Zone1 Why Does God Even Hate Homosexuality?

Let me ask you a question if you told your child not to have any cookies until after dinner and they had one anyways, would you be upset with them and scold them for it or just simply shrug it off?
Disobedience of my commands whether a mom or supervisor or manager or owner is one thing. I like to think I am able to put things into sufficient perspective to respond appropriately to any such incidents.

I am not Mom or supervisor or manager or owner of any of my gay friends or my straight friends and have no right to command them in anything. And I certainly am not God. I ask forgiveness for my sins and for direction in what God wants from me, wants for me. And unless people are harming themselves and/or others, I believe God wants me to live and let live and leave any scolding to Him.
it is sad you think god would hate any of his is sad you think god made mistakes?

it is sad you dont pay attention to the rest of leviticus
1. The OP did not say God "hates" them. She said "Why did God tell us the BEHAVIOR of sex with the same sex is WRONG

Do you think God made a mistake when He told you don't murder your neighbor? Did He make a mistake when He told you don't have sex with your neighbor's wife?

2. ALL human beings are not God's Children. 99.9% of humanity are Satan's children. If you REJECT THE CLEAR WORD OF GOD, you are Satan's child.

"If anyone has not the Spirit of Christ, you are none of His"
1. The OP did not say God "hates" them. She said "Why did God tell us the BEHAVIOR of sex with the same sex is WRONG

Do you think God made a mistake when He told you don't murder your neighbor? Did He make a mistake when He told you don't have sex with your neighbor's wife?

2. ALL human beings are not God's Children. 99.9% of humanity are Satan's children. If you REJECT THE CLEAR WORD OF GOD, you are Satan's child.

"If anyone has not the Spirit of Christ, you are none of His"

Why Does God Even Hate Homosexuality is the thread title
One of the reasons had been everyone has to be an atheist.


Why do you think so?
No because not all atheists are murderers in fact I'll bet more people who say they believe in gods are murderers than atheists.
Does it ever even explain why in the Bible? Or is it simply just because God intended for men and women to be together because only they can reproduce?
Should be obvious don't you think?
The entire world, everything, is based on male female interactivity. All animals, all plants.
It is a balance. Each possessing native talents/personalities/instincts that makes everything work.
Homosexuality opposes everything the entire world was designed to do.
If you were the creator of a world, I doubt you would like it either
Should be obvious don't you think?
The entire world, everything, is based on male female interactivity. All animals, all plants.
It is a balance. Each possessing native talents/personalities/instincts that makes everything work.
Homosexuality opposes everything the entire world was designed to do.
If you were the creator of a world, I doubt you would like it either
And even though there have always been homosexuals we have managed to multiply into a population of over 7 billion. So there is no argument you can make that homosexuality somehow endangers the survival of the human race.
And even though there have always been homosexuals we have managed to multiply into a population of over 7 billion. So there is no argument you can make that homosexuality somehow endangers the survival of the human race.
Did I say that? No I didn't did I?
I offered no personal opinion on homosexuality.
The Biblical God is OBVIOUSLY a God of rules. And expects them to be obeyed.
It is not our rules. They are his.
We can choose to not follow them, but that doesn't change what is.
Did I say that? No I didn't did I?
I offered no personal opinion on homosexuality.
The Biblical God is OBVIOUSLY a God of rules. And expects them to be obeyed.
It is not our rules. They are his.
We can choose to not follow them, but that doesn't change what is.

Except the rules people think are handed down by gods were actually made up by men.
Except the rules people think are handed down by gods were actually made up by men.
You can believe that. That is 100% your right as an intellectual being.
But that wasn't the question was it?
The question was about the Biblical God's opinion.
And that is what I answered.
My personal opinion is nature is not perfect.
The more complex/intelligent a being gets, the more it uses and depends on it's own intelligence to form actions it takes - than it's inherited instincts.
But this also creates problems and failures. Man is not perfect, far-far-far-far from it.
One of my favorite versus in the Bible is - "If any man among you appears to be wiser in this world, let him become a fool, so they he may be wise".
Powerful sentence. And that sentence is playing itself out everyday. Mankind's inevitable crash is as predictable as time itself. We will destroy ourselves... because the wise are fools.
I always laugh when people refuse to capitalize the word God.
Capitalizing it does not reflect your belief or disbelief.
It is capitalized because it is a name. Just like capitalizing your own name.
The word Santa is capitalized.

Why should I? Humans have worshipped so many different gods and the one you worship is just one of many.

And you'll notice that I said a god

I did not specify which god

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