Why does everyone look down on blacks?

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That's called fighting racism.

And we face the most powerful miltary on the planet. The most powerful country on earth.

We are out numbered, out gunned and out financed but we get out fight white and non blk ppl till hell freezes over and then we will fight you on that fkin ice.

No race of ppl hae that kinda heart.

Our history is FULL of freedom fighters. From MLK, to Malcom x, to Black Panthers, To Mandela. No race of people on this planet has the heart and courage black people have shown. Our courage is written in history.

The reason why immigrants can come to this country is because of the fighting black Americans have fought for. That's why the arrows of racism is aimed at black people. We have no friends. That's why I hate the term "People of Color" Because we are the only people fighting you. Asians and Latinos are white ass lickers who have the same anti blk contempt.
one kind of criminals defending another swet of criminals.
We are always on your minds. Even when you have black reading class. White people are showing up.

Even when black people are kicking ass at HCBUS. White people are showing up.

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In the past month or so there have been dozens of bomb threats phoned in against Historically Black Colleges and Universities across the country.

When you target those educational institutions that produce around 1 in 5 Black graduates and a quarter of Black STEM grads, despite enrolling only 10 percent of Black college students, you aren’t doing it randomly.

Nor are you targeting them because you’re worried about the inferiority of the students there.

When you target the schools from which these folks graduated before going on to achieve excellence at higher levels, you aren’t doing it to demonstrate your superiority.

They attack HBCUs because these institutions uplift the fullness of Black humanity. They are places where, most of the time, Black folks can congregate, learn, teach, love, and express joy, without having to worry about what white folks think about any of it.

Nothing scares white supremacists more than Black people ignoring them, learning and teaching and loving and being joyful despite racism, despite a system they know was built for their destruction.

When Black folks were restricted to HBCUs, white folks didn’t have to pay us much mind, but now, when we could go to any institution in the country, and we still pick an HBCU, it’s like the ultimate insult.

But this is the white race

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Not mention the fact that white people are on the verge of WW3 and a white man (Putin) threatening to blow the world up but blk ppl are still on your minds lol

and yet you blacks keeping white like this. who is sitll on whos mind racist? and ther is black pwolplw in the ukraine and russia .
This should not have to be asked.

However, I will break it down to the molecular level.

High Testosterone.

Low IQ.

This also applies to females of the species.
you know only one talks about races and colors is blacks all the time. they are only ones.
you know only one talks about races and colors is blacks all the time. they are only ones.

How many black people are on here ? I or 2. How many white supremacists are on here ? Tons.

you know only one talks about races and colors is blacks all the time. they are only ones.

We don't have whole forums like whites and non blacks do like n*ggermania and chimpmania
White and non black people are all over 4chan, all over yahoo answers, all over reddit, talking to sh*t about black people.

Then you have the white supremacist rationalizers, the ones who try to "logic" their racism, you see them on here, the likes of mga138 and sealybobo. or Joe Rogan. You have American Rennasaince

You have stormfront. You have Nick Fuentes. You have Richard Spencer, You have Jared Taylor and they're at the extreme end of white supremacy. But they have hordes of ppl riding their dk

You have had 8 yrs of Donald Trump. The most pro-white president ever and you still bitch and whine ? Of the 2000 hate groups less than 1% are based on Black hate towards whites and over 90% are based on whites hating blacks.

You get the jobs. The loans. The police don't blow you away now matter how you act. You can travel the world and not have an issue because you are white.

And you still fkin complain ?

You are the ones who whine about us even though white and non blacks make sure to live as far away from blk ppl as poss,

White people in America don't have problems racially. You have white people problems

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you know only one talks about races and colors is blacks all the time. they are only ones.

How many black people are on here ? I or 2. How many white supremacists are on here ? Tons.

you know only one talks about races and colors is blacks all the time. they are only ones.

We don't have whole forums like whites and non blacks do like n*ggermania and chimpmania
White and non black people are all over 4chan, all over yahoo answers, all over reddit, talking to sh*t about black people.

Then you have the white supremacist rationalizers, the ones who try to "logic" their racism, you see them on here, the likes of mga138 and sealybobo. or Joe Rogan. You have American Rennasaince

You have stormfront. You have Nick Fuentes. You have Richard Spencer, You have Jared Taylor and they're at the extreme end of white supremacy. But they have hordes of ppl riding their dk

You have had 8 yrs of Donald Trump. The most pro-white president ever and you still bitch and whine ? Of the 2000 hate groups less than 1% are based on Black hate towards whites and over 90% are based on whites hating blacks.

You get the jobs. The loans. The police don't blow you away now matter how you act. You can travel the world and not have an issue because you are white.

And you still fkin complain ?

You are the ones who whine about us even though white and non blacks make sure to live as far away from blk ppl as poss,

White people in America don't have problems racially. You have white people problems

how manyt blacks talking about colors every day plenty. how manyt whites none. stop bsing racist trash. do you actually work? no you sit here all with the colors colors colors. trash.
how manyt blacks talking about colors every day plenty. how manyt whites none. stop bsing racist trash. do you actually work? no you sit here all with the colors colors colors. trash

We talk about race. But here is the difference
  • We don't talk about mistreating white people.
  • We don't talk about writing books to prove how stupid white people are.
  • We don't run around trying to justfify every white guy that get's killed by the police.
  • We don't justify white death by creating crime stats.
  • We don't have a system that jails white people on mass.
  • We don't run around pouring drugs in white communities.
  • We don't use white people as guinea pigs in black hosiptals the same way white people use black people as guinea pigs in black hospitals.
  • We don't underfunded white areas.
We talk about race because whites solely focus on our race and create systems to do just that. The black “race” was the basis for housing discrimination, restrictions on educational opportunities, exclusion from jobs, and other forms of mistreatment. Whites have never been the targets of institutional oppression in the U.S. That's why we talk about it.
how manyt blacks talking about colors every day plenty. how manyt whites none. stop bsing racist trash. do you actually work? no you sit here all with the colors colors colors. trash

We talk about race. But here is the difference
  • We don't talk about mistreating white people.
  • We don't talk about writing books to prove how stupid white people are.
  • We don't run around trying to justfify every white guy that get's killed by the police.
  • We don't justify white death by creating crime stats.
  • We don't have a system that jails white people on mass.
  • We don't run around pouring drugs in white communities.
  • We don't use white people as guinea pigs in black hosiptals the same way white people use black people as guinea pigs in black hospitals.
  • We don't underfunded white areas.
We talk about race because whites solely focus on our race and create systems to do just that. The black “race” was the basis for housing discrimination, restrictions on educational opportunities, exclusion from jobs, and other forms of mistreatment. Whites have never been the targets of institutional oppression in the U.S. That's why we talk about it.
typical racist black blaming everything in your life on a ghost whitey and with a victim mentality to boot. you all shoot up ever cop that comes to your door. you fight them till death instead of complying and go to jail and fight everywhere and anywere. and record it yelling world star. check out millions vidoes of it on youtube. you shoot the shit out of each other every holiday and weeked by the hundreds. black and black crime is worst crime out their. and you all are only race who denies it instead of fixing it. that is why it is worse with you all.. all other races acknodlege and wrok on that is why it is less with us.
On AZ news tonight: a black man was arrested after invading the home of an elderly couple. He beat both of them.

They showed the woman's heavily bruised shoulder and arm. She suffered several broken bones. He tackled the woman when she opened the door, so she also suffered head and facial injuries. Her husband had four broken ribs.

They showed photos of the worthless black savage. He is about thirty years old. And of course the disgusting piece of garbage has a long rap sheet.

The worthless sonofabitch was caught thanks to DNA he left on a glass after drinking water. Now, instead of supporting this worthless piece of shit (and, almost certainly his family, as well) out here, we'll be feeding the dog in prison.

The old lady is ballsy, even after getting horribly beaten by that baboon. She said they're going to buy a gun. If they had had a gun, this time, her husband could have shot the asshole while he was busy beating her up.

So why do so many people look down on black people? Do you really have to ask? Just watch the way they behave. Not all of them, but an extremely high percentage of them.

Maybe a fellow prisoner will do a good deed by offing this waste of oxygen while he's in prison. Let's hope so.
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how manyt blacks talking about colors every day plenty. how manyt whites none. stop bsing racist trash. do you actually work? no you sit here all with the colors colors colors. trash

We talk about race. But here is the difference
  • We don't talk about mistreating white people.
  • We don't talk about writing books to prove how stupid white people are.
  • We don't run around trying to justfify every white guy that get's killed by the police.
  • We don't justify white death by creating crime stats.
  • We don't have a system that jails white people on mass.
  • We don't run around pouring drugs in white communities.
  • We don't use white people as guinea pigs in black hosiptals the same way white people use black people as guinea pigs in black hospitals.
  • We don't underfunded white areas.
We talk about race because whites solely focus on our race and create systems to do just that. The black “race” was the basis for housing discrimination, restrictions on educational opportunities, exclusion from jobs, and other forms of mistreatment. Whites have never been the targets of institutional oppression in the U.S. That's why we talk about it.
AND THE PARTY you vote for is racist.
On AZ news tonight: a black man was arrested after invading the home of an elderly couple. He beat both of them.

They showed the woman's heavily bruised shoulder and arm. She suffered several broken bones. He tackled the woman when she opened the door, so she also suffered head and facial injuries. Her husband had four broken ribs.

They showed photos of the worthless black savage. He is about thirty years old. And of course the disgusting piece of garbage has a long rap sheet.

The worthless sonofabitch was caught thanks to DNA he left on a glass after drinking water. Now, instead of supporting this worthless piece of shit (and, almost certainly his family, as well) out here, we'll be feeding the dog in prison.

The old lady is ballsy, even after getting horribly beaten by that baboon. She said they're going to buy a gun. If they had had a gun, this time, her husband could have shot the asshole while he was busy beating her up.

So why do so many people look down on black people? Do you really have to ask? Just watch the way they behave. Not all of them, but an extremely high percentage of them.

Maybe a fellow prisoner will do a good deed by offing this waste of oxygen while ge's in prison. Let's hope so.
another animlistic black animal
Everyone doesn't look down on blacks just blacks who place all blame on whites.
Whites are tired of the race card being used to persecute them. It doesn't much matter anymore anyway we are going down from the division together. While illegal invaders brought in by leaders we are brought down.
Guess we started off wrong ?
Whites invented the race card and have played it in America for over 400 years. STFU.
And here we see the failure in America. It is called the white racist subculture.
In my original post, I forgot to add that the report about the black home invader who beat the elderly couple appeared on this newscast:

"12 News on FOX" - out of Phoenix, AZ - Friday night, 3-4-22, 10 pm. In case anyone wants to look for the video.
Yeah, that's why we Dems nominated a black man for president and now a black woman for Supreme Court Justice.

All because my party looks down on blacks. :itsok:
The Democratic Party panders to blacks and it works. Without the black vote there would be no Democratic Party.



More examples of the failure of European culture.
Blacks are equal to whites in every way. They don't need support or pandering. ;)
Laws written on paper have not been enforced. You know that because you participate in doing so.
Laws written on paper have not been enforced. You know that because you participate in doing so.
Naw, I'm a 'live and let live' guy. :) I do have my opinions however.

I do act against the State though. I 'illegally' remove lake weeds that prevent fishing from shore, so I have my own 'fishing hole'. Works great.

I don't interact with blacks at all except on these boards. I do try to set a good example for them however by patronizing white owned businesses, if you get my drift. ;)
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