Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?

I have. Just read through the posts. You still haven't answered my question...quantify Grandma's costs at the WH.
I guess she doesn't eat or drink anything, buys her own food, cooks it herself, pays utilities, doesn't have bodyguards, pays for her own gas, pays her way when they go on vacations. You really do suck at this.

oh boy, they're going insane over this...too funny
They always go insane when their messiah is being criticized, especially when they can't defend him. :lol:
I have. Just read through the posts. You still haven't answered my question...quantify Grandma's costs at the WH.
I guess she doesn't eat or drink anything, buys her own food, cooks it herself, pays utilities, doesn't have bodyguards, pays for her own gas, pays her way when they go on vacations. You really do suck at this.

oh boy, they're going insane over this...too funny

US presidents must pay for food in the White House! - OMG Facts

Ok...too funny. (Posted 3 times now for the illiterate).
The Obama's have no shame in taking advantage of you taxpayers...this is something else I have never seen before
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March 21, 2014 - 3:32 pm
Here’s a question I’ll bet nobody ever asked Jay Carney at a White House press briefing: Why does Michelle Obama’s mother live at the White House at taxpayer expense? (If someone has asked, please send link for me to stand corrected.)

Now that Michelle Obama’s mother has caused a disruption on the latest exotic vacation for the first lady, perhaps it is time for some answers about why Marian Robinson is even on the trip to China. Worse, why is she appearing in official photographs with Chinese officials?

Drudge is reporting in big bold lead letters that Marian Robinson is barking orders at hotel staff and generally misbehaving.

How many Americans know that Michelle Obama’s mother is living at the White House at taxpayer expense? Not many, I’d guess.

all of it here

The PJ Tatler » Why Does Michelle Obama?s Mother Live at the White House?
She's the Queen Mother.
I guess she doesn't eat or drink anything, buys her own food, cooks it herself, pays utilities, doesn't have bodyguards, pays for her own gas, pays her way when they go on vacations. You really do suck at this.

US presidents must pay for food in the White House! - OMG Facts

Yeah, I already posted an article about that...Obama pays for his own food...ALL PRESIDENTS DO. Toiletries too. Secret service, all first family members get a detail. Vacation costs, are supposed to be repaid. Utilities, perk of the President being a place to live while he is President...all utilities that would have been paid anyway...and if she is using a little extra electricity and water...I'm ok with that...

All you had to do was look in the posts before your racist remarks to see this.

You sure do suck. (Note: not at this. You are a racist and you simply suck.)
I don't give a dam WHAT you're ok with, the bitch shouldn't be getting a free ride on the backs of the taxpayers. And let's see your proof that anything has been repaid.

YOu provide me proof it hasn't been repaid. Ill play your little game.

As for the free ride...what free ride. Again, please quantify the cost of Grandma living in the WH.

You sure do suck.:lol:
I guess she doesn't eat or drink anything, buys her own food, cooks it herself, pays utilities, doesn't have bodyguards, pays for her own gas, pays her way when they go on vacations. You really do suck at this.

US presidents must pay for food in the White House! - OMG Facts

Yeah, I already posted an article about that...Obama pays for his own food...ALL PRESIDENTS DO. Toiletries too. Secret service, all first family members get a detail. Vacation costs, are supposed to be repaid. Utilities, perk of the President being a place to live while he is President...all utilities that would have been paid anyway...and if she is using a little extra electricity and water...I'm ok with that...

All you had to do was look in the posts before your racist remarks to see this.

You sure do suck. (Note: not at this. You are a racist and you simply suck.)
I don't give a dam WHAT you're ok with, the bitch shouldn't be getting a free ride on the backs of the taxpayers. And let's see your proof that anything has been repaid.

The White House is for the Presidents FAMILY

Been used that way for over 200 years

I know it is not this way in conservative households, but for the rest of America, Grandma is family
US presidents must pay for food in the White House! - OMG Facts

Yeah, I already posted an article about that...Obama pays for his own food...ALL PRESIDENTS DO. Toiletries too. Secret service, all first family members get a detail. Vacation costs, are supposed to be repaid. Utilities, perk of the President being a place to live while he is President...all utilities that would have been paid anyway...and if she is using a little extra electricity and water...I'm ok with that...

All you had to do was look in the posts before your racist remarks to see this.

You sure do suck. (Note: not at this. You are a racist and you simply suck.)
I don't give a dam WHAT you're ok with, the bitch shouldn't be getting a free ride on the backs of the taxpayers. And let's see your proof that anything has been repaid.

YOu provide me proof it hasn't been repaid. Ill play your little game.

As for the free ride...what free ride. Again, please quantify the cost of Grandma living in the WH.

You sure do suck.:lol:

The usual answer whenever the Obamas spend millions of dollars is they repaid it, yet Obama only made just under a million according to his tax return. Michelle's 50th birthday celebration alone cost over a million. They can't write off all of this expense unless it's part of their business expenses and even then they can only write off a percentage of that. So ether they're lying about paying it back or they're lying on their taxes. Which do you think it is?
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Remember how they went ape shit over THE COST of Sarah Palins wardrobe?

you see the same double standard hypocrites in this thread
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I don't give a dam WHAT you're ok with, the bitch shouldn't be getting a free ride on the backs of the taxpayers. And let's see your proof that anything has been repaid.

YOu provide me proof it hasn't been repaid. Ill play your little game.

As for the free ride...what free ride. Again, please quantify the cost of Grandma living in the WH.

You sure do suck.:lol:

The usual answer whenever the Obamas spend millions of dollars is they repaid it, yet Obama only made just under a million according to his tax return. Michelle's 50th birthday alone cost over a million. They can't write off all of this expense unless it's part of their business expenses and even then they can only write off a percentage of that. So ether they're lying about paying it back or they're lying on their taxes. Which do you think it is?
Good point, Im sure there is some sort of political fund they use for it, donations, etc. Not saying it is right, just sayin'...and I'm not going to search how past President's and politicians handled the same type of situations, but I'm sure its the same thing.
YOu provide me proof it hasn't been repaid. Ill play your little game.

As for the free ride...what free ride. Again, please quantify the cost of Grandma living in the WH.

You sure do suck.:lol:

The usual answer whenever the Obamas spend millions of dollars is they repaid it, yet Obama only made just under a million according to his tax return. Michelle's 50th birthday alone cost over a million. They can't write off all of this expense unless it's part of their business expenses and even then they can only write off a percentage of that. So ether they're lying about paying it back or they're lying on their taxes. Which do you think it is?
Good point, Im sure there is some sort of political fund they use for it, donations, etc. Not saying it is right, just sayin'...and I'm not going to search how past President's and politicians handled the same type of situations, but I'm sure its the same thing.

Political funds are closely regulated. I think if they were using a fund using political donations for personal use that would be illegal. Any funds they used in such a matter is taxable and has to be claimed on their tax-return.
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Just saw it on the Drudge report...

President Obama is trying to arrange for Michelle and the gang to spend
a week in Russia under the guise of trying to smooth things over a bit
between our two great countries.... :D

You shouldn't post crap like this. There are some rw's who are so stupid, they actually believe what is "reported" on Dredge.
Yea, you right wing turds love to talk about 'family values'. Just don't BE a family.

Please stop referring to her as right wing or conservative. She is neither and shames true conservatism.

Sorry, but that is what 'conservatism' has metastasized into...a cancer on this nation.

I wish they'd move to Russia so they could worship the dictator up close.
EVERYONE should take care of their parents, that's not the point.

What is your point? Did you just want to call Obama a 'Ghetto President'? Did you just want to spew some venom devoid of fact?
My point is that the rest of us foot the bill for our OWN parents, or are you too stupid to grasp that simple concept?

We don't pay to keep Mrs Robinson. We don't even ay for most of what the Obama's need and use.

Try to keep up.
The usual answer whenever the Obamas spend millions of dollars is they repaid it, yet Obama only made just under a million according to his tax return. Michelle's 50th birthday alone cost over a million. They can't write off all of this expense unless it's part of their business expenses and even then they can only write off a percentage of that. So ether they're lying about paying it back or they're lying on their taxes. Which do you think it is?
Good point, Im sure there is some sort of political fund they use for it, donations, etc. Not saying it is right, just sayin'...and I'm not going to search how past President's and politicians handled the same type of situations, but I'm sure its the same thing.

Political funds are closely regulated. I think if they were using a fund using political donations for personal use that would be illegal. Any funds they used in such a matter is taxable and has to be claimed on their tax-return.

You are right! I think a lot of the cost that partisan outlets report include the cost of the secret service; and, if I understand correctly, secret service costs do not have to be repaid.

I'm against waste and undue burden on the tax payers as much or more so than you may think. My problem is that it is difficult to find the truth and easy to find partisan hacks distorting the truth for political gain (both ways).
Prove it.
I have. Just read through the posts. You still haven't answered my question...quantify Grandma's costs at the WH.
I guess she doesn't eat or drink anything, buys her own food, cooks it herself, pays utilities, doesn't have bodyguards, pays for her own gas, pays her way when they go on vacations. You really do suck at this.

Finally, [MENTION=41356]S.J.[/MENTION] gets it right.
And again -

"Nobody ever told us the president and his wife are charged for every meal, as well as incidentals like dry cleaning, toothpaste, and other toiletries."
~ Nancy Reagan
Please stop referring to her as right wing or conservative. She is neither and shames true conservatism.

You mean Stoopid Stuff?

Actually, she's practically the poster child for the hatred from the right.

Sorry, but the right is stuck with these losers.

It is regrettable you think that way. True conservatism has no hate, only ideals. I am sorry you can't look past these people with suspect ideals and lump them in with true conservatism. On the other hand, if you are one of those liberals who always points their fingers and cries hate and racism...I have little need for you either.

It is regrettable that such a significant number of conservatives exhibit the hate and ignorance they do, resulting in the image of the right most Americans see.

Granted, most of this hate and ignorance manifest among the social right, the bane not only of ‘true conservatives’ but the Nation as a whole; unfortunately this negative image of conservatives is often reinforced by the actions of, again, a significant number of republican elected officials, who seek to deny same-sex couples their equal protection rights, women their privacy rights, immigrants their due process rights, and minorities their voting rights.

And we see similar irresponsible extremism promoted by the fiscal right, who advocate balancing the Federal budget on the backs of retired Americans, working Americans, low income Americans, the disabled, and children; fiscal conservatives who pursue policies hostile to the interests of America’s most vulnerable citizens.

Last, we see conservatives becoming more reactionary, fearful of change, diversity, and dissent as they seek in vain to return America to an idealized past that never actually existed to begin with.

Given this it is likely that ‘true conservatives’ have been permanently relegated to the political fringe, their influence significantly diminished as more strident elements of the American right, such as the TPM, become more aggressive, intolerant, and partisan – the OP of this thread being a prime example.
What is your point? Did you just want to call Obama a 'Ghetto President'? Did you just want to spew some venom devoid of fact?
My point is that the rest of us foot the bill for our OWN parents, or are you too stupid to grasp that simple concept?

We don't pay to keep Mrs Robinson. We don't even ay for most of what the Obama's need and use.

Try to keep up.

The Obama's couldn't afford a fraction of their extravagance.

It's clear we're paying for them. It cost us $1.4 billion to take care of their expensive needs last year, so spare me, huh.

I'm sure some Soros funded fact checking site will call this a lie.

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