Why does everyone look down on blacks?

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So because he supports trump, means he should automatically disqualified from truth? How bigoted of you.
People said barracks hawaiian BC was a forgery.
So what?
What makes barrack right and malik wrong? Its what you want you want to believe. Just like you want to believe your own made up definition of "racism"
And the real issue with the birth certificate thing is that either Barrack LIED TO HARVARD LAW to get in or he was really born in Kenya, which would make him a liar about being born in Hawaii.

In other words, Barrack is a fucking liar.
Lebanon used to have excellent schools and universities. Their demographics were turned upside down in 1948 and 1967 with refugees from Palestine. Do you remember the American university of Beirut or ACS?
I do not.
And the real issue with the birth certificate thing is that either Barrack LIED TO HARVARD LAW to get in or he was really born in Kenya, which would make him a liar about being born in Hawaii.

In other words, Barrack is a fucking liar.
If Obama was born in Kenya he would not have been able to get through US customs and immigration unless his birth had been registered at the US embassy. So many Americans are so ignorant that they are easily fooled by lying morons.
Lebanon used to have excellent schools and universities. Their demographics were turned upside down in 1948 and 1967 with refugees from Palestine. Do you remember the American university of Beirut or ACS?
Lots of Lebanese left well before during and after WWl. To Europe, USA, Mexico, S. America. Lebanese were good middlemen, shop owners, retailers, like E. Asians, S. Asians, Jews, etc. They ran the retail sector of Liberia, got kicked out of Haiti for being too successful. Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim has Lebanese ancestry, same for the President of the Dominican Republic.

Lebanese diaspora​

Lots of Lebanese left well before during and after WWl. To Europe, USA, Mexico, S. America. Lebanese were good middlemen, shop owners, retailers, like E. Asians, S. Asians, Jews, etc. They ran the retail sector of Liberia, got kicked out of Haiti for being too successful. Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim has Lebanese ancestry, same for the President of the Dominican Republic.

Lebanese diaspora​

I have been to Lebanon more times than I can count. Loved it.
Most drug users are not black. Most of the drugs are in suburban areas.

Meth and heroin are drugs that black people rarely use or sell today. Most of the users and sellers are white or non black.

Yet more black people r in jaill. Waco has been a hotbed for crystal meth use. So what do the white supremacists do ? Change possession of meth from felony to misdemeanor.

All over the USA white people are drugged out on meth like this





These white folks got K&A looking like skid row.

The system of white supremacy gives them gives them clean needles and a program to pick up the needles those trifling cave beasts discard on the ground.

Plus they beg 24/7 with their dusty ass signs in the street and subway. You see when it’s a white problem it isn’t a problem. They don’t want the little white Timmys of the world to hit that cell


They have a system to go easy on them like Clinton in this opiod crisis. They have Methodone Clinics to help them manage their addiction.


Wonder if he's ever spoken on the CIA's trade of Cocaine 4 Weapons in Nicaragua '90's ? Or Nixon's overt racist drug war that he co-opted ?

They go so soft on white drug users that Miami police say they’ll offer opioid addicts rehab instead of arresting them


Look at the story of the dead opiod addict last year (Maddie Linsenmeir). You would think she was getting to be buried in Arlington with all this press around her death.


They’re making martyrs out of white drug users when we steady getting killed. Drugs don't stick with black folk. Heroin ended in the 60s. Coke the 70s. Crack the 80s. The only thing left is weed. But when Black folks put that down watch "them" make Newport illegal to smoke.
Your reply isn’t relevant to my post. Whites aren’t blaming other races for their drug abuse. And whites who live in less affluent areas pay less taxes so they also will get less funding.
If Obama was born in Kenya he would not have been able to get through US customs and immigration unless his birth had been registered at the US embassy. So many Americans are so ignorant that they are easily fooled by lying morons.
Right, but what you missed about my comment was the OTHER side of it. If he was NOT born in Kenya HE FUCKING LIED TO HARVARD LAW SCHOOL!!!

Because blacks stole all their lawn furniture.

That's why you still don't see any wicker chairs or pool unicorns in Lebanon

True story, probably

The Lebanese aren't black. They look like Syrians , Jordanians and Palestinians.
Yay for us !!!

We're number ...
We're number...

Hey...where the Hell are we on that lousy, lyin', list ?!?

Where it is most important the U.S. is numero uno, followed by other WASP countries.

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Intelligence Capital Index - 2017:​

  1. United States - 74.88 (A+)
  2. United Kingdom - 64.19 (A)
  3. Germany - 64.18 (A)
  4. Australia - 63.96 (A)
  5. Singapore - 63.60 (A)
  6. Sweden - 61.58 (A)
  7. Switzerland - 61.57 (A)
  8. Canada - 61.15 (A)
  9. Finland - 60.45 (A)
  10. Denmark - 60.25 (A)
Where it is most important the U.S. is numero uno, followed by other WASP countries.

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Intelligence Capital Index - 2017:​

  1. United States - 74.88 (A+)
  2. United Kingdom - 64.19 (A)
  3. Germany - 64.18 (A)
  4. Australia - 63.96 (A)
  5. Singapore - 63.60 (A)
  6. Sweden - 61.58 (A)
  7. Switzerland - 61.57 (A)
  8. Canada - 61.15 (A)
  9. Finland - 60.45 (A)
  10. Denmark - 60.25 (A)
Thats why China doesnt have innovation. They have to steal their technology from us.
We have too many third world scrubs bringing our numbers down.
That’s what I noticed about that chart. Our average IQ is just a shade below 100, and the semi-literate illegals swarming in from countries like Nicaragua and Guatemala average around a 50 IQ! How is welcoming in millions of dumb, unskilled, uneducated illegal aliens NOT lowering the caliber of our country?

And more to the point….why is our president working so hard to lower the caliber of our country and make it resemble a 3rd world country?
That’s what I noticed about that chart. Our average IQ is just a shade below 100, and the semi-literate illegals swarming in are coming from countries like Nicaragua and Guatemala average around a 50 IQ! How is welcoming in millions of dumb, unskilled, uneducated illegal aliens NOT lowering the caliber of our country?

And more to the point….why is our president working so hard to lower the caliber of our country and make it resemble a 3rd world country?

Who developed the IQ tests?
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