Why does everyone hate Jews?

The hatred has tapered down since the 90s.

I'd imagine in Poland the hatred against Jews is sky-rocketing, with your disrespectful foul Israeli Knesset calling Poland Holocaust deniers for daring to speak up against those who unrightfully blame Poland for the Holocaust.

Who knew, Poland was the first to fight the Nazis, had the biggest anti-Nazi resistance in occupied Europe of Armia Krajowa, as well as had Zegota, and the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations.

Yet, now-a-days your disrespectful tribe just has forgot about Germans, and has gone Chimp fits all retarded against Polish people blaming them for the Holocaust.

You are the disease, and I'm the cure.
My in-laws lived in Poland and there was almost zero interaction with Poles.
But they did steal property from educated, professional Jews and they don’t want to return it.

Your Jews won't pay the Palestinians compensations for the Nakba, oppression, and theft of THEIR nation.

You rats sit around thinking half of the Eurasian World owes you money compensations.

Welll firstly the GOVERNMENT owns the property, you pay taxes on it, did you pay your taxes, idiot?

Secondly the COMMIES stole EVERYBODY's property, you stupid Zyd, and yet you don't even know that because you Jews are such victims, boo hoo hoo.
I’ll play your game.
The Holocaust came first.
Explain the precedent that Poland set.

The Commies took over Poland, doof.


But, that's so anti-Semitic.

No you'rte just so greedy, and dumb.
Poland was conquered!
No way!
Poland is the best!
No one can conquer Poland!
I have another theory but it upsets people. Fuck it.

I think another reason is that they took on the religion of the original Hebrews who were Black and a lot of them admit the original Hebrews were Black which pisses everyone else off.

As well as Jesus that was black. Skin of bronze as the Bible describes him. I think Hitler liked BBC. He was just embarrassed [emoji30].

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Jesus wasn't black, and i can prove it.
You'll be the first. Didnt god make people in his image?

There have been many decades of archaeological digs in the Middle East. Not a single pair of Air Jordans have been unearthed.
Air Jordans werent invented during the time of Jesus. However we know that the Hebrews were described as "their visage was Black as coal". No one is Black as coal unless they are....well Black.

Bible Gateway passage: Lamentations 4:8-10 - King James Version

"Their visage is blacker than a coal; they are not known in the streets: their skin cleaveth to their bones; it is withered, it is become like a stick."

Perhaps you should include some context when you attempt to use Scripture.

From the verse immediately prior:

"Their princes were brighter than snow and whiter than milk, their bodies more ruddy than rubies, their appearance like lapis lazuli.”
‭‭Lamentations‬ ‭4:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Lamentations 4:7 Their princes were brighter than snow and whiter than milk, their bodies more ruddy than rubies, their appearance like lapis lazuli. | New International Version (NIV) | Download The Bible App Now

If we use only your verse, we are to believe that Jews were black, unrecognizable as people, with dry, wrinkled skin, mere skeletons walking around.

They were also cannibals, if you take this one out of context:

“With their own hands compassionate women have cooked their own children, who became their food when my people were destroyed.”
‭‭Lamentations‬ ‭4:10‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Lamentations 4:10 With their own hands compassionate women have cooked their own children, who became their food when my people were destroyed. | New International Version (NIV) | Download The Bible App Now

Now, will you actually be honest and admit that verse was describing people under punishment and in very dire straits, and not describing their general appearance? If not, you'll be forced to acknowledge that they were black people being ruled by white people, and the next step will be to name those white people.
I'd imagine in Poland the hatred against Jews is sky-rocketing, with your disrespectful foul Israeli Knesset calling Poland Holocaust deniers for daring to speak up against those who unrightfully blame Poland for the Holocaust.

Who knew, Poland was the first to fight the Nazis, had the biggest anti-Nazi resistance in occupied Europe of Armia Krajowa, as well as had Zegota, and the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations.

Yet, now-a-days your disrespectful tribe just has forgot about Germans, and has gone Chimp fits all retarded against Polish people blaming them for the Holocaust.

You are the disease, and I'm the cure.
My in-laws lived in Poland and there was almost zero interaction with Poles.
But they did steal property from educated, professional Jews and they don’t want to return it.

Your Jews won't pay the Palestinians compensations for the Nakba, oppression, and theft of THEIR nation.

You rats sit around thinking half of the Eurasian World owes you money compensations.

Welll firstly the GOVERNMENT owns the property, you pay taxes on it, did you pay your taxes, idiot?

Secondly the COMMIES stole EVERYBODY's property, you stupid Zyd, and yet you don't even know that because you Jews are such victims, boo hoo hoo.
I’ll play your game.
The Holocaust came first.
Explain the precedent that Poland set.

The Commies took over Poland, doof.


But, that's so anti-Semitic.

No you'rte just so greedy, and dumb.
Poland was conquered!
No way!
Poland is the best!
No one can conquer Poland!

Poland was fatigued fighting 4 powers, 2 of them much larger being Soviets, and Nazis, but 2 smaller like Ukrainian UPA, and Slovakia.

Do you grasp proportions you dumb, ignorant, Jew?

But, I will laugh when your dumb Jews are conquered in the Mid-East, like you punks deserve.
As well as Jesus that was black. Skin of bronze as the Bible describes him. I think Hitler liked BBC. He was just embarrassed [emoji30].

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Jesus wasn't black, and i can prove it.
You'll be the first. Didnt god make people in his image?

There have been many decades of archaeological digs in the Middle East. Not a single pair of Air Jordans have been unearthed.
Air Jordans werent invented during the time of Jesus. However we know that the Hebrews were described as "their visage was Black as coal". No one is Black as coal unless they are....well Black.

Bible Gateway passage: Lamentations 4:8-10 - King James Version

"Their visage is blacker than a coal; they are not known in the streets: their skin cleaveth to their bones; it is withered, it is become like a stick."

Perhaps you should include some context when you attempt to use Scripture.

From the verse immediately prior:

"Their princes were brighter than snow and whiter than milk, their bodies more ruddy than rubies, their appearance like lapis lazuli.”
‭‭Lamentations‬ ‭4:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Lamentations 4:7 Their princes were brighter than snow and whiter than milk, their bodies more ruddy than rubies, their appearance like lapis lazuli. | New International Version (NIV) | Download The Bible App Now

If we use only your verse, we are to believe that Jews were black, unrecognizable as people, with dry, wrinkled skin, mere skeletons walking around.

They were also cannibals, if you take this one out of context:

“With their own hands compassionate women have cooked their own children, who became their food when my people were destroyed.”
‭‭Lamentations‬ ‭4:10‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Lamentations 4:10 With their own hands compassionate women have cooked their own children, who became their food when my people were destroyed. | New International Version (NIV) | Download The Bible App Now

Now, will you actually be honest and admit that verse was describing people under punishment and in very dire straits, and not describing their general appearance? If not, you'll be forced to acknowledge that they were black people being ruled by white people, and the next step will be to name those white people.
My in-laws lived in Poland and there was almost zero interaction with Poles.
But they did steal property from educated, professional Jews and they don’t want to return it.

Your Jews won't pay the Palestinians compensations for the Nakba, oppression, and theft of THEIR nation.

You rats sit around thinking half of the Eurasian World owes you money compensations.

Welll firstly the GOVERNMENT owns the property, you pay taxes on it, did you pay your taxes, idiot?

Secondly the COMMIES stole EVERYBODY's property, you stupid Zyd, and yet you don't even know that because you Jews are such victims, boo hoo hoo.
I’ll play your game.
The Holocaust came first.
Explain the precedent that Poland set.

The Commies took over Poland, doof.


But, that's so anti-Semitic.

No you'rte just so greedy, and dumb.
Poland was conquered!
No way!
Poland is the best!
No one can conquer Poland!

Poland was fatigued fighting 4 powers, 2 of them much larger being Soviets, and Nazis, but 2 smaller like Ukrainian UPA, and Slovakia.

Do you grasp proportions you dumb, ignorant, Jew?

But, I will laugh when your dumb Jews are conquered in the Mid-East, like you punks deserve.
Like Israel defeating 5 surrounding armies how many times?
God is with us.

Man does not win by strength but by deserving God’s help.
Your Jews won't pay the Palestinians compensations for the Nakba, oppression, and theft of THEIR nation.

You rats sit around thinking half of the Eurasian World owes you money compensations.

Welll firstly the GOVERNMENT owns the property, you pay taxes on it, did you pay your taxes, idiot?

Secondly the COMMIES stole EVERYBODY's property, you stupid Zyd, and yet you don't even know that because you Jews are such victims, boo hoo hoo.
I’ll play your game.
The Holocaust came first.
Explain the precedent that Poland set.

The Commies took over Poland, doof.


But, that's so anti-Semitic.

No you'rte just so greedy, and dumb.
Poland was conquered!
No way!
Poland is the best!
No one can conquer Poland!

Poland was fatigued fighting 4 powers, 2 of them much larger being Soviets, and Nazis, but 2 smaller like Ukrainian UPA, and Slovakia.

Do you grasp proportions you dumb, ignorant, Jew?

But, I will laugh when your dumb Jews are conquered in the Mid-East, like you punks deserve.
Like Israel defeating 5 surrounding armies how many times?
God is with us.

Man does not win by strength but by deserving God’s help.

Yeah go start a fight with Russia + Germany if you Israeli punks think you're so tough.

The 2 biggest countries in Europe are NOT like Arabs, doof.

Especially considering both Nazis, and Soviets had HUGE resources coming in, that Poland did not.

The Soviet Union was HUGE in resources, and they shared their resources with Nazi Germany, in the German - Soviet Credit Agreement / German - Soviet Commercial Agreement.
Your Jews won't pay the Palestinians compensations for the Nakba, oppression, and theft of THEIR nation.

You rats sit around thinking half of the Eurasian World owes you money compensations.

Welll firstly the GOVERNMENT owns the property, you pay taxes on it, did you pay your taxes, idiot?

Secondly the COMMIES stole EVERYBODY's property, you stupid Zyd, and yet you don't even know that because you Jews are such victims, boo hoo hoo.
I’ll play your game.
The Holocaust came first.
Explain the precedent that Poland set.

The Commies took over Poland, doof.


But, that's so anti-Semitic.

No you'rte just so greedy, and dumb.
Poland was conquered!
No way!
Poland is the best!
No one can conquer Poland!

Poland was fatigued fighting 4 powers, 2 of them much larger being Soviets, and Nazis, but 2 smaller like Ukrainian UPA, and Slovakia.

Do you grasp proportions you dumb, ignorant, Jew?

But, I will laugh when your dumb Jews are conquered in the Mid-East, like you punks deserve.
Like Israel defeating 5 surrounding armies how many times?
God is with us.

Man does not win by strength but by deserving God’s help.

I do find it interesting that this one heavily persecuted minority not only had finally gotten their own home land after thousands of years being scattered everywhere, but according to some who hate them, actually run the entire world. It is almost as if they are being supernaturally blessed, isn't it?

And everywhere they lived, they thrived until jealousy tried to strike them down.
I’ll play your game.
The Holocaust came first.
Explain the precedent that Poland set.

The Commies took over Poland, doof.


But, that's so anti-Semitic.

No you'rte just so greedy, and dumb.
Poland was conquered!
No way!
Poland is the best!
No one can conquer Poland!

Poland was fatigued fighting 4 powers, 2 of them much larger being Soviets, and Nazis, but 2 smaller like Ukrainian UPA, and Slovakia.

Do you grasp proportions you dumb, ignorant, Jew?

But, I will laugh when your dumb Jews are conquered in the Mid-East, like you punks deserve.
Like Israel defeating 5 surrounding armies how many times?
God is with us.

Man does not win by strength but by deserving God’s help.

I do find it interesting that this one heavily persecuted minority not only had finally gotten their own home land after thousands of years being scattered everywhere, but according to some who hate them, actually run the entire world. It is almost as if they are being supernaturally blessed, isn't it?

And everywhere they lived, they thrived until jealousy tried to strike them down.

Jews don't run the entire World, they just are dominant in America, because most people in power in the U.S.A are either Jews, or British Americans, and the Brits are weak, and stupid greedy Zionists who kiss Jewish butts for cash, and because the Bible says something they don't even comprehend, in the first place.
The Commies took over Poland, doof.


But, that's so anti-Semitic.

No you'rte just so greedy, and dumb.
Poland was conquered!
No way!
Poland is the best!
No one can conquer Poland!

Poland was fatigued fighting 4 powers, 2 of them much larger being Soviets, and Nazis, but 2 smaller like Ukrainian UPA, and Slovakia.

Do you grasp proportions you dumb, ignorant, Jew?

But, I will laugh when your dumb Jews are conquered in the Mid-East, like you punks deserve.
Like Israel defeating 5 surrounding armies how many times?
God is with us.

Man does not win by strength but by deserving God’s help.

I do find it interesting that this one heavily persecuted minority not only had finally gotten their own home land after thousands of years being scattered everywhere, but according to some who hate them, actually run the entire world. It is almost as if they are being supernaturally blessed, isn't it?

And everywhere they lived, they thrived until jealousy tried to strike them down.

Jews don't run the entire World, they just are dominant in America, because most people in power in the U.S.A are either Jews, or British Americans, and the Brits are weak, and stupid greedy Zionists who kiss Jewish butts for cash, and because the Bible says something they don't even comprehend, in the first place.

Okay, they don't run the entire world, they just run the most powerful main in the world. Same point. Guess we'd better not mess with such powerful people.
The Neo-Nazis aren't right about Jews running the West.

They are somewhat correct on Jews pushing heavy Liberalism, and degeneracy.

However, Poland was 10% Jewish in the 1930's, and thus had about 2 X more Jewish dominance in the market than the U.S.A.

None the less, because Poland WAS NOT weak Individualists, Capitalists, or Liberals they DID resist.

Poland effectively in the 1930's had pushed for anti-Jewish boycotts, and had stripped Jews of government positions, lawyers, and other positions of power.

If Poland could do it, so could the U.S.A today, but most Brits are weak accomplices, and Individualist idiots.
Poland was conquered!
No way!
Poland is the best!
No one can conquer Poland!

Poland was fatigued fighting 4 powers, 2 of them much larger being Soviets, and Nazis, but 2 smaller like Ukrainian UPA, and Slovakia.

Do you grasp proportions you dumb, ignorant, Jew?

But, I will laugh when your dumb Jews are conquered in the Mid-East, like you punks deserve.
Like Israel defeating 5 surrounding armies how many times?
God is with us.

Man does not win by strength but by deserving God’s help.

I do find it interesting that this one heavily persecuted minority not only had finally gotten their own home land after thousands of years being scattered everywhere, but according to some who hate them, actually run the entire world. It is almost as if they are being supernaturally blessed, isn't it?

And everywhere they lived, they thrived until jealousy tried to strike them down.

Jews don't run the entire World, they just are dominant in America, because most people in power in the U.S.A are either Jews, or British Americans, and the Brits are weak, and stupid greedy Zionists who kiss Jewish butts for cash, and because the Bible says something they don't even comprehend, in the first place.

Okay, they don't run the entire world, they just run the most powerful main in the world. Same point. Guess we'd better not mess with such powerful people.

Western Europeans are a huge problem, they give into Jewish Liberal values, or Jewish Zionism way too much.

I fault Western Europeans a ton too, they just bend over, it's like they have no will, or thoughts of their own.
You made a general statement that you knew was a lie.
Spain and Germany were not swamps like Poland.
Who would want to assimilate into a society of alcoholic, illiterate family beating, Polish farmers?

See, such disrespect, Poland hosted your ungrateful Heebs for 800 years +, and gave you the best rights overall through out MOST of the ages.

You can't stop hating, disrespecting, and lying about Polish people, Why?

Because you're disgusting Human beings, if you are at all.

Even Animals appreciate those who rescue them, you Jews are even less respectful than that.

You Jews will be despised because you do exist as you do, are such scum.
You can’t handle the fact that your great grandparents were illiterate alcoholics.

See, such disrespect, you Jews are less respectful than Animals, because that's what you are.

Poland now has one of the highest literacy rates in the entire World, despite being a very difficult language to learn.

The fact of the matter is during the 1800's Germans, and Russians didn't invest in Polish education, or even sometimes flat out denied them education all together, a lot of Poles as a result homeschooled with little resources, and in Russia compulsatory education was not mandatory.

That's why a lot of Poles were illiterate back in the day.

You don't give one damn that Poles were oppressed, it's all about "Me, Me, Me the Jews"

Same deal over, and over again you unfeeling inhumane Psychos, also hijacked the Holocaust, it was bad enough when you neglected the Polish victims of the Holocaust, and outright outrageous when you blame Poles for the Holocaust.

You will be treated as garbage, because that is what Jews are.
Such repetition.
You can’t deal with your personal Polish heritage.
I can deal with my personal Jewish heritage...no alcoholism and no family beating.

Poles were oppressed because they were, for the most part, expendable.
Not really. Poland’s biggest mistake was getting rid of their military because they felt they were surrounded by friends. All they had left was the police which is not really a military.

Not true.
Poland was fatigued fighting 4 powers, 2 of them much larger being Soviets, and Nazis, but 2 smaller like Ukrainian UPA, and Slovakia.

Do you grasp proportions you dumb, ignorant, Jew?

But, I will laugh when your dumb Jews are conquered in the Mid-East, like you punks deserve.
Like Israel defeating 5 surrounding armies how many times?
God is with us.

Man does not win by strength but by deserving God’s help.

I do find it interesting that this one heavily persecuted minority not only had finally gotten their own home land after thousands of years being scattered everywhere, but according to some who hate them, actually run the entire world. It is almost as if they are being supernaturally blessed, isn't it?

And everywhere they lived, they thrived until jealousy tried to strike them down.

Jews don't run the entire World, they just are dominant in America, because most people in power in the U.S.A are either Jews, or British Americans, and the Brits are weak, and stupid greedy Zionists who kiss Jewish butts for cash, and because the Bible says something they don't even comprehend, in the first place.

Okay, they don't run the entire world, they just run the most powerful main in the world. Same point. Guess we'd better not mess with such powerful people.

Western Europeans are a huge problem, they give into Jewish Liberal values, or Jewish Zionism way too much.

I fault Western Europeans a ton too, they just bend over, it's like they have no will, or thoughts of their own.
I bet you're on a no-fly list.
See, such disrespect, Poland hosted your ungrateful Heebs for 800 years +, and gave you the best rights overall through out MOST of the ages.

You can't stop hating, disrespecting, and lying about Polish people, Why?

Because you're disgusting Human beings, if you are at all.

Even Animals appreciate those who rescue them, you Jews are even less respectful than that.

You Jews will be despised because you do exist as you do, are such scum.
You can’t handle the fact that your great grandparents were illiterate alcoholics.

See, such disrespect, you Jews are less respectful than Animals, because that's what you are.

Poland now has one of the highest literacy rates in the entire World, despite being a very difficult language to learn.

The fact of the matter is during the 1800's Germans, and Russians didn't invest in Polish education, or even sometimes flat out denied them education all together, a lot of Poles as a result homeschooled with little resources, and in Russia compulsatory education was not mandatory.

That's why a lot of Poles were illiterate back in the day.

You don't give one damn that Poles were oppressed, it's all about "Me, Me, Me the Jews"

Same deal over, and over again you unfeeling inhumane Psychos, also hijacked the Holocaust, it was bad enough when you neglected the Polish victims of the Holocaust, and outright outrageous when you blame Poles for the Holocaust.

You will be treated as garbage, because that is what Jews are.
Such repetition.
You can’t deal with your personal Polish heritage.
I can deal
Over 99% of Pollacks were illiterate, alcoholics and family beaters and yet you spend all day painting Jews as evil.
Look in your own backyard first.
Like Israel defeating 5 surrounding armies how many times?
God is with us.

Man does not win by strength but by deserving God’s help.

I do find it interesting that this one heavily persecuted minority not only had finally gotten their own home land after thousands of years being scattered everywhere, but according to some who hate them, actually run the entire world. It is almost as if they are being supernaturally blessed, isn't it?

And everywhere they lived, they thrived until jealousy tried to strike them down.

Jews don't run the entire World, they just are dominant in America, because most people in power in the U.S.A are either Jews, or British Americans, and the Brits are weak, and stupid greedy Zionists who kiss Jewish butts for cash, and because the Bible says something they don't even comprehend, in the first place.

Okay, they don't run the entire world, they just run the most powerful main in the world. Same point. Guess we'd better not mess with such powerful people.

Western Europeans are a huge problem, they give into Jewish Liberal values, or Jewish Zionism way too much.

I fault Western Europeans a ton too, they just bend over, it's like they have no will, or thoughts of their own.
I bet you're on a no-fly list.
Haha funny.
You can’t handle the fact that your great grandparents were illiterate alcoholics.

See, such disrespect, you Jews are less respectful than Animals, because that's what you are.

Poland now has one of the highest literacy rates in the entire World, despite being a very difficult language to learn.

The fact of the matter is during the 1800's Germans, and Russians didn't invest in Polish education, or even sometimes flat out denied them education all together, a lot of Poles as a result homeschooled with little resources, and in Russia compulsatory education was not mandatory.

That's why a lot of Poles were illiterate back in the day.

You don't give one damn that Poles were oppressed, it's all about "Me, Me, Me the Jews"

Same deal over, and over again you unfeeling inhumane Psychos, also hijacked the Holocaust, it was bad enough when you neglected the Polish victims of the Holocaust, and outright outrageous when you blame Poles for the Holocaust.

You will be treated as garbage, because that is what Jews are.
Such repetition.
You can’t deal with your personal Polish heritage.
I can deal
Over 99% of Pollacks were illiterate, alcoholics and family beaters and yet you spend all day painting Jews as evil.
Look in your own backyard first.
Okay, they don't run the entire world, they just run the most powerful main in the world. Same point. Guess we'd better not mess with such powerful people.

Western Europeans are a huge problem, they give into Jewish Liberal values, or Jewish Zionism way too much.

I fault Western Europeans a ton too, they just bend over, it's like they have no will, or thoughts of their own.
I bet you're on a no-fly list.
Haha funny.
Is that your Jew-hating face in your avatar? I bet you're popular with the massive amount of homos in Polackland. :biggrin:
My relatives who came over from Poland had been pissed off that Jews didn't assimilate.
I know this for a fact.

Why would anybody appreciate a people who don't assimilate to their culture? Especially ones who spend 800 years not assimilating as in the case of Poland's Jews?

I hope Palestinians in Israel's borders spend the next 800 years not assimilating, so you can see why everybody doesn't like Jews.
You made a general statement that you knew was a lie.
Spain and Germany were not swamps like Poland.
Who would want to assimilate into a society of alcoholic, illiterate family beating, Polish farmers?

See, such disrespect, Poland hosted your ungrateful Heebs for 800 years +, and gave you the best rights overall through out MOST of the ages.

You can't stop hating, disrespecting, and lying about Polish people, Why?

Because you're disgusting Human beings, if you are at all.

Even Animals appreciate those who rescue them, you Jews are even less respectful than that.

You Jews will be despised because you do exist as you do, are such scum.
You can’t handle the fact that your great grandparents were illiterate alcoholics.

See, such disrespect, you Jews are less respectful than Animals, because that's what you are.

Poland now has one of the highest literacy rates in the entire World, despite being a very difficult language to learn.

The fact of the matter is during the 1800's Germans, and Russians didn't invest in Polish education, or even sometimes flat out denied them education all together, a lot of Poles as a result homeschooled with little resources, and in Russia compulsatory education was not mandatory.

That's why a lot of Poles were illiterate back in the day.

You don't give one damn that Poles were oppressed, it's all about "Me, Me, Me the Jews"

Same deal over, and over again you unfeeling inhumane Psychos, also hijacked the Holocaust, it was bad enough when you neglected the Polish victims of the Holocaust, and outright outrageous when you blame Poles for the Holocaust.

You will be treated as garbage, because that is what Jews are.
Poles were oppressed because they were, for the most part, expendable.

German royalty of Prussia, Russia, & Austria Partitioned Poland for it's Democracy Constitution & Jewish elites were on board.

Jewish bankers living in Poland had financed &supplied the invading Prussian & Russian armies.
While Jewish coin minters had counterfeited Polish coins to collapse the Polish economy.
Last edited:
See, such disrespect, you Jews are less respectful than Animals, because that's what you are.

Poland now has one of the highest literacy rates in the entire World, despite being a very difficult language to learn.

The fact of the matter is during the 1800's Germans, and Russians didn't invest in Polish education, or even sometimes flat out denied them education all together, a lot of Poles as a result homeschooled with little resources, and in Russia compulsatory education was not mandatory.

That's why a lot of Poles were illiterate back in the day.

You don't give one damn that Poles were oppressed, it's all about "Me, Me, Me the Jews"

Same deal over, and over again you unfeeling inhumane Psychos, also hijacked the Holocaust, it was bad enough when you neglected the Polish victims of the Holocaust, and outright outrageous when you blame Poles for the Holocaust.

You will be treated as garbage, because that is what Jews are.
Such repetition.
You can’t deal with your personal Polish heritage.
I can deal
Over 99% of Pollacks were illiterate, alcoholics and family beaters and yet you spend all day painting Jews as evil.
Look in your own backyard first.
Western Europeans are a huge problem, they give into Jewish Liberal values, or Jewish Zionism way too much.

I fault Western Europeans a ton too, they just bend over, it's like they have no will, or thoughts of their own.
I bet you're on a no-fly list.
Haha funny.
Is that your Jew-hating face in your avatar? I bet you're popular with the massive amount of homos in Polackland. :biggrin:

Have you come out of the closet yet?
You sound like a Nazi when it comes to Poles.

Typical Liberal swines getting back at Poles for What? For abolishing Slavery 1300 AD, and giving Jews civil rights in 1300 AD too in the Statute of Kalisz.

You're very thoughtless, and Chimp like.

Poles aren't inferior, YOU ARE.

Your Black, Hispanic, and Muslim buddies are far inferior when compared to Poles.

You don't get it because of your inferior intelligence levels.

A lot of Jews, and Western Europeans are like this too, they don't have the ability to figure things out, they are idiots too.

Poles are way more intelligent on average to follow such stupid Liberalism as you tout of you, you're a brainwashed simpleton at best, everything wrong with Western Culture.
The intellectual liabilities of Poles are well documented

Jews and blacks look down on them

News-flash the IQ of Poland was 99, Israel 95 & Black Americans 85 & Mexican Americans a 89 IQ.

Even though Poland was poorer than all of those.

You are severely retarded & should be treated as an Animal.
Now that you’re bringing up IQ, what’s your IEP?

My IQ tested at 124 well above average.
I’m 145.
My daughter is 150.

Together, that makes you both 295, super genius level.
Such repetition.
You can’t deal with your personal Polish heritage.
I can deal
Over 99% of Pollacks were illiterate, alcoholics and family beaters and yet you spend all day painting Jews as evil.
Look in your own backyard first.
I bet you're on a no-fly list.
Haha funny.
Is that your Jew-hating face in your avatar? I bet you're popular with the massive amount of homos in Polackland. :biggrin:

Have you come out of the closet yet?
So you don't dispute that here are tons of fudge packers in Poland? good to know.

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