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Why does free speech seem to be kryptonite for the Left / Dem Party?

American adults should not be prohibited from reading anything by the govt. However children are another matter. This seems like common sense to me. I hope no one here is really talking about "banning books" in the context of children.
Lol. There's nothing funnier than revisionist Klucker history.

It was explained at the time.
Even the ignorant people of that era understood - that is why there was a fight.
It is certainly your choice to remain ignorant.

That is really the only way that the Democrat Party survives.
Because their ideas SUCK. It's just that simple.

They cannot compete in the marketplace of ideas. That's it. When the owned the media--the newspapers, the networks--they got to control the stories and the masses. It sort of worked but not entirely. If they lose that ability they know they have nothing.

Conservatives are not afraid of free speech because our ideas are true and they stand the test of time. People invade our borders because they LOVE our ideas. The idiotic American Left wants to adopt the ideas of the places these people are fleeing.

Yes -
They own the education system and the media, yet they can never get more than about 1/2 the country to agree with them, even in their best years.

How bad must their ideas be?
Why doesn’t the Right seem bothered by free speech?
I get it…The Left / Dems disguise their desire to suppress speech citing “mis-information” / dis-information” but is anybody really buying that trash?
Free speech doesn't mean free from con-sequences.
Why doesn’t the Right seem bothered by free speech?
I get it…The Left / Dems disguise their desire to suppress speech citing “mis-information” / dis-information” but is anybody really buying that trash?
of course they don't want free speech

they know Americans are mostly Right or Center right

and they do not want any AMERICAN glitching up their plans to totally take over the country and make us all a bunch of whimpering commies or virtual commies. They are not American themselves and want to get rid of America...
The far right is one one suppressing free speech. Third parties have every right to decide what goes on with their property.
then why are leftists in the msm so critical of Musk promoting free speech on his property Twitter !
Tolerance of those who are different than you is an unacceptable ideal to be teaching grade school children, and if you don't believe me you're a Groomer! Think of the children!
what does teaching young children about men in drag have to do with a grade school education ?
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Except...they are.
Going to post your fraudulent troll account as proof again? After all, it is all you have.

Maybe you could label it "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", out of respect for those who inspired you.
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What consequences do you think their should be for people expressing conservative ideas in public?
The ones happening now. Criticism. Refutation with hard facts, logic and good morality. Ridicule. Shunning by all decent and patriotic Americans.

It's not liberals having a complete red-face bug-eyed screaming meltdown here. Just look at this thread. The conservatives have all soiled themselves with rage, entirely because TheParty terrified them into incontinence.

Why have conservatives coompletely abandoned reason? Conservatives know they've lost the battle of ideas. The only solution they see a combination of full one-party control of the media, along with terrorist violence against anyone of any sort who criticizes them.

Here's a thought. If you conservatives don't want to be criticized for your ongoing disgusting behavior, simply stop engaging in that disgusting behavior. Crying at us won't get us to stop, and trying to stir up even more brownshirt terrorist violence against liberals won't get us to stop.
Going to post your fraudulent troll account as proof again? After all, it is all you have.
You lied. I proved you lied. Suck it up, Buttercup.
Maybe you could label it "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", out of respect for those who inspired you.
Naaah, that's a leftist thing. You know, the people who support Hamas and such. That's y'all.
The ones happening now. Criticism. Refutation with hard facts, logic and good morality. Ridicule. Shunning by all decent and patriotic Americans.

It's not liberals having a complete red-face bug-eyed screaming meltdown here. Just look at this thread. The conservatives have all soiled themselves with rage, entirely because TheParty terrified them into incontinence.

Why have conservatives coompletely abandoned reason? Conservatives know they've lost the battle of ideas. The only solution they see a combination of full one-party control of the media, along with terrorist violence against anyone of any sort who criticizes them.

Here's a thought. If you conservatives don't want to be criticized for your ongoing disgusting behavior, simply stop engaging in that disgusting behavior. Crying at us won't get us to stop, and trying to stir up even more brownshirt terrorist violence against liberals won't get us to stop.
"Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.“

You've learned well from your masters.

Meanwhile, you want to silence people whose ideas you disagree with. That's plain.

Sucks to be you, doesn't it?
The ones happening now. Criticism. Refutation with hard facts, logic and good morality. Ridicule. Shunning by all decent and patriotic Americans.

It's not liberals having a complete red-face bug-eyed screaming meltdown here. Just look at this thread. The conservatives have all soiled themselves with rage, entirely because TheParty terrified them into incontinence.

Why have conservatives coompletely abandoned reason? Conservatives know they've lost the battle of ideas. The only solution they see a combination of full one-party control of the media, along with terrorist violence against anyone of any sort who criticizes them.

Here's a thought. If you conservatives don't want to be criticized for your ongoing disgusting behavior, simply stop engaging in that disgusting behavior. Crying at us won't get us to stop, and trying to stir up even more brownshirt terrorist violence against liberals won't get us to stop.
Hilarious. Everything you accuse conservatives of is what democrats do. Your fucking Vice President even bailed rioters out of jail.

Why Does the Left Have Such a Difficult Time With the Concept of 'Free Speech'?​

30 Apr 2022 ~~ By Rick Moran

For if Men are to be precluded from offering their Sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences, that can invite the consideration of Mankind, reason is of no use to us; the freedom of Speech may be taken away, and, dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter. —George Washington​
Washington was on to something. There is no more vital safeguard of our liberties than freedom of speech. Without it, we are, as Washington graphically notes, “like sheep led to the slaughter.”
Benjamin Franklin (writing as the widow Silence Dogood) said it as plainly as it could be said.
In those wretched countries where a man cannot call his tongue his own, he can scarce call anything his own. Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.
This is one of those truths that appear to be self-evident. But today, only some speech is considered “free.” The rest must comport with a dizzying number of rules, conventions, and arbitrary guidelines that makes a mockery of the concept of free speech.
Why would any American care about what can be said on Twitter? The whole point of the First Amendment is that it’s no one’s bloody business what I say on Twitter or any other social media platform, blog, website, newspaper article, or email thanking my Auntie Midge for her Christmas fruitcake.
Why suppress a viewpoint because it might hurt someone’s feelings or is repulsively racist or anti-Semitic? Just because it’s published doesn’t mean you have to read it. That’s freedom of speech too — the freedom to ignore the kooks, the crazies, the haters, and all the internet wild people who have created such a toxic place for people to gather. Is it really so hard to tune these loons out?
Let the racists rant. Let the nuts spout their conspiracy theories. The danger is in trying to decide what might be racist or hateful. Once you set up a process, a system, a board, or a person to try and define what is “hate,” what is “disinformation,” what is “unacceptable,” free speech is gone.
Elon Musk is sort of on the right track. But even he will have to bow to the eager-beaver lefty censors who are pure of heart and empty of head. And the concept of free speech will die a little more.
If we can’t trust the people to make their own decisions about what to believe, what to accept, and what to reject, we might as well get in line with the other sheep and offer our necks to the ax.

This is like asking why Maoists have such a problem with free speech. The question answers itself.
According to Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies. when they have no argument they must shut the opposition down.
They indoctrinate our young, saying any opinion that differs from the PM/DSA Dem ideological flow is dangerous, traitorous, damaging and likely illegal.
Indeed, this is something deeper and more fundamental to the foundation of Maoist Marxism today. They're are not liberal. They're not the Jeffersonian liberals of yesteryear where are the argument between liberal and conservative centered around whether or not the federal government should be strong or weak.
The terms today —-left or right —-originate from Europe. They originate from the slight differences between Socialism on the left and Fascism on the right. The United States Constitution is neither. Conservatives who support the US Constitution are not right wing. They’re not right of anything. They are just simply constitutionalists. But the Democrat party for the last 40 years or more has been infiltrated by European Fascism. Let’s just call it Marxism for ease of description.
Accordingly following their radical playbook… today’s Leftists have taken over our language and the idiot sheep allow it. Why? I have no idea. Perhaps they are just not aware. Everywhere the Maoist Marxist philosophy has been implemented whether the Socialist or Fascist construct …speech has always been curtailed, controlled, and manipulated.
That's because Maoist Marxism is in fundamental opposition to natural laws. It fails to observe the rules set forth by the Almighty in the construct of the animal kingdom. Marxism ignores the very nature of Man. Therefore to maintain its existence the followers of Marx, Lenin and Mao must control the thoughts of Man. Speech is the extension of human thought. Therefore it must be tightly controlled.
Hilarious. Everything you accuse conservatives of is what democrats do.
Dave has the patent of running-away-by-reversing, so you'll have to get his permission before you're allowed to be that gutless.

Your fucking Vice President even bailed rioters out of jail.
Is there any Russian prlopaganda you haven't fallen for?

And that is why you're particularly hyseterical. The Biden admin said they'd highlight Russian propgadan, and you're one of Putin's propaganda spigots.
"Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.“
Don't copy what liberals have been pointing about your side out for decades. I know, my stuff is good, but you need to be original.

Meanwhile, you want to silence people whose ideas you disagree with. That's plain.
Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ...

That wouldn't look like such obvious fascist butthurt if you could show even one such example. But you can't, so it does.

I do understand your panic. If Russian propaganda is highlighted and laughed at, then you'' have nothing to post.

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