Why does everyone look down on blacks?

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It isnt just America. It isnt just white people.
What is the deal here?
Everyone doesnā€™t look down on blacks. For some reason people tend to hear what they want to hear. I was called racist because I said all criminals deserve to be punished. I meant EVERYONE but for some stupid reason idiots believed I was referring to blacks.
People, I didnt literally mean EVERYONE on the fucking planet. Jesus
"oh i got to show them im not racist!"
"Growing evidence indicates that environmental factors, not genetic ones, explain the racial IQ gap."

"Nor can there be doubt that the average African IQ of 70 is reliable and not due to a ā€˜ā€˜fluke,ā€™ā€™ or to sampling error, or to the prejudice of investigators. Lynn [30] reviewed over two dozen studies from West, Central, East, and Southern Africa and consistently found an average IQ of 70. For example, in Kenya, Robert Sternberg et al. [61] administered the Colored Progressive Matrices to 85 12- to 15- year-olds who scored an IQ equivalent of 70. In Tanzania, Sternberg et al. [60] gave the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test to 358 11- to 13-year-old; they received a score equivalent to the 5th percentile on American norms (that is, IQ = 75). After training on how to solve problems such as those on the test, the childrenā€™s scores improved, but only to about the 9th percentile on American norms (IQ < 80)."

California university study

In identical twins, these areas showed a 95 to 100 per cent correlation between one twin and the other ā€“ they were essentially the same. The frontal structure, says Thompson, appears to be as highly influenced by genes as the most highly influenced trait we know of ā€“ fingerprints.

ā€œItā€™s extraordinary how similar they are,ā€ he says. The finding suggests that environment ā€“ their own personal experiences, what they learned in life, who they knew ā€“ played a negligible role in shaping it.

Fraternal twins were near-identical in Wernickeā€™s area, showing about 60 to 70 per cent correlation, but were less similar in other areas, . Random pairs of people would be expected to have no correlation

Intellectual function​

The study was all the more interesting in that it found that not only was this gray matter highly heritable, but it affected overall intelligence as well. ā€œWe found that differences in frontal gray matter were significantly linked with differences in intellectual function,ā€ the authors write.

The volunteers each took a battery of tests that examined 17 separate abilities, including verbal and spatial working memory, attention tasks, verbal knowledge, motor speed and visuospatial ability.

This is a talk with University of Delaware professor Linda Gotfreedson who has done decades of study on the topic.

She clearly outlines the role of nature over nurture with regard to IQ.

She also states that IQ has an average heritability of .82
Hm. And how many of the studies by the academics you cite to have gotten peer reviewed? What was the outcome of any such peer reviews?

Or, perhaps, you are just skimming the surface? I havenā€™t reviewed much it this material for a long long time. And Iā€™m not an academic in that field of study. But the last time I looked into it at all, the so-called ā€œstudiesā€ rending to support your favored racist conclusions were shredded in the academic community on a variety of bases.

I tell ya what. I donā€™t have time at this moment to try to conduct a great deal study of current academic literature. But Iā€™ll peruse some of it later. And Iā€™m willing to predict that the ā€œstudiesā€ you prefer are generally lacking in peer reviewed support. I can even predict why. The reasons will include poor methodology and invalid controls. I also am guessing that the reasons will include a failure to take properly into account certain sociological biases in the nature of the alleged IQ tests, themselves.

But it may take a while. So do try to be patient.
IMHO, people do NOT "look down" on the ethnicity under discussion.

BUT many people quietly wonder about the following:

1. Why hasn't Africa progressed as fast as Europe and some parts of Asia when it comes to the fields of science, etc.?

2. Why does a disproportionate number of (mostly young) African Americans have such a bad attitude and engage in senseless violence?
According to some black posters it is because of white people causing their negativity.
Hm. And how many of the studies by the academics you cite to have gotten peer reviewed? What was the outcome of any such peer reviews?

Or, perhaps, you are just skimming the surface? I havenā€™t reviewed much it this material for a long long time. And Iā€™m not an academic in that field of study. But the last time I looked into it at all, the so-called ā€œstudiesā€ rending to support your favored racist conclusions were shredded in the academic community on a variety of bases.

I tell ya what. I donā€™t have time at this moment to try to conduct a great deal study of current academic literature. But Iā€™ll peruse some of it later. And Iā€™m willing to predict that the ā€œstudiesā€ you prefer are generally lacking in peer reviewed support. I can even predict why. The reasons will include poor methodology and invalid controls. I also am guessing that the reasons will include a failure to take properly into account certain sociological biases in the nature of the alleged IQ tests, themselves.

But it may take a while. So do try to be patient.

Yeah, that's why we Dems nominated a black man for president and now a black woman for Supreme Court Justice.

All because my party looks down on blacks. :itsok:
Are they good for the whole or for the desired groups? Trying to fit a whole nation to live like the people that they represent and call it racism if the people do not. The kicker is that I believe most of this is environmental. But the cure will be painful and would cause even more animosity in the initial stages.
Your efforts to ridicule are insignificant. Your effort to hide your own profound ignorance fails.

At this point, it is clearly not worth discussing or debating with you. Youā€™re too closed-minded and dishonest; youā€™re stuck in your racist mindset of stupidity. Still, minimal research shows why you resort to ā€œacademicsā€ like Linda Gottfredson. šŸ™„

Yes. When a book argues that ā€œrace and class differences are largely determined by genetic factorsā€ one has a right to become suspicious if the supporting research is funded by an organization whose patron recruited ā€œacademic irredentists still dedicated to white supremacy and eugenicsā€ because ā€œ[he] believed geneticists could scientifically prove the inferiority of Negros.ā€

And suspicion naturally grows when one finds that Pioneer Fund recipients have only one thing in common: they attack blacks. Thus, for example, consider the following three people in the list of names above: William Shockley, Michael Levin, and Linda Gottfredson. The first of these, Shockley, was neither a psychologist nor a biologist but a physicist:

ā€œWilliam Shockley. 1910-89, American physicist, b. London. He graduated from the California Institute of Technology (B.S., 1932) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Ph.D., 1936). After directing antisubmarine research for the U.S. Navy during World War II, he returned to work at Bell Laboratories. There he and two colleagues, John Bardeen and Walter H. Brattain, produced the first transistor in 1947; for this work they shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1956. Shockley taught electrical engineering at Stanford Univ. from 1958 to 1975.ā€[7]

So Shockley had zero training in psychology or biology. But that didnā€™t stop him from making certain claims:

ā€œDuring the late 1960s Shockley became a figure of some controversyā€¦ He held that standardized intelligence tests reflect a genetic factor in intellectual capacity and that tests for IQ (intelligence quotient) reveal that blacks are inferior to whites. He further concluded that the higher rate of reproduction among blacks had a retrogressive effect on evolution.ā€[8]

Shockley was obviously a eugenicist, and he went out of his way to become a public racist. In fact, ā€œHe came to describe this work [i.e. his ā€˜workā€™ attacking blacks] as the most important of his career, although it severely tarnished his reputation.ā€[8a] The Pioneer Fund saw fit to give this man money, but obviously not because he was a good physicistā€”this was a prize for using his Nobel prestige to attack blacks.

Then there is Michael Levin.

ā€œā€¦the [Pioneer Fund] awarded $124,500 from 1991-1992 to Michael Levin, a philosophy professor at the City College of New York who has argued that black population growth must be slowed by ending public assistance.ā€[9]

What does a philosopher need $124,500 for? The answer is that he doesnā€™t need it. Philosophers do not conduct expensive research. Once again, this is just prize money for being a public racist, and for making arguments in favor of restricting the population growth of blacks, which is one of the things the original eugenics movement also called for.

And finally, letā€™s take a look at Linda Gottfredson.

ā€œ[Linda] Gottfredson [is] a University of Delaware researcher who said that blacks were intellectually inferior to whites and have diminished capabilities in work and educational settings.
The university rejected a $174,000 Pioneer grant toward her work, citing the fundā€™s racist history. Gottfredson sued, claiming she was a victim of political correctness, and the school eventually backed down to avoid a protracted legal battle.ā€[10]

Gottfredson is militant. In 1990 she got together with Phillipe Rushton and with Harry Weyher, the president of the Pioneer Fund, and wrote a letter to the British daily The Independent saying that ā€œgovernments that want ā€˜effectiveā€™ public policies must listen to scientists who say blacks are genetically less intelligent than other races.ā€[10a]

The outspoken Linda Gottfredson once again is neither a psychologist nor a biologist, but a sociologist who teaches in the Department of Education at the University of Delaware. So we have a physicist, a philosopher, and a sociologist. What do they have in common with the IQ-testers? Other than that they attack blacks from their academic perches and collect their rewards from the Pioneer Fund, nothing.
ā€” Resurrecting Racism: The attack on black people using phony science [all emphases added by me].

Sorry, not sorry. Youā€™re full of shit exactly as I predicted. Youā€™re a simpleton racist with nothing actually scientific to buttress your moronic bigotry.
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What the fuck?
Tut...tut. Forgot I was dealing with a retard. Not to worry. Take your time, read it a few times and when you are done, read it a couple more times. You will eventually get it. Good luck. :itsok:
Are they good for the whole or for the desired groups? Trying to fit a whole nation to live like the people that they represent and call it racism if the people do not. The kicker is that I believe most of this is environmental. But the cure will be painful and would cause even more animosity in the initial stages.
You know, for retards that voted for Rump, you guys sure have no self-awareness.

But then, if you did, we wouldn't be able to make fun of you, trumptards!
We don't. It's just that the lying leftist media makes it seem that way. Of course if more black people would get an education instead of dropping out of school and becoming a gang member, selling drugs, and breaking the law, then maybe they would also have a better reputation. For the record I'm not saying that white people don't do this as well, but it's just that fewer whites do this than blacks because they're going after the cool tough guy image.
Here's why.
So, I read this and watched the video. I would expect nothing less from Jared Taylor since he is a white nationalist and white supremacist. He mentioned some blacks folks who said they hated white folks, who tweeted about their hatred of white folks, one who killed white folks because he was tired of racism, etc. etc. But in a country of 329 million people, would he be able to find a million black folks who think and behave like the ones he called out?

I doubt it. But he makes it seem like the hand full that he found speak for the entire black population. Even if he could come up with a thousand, it would still not be representative of how the 42 million blacks in our country think and feel. For each one of his examples I could point to black people I know personally who would say they don't hate anyone.

We really have to put things in context and think for ourselves, not just get caught up in someone's else's personal beliefs and interpretations of things.
So, I read this and watched the video. I would expect nothing less from Jared Taylor since he is a white nationalist and white supremacist. He mentioned some blacks folks who said they hated white folks, who tweeted about their hatred of white folks, one who killed white folks because he was tired of racism, etc. etc. But in a country of 329 million people, would he be able to find a million black folks who think and behave like the ones he called out?

I doubt it. But he makes it seem like the hand full that he found speak for the entire black population. Even if he could come up with a thousand, it would still not be representative of how the 42 million blacks in our country think and feel. For each one of his examples I could point to black people I know personally who would say they don't hate anyone.

We really have to put things in context and think for ourselves, not just get caught up in someone's else's personal beliefs and interpretations of things.
I think for myself based on my experiences. I have black fatigue. The endless whining, demanding, harassing, threatening and outright violence has worn me down and worn me out. I no longer permit blacks to exist in my little world.
So, I read this and watched the video. I would expect nothing less from Jared Taylor since he is a white nationalist and white supremacist. He mentioned some blacks folks who said they hated white folks, who tweeted about their hatred of white folks, one who killed white folks because he was tired of racism, etc. etc. But in a country of 329 million people, would he be able to find a million black folks who think and behave like the ones he called out?

I doubt it. But he makes it seem like the hand full that he found speak for the entire black population. Even if he could come up with a thousand, it would still not be representative of how the 42 million blacks in our country think and feel. For each one of his examples I could point to black people I know personally who would say they don't hate anyone.

We really have to put things in context and think for ourselves, not just get caught up in someone's else's personal beliefs and interpretations of things.
Kind of like a few black posters on here. They seem to group most whites as racists. Even though more whites are killed by cops, white cops get a bad rap for what a few do.
You can't be serious.

No offense to the sub-Saharans but...

Arabs were leaders in the development of mathematics...namely algebra, surgery.

Whereas...literally NOTHING has come from the African Gold Coast, except slaves.

And Ebola....AIDS.
We bomb arabs, we don't bomb Blacks.
Leftists are so PC they cant even discuss a serious topic because they dont want to seem racist. That is very telling.
I bet they jerk off to real men banging their chicks, too.
We bomb arabs, we don't bomb Blacks.
It's easier to pay amoral blacks to kill their own people.

It's easier to pay amoral blacks to kill their own people.

Like in Baltimore, Chicago and Philly...?
It isnt just America. It isnt just white people.
What is the deal here?
I'm not just speaking for myself here but the vast majority of black people don't care what white people or non black people think about black people. We really don't. We only care about what they do.

Trust me black people are FULLY aware that white and non blk people have a heart of stone when it comes to black people.

I'm not into changing the minds of hearts of white people. I'm and 99% of blk ppl focus on what and non blk ppl do
I'm not just speaking for myself here but the vast majority of black people don't care what white people or non black people think about black people. We really don't. We only care about what they do.
Then why do you bitch cry and moan every fucking day?
Shut the hell up :rolleyes:
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