Why does it seem like Dems hate financial inequalities until they want to brag about GDP in blue cities/states?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Where are inequalities greater than in California and New York where pissed off people live on top of pissed of people and where much of the nations elites produce using all those bottom feeding peasants that Dems claim to advocate for?
Donā€™t most people in those GDP yielding metropolises live check to check and barely get by? Arenā€™t the poverty levels some of the highest in the nation?
What about the quality or lack-thereof in public education and healthcare in those GDP giantsā€¦..I thought Dems were all about better education and better healthcare for the ā€™minoritiesā€™ that populate these cities and states?
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Where are inequalities greater than in California and New York where pissed off people live on top of pissed of people and where much of the nations elites produce using all those bottom feeding peasants that Dems claim to advocate for?
Donā€™t most people in those GDP yielding metropolises live check to check and barely get by? Arenā€™t the poverty levels some of the highest in the nation?
What about the quality or lack-thereof in public education and healthcare in those GDP giantsā€¦..I thought Dems were all about better education and better healthcare for the ā€™minoritiesā€™ that populate these cities and states?

Fantastic post.

This thread should be getting more attention.

I suspect leftist skullduggery.
Democratic-voting areas fuel a whopping two-thirds of the American economy. Republican-led parts of the United States, on the other hand, are remarkably unproductive.

Are you talking about those filthy, crime ridden ā€œvoting areasā€ where people hate eachother, live on top of one another and live poverty stricken? Whatā€™s the quality of life like in those hell-holes for all those bottom feeders?

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