Why does left keep repeating lie that Trump mocked disabled reporter?

Trump lied about seeing "thousands of Muslims celebrating in NJ"

He tried to use Serge Kovaleski to back up his lie

Kovaleski said he did not remember ever saying that

To which Trump mocked his disability while sputtering....Oh...oh.......I don't remember

Trump did not mock the reporter's disability . Why are you refusing to be an adult and address what he ACTUALLY DID?

I saw exactly what Trump did....so did the whole world

Trump knew his supporters had no idea what Kovaleski looked like ......So he began his rant with....Have you seen this guy?

Then he gave his best impression of what a handicapped person looked like

He gave his impression of a flustered person. As has been repeatedly explained to you.

Why are you not being an ADULT and addressing A. his actually behavior, or B wait for it, wait for it, his policies?

You are lying.

A flustered person with his right hand severely bent to mimic Kovaleski

Trump knew his supporters had no idea who Kovaleski was.......so he gave his best impression
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Gaslighting, eh? We have eyes...it was taped.....funny how you Drumpfsters want people to ignore what we can see for ourselves and believe your lies.

This is becoming the mantra of the Trumpsters now that the Liar-In-Chief is being exposed daily. They said the same thing about his support for the Iraq War. He didn't support the war in Iraq, except we have it on tape. We are now supposed to ignore what we see and hear, because Trump either never said it/did it.

Trump and his supporters may live in a "post-truth world", but that doesn't mean that the rest of us have to take up residence in fantasy land.
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Nope. Kovaleskis article supported the claim that Muslims were celebrating, although the number Trump used was a gross exaggeration.
That has already been proven to be a lie by the very reporter's statement that YOU cited.
Your OWN citation said the police detained "PEOPLE" who were celebrating, and the ONLY people detained were 5 ISRAELIS, 2 of whom were Mossad.
He gave his impression of a flustered person. As has been repeatedly explained to you.
Except Kovaleski was NOT flustered, so Tramp was at the very least lying about him being flustered as he mocked him as if he were flustered.

Perhaps. That's nothing compared to asshats, claiming Trump is a racist or even a Hitler, so, who cares?

We don't claim Trump is a racist, it's a proven fact. He's been charged, convicted and paid the fine, more than ONCE.
Gee can't imagine why someone would think Trump was doing a mocking impersonation of this guy:


And the lie continues.

And it will continue as long as you and people like you continue to deny that you have elected a racist, misogynistic asshole, which no class, no manners, and no decency.
Because it's not a lie. Our idiot president elect did exactly that. It's no different than the way he's mocked, insulted, and outraged his way to the presidency. The lie is Trumps claim that Muslims in NJ were celebrating 9/11.

There were muslims in nj celebrating 9/11. The reporter in question reported it.

There were not thousands of people dancing in celebration in New Jersey, which is what Trump said he saw. Trump lied. The reporter did not report that he saw celebrations. He reported that he heard some Muslims in New Jersey watched the towers fall from the roof of their apartment building, but he was never able to get reliable confirmation of this story.

TRUMP LIED, and then tried to cover it up with more lies, and by mocking the reporter. That's the kind of wonderful, decent, honest human being you elected president.

The Washington Post gave Trump 4 Pinnocchios for lying about celebrating Muslims, and a further 4 Pinnocchios for lying about the reporter.

Trump repeated an Urban Legend as if he had really seen it happen

When informed that there was no evidence supporting his claim, Trump refused to admit he was wrong and scoured the interweb to find some collaborating story. Serge Kovaleski had written a short blurb stating that a few people had been detained for allegedly celebrating. Trump used this as affirmation that thousands had been celebrating

When asked 16 years later, Kovaleski stated he did not remember any story about thousands or even hundreds celebrating

Trump was outraged that Kovaleski did not support his tall tale so he took to his Trumpbots with a story about Kovaleski groveling and sputtering....Oh....oh....I don't remember

To make it worse, Trump gave an imitation of Kovaleskis handicap beginning with....Have you seen this guy?

Fast forward to yesterday and Trump is still throwing Kovaleski under the bus and accusing him of changing his story to hurt him. There is NO EVIDENCE that Kovaleski changed his original story

Trump did not imitate Kovaleskis handicap. His handicap is the exact opposite of spastic.

You continue to lie.

Why not be an adult and respond to what he actually did?
Gaslighting, eh? We have eyes...it was taped.....funny how you Drumpfsters want people to ignore what we can see for ourselves and believe your lies.

Trump used the same fluttery motions at the SAME RALLY when he was talking about Cruz and a General.

It's on video. Neither man is disabled. Can't you libs ever stop lying?
He gave his impression of a flustered person. As has been repeatedly explained to you.
Except Kovaleski was NOT flustered, so Tramp was at the very least lying about him being flustered as he mocked him as if he were flustered.

Perhaps. That's nothing compared to asshats, claiming Trump is a racist or even a Hitler, so, who cares?

We don't claim Trump is a racist, it's a proven fact. He's been charged, convicted and paid the fine, more than ONCE.

That was his managers of the buildings. Of course Trump is ultimately responsible for his employees and he had to take the hit for it.

BUT this same man that you claim is racist was the first one who broke the color barriers and religious barriers at Mar a Lago in Palm Beach.

Cut the bullshit out. It's really getting fucking old.
There were muslims in nj celebrating 9/11. The reporter in question reported it.

There were not thousands of people dancing in celebration in New Jersey, which is what Trump said he saw. Trump lied. The reporter did not report that he saw celebrations. He reported that he heard some Muslims in New Jersey watched the towers fall from the roof of their apartment building, but he was never able to get reliable confirmation of this story.

TRUMP LIED, and then tried to cover it up with more lies, and by mocking the reporter. That's the kind of wonderful, decent, honest human being you elected president.

The Washington Post gave Trump 4 Pinnocchios for lying about celebrating Muslims, and a further 4 Pinnocchios for lying about the reporter.

Trump repeated an Urban Legend as if he had really seen it happen

When informed that there was no evidence supporting his claim, Trump refused to admit he was wrong and scoured the interweb to find some collaborating story. Serge Kovaleski had written a short blurb stating that a few people had been detained for allegedly celebrating. Trump used this as affirmation that thousands had been celebrating

When asked 16 years later, Kovaleski stated he did not remember any story about thousands or even hundreds celebrating

Trump was outraged that Kovaleski did not support his tall tale so he took to his Trumpbots with a story about Kovaleski groveling and sputtering....Oh....oh....I don't remember

To make it worse, Trump gave an imitation of Kovaleskis handicap beginning with....Have you seen this guy?

Fast forward to yesterday and Trump is still throwing Kovaleski under the bus and accusing him of changing his story to hurt him. There is NO EVIDENCE that Kovaleski changed his original story

Trump did not imitate Kovaleskis handicap. His handicap is the exact opposite of spastic.

You continue to lie.

Why not be an adult and respond to what he actually did?

Actually it is Trump lying and lying repeatedly

He lied that he had seen thousands of Muslims celebrating

THe guy is known to use hyperbole, a lot. Or maybe he was honestly mistaken.

He lied about Kovaleskis article supporting his claim

Nope. Kovaleskis article supported the claim that Muslims were celebrating, although the number Trump used was a gross exaggeration.

He lied when he said Kovaleski was groveling and couldn't remember

NOpe. Kovaleski said he did not remember.

He lied when he claimed he had never met Kovaleski

What? Trump? How the fuck many people does Trump meet?

He lied when he said Kovaleski changed his story in an attempt to hurt him

I bet Kovaleski was trying to hurt Trump. Do you doubt that?

Trump is a serial liar

I think that tendency will impact his Presidency more than his shameful mimicking of a handicapped person

Trump started out repeating an oft told Urban Legend as if he had seen it himself. Rather than say....I have heard, Trump said I saw thousands of Muslims celebrating
It showed very poor judgment in believing Urban Legends and inserting himself into the legend

But then it got worse as Trump refused to back down when presented with the real facts. Rather than just say....That is what I heard and being done with it, Trump insisted on gathering "proof" that he was right

His choice of Kovaleski's article a few days after the attack did not prove his claim. Anyone understanding the English language knows that "a number of people" does not correlate to thousands of Muslims. Again this demonstrates poor judgment on Trumps part.

But Trumps total lack of character comes out when he attacks Kovaleski. Kovaleski never attacked Trump, never changed his story. He merely stated "I do not remember anything about thousands of Muslims or even hundreds"

Trump claimed this was "groveling" and changing his story to personally hurt Trump

Trump initially claimed that he didn't even know Kovaleski. (Oh...oh...I don't remember.....sound familiar?)
Evidence showed he had several press conferences with Kovaleski and even spent an entire day with him

Even as recently as yesterday, Trump is still attacking Kovaleski for not supporting his lies

This is Donald Trump. The man we elected President
This chain of events was entirely created by Trump's lying and actions to cover up his lies

Presidents have been impeached for similar actions
Gee can't imagine why someone would think Trump was doing a mocking impersonation of this guy:


And the lie continues.

And it will continue as long as you and people like you continue to deny that you have elected a racist, misogynistic asshole, which no class, no manners, and no decency.

Boy oh boy what a pantload you are shovelling out there. Racist disproven. Misogynist disproven. And when you come to "asshole, class, manners, decency" how the hell do you come up with all this shit?

Does he talk tough? Yes. Does he call it like he sees it? Yes. Does he throw PC out the window? Yes.

And all those traits are what earned his ticket to the White House.
There were muslims in nj celebrating 9/11. The reporter in question reported it.

There were not thousands of people dancing in celebration in New Jersey, which is what Trump said he saw. Trump lied. The reporter did not report that he saw celebrations. He reported that he heard some Muslims in New Jersey watched the towers fall from the roof of their apartment building, but he was never able to get reliable confirmation of this story.

TRUMP LIED, and then tried to cover it up with more lies, and by mocking the reporter. That's the kind of wonderful, decent, honest human being you elected president.

The Washington Post gave Trump 4 Pinnocchios for lying about celebrating Muslims, and a further 4 Pinnocchios for lying about the reporter.

Trump repeated an Urban Legend as if he had really seen it happen

When informed that there was no evidence supporting his claim, Trump refused to admit he was wrong and scoured the interweb to find some collaborating story. Serge Kovaleski had written a short blurb stating that a few people had been detained for allegedly celebrating. Trump used this as affirmation that thousands had been celebrating

When asked 16 years later, Kovaleski stated he did not remember any story about thousands or even hundreds celebrating

Trump was outraged that Kovaleski did not support his tall tale so he took to his Trumpbots with a story about Kovaleski groveling and sputtering....Oh....oh....I don't remember

To make it worse, Trump gave an imitation of Kovaleskis handicap beginning with....Have you seen this guy?

Fast forward to yesterday and Trump is still throwing Kovaleski under the bus and accusing him of changing his story to hurt him. There is NO EVIDENCE that Kovaleski changed his original story

Trump did not imitate Kovaleskis handicap. His handicap is the exact opposite of spastic.

You continue to lie.

Why not be an adult and respond to what he actually did?
Gaslighting, eh? We have eyes...it was taped.....funny how you Drumpfsters want people to ignore what we can see for ourselves and believe your lies.

Trump used the same fluttery motions at the SAME RALLY when he was talking about Cruz and a General.

It's on video. Neither man is disabled. Can't you libs ever stop lying?
Still trying to gaslight us, I see.
Trump lied about seeing "thousands of Muslims celebrating in NJ"

He tried to use Serge Kovaleski to back up his lie

Kovaleski said he did not remember ever saying that

To which Trump mocked his disability while sputtering....Oh...oh.......I don't remember

Trump did not mock the reporter's disability . Why are you refusing to be an adult and address what he ACTUALLY DID?

I saw exactly what Trump did....so did the whole world

Trump knew his supporters had no idea what Kovaleski looked like ......So he began his rant with....Have you seen this guy?

Then he gave his best impression of what a handicapped person looked like

He gave his impression of a flustered person. As has been repeatedly explained to you.

Why are you not being an ADULT and addressing A. his actually behavior, or B wait for it, wait for it, his policies?

You are lying.

A flustered person with his right hand severely bent to mimic Kovaleski

Trump know his supporters had no idea who Kovaleski was.......so he gave his best impression

So Cruz is disabled? Trump used the same motion. So the General is disabled? Trump used the same motion.

Give it fucking up will you? Catholics4Trump have more videos at their website.
That was his managers of the buildings. Of course Trump is ultimately responsible for his employees and he had to take the hit for it.

BUT this same man that you claim is racist was the first one who broke the color barriers and religious barriers at Mar a Lago in Palm Beach.

Cut the bullshit out. It's really getting fucking old.

It was NOT his building managers. The policy came down from his father to Trump, and Trump gave his building managers strategies to use to keep blacks out of his buildings. This was a systemic, top down management decision. That is why the Justice Department targetted Trump Properties repeatedly.

Even after they were charged and convicted the first time, they continued with discriminatory practices, to flaunt the law, and were charged more than once. If it were just the building managers, Trump could have fired them and ended the problem.

Yes, he integrated his club in Florida in 1993 - nearly 30 years after the Civil Rights Act was passed, Trump stopped publically discriminating against blacks at his club in Florida. Give the asshole a gold star. What took him so long?

But nice attempt at re-writing the truth.
Kovaleski said he did not remember.
No, Kovalesky said “I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating. That was not the case, as best as I can remember,” not Tramp's lie that he said didn't remember what he wrote.
Here is worthless lying scum Tramp's "quote" of Kovaleski's above quote:
"written by a nice reporter. Now the poor guy — you gotta see this guy. 'Uh, I don't know what I said. Uh, I don't remember!' He's going like, 'I don't remember. Uh, maybe that's what I said.' This is 14 years ago, he's still — they didn't do a retraction!"
And where exactly does the word "Muslims" appear in the reporter's statement that YOU supplied???????
Who else would? Maybe extremist lefties or nazis, but it's a reasonable assuming, in nj, that it's muslims.
Except the police report says they were ISRAELIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lot of muslims live in Israel. It would take a very strange jew to celebrate a terror attack in NYC, one of the centers of US Jewry.
Except they were NOT Muslims. PERIOD
And their number was 5, not "thousands and thousands." PERIOD
Two of them were Mossad.
Mossad? Celebrating a terror attack? Mmmm, and why do you think they were doing that?
You'll have to ask them, but good luck with that as one of them, Paul Kurzberg, refused to take a lie-detector test for 10 weeks — then failed it! His lawyer said Kurzberg had been reluctant to take the test because he had once worked for Israeli intelligence in another country.
Kovaleski said he did not remember.
No, Kovalesky said “I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating. That was not the case, as best as I can remember,” not Tramp's lie that he said didn't remember what he wrote.
Here is worthless lying scum Tramp's "quote" of Kovaleski's above quote:
"written by a nice reporter. Now the poor guy — you gotta see this guy. 'Uh, I don't know what I said. Uh, I don't remember!' He's going like, 'I don't remember. Uh, maybe that's what I said.' This is 14 years ago, he's still — they didn't do a retraction!"

I think this is worse than Trump mocking the guys handicap

Kovaleski is a professional reporter and he acted professionally

When asked about his story of 16 years ago, Kovaleski correctly stated “I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating. That was not the case, as best as I can remember

Trump jumped all over that statement and attacked him as ...'Uh, I don't know what I said. Uh, I don't remember!'
Trump claimed the guy was groveling and flustered while Kovaleski remained perfectly calm
Trump claimed the guy had changed his story to personally hurt him........Kovaleski never changed anything

It shows very poor character on Trumps part
Kovaleski said he did not remember.
No, Kovalesky said “I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating. That was not the case, as best as I can remember,” not Tramp's lie that he said didn't remember what he wrote.
Here is worthless lying scum Tramp's "quote" of Kovaleski's above quote:
"written by a nice reporter. Now the poor guy — you gotta see this guy. 'Uh, I don't know what I said. Uh, I don't remember!' He's going like, 'I don't remember. Uh, maybe that's what I said.' This is 14 years ago, he's still — they didn't do a retraction!"

I think this is worse than Trump mocking the guys handicap

Kovaleski is a professional reporter and he acted professionally

When asked about his story of 16 years ago, Kovaleski correctly stated “I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating. That was not the case, as best as I can remember

Trump jumped all over that statement and attacked him as ...'Uh, I don't know what I said. Uh, I don't remember!'
Trump claimed the guy was groveling and flustered while Kovaleski remained perfectly calm
Trump claimed the guy had changed his story to personally hurt him........Kovaleski never changed anything

It shows very poor character on Trumps part
And Correll shows just how gullible Trumpsters are, which is why Tramp will never stop lying!
He gave his impression of a flustered person. As has been repeatedly explained to you.
Except Kovaleski was NOT flustered, so Tramp was at the very least lying about him being flustered as he mocked him as if he were flustered.

Perhaps. That's nothing compared to asshats, claiming Trump is a racist or even a Hitler, so, who cares?

We don't claim Trump is a racist, it's a proven fact. He's been charged, convicted and paid the fine, more than ONCE.

The case was brought in 1973. They were specifically targeted because they were big names. The whole deal was settled out of court.

NO CONVICTION. And Trump has of course never admitted guilt because it wasn't his policy.
Because it's not a lie. Our idiot president elect did exactly that. It's no different than the way he's mocked, insulted, and outraged his way to the presidency. The lie is Trumps claim that Muslims in NJ were celebrating 9/11.

There were muslims in nj celebrating 9/11. The reporter in question reported it.

There were not thousands of people dancing in celebration in New Jersey, which is what Trump said he saw. Trump lied. The reporter did not report that he saw celebrations. He reported that he heard some Muslims in New Jersey watched the towers fall from the roof of their apartment building, but he was never able to get reliable confirmation of this story.

TRUMP LIED, and then tried to cover it up with more lies, and by mocking the reporter. That's the kind of wonderful, decent, honest human being you elected president.

The Washington Post gave Trump 4 Pinnocchios for lying about celebrating Muslims, and a further 4 Pinnocchios for lying about the reporter.

Trump repeated an Urban Legend as if he had really seen it happen

When informed that there was no evidence supporting his claim, Trump refused to admit he was wrong and scoured the interweb to find some collaborating story. Serge Kovaleski had written a short blurb stating that a few people had been detained for allegedly celebrating. Trump used this as affirmation that thousands had been celebrating

When asked 16 years later, Kovaleski stated he did not remember any story about thousands or even hundreds celebrating

Trump was outraged that Kovaleski did not support his tall tale so he took to his Trumpbots with a story about Kovaleski groveling and sputtering....Oh....oh....I don't remember

To make it worse, Trump gave an imitation of Kovaleskis handicap beginning with....Have you seen this guy?

Fast forward to yesterday and Trump is still throwing Kovaleski under the bus and accusing him of changing his story to hurt him. There is NO EVIDENCE that Kovaleski changed his original story

Trump did not imitate Kovaleskis handicap. His handicap is the exact opposite of spastic.

You continue to lie.

Why not be an adult and respond to what he actually did?

Actually it is Trump lying and lying repeatedly

He lied that he had seen thousands of Muslims celebrating
He lied about Kovaleskis article supporting his claim
He lied when he said Kovaleski was groveling and couldn't remember
He lied when he claimed he had never met Kovaleski
He lied when he said Kovaleski changed his story in an attempt to hurt him

There were thousands of Muslims celebrating in other countries and that was on the news. I remember hearing about some here in the states cheering as the towers fell. Even some libs were quick to say we had it coming and didn't blame Muslims for being happy. All anti-capitalists enjoyed it. To this day, the left doesn't like to talk about that Muslim terrorist attack. Obama tried to make 9/11 into some liberal holiday and talks about community service rather than remembering what our enemies did. Or maybe he thinks the terrorists were just doing community service by attacking capitalism.

Kovaleski did retract a good part of his story.

Face it, the left refuses to admit that there is such a thing as radical Muslims. Never have they admitted that the many attacks, on our soil, were carried out by radical Muslims. Of course, they won't admit that Muslims celebrated.

And they will not turn against any liberal reporter.

It is a lie that Trump mocked the guy. Trump has done that same gesture a dozen times before and it had nothing to do with the guy's disability.

Obama was more insulting to the disabled when he talked about golfing or whatever sport and when explaining that his skills weren't good, he said it was like Special Olympics. That was a direct insult.

Trump said nothing about the disabled and the gestures were not in any way mocking the guy's disabilities. The guy's attitude deserved mocking.
There were muslims in nj celebrating 9/11. The reporter in question reported it.
Kovaleski never reported anything about "MUSLIMS." The police report he cited said only "PEOPLE" were celebrating, not identifying their religion or nationality. It turns out the celebrants were ISRAELIS!!!

No, it turns out there were NO CELEBRANTS. It was all either debunked or unproven.
I saw them.
The 5 israelis?
What were their names?

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