people...how many children are murdered by guns......how many by other means.....and which number is greater......


Kids murdered by guns....

under 1: 12
age 1-4: 39

age 5-14: 142

total gun murder of children.....193

Kids murdered by other means...

under 1: 270
age 1-4: 298
age 5-14: 135

murder of children by other means.....703
Now, if even if you include gun accidents into the total.....

you are still wrong....

Accidental death by gun for children....

under 1: 3
age 1-4: 27
age 5-14: 39

Total accidental gun death for kids 2013....69

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