Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?

And again -

"Nobody ever told us the president and his wife are charged for every meal, as well as incidentals like dry cleaning, toothpaste, and other toiletries."
~ Nancy Reagan

They have a tax-free expense account, but they went over that in the first month.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/09/26/taxpayers-spent-1-4-billion...

Politicians looking for savings to deal with the national debt crisis should perhaps start by abolishing the President.

Barack Obama and his family cost the taxpayer $1.4billion per year, according to a recently published book.

By contrast, the British Royal Family costs less than $60million each year.

Pricey: Taking care of Barack Obama and his family costs the public over $1billion per year, according to a book on the cost of the presidency

Two of the principal costs of the the Obama presidency - and any other presidency - are staffing and security, according to Robert Keith Gray's book Presidential Perks Gone Royal.

When it comes to keeping the First Family safe, few would dispute that it is worth paying a high price to keep the President safe from harm.

Now it's getting REALLY dirty: Outrageous film claiming Obama's mother once posed for pornographic pictures is sent to a million swing voters

This means paying for hundreds of Secret Service agents, travel in the secure space of Air Force and funding a team of doctors to follow Mr Obama around.

But even this essential expense can be exploited to political ends, according to Mr Gray, a former staffer for Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.

Air Force One: The presidential jet is one massive White House expense

When the President travels around the country on campaign, he is obliged to take Air Force One.

His party reimburses the taxpayer with the cost of a first-class air ticket per passenger - but this is far from the full cost to taxpayers.

It also provides a President running for re-election with a national transport network which is unavailable to his challenger.

Moreover, much of the money spent on Mr Obama's family goes to perks such as entertainment and household expenses.

For example, the White House contains a movie theatre which is manned by projectionists 24 hours a day in case one of the family feels like a trip to the cinema.

And even the Obamas' dog Bo costs the taxpayer thousands of dollars - his handler is reportedly paid over $100,000 a year.

Another huge presidential outgoing, according to Mr Gray, comes in the form of staff members who can be appointed by the commander-in-chief at his own personal discretion.

226 members of Mr Obama's staff are apparently paid over $100,000 - and the President can increase their salaries at any time.
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US presidents must pay for food in the White House! - OMG Facts

Yeah, I already posted an article about that...Obama pays for his own food...ALL PRESIDENTS DO. Toiletries too. Secret service, all first family members get a detail. Vacation costs, are supposed to be repaid. Utilities, perk of the President being a place to live while he is President...all utilities that would have been paid anyway...and if she is using a little extra electricity and water...I'm ok with that...

All you had to do was look in the posts before your racist remarks to see this.

You sure do suck. (Note: not at this. You are a racist and you simply suck.)
I don't give a dam WHAT you're ok with, the bitch shouldn't be getting a free ride on the backs of the taxpayers. And let's see your proof that anything has been repaid.

YOu provide me proof it hasn't been repaid. Ill play your little game.

As for the free ride...what free ride. Again, please quantify the cost of Grandma living in the WH.

You sure do suck.:lol:
You have it backwards, Nutzack. If they paid it back, there would be a receipt. If they DIDN'T, there would be no receipt. I haven't seen a receipt, have you? Produce one if you want to prove me wrong. My proof is NO receipt. See how that works?
You mean Stoopid Stuff?

Actually, she's practically the poster child for the hatred from the right.

Sorry, but the right is stuck with these losers.

It is regrettable you think that way. True conservatism has no hate, only ideals. I am sorry you can't look past these people with suspect ideals and lump them in with true conservatism. On the other hand, if you are one of those liberals who always points their fingers and cries hate and racism...I have little need for you either.

It is regrettable that such a significant number of conservatives exhibit the hate and ignorance they do, resulting in the image of the right most Americans see.

Granted, most of this hate and ignorance manifest among the social right, the bane not only of ‘true conservatives’ but the Nation as a whole; unfortunately this negative image of conservatives is often reinforced by the actions of, again, a significant number of republican elected officials, who seek to deny same-sex couples their equal protection rights, women their privacy rights, immigrants their due process rights, and minorities their voting rights.

And we see similar irresponsible extremism promoted by the fiscal right, who advocate balancing the Federal budget on the backs of retired Americans, working Americans, low income Americans, the disabled, and children; fiscal conservatives who pursue policies hostile to the interests of America’s most vulnerable citizens.

Last, we see conservatives becoming more reactionary, fearful of change, diversity, and dissent as they seek in vain to return America to an idealized past that never actually existed to begin with.

Given this it is likely that ‘true conservatives’ have been permanently relegated to the political fringe, their influence significantly diminished as more strident elements of the American right, such as the TPM, become more aggressive, intolerant, and partisan – the OP of this thread being a prime example.

Each of your points is a debate in itself. I can only say that just because someone opposes your opinion, it does not make them a racist or anti rights. I am sorry, but you have already closed your mind and relegated a group to be extremist or hateful because their ideology is different from yours. Is that really fair?
I don't give a dam WHAT you're ok with, the bitch shouldn't be getting a free ride on the backs of the taxpayers. And let's see your proof that anything has been repaid.

YOu provide me proof it hasn't been repaid. Ill play your little game.

As for the free ride...what free ride. Again, please quantify the cost of Grandma living in the WH.

You sure do suck.:lol:
You have it backwards, Nutzack. If they paid it back, there would be a receipt. If they DIDN'T, there would be no receipt. I haven't seen a receipt, have you? Produce one if you want to prove me wrong. My proof is NO receipt. See how that works?

Okay...you win...you are one smart racist!

It is regrettable you think that way. True conservatism has no hate, only ideals. I am sorry you can't look past these people with suspect ideals and lump them in with true conservatism. On the other hand, if you are one of those liberals who always points their fingers and cries hate and racism...I have little need for you either.

It is regrettable that such a significant number of conservatives exhibit the hate and ignorance they do, resulting in the image of the right most Americans see.

Granted, most of this hate and ignorance manifest among the social right, the bane not only of ‘true conservatives’ but the Nation as a whole; unfortunately this negative image of conservatives is often reinforced by the actions of, again, a significant number of republican elected officials, who seek to deny same-sex couples their equal protection rights, women their privacy rights, immigrants their due process rights, and minorities their voting rights.

And we see similar irresponsible extremism promoted by the fiscal right, who advocate balancing the Federal budget on the backs of retired Americans, working Americans, low income Americans, the disabled, and children; fiscal conservatives who pursue policies hostile to the interests of America’s most vulnerable citizens.

Last, we see conservatives becoming more reactionary, fearful of change, diversity, and dissent as they seek in vain to return America to an idealized past that never actually existed to begin with.

Given this it is likely that ‘true conservatives’ have been permanently relegated to the political fringe, their influence significantly diminished as more strident elements of the American right, such as the TPM, become more aggressive, intolerant, and partisan – the OP of this thread being a prime example.

Each of your points is a debate in itself. I can only say that just because someone opposes your opinion, it does not make them a racist or anti rights. I am sorry, but you have already closed your mind and relegated a group to be extremist or hateful because their ideology is different from yours. Is that really fair?
You just described yourself, stupid.
And now the bitch is on another vacation in Beijing with the brats and the chimp pissing off the hired help and kicking customers out. I wonder how much tax payer money those 4 bitches are sucking out of the coffers as they cozy up to their commie friends?
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And now the bitch is on another vacation in Beijing with the brats and the chimp pissing off the hired help and kicking customers out. I wonder how much tax payer money those 4 bitches are sucking out of the coffers as they cozy up to their commie friends?

I love it when conservatives post this stuff.

Shows their true nature
And now the bitch is on another vacation in Beijing with the brats and the chimp pissing off the hired help and kicking customers out. I wonder how much tax payer money those 4 bitches are sucking out of the coffers as they cozy up to their commie friends?

I love it when conservatives post this stuff.

Shows their true nature

Natures based in reality rather than fantasy.

I read a story that said the reason for the visit was to show China about American culture.

I think it would cause more Chinese to hate America even more if some bitchy mother-in-law was pissing off the staff. This is supposed to be a diplomatic mission, not a mission to piss off those who hate us.
And now the bitch is on another vacation in Beijing with the brats and the chimp pissing off the hired help and kicking customers out. I wonder how much tax payer money those 4 bitches are sucking out of the coffers as they cozy up to their commie friends?

I love it when conservatives post this stuff.

Shows their true nature

Natures based in reality rather than fantasy.

I read a story that said the reason for the visit was to show China about American culture.

I think it would cause more Chinese to hate America even more if some bitchy mother-in-law was pissing off the staff. This is supposed to be a diplomatic mission, not a mission to piss off those who hate us.

It seems the visit is pissing off Conservatives more than it is pissing off the Chinese
Michelle Obama is like a thief who stole a wallet and is maxing out all the credit cards before the owner realizes it's been stolen and cancels it.
And now the bitch is on another vacation in Beijing with the brats and the chimp pissing off the hired help and kicking customers out. I wonder how much tax payer money those 4 bitches are sucking out of the coffers as they cozy up to their commie friends?

And conservatives wonder why they continue to lose the votes of women and minorities.
its an attempt to play on sjs anti black rage that he posits here daily. And.nah, hes not.one of.the ones the knee jerk left just accuses of racism.....he is a proud one.

this is off the topic, but is there some reason for your lack of sentence structure, and random use of periods? Does your keyboard have palsy?

actually it does bro lol....my phone did an update and the new keyboard is a way smaller spacebar and it has me hitting period a lot ahah

holy smokes, mental floss went back to the 1800's
and 1952 was the last time a relative took advantage of us taxpayers
leave it to the Obama's to take advantage of us

We knew you wouldn't be outraged by them. After all, they're not buhlack.

Know what else, you prune faced dried up old twat???

You also pay for the toilet paper those negroes wipe their assets with.

And the dog food the dogs eat.

Now go into a hate filled b itchy that tizzy over them too!
And now the bitch is on another vacation in Beijing with the brats and the chimp pissing off the hired help and kicking customers out. I wonder how much tax payer money those 4 bitches are sucking out of the coffers as they cozy up to their commie friends?

Heard the Chinese boot lickers are staying off the beaches


This is old news. It was well known in 2008 that Obama's mother-in-law came with the package deal.

and you're fine paying for her room and board?
why don't they move in all their family members, you can enjoy paying for them too

Staph's having a hard time flling her 'I hate Obama" quota for the day.

Seriously, you're bitching because his Mother IN Law is living with them to help out with the kids?
The tax payers pay no room charge, the White house is paid for. Boarding? I bet that 90 year old eats a horse for dinner. Ha!
The tax payers pay no room charge, the White house is paid for. Boarding? I bet that 90 year old eats a horse for dinner. Ha!

These same conservatives will complain about the half-brother Obama has never met living in poverty in Kenya.
This is old news. It was well known in 2008 that Obama's mother-in-law came with the package deal.

and you're fine paying for her room and board?
why don't they move in all their family members, you can enjoy paying for them too

Staph's having a hard time flling her 'I hate Obama" quota for the day.

Seriously, you're bitching because his Mother IN Law is living with them to help out with the kids?

seriously, the QUESTION was why is she living there?..and now she is posing in office white house pictures while meeting heads of states...if it chapped your asses, tough shit...taxpayers have a right to ask and know...now go change your diapers
and you're fine paying for her room and board?
why don't they move in all their family members, you can enjoy paying for them too

Staph's having a hard time flling her 'I hate Obama" quota for the day.

Seriously, you're bitching because his Mother IN Law is living with them to help out with the kids?

seriously, the QUESTION was why is she living there?..and now she is posing in office white house pictures while meeting heads of states...if it chapped your asses, tough shit...taxpayers have a right to ask and know...now go change your diapers

Oh my God!!!! SHe's in a PICTURE!!!! This is horrible!!!!

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