Why does Lefty so badly want to put men in women's sports?

Trans folks have a desire and a right to compete in athletics.

Because of the medications etc that they take they lose a considerable amount of body mass.

Having them compete against men simply doesn’t work for that reason and others.

It’s rare that a trans woman beats out the really good female athletes. Those that do get beaten and whine are usually lesser athletes anyway. They regularly lose to WOMEN.
Create a trans league...your post just doesn't hold water.
Annnnnd it is not at all RARE.

Odd I'm the only one presenting a couple of solutions.
It is not my job to present solutions for what you call a non issue.

My solution is you compete with the gender you are at birth In amateur competition like school, Olympic, etc.
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Wrong. They have the desire. They do NOT have the right to rob opportunities from actual women.

They still have a competitive advantage over real women.

Too bad.

No, it's not rare. It happens consistently and they don't just eek out a victory. They obliterate them. You have men setting new records in women's sports left and right.

Spoken like a true chauvinist.

Lesh just copied Keith Olbermann's tweet that got savaged.
Thanks for making my point. The reason? Because there aren't enough trannies to comprise a team, let alone a league.

There are plenty out there, they again don't want their own, they want to be accepted as real women.

They are not real women.

Just because you would fuck one doesn't prove anything about them being actual women.
There are plenty out there, they again don't want their own, they want to be accepted as real women.

They are not real women.

Just because you would fuck one doesn't prove anything about them being actual women.
You must be getting frustrated. Having trannies push you around. What a victim.
Thanks for making my point. The reason? Because there aren't enough trannies to comprise a team, let alone a league.
That's not the fault or the responsibility of those who choose to identify as original birth gender.....or rather choose sanity over inanity.
There are plenty out there, they again don't want their own, they want to be accepted as real women.

They are not real women.

Just because you would fuck one doesn't prove anything about them being actual women.
There are 5 total identified in k-12.

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