Why does everyone look down on blacks?

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Did he write it for Nicaraguans?
He wrote it for all people. Sure, there might be some degree of cultural difference that accounts for a modest difference in scores (I knew what you were implying, but that‘s because my IQ is….well….up there), but NO degree of cultural difference would explain away a 47 IQ.
Everyone doesn't look down on blacks just blacks who place all blame on whites.
Whites are tired of the race card being used to persecute them. It doesn't much matter anymore anyway we are going down from the division together. While illegal invaders brought in by leaders we are brought down.
Guess we started off wrong ?


And this "white privilege" bullshit term that's being pushed by liberal media is another way of twisting the fact that blacks were and sometimes still are UNDER-PRIVILEGED. Being white doesn't automatically make one privileged. Many white people struggle, and sometimes more than some black people. There are blacks who do just fine in life. The "White privilege" term is just a way of fueling racism. It is a deliberate misnomer. If I walk into a diner and get served but a black is told that everything he wants they are out of, that doesn't make me privileged just because I'm getting what everyone should get. It means the black guy is being discriminated against. It doesn't say anything about me.

And this "white privilege" bullshit term that's being pushed by liberal media is another way of twisting the fact that blacks were and sometimes still are UNDER-PRIVILEGED. Being white doesn't automatically make one privileged. Many white people struggle, and sometimes more than some black people. There are blacks who do just fine in life. The "White privilege" term is just a way of fueling racism. It is a deliberate misnomer. If I walk into a diner and get served but a black is told that everything he wants they are out of, that doesn't make me privileged just because I'm getting what everyone should get. It means the black guy is being discriminated against. It doesn't say anything about me.
White privilege is about things whites get to do and positive imagery and perception of white as default normal regardless of income or social status.
White privilege is about things whites get to do and positive imagery and perception of white as default normal regardless of income or social status.
Then get out there, and do things till white folk say, damn…! If only some black folk would show up…
Great article. However, it is God who cursed the descendants of Canaan (He also cursed the Jews) not man. So even though we treat 'cursed' people with the respect due anyone they remain cursed until God lifts it. Based on the history of blacks everywhere, and of the Jews as well, I don't believe God has done this.

Consider what is happening in the black community in America. Even absent active white racism against them large numbers of blacks are murdering, aborting, scamming, brutalizing, and degrading themselves into a third-world condition or worse, mentally, morally, and physically.
Great article. However, it is God who cursed the descendants of Canaan (He also cursed the Jews) not man. So even though we treat 'cursed' people with the respect due anyone they remain cursed until God lifts it. Based on the history of blacks everywhere, and of the Jews as well, I don't believe God has done this.

Consider what is happening in the black community in America. Even absent active white racism against them large numbers of blacks are murdering, aborting, scamming, brutalizing, and degrading themselves into a third-world condition or worse, mentally, morally, and physically.

Noah cursed Ham.
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