Why does everyone look down on blacks?

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Everyone doesn't look down on blacks just blacks who place all blame on whites.
Whites are tired of the race card being used to persecute them. It doesn't much matter anymore anyway we are going down from the division together. While illegal invaders brought in by leaders we are brought down.
Guess we started off wrong ?
Ah, the Race Card Card.
IQ levels make a difference in an individuals life, especially when brought into competition with ones contemporaries. Most intelligent people understand this basic premise.
However, what is less widely disseminated is; the effect of a populations cumulative IQ, and how it relates to a groups ability to govern itself; and the results such governance is capable of producing.

The following article explains how IQ plays a role in the “success”, of a nation. And while the article makes clear that even a high IQ nation, or state can suffer failures; a nation with an IQ below 97 can never attain the “successes” achieved by nations with IQs above 97.

It’s a good read whatever your take is...

The IQ Breaking Point – How Civilized Society is Maintained or Lost
Lebanon is on the list. They have a collective iq of around 80. Why would they look down at blacks?
IQ levels make a difference in an individuals life, especially when brought into competition with ones contemporaries. Most intelligent people understand this basic premise.
However, what is less widely disseminated is; the effect of a populations cumulative IQ, and how it relates to a groups ability to govern itself; and the results such governance is capable of producing.

The following article explains how IQ plays a role in the “success”, of a nation. And while the article makes clear that even a high IQ nation, or state can suffer failures; a nation with an IQ below 97 can never attain the “successes” achieved by nations with IQs above 97.

It’s a good read whatever your take is...

The IQ Breaking Point – How Civilized Society is Maintained or Lost
Average Black American IQ--85
Go troll somewhere else, you hypocritical faggot
mac, you react to this because you know i am right. You make threads and have a whole paragraph about people staying on topic and not trolling you and shit.
Goddamn, grow up man. Arent you in your 50s or something? Jesus
Why not be honest?

Like I told the last one.

Dispute me on point or get on up the road.

No time for emotion.
Gabe Lackofman:

First off, get on with that gfy thing. Really.

Secondly, it is a very rare day where bodecea and I are on the same side of any discussion. But in this instance, we are. You are the common denominator. You’re a small minded little bigot.

Thirdly, I have chastised people as recently as yesterday for citing to Wikipedia. I don’t consider it a valid resource except maybe sometimes as a point of departure. Therefore, this little quote from Wiki is more about the research it cites than anything the Wiki authors themselves have to say. So, if you think you’re up to a debate about “facts” as opposed to your small-minded opinions, look at the footnotes in this piece. Read. Learn. Grow. (Or not. I mean, you’re clearly quite stupid.):

“The scientific consensus is that there is no evidence for a genetic component behind IQ differences between racial groups.[148][149][150][147][151][152][153][52][154]Growing evidence indicates that environmental factors, not genetic ones, explain the racial IQ gap.[37][147][155][151]” — Race and intelligence - Wikipedia

It is obvious that you’re retarded, so I’ll even get you started. Look at footnote 148:

“[148] Ceci & Williams 2009, pp. 788–789, "There is an emerging consensus about racial and gender equality in genetic determinants of intelligence, most researchers, including ourselves, agree that genes do not explain between-group differences".” Id at fn 148 (my emphasis added).

Ok, racist bigot retard. Your turn.
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