Why does Lefty so badly want to put men in women's sports?

A high school volleyball player in. North Carolina, who suffered a concussion when she was spiked in the face by a transgender athlete, has emerged as a leading spokeswoman for female athletes, who would like to prevent biological males from competing in women’s sports.

Payton McNabb claims the concussion has caused significant and long-term physical and

Believe all woman!
Except this one and that one and this other one.
Like I said it will be sorted out at the state level. Not a high level concern except for you culture warriors. Maybe you should ban men and women playing volleyball together at the beach.

If standing up for the integrity of women and the intent of Title IX, which by the way was a liberal initiative, makes me a culture warrior then so be it. Maybe one day you'll pull your out of your ass and get some air.
They are trying to make women obsolete. It's why they have changed our name to breeders. They want the breeding stopped. China made women obsolete and now have a bunch of men with boners and no place to put them. Good luck with this "reset"...
They are trying to make women obsolete. It's why they have changed our name to breeders. They want the breeding stopped. China made women obsolete and now have a bunch of men with boners and no place to put them. Good luck with this "reset"...

Leftist males just stick their boners in other leftist males
If standing up for the integrity of women and the intent of Title IX, which by the way was a liberal initiative, makes me a culture warrior then so be it. Maybe one day you'll pull your out of your ass and get some air.
Now you're all about women's rights? Well except for when it comes to controlling her own body. You're not fooling anyone.
Now you're all about women's rights? Well except for when it comes to controlling her own body. You're not fooling anyone.

Except I'm pro-choice, Champ.

On that note, I have no interest in further wasting my time with a misogynist. Have a nice day.
Because your energy should be focused on more important issues rather than these culture war issues. Now it affects tens of thousands out of 4 billion. You need to learn math.
For all we know this agenda with others was created as a deflection to blur the other agendas Progs and likeminded Republicans have enforced through legislation and extremist radical judges. And even if it is stopped it builds an acceptance with many Americans as acceptance.
The women who got robbed of their opportunities care a Hell of a lot. Why do you look down on women so much?

It is the ENTIRE DEMOCRAT PARTY. They voted for transgenders unanimously in Congress. What cowards. Kill unborn babies, and torture and demean women.
This is YOUR PARTY, "Bro." You're as Left as they get.
It is the ENTIRE DEMOCRAT PARTY. They voted for transgenders unanimously in Congress. What cowards. Kill unborn babies, and torture and demean women.
This is YOUR PARTY, "Bro." You're as Left as they get.
It's almost always the men upset about abortions. Odd.

Number 2…​

The 11 Point Plan of the Frankfurt School​

1. The creation of racism offenses.

2. Continual change to create confusion.

3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.

4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.

5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.

6. The promotion of excessive drinking.

7. Emptying of churches.

8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.

9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.

10. Control and dumbing down of media.

11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.
I had to click the link to read what nonsense you wrote that someone was responding to
because you have been on my Ignore List since saying something as idiotic as this above.

There are 100 or more rebuttals to your Leftist Insanity.

1. Why should anyone care if the person you love most in this world is brutally murdered and the killer is acquitted for the most absurd of technicalities?

2. Why should anyone care if Hunter Biden raped just a couple of innocent, little girls and
gets away with it because, after all, "Decency has returned to the White House."

3. Why should Americans care if just a few of the Biden Criminal Enterprise took tens of millions of dollars in bribes from Communist China.

Just for starters.

Now back to my Ignore List for you. I can't stomach the comments of Leftist Traitors, much less the havoc they continue to wreak across America.
Those weren't rebuttals those were deflections.

Forum List
