Why does left keep repeating lie that Trump mocked disabled reporter?

Trump openly mocked a reporter with a disability and no amount of blood coming out your wherever is going to change that fact.

Never pegged you for buying into a flat out lie. *sigh* I guess losing so big in an election will do that even to posters who I have admired.


Trump did mock a disabled reporter for not supporting his lies about thousands dancing muslims

Trump mocked a reporter, quite some time ago.

The only reason you are still taking about it, is that you lefties can LIE about what happened and use it to dishonestly smear Trump.

Because, that is what you need to do.

You know that his policies of deporting illegals and bringing back manufacturing jobs could be of great benefit to the Working Class and Middle Class.

That terrifies you. You have to lie and smear as much as possible to marginalize him so that no matter what, you can lie about him and keep this nation on the path to the One Party dystopia you so covet.
The reason we still talk about it is because it was a despicable thing to do. Given that he is going to be our president, his lack of common values and decency is more relevant than ever

The fact is......Trump is the one who was lying and he attacked a handicapped man for not supporting his lie
Fact is that Trump used the same gesture to mock others in the past, people who weren't disabled. There are videos to prove it. It's just a thing he does for whatever reason but wasn't done specifically to mock the reporter. Also, the movements he made were nothing like the reporter because the guy can't move his arm. Not that facts will stop liberals.

Meryl Streep bought it up again at the Golden Globes. Of course, they have to take every opportunity to bash Trump and this was no exception.

The reporter deserved criticism. It was that reporter who initially reported that Muslims were celebrating in NYC on 9/11. Of course, the guy backtracked because it was politically incorrect to stick to the true story he reported years ago. That is what the left wanted to deflect attention away from. They were busy calling Trump a liar for citing the guy's report regarding the Muslim's behavior so they accused Trump of mocking the disabled so people could get outraged over that instead of looking at the truth about Muslims being happy about 9/11.

Meryl Streep Praised for Trump ATTACK at Golden Globes... There’s...
Oh, good lord.

Trump mocked the heck out of that disabled reporter and EVERYBODY knows that.

Trump's claim that the reporter was "groveling" (his words) and that Trump was only mocking that (his tweets) is the most stupid and lame excuse imaginable.

And, his claim that disabled access in his hotels indicates his care for the disabled is more total BS - that stuff is required.

Trump is a thin skinned narcissistic whiner.

When has an elected official spent so much time whining about Saturday Night Live, awards shows, etc.???

The Great Trump Whitewashing is commencing. Unfortunately it will prove to be a Herculean task (along the lines of the Augean Stables since Trump keeps on providing ... material).

Funny, you would think that you would be looking forward to defining him by his policies.

Yet, you seem determined to avoid that.

Thus far, he has no policies and his most defining characteristics appear to be lying, mocking and insulting.
Anyone else think that candidates for public office should take lie detector tests? Only subject matter that the candidate has publicly spoken about is considered.
In Tramp's case, since he loves waterboarding so much, waterboarding should be his lie detector test!
You know you're stupid, right? :cuckoo:
Ahhhhhh, I struck a nerve.
Thank you.
Nah, i just like pointing out how stupid you are. You make no sense. You wanna waterboard the US President, just because it's not the person you voted for. You're not only stupid, you're deranged too. :cuckoo:
I make plenty of sense, it is just well over your head.
Pathological liar Tramp says repeatedly that waterboarding is not torture and it works well in getting the truth, so I merely suggested it be used an the lie detector test on a pathological liar like Tramp.
Are you saying that Tramp is lying about waterboarding?
Fact is that Trump used the same gesture to mock others in the past, people who weren't disabled. There are videos to prove it. It's just a thing he does for whatever reason but wasn't done specifically to mock the reporter. Also, the movements he made were nothing like the reporter because the guy can't move his arm. Not that facts will stop liberals.

Meryl Streep bought it up again at the Golden Globes. Of course, they have to take every opportunity to bash Trump and this was no exception.

The reporter deserved criticism. It was that reporter who initially reported that Muslims were celebrating in NYC on 9/11. Of course, the guy backtracked because it was politically incorrect to stick to the true story he reported years ago. That is what the left wanted to deflect attention away from. They were busy calling Trump a liar for citing the guy's report regarding the Muslim's behavior so they accused Trump of mocking the disabled so people could get outraged over that instead of looking at the truth about Muslims being happy about 9/11.

Meryl Streep Praised for Trump ATTACK at Golden Globes... There’s...

Because it's not a lie. Our idiot president elect did exactly that. It's no different than the way he's mocked, insulted, and outraged his way to the presidency. The lie is Trumps claim that Muslims in NJ were celebrating 9/11.

There were muslims in nj celebrating 9/11. The reporter in question reported it.

Nope. That was a hoax. Same as the dancing Israeli's hoax.

Serge F. Kovaleski - Wikipedia

"the Trump campaign pointed to Kovaleski's 18 September 2001 report for the Washington Post (co-authored with Fredrick Kunkle) that "law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation"[7] as substantiation of the claim."

In Kovaleskis article

questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating

Kovaleski correctly pointed out that it was alleged and that it was "a number" and not hundreds or thousands
When asked, Kovaleski pointed out that he did not remember there being stories of thousands or even hundreds

For this, Trump viciously attacked his handicap and sputtered......ohhhh...I don't remember

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Anyone else think that candidates for public office should take lie detector tests? Only subject matter that the candidate has publicly spoken about is considered.
In Tramp's case, since he loves waterboarding so much, waterboarding should be his lie detector test!
You know you're stupid, right? :cuckoo:
Ahhhhhh, I struck a nerve.
Thank you.
Nah, i just like pointing out how stupid you are. You make no sense. You wanna waterboard the US President, just because it's not the person you voted for. You're not only stupid, you're deranged too. :cuckoo:
I make plenty of sense, it is just well over your head.
Pathological liar Tramp says repeatedly that waterboarding is not torture and it works well in getting the truth, so I merely suggested it be used an the lie detector test on a pathological liar like Tramp.
Are you saying that Tramp is lying about waterboarding?

Again, you're stupid and deranged. Waterboarding the US President just because you didn't vote for them? Pretty messed up. I mean i despised Hussein, but i never called for torturing him. Y'all really have gone butt-hurt insane. :cuckoo:
Why would an adult mock someone's looks or disability just because they disagree with them?

Kovaleski never did anything to Trump....why would Trump mock him in that way?

Answering my question would help me answer yours.

Tell me an adult republican you respect.


John McCain, John Kasich, Larry Hogan, Paul Ryan, Chris Smith

And yet, when John McCain became a problem for the agenda, the Left turned on him like rabid dogs.

HE was only granted "respect" ful treatment while he was useful in sabotaging the Conservatives.

That's my point.

What you call "adult" behavior only has value in a civilized society.

We don't have that. YOu lefties are incapable of respecting anything.

Civil Behavior is presented by the media as weakness. Taking the high road allows the smear masters to define you to the masses.

Patrick Buchanan ran on Trump's issues, and your vile lefty media called him a Nazi. He responded like an adult and the lies stuck, and he was marginalized.

Trump fought back, not as dirty as you fuckers, but dirty enough.

Trump is the answer to you.

This is the world you built. Maybe someday we can change it back. For now, we are just trying to save this nation.

I disagree with most of the Republicans I listed politically. It doesn't mean I don't respect them. I may disagree with John McCain or Paul Ryan but I value them as people of integrity
I do not value Trump because of the way he treats other people and his total lack of values

Now....answer my question like you claimed you would

Did you speak out against the way the media vilely turned on him when he ran? Or did you support it?

Regardless, YOU personally do not define society,

I answered you above. Here it is again. Please don't pretend it is not an answer and waste my time.

And yet, when John McCain became a problem for the agenda, the Left turned on him like rabid dogs.

HE was only granted "respect" ful treatment while he was useful in sabotaging the Conservatives.

That's my point.

What you call "adult" behavior only has value in a civilized society.

We don't have that. YOu lefties are incapable of respecting anything.

Civil Behavior is presented by the media as weakness. Taking the high road allows the smear masters to define you to the masses.

Patrick Buchanan ran on Trump's issues, and your vile lefty media called him a Nazi. He responded like an adult and the lies stuck, and he was marginalized.

Trump fought back, not as dirty as you fuckers, but dirty enough.

Trump is the answer to you.

This is the world you built. Maybe someday we can change it back. For now, we are just trying to save this nation.

:lol: It's hardly worse then what you guys did to Obama yet he remained civil and professional.
Just remember who you're dealing with folks. They're the same miserable cretins who enjoyed ridiculing Sarah Palin's child, who suffers from Down Syndrome. So don't buy into their faux outrage over stuff like this.

The Left is by far the most miserable vicious lot in the country. No one's more dirty and hateful than an average Leftist Democrat. That's fact.
Just remember who you're dealing with folks. They're the same miserable cretins who enjoyed ridiculing Sarah Palin's child, who suffers from Down Syndrome. So don't buy into their faux outrage over stuff like this.

The Left is by far the most miserable vicious lot in the country. No one's more dirty and hateful than an average Leftist Democrat. That's fact.

Speak for yourself. I never ridiculed Palin's child. In fact, I don't recall many here doing so.
Answering my question would help me answer yours.

Tell me an adult republican you respect.


John McCain, John Kasich, Larry Hogan, Paul Ryan, Chris Smith

And yet, when John McCain became a problem for the agenda, the Left turned on him like rabid dogs.

HE was only granted "respect" ful treatment while he was useful in sabotaging the Conservatives.

That's my point.

What you call "adult" behavior only has value in a civilized society.

We don't have that. YOu lefties are incapable of respecting anything.

Civil Behavior is presented by the media as weakness. Taking the high road allows the smear masters to define you to the masses.

Patrick Buchanan ran on Trump's issues, and your vile lefty media called him a Nazi. He responded like an adult and the lies stuck, and he was marginalized.

Trump fought back, not as dirty as you fuckers, but dirty enough.

Trump is the answer to you.

This is the world you built. Maybe someday we can change it back. For now, we are just trying to save this nation.

I disagree with most of the Republicans I listed politically. It doesn't mean I don't respect them. I may disagree with John McCain or Paul Ryan but I value them as people of integrity
I do not value Trump because of the way he treats other people and his total lack of values

Now....answer my question like you claimed you would

Did you speak out against the way the media vilely turned on him when he ran? Or did you support it?

Regardless, YOU personally do not define society,

I answered you above. Here it is again. Please don't pretend it is not an answer and waste my time.

And yet, when John McCain became a problem for the agenda, the Left turned on him like rabid dogs.

HE was only granted "respect" ful treatment while he was useful in sabotaging the Conservatives.

That's my point.

What you call "adult" behavior only has value in a civilized society.

We don't have that. YOu lefties are incapable of respecting anything.

Civil Behavior is presented by the media as weakness. Taking the high road allows the smear masters to define you to the masses.

Patrick Buchanan ran on Trump's issues, and your vile lefty media called him a Nazi. He responded like an adult and the lies stuck, and he was marginalized.

Trump fought back, not as dirty as you fuckers, but dirty enough.

Trump is the answer to you.

This is the world you built. Maybe someday we can change it back. For now, we are just trying to save this nation.

:lol: It's hardly worse then what you guys did to Obama yet he remained civil and professional.

What did we do to Obama?

John McCain, John Kasich, Larry Hogan, Paul Ryan, Chris Smith

And yet, when John McCain became a problem for the agenda, the Left turned on him like rabid dogs.

HE was only granted "respect" ful treatment while he was useful in sabotaging the Conservatives.

That's my point.

What you call "adult" behavior only has value in a civilized society.

We don't have that. YOu lefties are incapable of respecting anything.

Civil Behavior is presented by the media as weakness. Taking the high road allows the smear masters to define you to the masses.

Patrick Buchanan ran on Trump's issues, and your vile lefty media called him a Nazi. He responded like an adult and the lies stuck, and he was marginalized.

Trump fought back, not as dirty as you fuckers, but dirty enough.

Trump is the answer to you.

This is the world you built. Maybe someday we can change it back. For now, we are just trying to save this nation.

I disagree with most of the Republicans I listed politically. It doesn't mean I don't respect them. I may disagree with John McCain or Paul Ryan but I value them as people of integrity
I do not value Trump because of the way he treats other people and his total lack of values

Now....answer my question like you claimed you would

Did you speak out against the way the media vilely turned on him when he ran? Or did you support it?

Regardless, YOU personally do not define society,

I answered you above. Here it is again. Please don't pretend it is not an answer and waste my time.

And yet, when John McCain became a problem for the agenda, the Left turned on him like rabid dogs.

HE was only granted "respect" ful treatment while he was useful in sabotaging the Conservatives.

That's my point.

What you call "adult" behavior only has value in a civilized society.

We don't have that. YOu lefties are incapable of respecting anything.

Civil Behavior is presented by the media as weakness. Taking the high road allows the smear masters to define you to the masses.

Patrick Buchanan ran on Trump's issues, and your vile lefty media called him a Nazi. He responded like an adult and the lies stuck, and he was marginalized.

Trump fought back, not as dirty as you fuckers, but dirty enough.

Trump is the answer to you.

This is the world you built. Maybe someday we can change it back. For now, we are just trying to save this nation.

:lol: It's hardly worse then what you guys did to Obama yet he remained civil and professional.

What did we do to Obama?

Let's see...compared him to Hitler, birther crap, called him an associate of the Muslim brotherhood, hated America, compared him and his wife to chimpanzees...on and on and on...
Tell me an adult Republican you respect.

Why would an adult mock someone's looks or disability just because they disagree with them?

Kovaleski never did anything to Trump....why would Trump mock him in that way?

Answering my question would help me answer yours.

Tell me an adult republican you respect.


John McCain, John Kasich, Larry Hogan, Paul Ryan, Chris Smith

And yet, when John McCain became a problem for the agenda, the Left turned on him like rabid dogs.

HE was only granted "respect" ful treatment while he was useful in sabotaging the Conservatives.

That's my point.

What you call "adult" behavior only has value in a civilized society.

We don't have that. YOu lefties are incapable of respecting anything.

Civil Behavior is presented by the media as weakness. Taking the high road allows the smear masters to define you to the masses.

Patrick Buchanan ran on Trump's issues, and your vile lefty media called him a Nazi. He responded like an adult and the lies stuck, and he was marginalized.

Trump fought back, not as dirty as you fuckers, but dirty enough.

Trump is the answer to you.

This is the world you built. Maybe someday we can change it back. For now, we are just trying to save this nation.

I disagree with most of the Republicans I listed politically. It doesn't mean I don't respect them. I may disagree with John McCain or Paul Ryan but I value them as people of integrity
I do not value Trump because of the way he treats other people and his total lack of values

Now....answer my question like you claimed you would

You back McCain? Holy toledo he backs know terrorists for crying out loud. O have more than a few Coptic Christians who would like to have a chat with you.
Fact is that Trump used the same gesture to mock others in the past, people who weren't disabled. There are videos to prove it. It's just a thing he does for whatever reason but wasn't done specifically to mock the reporter. Also, the movements he made were nothing like the reporter because the guy can't move his arm. Not that facts will stop liberals.

Meryl Streep bought it up again at the Golden Globes. Of course, they have to take every opportunity to bash Trump and this was no exception.

The reporter deserved criticism. It was that reporter who initially reported that Muslims were celebrating in NYC on 9/11. Of course, the guy backtracked because it was politically incorrect to stick to the true story he reported years ago. That is what the left wanted to deflect attention away from. They were busy calling Trump a liar for citing the guy's report regarding the Muslim's behavior so they accused Trump of mocking the disabled so people could get outraged over that instead of looking at the truth about Muslims being happy about 9/11.

Meryl Streep Praised for Trump ATTACK at Golden Globes... There’s...
Oh, good lord.

Trump mocked the heck out of that disabled reporter and EVERYBODY knows that.

Trump's claim that the reporter was "groveling" (his words) and that Trump was only mocking that (his tweets) is the most stupid and lame excuse imaginable.

And, his claim that disabled access in his hotels indicates his care for the disabled is more total BS - that stuff is required.

Trump is a thin skinned narcissistic whiner.

When has an elected official spent so much time whining about Saturday Night Live, awards shows, etc.???
I agree. But it was either him or hillary. No way I could not vote for Trump.
There were muslims in nj celebrating 9/11. The reporter in question reported it.
Kovaleski never reported anything about "MUSLIMS." The police report he cited said only "PEOPLE" were celebrating, not identifying their religion or nationality. It turns out the celebrants were ISRAELIS!!!
No, it turns out there were NO CELEBRANTS. It was all either debunked or unproven.
Not true, the only thing that was denied was that they were set up to take photos in advance of the attack. Their own statements say that they read about the attack on the internet and then went to take photos, first on the roof of the moving company and then moved to higher ground. The FBI developed film from a camera taken from the Israelis, and it shows the three on top of the white van were smiling and appeared to be clowning around.

ABCNEWS.com : Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?
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Trump lied about seeing "thousands of Muslims celebrating in NJ"

He tried to use Serge Kovaleski to back up his lie

Kovaleski said he did not remember ever saying that

To which Trump mocked his disability while sputtering....Oh...oh.......I don't remember
Obama scammed America for 8 years. Now America is going to erase his failed legacy as a President.
It will be as though he never existed.
He'll be the equivalent of Millard Philmore with a dash of Neville Chamberlain.
Obama is a handicapped man.
Handicapped by his own arrogance and ideology.

Douchebag who sold America on Hoax and Chains.

Philmore? Are you what they call a functional retard?

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