Why does everyone look down on blacks?

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how manyt blacks talking about colors every day plenty. how manyt whites none. stop bsing racist trash. do you actually work? no you sit here all with the colors colors colors. trash

We talk about race. But here is the difference
  • We don't talk about mistreating white people.
  • We don't talk about writing books to prove how stupid white people are.
  • We don't run around trying to justfify every white guy that get's killed by the police.
  • We don't justify white death by creating crime stats.
  • We don't have a system that jails white people on mass.
  • We don't run around pouring drugs in white communities.
  • We don't use white people as guinea pigs in black hosiptals the same way white people use black people as guinea pigs in black hospitals.
  • We don't underfunded white areas.
We talk about race because whites solely focus on our race and create systems to do just that. The black “race” was the basis for housing discrimination, restrictions on educational opportunities, exclusion from jobs, and other forms of mistreatment. Whites have never been the targets of institutional oppression in the U.S. That's why we talk about it.
There is no en masse incarceration of black people. Nobody forces anyone to do drugs. Underfunded areas are because of the taxes. If an area pays less taxes, you get less, including poor white areas. Who is using blacks as Guinea pigs?
That's called fighting racism.

And we face the most powerful miltary on the planet. The most powerful country on earth.

We are out numbered, out gunned and out financed but we get out fight white and non blk ppl till hell freezes over and then we will fight you on that fkin ice.

No race of ppl hae that kinda heart.

Our history is FULL of freedom fighters. From MLK, to Malcom x, to Black Panthers, To Mandela. No race of people on this planet has the heart and courage black people have shown. Our courage is written in history.

The reason why immigrants can come to this country is because of the fighting black Americans have fought for. That's why the arrows of racism is aimed at black people. We have no friends. That's why I hate the term "People of Color" Because we are the only people fighting you. Asians and Latinos are white ass lickers who have the same anti blk contempt.
Mandela was a terrorist, Black panthers are terrorists, murderers, rapists and other criminals, Malcolm was a violent thug, and MLK was a conartist----

You are a racist criminal---you support blacks attacking everyone else. That isn't courage, that is just morons supporting violence to stupid to think that fighting and attacking does not make them moral or a worth wild people. It just proves that you are trash. Other blacks have to be ashamed of you---I know each time you open your mouth that the human race seems a bit less worthwild each time.
There is no en masse incarceration of black people. Nobody forces anyone to do drugs. Underfunded areas are because of the taxes. If an area pays less taxes, you get less, including poor white areas. Who is using blacks as Guinea pigs?
Who said anything about drugs ? Underfunded areas because of the system of white supremacy.
Mandela was a terrorist, Black panthers are terrorists, murderers, rapists and other criminals, Malcolm was a violent thug, and MLK was a conartist----

Well to you they might be these thing. But to me ? They strong black warriors

You are a racist criminal---you support blacks attacking everyone else. That isn't courage, that is just morons supporting violence to stupid to think that fighting and attacking does not make them moral or a worth wild people.

I believe you have to speak the lanuguage of the white man and the white man only understands violence. So you have to talk in a way that he understands.

What language is your white brother Putin speaking ?
You're IQ is pretty low, if you think IQ is simply a function of genetics.


Your IQ is also pretty low if you still maintain your assumption, and provide an OPINION, all while failing to read or listen to the sources provided.

....and don't tell me you did...cause we know you didn't.

now feck off.
Is this the Dem version of the "I am not racist, I have a black friend" claim?

You elected a black man BECAUSE he was black. Think about that....racist.
That's simply white racist projection. Obama won the nomination because Hillary is a boring candidate with boring ideas from the last century. He ran a populist campaign and gave great speeches. In a lot of ways Trumps campaign was pretty similar.

The response to Obama and questioning whether or not he was even a citizen is what was racist.
That's simply white racist projection. Obama won the nomination because Hillary is a boring candidate with boring ideas from the last century. He ran a populist campaign and gave great speeches. In a lot of ways Trumps campaign was pretty similar.

The response to Obama and questioning whether or not he was even a citizen is what was racist.
Questioning where someone is born is not racist.
Racism - Thinking an entire race is inferior or superior.
Birther - Thinking obama was born in africa because his family said so and his own publicist said so.
I dont see how this even got brought up.
That's simply white racist projection. Obama won the nomination because Hillary is a boring candidate with boring ideas from the last century. He ran a populist campaign and gave great speeches. In a lot of ways Trumps campaign was pretty similar.

The response to Obama and questioning whether or not he was even a citizen is what was racist.
You missed the point.
It is if after you see his birth certificate you still insist he was born in Kenya.
That still isnt racist bro.
People biased against him would think its a forgery after his own family said he was and his own publicist said he was.
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