Why does Lefty so badly want to put men in women's sports?

Trans folks have a desire and a right to compete in athletics.

Because of the medications etc that they take they lose a considerable amount of body mass.

Having them compete against men simply doesn’t work for that reason and others.

It’s rare that a trans woman beats out the really good female athletes. Those that do get beaten and whine are usually lesser athletes anyway. They regularly lose to WOMEN.
Trans folks have a desire and a right to compete in athletics.

Because of the medications etc that they take they lose a considerable amount of body mass.

Having them compete against men simply doesn’t work for that reason and others.

It’s rare that a trans woman beats out the really good female athletes. Those that do get beaten and whine are usually lesser athletes anyway. They regularly lose to WOMEN.

it's happening all the time, you liar.

And they don't have a right to compete unfairly and take someone else's place who deserves to be there.
I don't have to provide links, it's out there and everyone know it.

Again, all you have is deflection and derision as a response, which isn't a real response.
Everyone knows it. That type of talk works on your kind, not me. Go back to watching Tucker.
Everyone knows it. That type of talk works on your kind, not me. Go back to watching Tucker.

You can deny all you want, because that's all your room temperature IQ mind can retort with.

Again, deflection and derision is all you have, which means you haven't got anything.
You can deny all you want, because that's all your room temperature IQ mind can retort with.

Again, deflection and derision is all you have, which means you haven't got anything.
I gave you my solution. Where is yours?
That is where you are wrong. Parents with daughters, and the daughters care. And those with common sense care.
Like I said, solve it at the state level. Now on to more important topics that affect more than .oooo1% of the population.....
Trans folks have a desire and a right to compete in athletics.
Wrong. They have the desire. They do NOT have the right to rob opportunities from actual women.

Because of the medications etc that they take they lose a considerable amount of body mass.
They still have a competitive advantage over real women.

Having them compete against men simply doesn’t work for that reason and others.
Too bad.

It’s rare that a trans woman beats out the really good female athletes.

No, it's not rare. It happens consistently and they don't just eek out a victory. They obliterate them. You have men setting new records in women's sports left and right.

Those that do get beaten and whine are usually lesser athletes anyway.

Spoken like a true chauvinist.
Of all the lunatic left-wing issues that the nation has had to deal with in the past several years none are so transparently ludicrous as this one.

The dishonest stance on transgender rights falls on its face when we consider the fact that the rights of the nontransgender female athletes are being trampled on.

There's only one reason that makes any sense at all to the thinking mind in this regard. Progressivism is about challenging the structure.... any structure that happens to be there. It's not a move towards progress it's actually a time tested and well studied method of destruction. As we have witnessed time and again one of the key identity tropes of the left is the fact that they behave as a hive. Therefore when a cause becomes an embraced left-wing mantra it is viciously defended in a cultural crusade that advocates everything up to and including violence to force compliance. Such is the case with the intrusion of transgenderism into legitimate female sports.

This is yet another active challenge to accepted structure that aims to break down social norms and re-establish the hive mind over all those who are not yet inducted.

Most intelligent people understand why genetic men do not belong in female sports. But it's fun for the left-wing crusaders to push a point as far as they can pretending that they are genuinely on board with it. The ones who know better see it as debate practice. The ones who don't have been successfully absorbed and permanently Hive-minded to the point where there's probably no rescuing them back to sanity.
Lunacy is thinking the left has anything to do with this.

And also obsessing over it; get a grip, take a walk, eat a cookie. :)
Trans folks have a desire and a right to compete in athletics.

Because of the medications etc that they take they lose a considerable amount of body mass.

Having them compete against men simply doesn’t work for that reason and others.

It’s rare that a trans woman beats out the really good female athletes. Those that do get beaten and whine are usually lesser athletes anyway. They regularly lose to WOMEN.
Men will still be stronger, the man will still have more lung capacity, physically larger hearts, generally longer limbs and will still hit harder.

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