Why does everyone look down on blacks?

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you mean welfare because they do not want to be educated?
I have heard that math is racist. I wouldn’t surprise me if next education is considered racist.

Obviously the best way to get out of poverty and off welfare is to get a good education. The large corporation I worked for before I retired was always looking for educated blacks they could promote so as to look better. To be fair much of the corporation’s work involved government contracts which is why they wanted to promote minorities.
So, supporting minorities is pandering to them? And you retards wonder why people call you racists. :itsok:
Here is an example of what I call pandering. How is this supporting minorities? It’s simply pandering to get the black vote. If anything it is demeaning.

Talking about playing the victim card… how’s the orange douche bag doing these days? Is Rump and his followers still whining about the election?
he is living rich in mira largo hole is your shit whole in the hood? you injoy cleaniong hard pressed dirt?
Here is an example of what I call pandering. How is this supporting minorities? It’s simply pandering to get the black vote. If anything it is demeaning.

The horror. A politician trying to get votes. LOL. That's your case?

Ok, let's talk pandering. How about the time when your orange douche bag justified white violence with there being fine people on "both sides" ? I guess it's ok for you retards for Rump to "pander" to white supremacists but God forbid a Democrat tries to do the same to their constituents.
Because public schools have always taught brainwashing and indoctrination.
3 generations have no idea how to think for themselves.
Blacks have been taught they are victims those who fall for it.

Just like the father who is bi racial said , oh and he is a doc. He said if blacks are so opressed how the hell did he become a docotr——-not the exact words but close enough.

I saw the video somewhere , I might have even posted over here some where on another post a day or so ago.

Morgan Freeman said it “ stop identifying me as a black man” which is dam right he’s an American that’s it.
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