Why does everyone hate Jews?

As well as Jesus that was black. Skin of bronze as the Bible describes him. I think Hitler liked BBC. He was just embarrassed [emoji30].

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Jesus wasn't black, and i can prove it.
You'll be the first. Didnt god make people in his image?

There have been many decades of archaeological digs in the Middle East. Not a single pair of Air Jordans have been unearthed.
Air Jordans werent invented during the time of Jesus. However we know that the Hebrews were described as "their visage was Black as coal". No one is Black as coal unless they are....well Black.

Bible Gateway passage: Lamentations 4:8-10 - King James Version

"Their visage is blacker than a coal; they are not known in the streets: their skin cleaveth to their bones; it is withered, it is become like a stick."

Perhaps you should include some context when you attempt to use Scripture.

From the verse immediately prior:

"Their princes were brighter than snow and whiter than milk, their bodies more ruddy than rubies, their appearance like lapis lazuli.”
‭‭Lamentations‬ ‭4:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Lamentations 4:7 Their princes were brighter than snow and whiter than milk, their bodies more ruddy than rubies, their appearance like lapis lazuli. | New International Version (NIV) | Download The Bible App Now

If we use only your verse, we are to believe that Jews were black, unrecognizable as people, with dry, wrinkled skin, mere skeletons walking around.

They were also cannibals, if you take this one out of context:

“With their own hands compassionate women have cooked their own children, who became their food when my people were destroyed.”
‭‭Lamentations‬ ‭4:10‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Lamentations 4:10 With their own hands compassionate women have cooked their own children, who became their food when my people were destroyed. | New International Version (NIV) | Download The Bible App Now

Now, will you actually be honest and admit that verse was describing people under punishment and in very dire straits, and not describing their general appearance? If not, you'll be forced to acknowledge that they were black people being ruled by white people, and the next step will be to name those white people.
Not exactly sure what you think you proved by providing the other verses? What do you think debunks the fact that visage means appearance and matches with what we know about famine induced hyper-pigmentation? For example you seem to be ignorant of the fact that rubies are naturally brown and ruddy is a dark reddish brown. I am eager to destroy each one of your points.
Haha funny.
Is that your Jew-hating face in your avatar? I bet you're popular with the massive amount of homos in Polackland. :biggrin:

Have you come out of the closet yet?
So you don't dispute that here are tons of fudge packers in Poland? good to know.

Poland is among the most anti-Gay in Europe.
Just like one BIG closet. Make sure you keep enough room for all the anti-Semites.
Haha funny.
Is that your Jew-hating face in your avatar? I bet you're popular with the massive amount of homos in Polackland. :biggrin:

Have you come out of the closet yet?
So you don't dispute that here are tons of fudge packers in Poland? good to know.

Poland is among the most anti-Gay in Europe.
Just like one BIG closet. Make sure you keep enough room for all the anti-Semites.

Cough up the data.
So yeah, I know everyone doesn't hate Jews but stick with me.

I was raised Catholic, 12 years of nuns kicking my ass, all that. I still identify as Christian but since my great grandmother was Jewish I sometimes identify as a Jew for that reason. I'm not an anti-semite but I reject organized religion so keep that in mind.

Historically Jews have been persecuted. Rome, Byzantine, Ottoman Empire, Asia, list goes on. Nazis, old Europe, nobody wanted them.

In today's modern society, in large part because of the advent of Israel they're shunned also, however as an ethnic group they've been among the most productive, most artistic, most humanly advanced group in human history.

So why all the angst over them?

Dear derp
The Jews represent the top of the line of Elders that are supposed to lead
all the followers of Scriptural Authority under the Mosaic Laws and Torah.

So this is like hating the Founding Fathers who are credited for
making Natural Laws statutory by the US Constitution, where America
leads as the top Democratic nation.

The same way people hate and blame American for abusing power and privilege,
people do the same with the Jews and Israel that are supposed to be the head.

With rights and power come greater responsibilities.
So look for the leaders that take that responsibility seriously,
and never abuse it to oppress or overrule others.

The true Chiefs of all shall be Servants to all.
the Meek that serve all people equally are the true power.
Is that your Jew-hating face in your avatar? I bet you're popular with the massive amount of homos in Polackland. :biggrin:

Have you come out of the closet yet?
So you don't dispute that here are tons of fudge packers in Poland? good to know.

Poland is among the most anti-Gay in Europe.
Just like one BIG closet. Make sure you keep enough room for all the anti-Semites.

Cough up the data.
So you're saying you're the only one like that in Poland?
Jews often seem Gay.

Does that turn you on, Big Guy?

Have you come out of the closet yet?
So you don't dispute that here are tons of fudge packers in Poland? good to know.

Poland is among the most anti-Gay in Europe.
Just like one BIG closet. Make sure you keep enough room for all the anti-Semites.

Cough up the data.
So you're saying you're the only one like that in Poland?

I am anti-Gay.
Wishful thinking & fantasy on your part.

Theres Gays everywhere.

Jews however are the only ethnic that typical resemble Gays.

Not a heck of a lot of macho Jewish guys or feminine Jewish girls.
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Jews are better cooks than Polacks

Most Polish cuisine is based on road kill
So yeah, I know everyone doesn't hate Jews but stick with me.

I was raised Catholic, 12 years of nuns kicking my ass, all that. I still identify as Christian but since my great grandmother was Jewish I sometimes identify as a Jew for that reason. I'm not an anti-semite but I reject organized religion so keep that in mind.

Historically Jews have been persecuted. Rome, Byzantine, Ottoman Empire, Asia, list goes on. Nazis, old Europe, nobody wanted them.

In today's modern society, in large part because of the advent of Israel they're shunned also, however as an ethnic group they've been among the most productive, most artistic, most humanly advanced group in human history.

So why all the angst over them?
Something about killing someone they didnt believe was the messiah.

Doesn't explain why... pretty much everyone on my list opposed them though.

Asia, Muslims, Nazis... and so forth.
I have another theory but it upsets people. Fuck it.

I think another reason is that they took on the religion of the original Hebrews who were Black and a lot of them admit the original Hebrews were Black which pisses everyone else off.

As well as Jesus that was black. Skin of bronze as the Bible describes him. I think Hitler liked BBC. He was just embarrassed [emoji30].

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Big Block Chevy?
Jews are better cooks than Polacks

Most Polish cuisine is based on road kill

The best Jewish cuisine the Bagel, they stole from the Polish Obwarzanki.

Yeah sure, you sound so ignorant, let me guess you're from California where there's almost no Poles, and mostly just dumb Liberals like you?

You never heard of Kielbasy, Pierogies, Golabki, Bigos, Kapusta, Placki, Krakus Ham, Golonka, Pierniki, Orgorki Kiszone?
Jews are better cooks than Polacks

Most Polish cuisine is based on road kill

Using road-kill might be an improvement to the Jewish & British Isle cuisine, actually.

Jews can make Road-Kill soup with Matzo Balls, or Gefilte kill.

Which I bet you are of some kind of British Isle ethnicity, you can tell these people by their extreme Liberalism, Ignorance, Arrogance, Big mouth, obnoxiousness, and Individualism.

I don't even think the British Isle country called Ireland has a cuisine, Bangers & Mash I had thought were Ireland's National cuisine, which are bland as hell, are in fact from Great Britain from my understanding.

Just like everything else Irish from Britain, the song Oh Danny Boy is British, and so is Saint Patrick from Great Britain.

Irish also don't even have a culture, much, they are now English speakers mostly.
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See, such disrespect, Poland hosted your ungrateful Heebs for 800 years +, and gave you the best rights overall through out MOST of the ages.

You can't stop hating, disrespecting, and lying about Polish people, Why?

Because you're disgusting Human beings, if you are at all.

Even Animals appreciate those who rescue them, you Jews are even less respectful than that.

You Jews will be despised because you do exist as you do, are such scum.
You can’t handle the fact that your great grandparents were illiterate alcoholics.

See, such disrespect, you Jews are less respectful than Animals, because that's what you are.

Poland now has one of the highest literacy rates in the entire World, despite being a very difficult language to learn.

The fact of the matter is during the 1800's Germans, and Russians didn't invest in Polish education, or even sometimes flat out denied them education all together, a lot of Poles as a result homeschooled with little resources, and in Russia compulsatory education was not mandatory.

That's why a lot of Poles were illiterate back in the day.

You don't give one damn that Poles were oppressed, it's all about "Me, Me, Me the Jews"

Same deal over, and over again you unfeeling inhumane Psychos, also hijacked the Holocaust, it was bad enough when you neglected the Polish victims of the Holocaust, and outright outrageous when you blame Poles for the Holocaust.

You will be treated as garbage, because that is what Jews are.
Such repetition.
You can’t deal with your personal Polish heritage.
I can deal with my personal Jewish heritage...no alcoholism and no family beating.

Poles were oppressed because they were, for the most part, expendable.

As I said even an Animal respects for the most part those who rescue them, Jews were rescued by Poles, and nada, certainly no gratittude because you're Animalistic Monsters, and shall be treated thus as a disease plague upon Humanity.

Jews were expendable into the 19th century.

While Poland had a ton of great scientists in the Renaissance like Copernicus, Albert Brudzewski, Michal Sedziwoj, Jozef Struthius, Kazimierz Siemienowicz, or Jozef Brozek etc. etc.

Jews were basically NOTHING during the Renaissance.
Over 99% of Pollacks were illiterate, alcoholics and family beaters and yet you spend all day painting Jews as evil.
Look in your own backyard first.

It's a lot easier to control your emotions, when you don't have any. Ahem.

The most successful, are probably also the most unfeeling (Psychopathic) because they can control their emotions the best.

I've read some Buddhist books which talk of this, they say the poor tend to be emotional, and spend their time licking their wounds, while those with no emotions tend to get ahead because they can manage their emotions for success better.

It makes perfect sense, when you look at the big picture.
So you don't dispute that here are tons of fudge packers in Poland? good to know.

Poland is among the most anti-Gay in Europe.
Just like one BIG closet. Make sure you keep enough room for all the anti-Semites.

Cough up the data.
So you're saying you're the only one like that in Poland?

I am anti-Gay.
Wishful thinking & fantasy on your part.

Theres Gays everywhere.

Jews however are the only ethnic that typical resemble Gays.

Not a heck of a lot of macho Jewish guys or feminine Jewish girls.
Resemble gays? Youre an idiot. There are people you have no clue are gay. I know a gay guy that would put your ass in the hospital. There is no need for him to be macho.
Poland is among the most anti-Gay in Europe.
Just like one BIG closet. Make sure you keep enough room for all the anti-Semites.

Cough up the data.
So you're saying you're the only one like that in Poland?

I am anti-Gay.
Wishful thinking & fantasy on your part.

Theres Gays everywhere.

Jews however are the only ethnic that typical resemble Gays.

Not a heck of a lot of macho Jewish guys or feminine Jewish girls.
Resemble gays? Youre an idiot. There are people you have no clue are gay. I know a gay guy that would put your ass in the hospital. There is no need for him to be macho.

NOT ALL, I never said it was ALL, but it is sure enough to notice.

You'd have to be pretty idiotic, to believe because a few macho Gays exist, that somehow most Gay dudes are somehow not more feminine?

That's Individualism 101, pretending there's no general differences, no, no our perceptions are wrong, the data is wrong, because there's just a collection of individuals.
Well, that's the biggest bunch of unperceptive, idiotic bull-plop I've ever seen.

Yes, I do think Jews resemble Gays the most of all religions, or ethnics.
A lot of Gays, and also quite a few Jews are frail, lack sexual morphism, have very leptomorphic faces, have a shrill nasally voice, and talk in whiney voices, or speak with lisps.
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There's a specific kind of voice that mostly just Gays, and Jews have.

It's that nasally, lispy, whiney voice, and it's often both in Female, and Male Gays, or Jews.

Fran Drescher is a prime example of the voice I'm speaking of.

I've not seen a heck of a lot of other groups talk like this as much.
There's a specific kind of voice that mostly just Gays, and Jews have.

It's that nasally, lispy, whiney voice, and it's often both in Female, and Male Gays, or Jews.

Fran Drescher is a prime example of the voice I'm speaking of.

I've not seen a heck of a lot of other groups talk like this.
are you working on quantum (theory) recognition systems?

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